10 Important Reasons Why You Should Always Look Your Best To Your Lover

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Why You Should Always Look Your Best To Your Lover

Relationship Advice

They say ‘dress the way you want to be addressed’ and I couldn’t agree more. Some of us think that since our partner or lover has already chosen us, there’s no reason to dress up for them or to look appealing to them anymore.

Little do we know that what it takes to get a man or a woman is one of the major things we need to keep them in our lives.

To be fair, some people are not aware of this fact which is the reason for their ignorance and their nonchalant attitude towards looking good for their partner.

This is why I have decided to do them a great favor by providing valid reasons why you as someone who claims to love your partner, should always look your best to your lover even outside the sphere of physicality.

This way, your mind could open up to the benefits you and your relationship seek to gain if you could make these little changes.

Here are 10 reasons why you should never quit looking your best to your partner

  1. It reminds your lover constantly of why he/she chose you in the first place.
  2. So that they can get the chance to fall in love with you all over again.
  3. To keep the excitement and sparks flying between you and your lover.
  4. To keep your lover’s mind away from other beautiful men or women out there.
  5. It helps maintain physical attraction which is healthy for a relationship to have.
  6. It is a way of showing that you still care about their opinion of you, which could make them feel significant.
  7. It serves as proof that you are being taken care of properly by your lover.
  8. Looking your best to your partner makes them happier with you.
  9. It helps build your confidence which will be beneficial for the relationship.
  10. When you look best to your lover, you are going to build more rapport [ who wouldn’t want to spend time with a beautiful person?]

It reminds your lover constantly of why he/she chose you in the first place

Why You Should Always Look Your Best To Your Lover

Wouldn’t you like to always be reminded that at some point in your life, you made an amazing decision that is still a blessing to you to this present day.

That’s exactly what you’re doing for your partner when you decide to always look your best to them.

If they met you as an attractive person or a certain way, you’re giving them the assurance that you have not changed or become the complete opposite of the person they met initially.

They are going to feel like they did not make a mistake choosing you as their life partner which would cause them to elicit a positive response out of them to you thereby making the relationship healthy.

Looking good physically makes your partner vividly see how healthy and great you are on the inside.

So, if you want your partner to be excited that he/she chose the right partner, then try to improve how you present yourself to them.

So that they can get the chance to fall in love with you all over again.

This is a hard truth to swallow, it’s not every time that you feel butterflies when you are with your partner.

This is a known fact to people who have been in a long-term relationship, you do not always feel your heart beating so fast when you’re talking to your partner. It’s the commitment and friendship that carries the relationship for a long period.

This is the reason why you need to look good for your partner to spark up the butterfly feelings they had when they met you.

You are giving them the chance to fall in love with you over again because you are showing them just how attractive you are and that they have a gem in their hands

. If you don’t want to deal with the loss of passion or pursuit in your relationship, I suggest that you subscribe to looking your best to your partner and not like a total slob.

To keep the excitement and sparks flying between you and your lover.

I know that the early stages of a relationship have a high level of excitement due to the high production of testosterone in the body.

Even though a long-lasting relationship does not rely solely on that, it is important that your relationship has moments like that often.

This could be achieved by looking good for your lover, if you think that you want to retire from looking as good as you used to, then you should be prepared to lose excitement and spark in your relationship.

People are naturally drawn to what they like and find attractive so if you are wondering why you should look for your partner, you are not aware that your lover only is with you because you were attractive to him or you looked your best the day he or she met you.

Just so you know, if you decide to stop looking your best for your partner, it does not mean other men/women out there will.

Now, are you willing to lose your partner to someone to people who decided to do something that you refused to do? It’s just natural for a man or a woman to be excited about something that looks nice.

To keep your lover’s mind away from other beautiful men or women out there.

It’s true that it takes self-discipline to be able to stay faithful to your partner or lover and most people who cheat or lust after other women or men are people who are insatiable.

While that is true, I want you to think about the fact that you look good for your partner, you’re making it easier for him to be faithful because he won’t see the need to cheat or be attracted to other people.

If he or she likes you wearing certain things, wear them and save yourself from the stress of infidelity and at the end of it, being blamed for it.

You have an edge because you know exactly what he or she finds attractive and you could limit how you present yourself to that.

The idea is not to look like the most beautiful in the world but to be someone that looks beautiful to him or her.

This is why it is important not to pretend at the early stages of meeting someone because you might not be able to keep up with the image or idea you have painted of yourself in the mind of that person.

It helps maintain physical attraction which is healthy for a relationship to have.

One of the vital kinds of attraction and usually one of the attractions that goes on full display when you meet someone is physical attraction.

If you want to build or maintain physical attraction then you are going to have to do the obvious, you have to look your best for your lover regularly.

If it is as little as smelling nice or wearing clean clothes, you should be consistent at it, since you started that from the beginning.

You have to show them that even though you’re aging, you are aging gracefully. Sometimes how you look can say a lot about your mood and how much positive energy you have. I am certain that you don’t want to be a pity case, then don’t look like it.

If you desire a healthy relationship, you are going to need to improve on your appearance in order to aid a relationship where both parties have a high level of confidence and self-esteem.

This is a major reason why you always look your best to your lover and I hope you put it into consideration.

It is a way of showing that you still care about their opinion of you, which could make them feel significant.

When you put in your best effort to look good for your partner by wearing clothes or perfume that they like seeing on you, you are passing a message that you care about how they perceive you and you wouldn’t want to do anything that will compromise that in any way.

If you make your partner see you in a way that they like, it could increase their confidence and ultimately make them treat you better as a partner.

If you are not putting any effort whatsoever in looking presentable for your partner, it could indirectly pass the message that you no longer have any interest in them or the relationship as a whole, you are better off thinking about yourself and not willing to compromise or make your partner happy.

If you are interested in making your partner think that you still care about them, then you could begin with the first step of looking good for them.

It serves as proof that you are being taken care of properly by your lover

One of the ways you can show that you are in a happy relationship and being taken care of is by looking your best to your lover.

Allow me to create an analogy for you to clearly see or understand my point clearly. Let’s say you started a business, and you invested a lot of your time, strength, and resources into it, and at the end of the day, the business isn’t thriving, ‘business isn’t looking good,’ how would you feel about that?

My guess is that you wouldn’t like that which is almost the same as not looking good for your partner.

Don’t allow yourself to make your partner think that they are not doing their best to make you happy or that you are not happy.

Dress up for them once in a while and make them aware through your actions that they make you happy and comfortable, it is a vital reason for you to always look good for your partner.

Looking your best to your partner makes them happier with you.

When you spend so much time with what looks appealing and equally gives you butterflies, you begin to get happier anytime you see that thing.

This is the same thing with your lover, if he or she sees a beautiful person every day, chances are their life is going to be a beautiful one.

They begin to reflect how good they feel about you on the inside and this could solidify the bond of the relationship and give them the assurance that you are a great life partner.

If you have been noticing a lack of interest from your partner or he or she lacks enthusiasm when with you, one of the things you should check is the way you present yourself to them, chances are that they no longer find you physically attractive.

It helps build your confidence which will be beneficial for the relationship

Why You Should Always Look Your Best To Your Lover

Researchers have proven that when you work to enhance your physical appearance, it could be by shedding some extra pounds, or upgrading your style of dress, it boosts a person’s confidence.

It is only people who have a high level of confidence that can make or create a healthy relationship.

So looking good for your lover could in the process, make your confidence increase thereby making the relationship healthy.

Nothing good comes out of a person who has no interest in looking good, it could translate that they have low self-esteem which could be detrimental to the relationship.

When you look best to your lover, you are going to build more rapport

This last reason that I stated is necessary. It might be because you don’t look good that your partner finds it hard to communicate with you or take you out to events or dates.

It shows that you are not someone worth spending time with because you refused to take care of yourself.

I am not saying that not looking good would ruin your relationship, but what I am communicating to you is that, it could create some dents and cracks in a relationship, if you don’t have the time to deal with unnecessary drama, do the needful which is to look appealing to the person you claim you love.

Last words…

Ladies most especially, men are moved by what they see and it is important that you continue to make yourself look good so that he could be constantly reminded of why he chose you and how lucky you are.

You don’t necessarily have to put on all the makeup in your wardrobe or wear the most expensive dresses, what’s important is that you look like what they fell in love with in the first instance.

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Why You Should Always Look Your Best To Your Lover


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