15 Reasons Why You Should Date a Softball Player

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Why You Should Date a Softball Player

Relationship Advice

If you’re familiar with the game of softball, it would be easier to agree with me when I inform you that softball players are very pleasing to the eyes and they are very competitive.

They possess a high level of emotional, physical, and mental stability, which to me sounds like good pointers to a man or woman that you can or should date.

That’s the motivation behind me writing this article. I am interested in enumerating and giving detailed reasons why you, who I’m sure is looking for a great partner, should date a softball player.

You might have made the mistake of occupying your mind with negative stereotypes about athletes, but I promise you that after reading the content of this article, your mind will be renewed on who softball players are and perhaps give one a chance to be part of your life in a romantic way.

Here are 15 reasons why you should not rule out a softball player from the list of prospective people that you should date

  1. Good leadership skills.
  2. Attractiveness (physically built body)
  3. Passion and intentionality.
  4. Softball players are good at communicating.
  5. Teamwork appreciation.
  6. A high level of confidence.
  7. Great social skills.
  8. Softball players are loyal individuals.
  9. Softball players are fun and playful to ease the tension sometimes.
  10. Softball players are responsible folks.
  11. They possess great problem-solving skills.
  12. Highly determined [they go for what they want]
  13. They are creative about life.
  14. The fighting spirit they possess is a great quality.
  15. Softball players mostly treat people with respect.

Good leadership skills

In an article written by Daniel Ricardo, a softball blogger, and enthusiast, he states that the nature of the job of a softball player requires them to be in positions where they have to take the lead in the team and live a life that other people can emulate.

Athletes live like they don’t want to have any regrets about life and that’s why if you should date a softball player, you are likely to have someone to lead you, this is if you are the type who appreciates being led.

They would be able to properly guide and educate you on things that you might not know about and it wouldn’t be in a forceful manner because being a leader comes naturally to them.

Attractiveness (physically built body)

Bleachercoaches states that softball players are known to always hit the gym because this is part of the requirements to maintain a healthy lifestyle and be fit to compete in games.

Since they spend so much time working out, it is a no-brainer that their physique would become very attractive, which is a box to tick if you’re the type that is into well-built men or women.

The best part about this fact is that you don’t have to worry if they fall back into old habits and start adding unnecessary fat because they want to maintain that perfect body because of the nature of their body not to mention the amount of physical strength he or she would possess which could make you feel protected.

Passion and intentionality.

Lifefalcon raised in that article validates this point I’ve raised. Softball players are no strangers to putting and dedicating their whole heart to something.

They understand what it feels like to love someone or something and to pursue it by all means. They are often referred to as athletes who don’t shy away from expressing their emotions while on the field.

Imagine such a person then channels all that passion and intentionality on one person, it would spring forth a beautiful and healthy relationship where you can feel like you are actively being prioritized and treated as someone important.

This is why you should consider dating a softball player so that you can experience someone being passionate about you.

Softball players are good at communicating

A softball player while on the field and outside the field is generally good at communicating and interacting with people, they have great social skills which makes it easy for them to interact with just about anyone and everyone.

If you should date a softball player you can just cancel the worry of having a partner that wouldn’t know how to communicate how they feel or listen to how you’re feeling about a particular issue. You can focus on getting your message across and seeing that it gets done.

So, if you’re the type that wants someone who can communicate well and respectfully then you might want to look into softball player friends that you have.

Teamwork appreciation

Why You Should Date a Softball Player

Because softball players always have to deal with working as a team, they understand the value of teamwork and effort.

It automatically eliminates any form of pride and selfishness since they have to rely on their teammates to be able to achieve a goal.

Just like a softball team is filled with people, a romantic relationship is also. If you decide to date a softball player, you are subscribing to dating someone who would want to work as a team and not someone who is so egoistic and wouldn’t want to acknowledge their partner.

You have the chance to be with someone who will be able to lift your spirit when you are down and will not blame you when things don’t go the way they are supposed to be because together you are going to fail and you’re also going to win together.

A high level of confidence

The last thing you want to do as a person is to date someone with low self-esteem except you’re a narcissist, of course.

Dating someone who has no confidence would ultimately lead you to be someone who will not be happy when you’re successful because they would be too busy with being insecure about themselves.

But if you are with someone who has a high level of confidence, a softball player, he or she wouldn’t have a problem celebrating your success and will even support you in making healthy decisions in your life.

You don’t have to struggle anymore about how your partner would feel if you are better than them at something since they have confidence in their abilities.

It could also wear off on you over time, and there’s nothing wrong with your confidence being boosted.

Great social skills

Jennie Flinch, a former Olympic softball gold medalist, amongst the various benefits she stated, mentioned that softball players are mostly always traveling and have to attend different social events and gatherings which could make them improve their social skills and interaction with people.

Let’s say you were privileged to be in a high-class society, you don’t have to worry about being with a low class who does not know how to engage people in a conversation since he or she has already experienced it.

You would be more than happy to go on outings together and attend social events without dreading your partner disgracing you.

You have all the assurance that since he or she is a softball player, no matter the situation, they are going to find their way around the situation since that is what their job is all about.

Softball players are loyal individuals

Amanda Scarborough on her blog wrote on this subject matter about playing softball and being a softball player in her journal, which I would build my point on.

Saying that softball players are loyal means that they are likely to be more faithful to a partner rather than be promiscuous.

Having the experience of sticking with one team, one coach, and a set of people every day, there is a possibility that they are going to have only one partner since that’s what they are trained to experience.

You don’t have to deal with trust issues or the cheating drama because you know your man is more focused on achieving better goals personally and as a partner with you.

I hope you can see through this point why dating a softball player wouldn’t be such a bad idea.

Softball players are fun and playful to ease the tension sometimes

One of the points raised in an article on the website, softballperformance.com about the benefits of playing softball, is that softball players know one or two things about having fun, it could be that they picked it from being their team members most of the time or the charisma that they possess.

Even though the nature of their job requires them to be serious and dedicated, it doesn’t mean that their personal life is.

Remember that since he or she is required to be serious at work, chances are that he or she would be more willing to have fun with you.

If you’re athletic, then the fun starts right from the gym where you and your partner can work out together and play fun games that require physical effort.

Softball players are responsible folks

A softball player has a sense of responsibility in his mind it is a big part of their everyday life. I am sure that it’s not always every time they feel like working out or showing up to compete but because they feel a sense of responsibility, they never cease to show up.

Isn’t that the type of person that you want or need in your life? You want someone who is committed and feels like your comfort is their responsibility.

Even though they don’t feel like doing certain things they still do it because they are responsible enough to take on tasks assigned to them and to own up to their mistakes.

They possess problem-solving skills

If you’re going to date someone, you’re likely to want to date someone who can solve your problems if any rises in the future. Softball players are exposed to situations that require them to think of solutions fast.

Perhaps there’s a problem that arises on the field, they are not people who are just going to give up, they are going to think of ways to solve that problem.

Addressing the issue of relationships, you don’t want someone who would not know what to do when you have a problem, you want someone who would be able to step up to the plate and figure out a way to solve the issue.

This is a quality that you can easily find in a softball player.

Highly determined (they go for what they want)

If someone is determined to be with you, it means that they see no reason or obstacles that could keep them away from you. This is one of the promising qualities that a softball player possesses. You want someone who is actively pursuing you and no one else for a long period.

They are usually determined to win tournaments, score points, be the best athlete, and work towards that so tell me why they wouldn’t want to actively pursue the interest of their partner.

They are creative about life

Most softball players on the field think of creative ways on the field to defeat their partners and have higher scores.

In light of these behaviors or qualities, they can be very creative about life, they might be innovative with ideas and strategies to be rich and to have a better life.

Partnering up with such a person is a great decision because you’re going to have someone who does not stick to the status quo and is exceptional at what they do and how they live.

The fighting spirit they possess is a great quality

Why You Should Date a Softball Player

Another point that Amanda raises in her article is that playing softball builds a person’s fighting spirit and resilient spirit, you become one that does not give up easily.

Imagine if your relationship is going through a rocky phase, you would want to be with someone who does not give up, a person who fights for what they believe in.

A softball player naturally finds reasons to quit or give up without a fight because of the challenges their job entails and that’s why you seek to benefit from this if you consider dating one.

Softball players mostly treat people with respect

Having to deal with fans from diverse regions and age groups, a softball player is likely to work on how he/she treats people earlier on in his/her career. This is a big reason why you should date a softball player.

You need someone who can treat you with the respect that you deserve, someone who would not find insulting you or disrespecting you normal.

Final Thoughts

Deciding to date someone is not an easy decision to make and that is why it is important to properly scrutinize every aspect of them; their job, and family values amongst many others.

A person’s job can mold one’s mindset and this is one of the reasons that make dating a softball player a good pick because the nature of their job requires them to be healthy, work well under pressure, and be resilient.

If you are looking for someone who appreciates team effort, never gives up on what they love, and is intellectual, then chances are that you can find that in a softball player.

All that is left to do is to begin to open up and include in your dating pool,  athletes, and softball players.

Why You Should Date a Softball Player


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