14 Reasons Why Your Man Doesn’t Post You on Social Media

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Why Your Man Doesn't Post You on Social Media

Relationship Advice

These days social media has come to play a part in people’s relationships, and many couples utilize it in different ways.

For some, it’s a way to flaunt their love life and their beautiful partner, for some persons, it’s a way to make their relationship official, for others their partner posting them assures them the relationship is real.

But what happens when your lover doesn’t post you and the relationship on social media?

First, understanding that there’s no rule set on stones as it concerns relationships will help you enjoy your relationship better. So, you’ll understand that you don’t need to use others’ relationships as a yardstick to measure yours.

If your boyfriend doesn’t post you on social media, there are many reasons for that. So, before you allow that to bother you, follow me in this article, as I discuss 14 reasons why your man doesn’t post you on social media.

14 Reasons Why Your Man Doesn’t Post You on Social Media

There are many reasons why your man doesn’t post you on social media; from not being a big social media person, preferring his privacy, and fear of being embarrassed when things don’t work out, to fear of being tagged as being too attached.

It could also be that he’s protecting you, he doesn’t want eyes on his relationship, he’s not ready to disclose that part of his life yet, and he’s not sure what you want.

Additionally, he may want to appear single, he’s a cheat, or he’s embarrassed by you.

Here are 14 reasons why your boyfriend doesn’t post you on social media:

  1. He’s not very active there
  2. He prefers privacy concerning his love life
  3. He doesn’t post his personal life there
  4. He’s a serial cheat
  5. Fear of embarrassment and unnecessary questions if things don’t work out
  6. Fear of being tagged as someone whose life revolves only around you
  7. He’s protecting you from internet trolls
  8. He’s not ready to reveal his relationship yet
  9. He wants to appear single
  10. He has strict policies at work
  11. He doesn’t know if you’ll appreciate it
  12. He’s embarrassed by you
  13. To prevent eyes on that part of his life
  14. He’s not good with publicly expressing his feelings

He’s Not Very Active There

One of the reasons your man doesn’t post you on social media is because he’s not very active there.

There are plenty of people like this. They get an account on social media but don’t become active there.

They might do as little as upload a profile picture, post a new month message, share a post once in a while, and celebrate their birthday. But that’s all there’s to it. You don’t see them engage on posts, even on the posts they uploaded themselves.

So, this inactivity could be why he doesn’t post you on social media. It might not even cross his mind because posting is what happens whenever it hits his mind.

Therefore, before you allow that to worry you, check is activeness there and judge for yourself.

He Prefers Privacy Concerning His Love Life

Why Your Man Doesn't Post You on Social Media

Another reason why your boyfriend doesn’t post is because he prefers privacy concerning his love life.

You might notice he’s very active on social media, he updates from time to time, and he posts about himself, his job, and his daily activities, but never posts anything about his relationship or uploads a picture about you.

He might even go as far as posting about the activities that you two engaged in, but rather than post a picture of you two or include that he had someone with him, he makes it all about himself.

These actions can make you worried, especially when you post about him or your relationship.

But, before you conclude that he’s hiding something, consider that he may want to keep that part of him private.

Moreover, if you don’t speak to him about it you’ll never know.

So, rather than sulk in a corner and think about the many negative reasons why he doesn’t share his life with you on social media, go talk to him about it, and you might just find out he wants that part to remain private.

He Doesn’t Post His Personal Life There

Another reason your boyfriend doesn’t post you on social media is that he doesn’t post his personal life there.

Check it, he might be very active there posting about life, football, or any other basic thing. But, when it comes to his personal life, you see he doesn’t post anything of that sort.

If this has been his style before he met you, don’t expect him to change because of you.

Also, something he sees as personal might be different from what you see. He might post his picture but that is where it ends; you don’t see him talk about the things that happen in his life, work, love, or family.

So, just because he posted his picture, you don’t have to expect him to post yours. So, don’t be quick to conclude until you hear from him.

He’s a Serial Cheat

Why Your Man Doesn't Post You on Social Media

Another reason your boyfriend keeps anything about you away from his social media is because he’s a serial cheat.

If your boyfriend is a cheat, he’ll want to keep his relationship status a secret. He probably has many of his girlfriends on social media, so because he doesn’t want you all to find out about each other, he keeps this part of his life away from social media.

However, before concluding he’s a cheat, you have to be sure by finding other evidence, because not posting on social media is not enough to draw this conclusion.

To be sure he keeps several relationships, talk to him about why he doesn’t post and watch his reactions. Also, watch his body language when he speaks to you, especially about your relationship.

For instance, when talking to him, does he always fully concentrate on you? Does he maintain eye contact or keep too much eye contact? Does he avoid PDA?

Some of these body language signals are signs that he’s hiding something or probably cheating on you.

Fear of Embarrassment and Unnecessary Questions if Things Don’t Work Out

Another reason why your boyfriend doesn’t post you on social media is because of the fear of embarrassment when things don’t work out.

Most people are so eager to post their love life on social media. Once they get into a relationship, they begin to flaunt pictures and update their followers and friends on how things are.

Many of these people are not prepared for the consequences if things end with their loved ones.

Not that they believe things will end one day, or they keep that in mind, but they’re just carried away by the excitement of showing the world their love life, or even making their friends jealous.

So, if things eventually end, they find out they can’t cope when people begin to question them about the whereabouts of their lover.

While it’s not like that with everyone, your boyfriend might be one of those who are weary of this embarrassment and so avoids anything that’ll lead to it.

However, it doesn’t mean they’re preparing for you to break up, it’s just a natural defense mechanism because no one can predict the future.

Fear of Being Tagged as Someone Whose Life Revolves Only Around You

Why Your Man Doesn't Post You on Social Media

Many people view always posting about their loved ones as acting like a simp, and because they don’t want to appear that way or look vulnerable, they avoid that scenario.

So, your boyfriend may not post you on social media because they don’t want to be seen as that guy who worships their girlfriend or always gushes over her.

Not that they don’t love you, it’s just an ego thing, or probably a self-esteem problem. You always see them post about their daily life, they even post about their female friends, but completely keep you out of the picture.

They might even go as far as not commenting on your post, or commenting neutrally and not like a lover, so that people don’t know you’re together.

Moreover, talking to them about it might not yield any reasonable explanation. They might probably tell you they want privacy, but the real deal is they’re afraid of being tagged a lovey-dovey.

He’s Protecting You from Internet Trolls

One of the reasons your boyfriend keeps you away from his social media is because he’s protecting you from internet trolls.

If you’re very active on social media, you should have come across internet trolls. Maybe not directly, but you must have seen them on people’s posts.

These people act like demons. You see them all over people’s comments saying all manner of nasty things.

So, your boyfriend is probably preventing you from coming in contact with them because of how damaging it can be.

Especially, if he’s a popular person, there’ll be a lot of people following him, including trolls whose duty is to talk trash. And people’s personal lives are what mostly these people attack.

He’s Not Ready to Reveal His Relationship Yet

Another reason your man doesn’t post you on social media is that he’s not ready to reveal that part of his life.

You might’ve noticed that in the past he posted about his relationships and he’s very good with posting about his personal life.

However, six months into your relationship he hasn’t posted your picture, a picture of you two, or anything that suggests he’s in a relationship.

This revelation might get you worried, leaving you wondering that something is wrong somewhere.

However, it’s only that he’s not ready yet. Maybe he wants to be completely sure you’re the one, or he wants your bond to grow stronger, or he’s just waiting for that time he feels is right.

And if only you’ll talk to him about it, you’ll know about his reason.

He Wants to Appear Single

Another reason your man doesn’t post you on social media is that he wants to appear single.

Maybe he’s yet to conclude that you’re the one. Yes, he’s attracted to you, probably loves you, and was the one who asked you out. However, he’s yet to get that assurance in his guts that you’re the one he has been looking for.

So, he’s yet to talk about his relationship, because he still has his eyes open for other ladies.

Also, if this is the case, you’ll notice he’s reluctant to introduce you to his friends and family and slow to meet yours.

He Has Strict Policies at Work

Maybe he has strict policies at work. Your boyfriend may not post you because his work policy wants them to keep their social media clean from personal details.

While this scenario is rare, it’s not impossible. Some policies may allow married couples but restrict unmarried ones. So, it might just be a work thing.

He Doesn’t Know if You’ll Appreciate It

Not everyone likes their lover posting about them on their social media. While it might be a love language for their partner, it might not be the same for them.

And so because you two have never spoken about it, your boyfriend might be taking the safe side by not posting about you.

Especially, if he notices that you too haven’t posted about him, so he’s likely playing safe by not posting you.

Talking to him about it will get him to do as you want.

He’s Embarrassed by You

Though you might not want to hear it, a likely reason why your boyfriend doesn’t post you on social media is because he’s ashamed of you.

For some reason, he’s embarrassed to let people see you as his girlfriend.

Not that he doesn’t love you, he might even adore you a lot. But, he could also be embarrassed about the way you dress or something else.

Maybe you’re not like all those Instagram classy girls, and if he’s someone who likes to appear classy, he might not want his followers to see that he’s dating someone who doesn’t look like him.

And it could be for some reason only he can explain. If this is your worry, it can hurt. However, you should talk to him about it.

To Prevent Eyes on That Part of His Life

If you know social media well, you’ll know how intruding people in there can be.

They act like they’ve become your family, and that’s probably what they are- a social media family. But, even family learn to respect privacy.

However, it’s not so with them because you probably can’t see them physically to scold them. And when you complain, their excuse is that you’re the one who invited people into your business by posting about it.

So, these are some of the things your boyfriend is avoiding. He doesn’t want people’s eyes on his relationship, because once their eyes are on it, they won’t ever know when to take them off.

Also, it could be he doesn’t want his family to know about it yet.

He’s Not Good with Publicly Expressing His Feelings

Another reason your man doesn’t post you on social media is because he isn’t good with expressing his feelings publicly.

He loves you so much, you see that in his actions. However, you’re yet to understand why he isn’t showing it on social media, especially if he’s very active there.

But, he’s just not good with public romance. Also, if that is the case, you’ll see how he struggles with PDA.

Final Words

Before you jump to a conclusion about why your boyfriend doesn’t post you on social media, consider that he might not be a big social media user.

Also, he might want that part of his life private, he might not be good with expressing himself publicly, and he might be protecting you from internet trolls.

However, he might also be a cheat or might be embarrassed by you. To be sure of any of these reasons, ensure you speak to him and don’t forget to watch his body language.

Why Your Man Doesn't Post You on Social Media


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