When Good People Walk Into Your Life (Here’s What Happens, And How Not To Lose Them)

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When Good People Walk Into Your Life

Relationship Advice

Since you’re fascinated with the topic of this article, my guess is that you have someone [could be new] in your life that has been a blessing in your life but you are not sure if it’s real or just a facade.

If the person is genuine, you also want to know what you could do or say that would keep that person in your life for a long time.

For this article, I have split this into sections, revealing signs that would make you know that a good person has walked into your life because there are things that will naturally happen if that is, and I have also highlighted how not to lose good people in your life.

Having someone who is good to you and is just kind inside and out not only impacts your life positively but helps build a healthy relationship with the person and other people around you.

I assure you that by the time you are done reading the entire content of this article, you won’t find it hard to know people who mean well to you and also know how not to lose those kinds of valuable people.

Let’s not waste any more time, here are some things that would happen when a good person has worked into your life.

7 Things That Happen When Good People Walk Into Your Life

You begin to see the world from a positive point of view

When a good person comes into your life, they introduce you to a healthier perspective of life, and how the world can be a better place.

Negative mindset will no longer be how you operate and because of that, things around you will begin to change in a way that will benefit you.

Because they have been added to you, you become more enthusiastic about living a better life than you were and their goodness rubs off on you.

There’s a great sense of peace

When Good People Walk Into Your Life

Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that you’re never going to get rattled up in your mind ever again. Peace naturally comes when a good person has walked into your life.

You have no reason to worry about being betrayed or hurt which will cause you to have peace in your heart. When there is nothing to worry about, then peace is bound to be what you’ll experience or have.

You begin to experience what it truly means to be supported and loved.

Another sign that shows that a good person has walked into your life is that you begin to know how it feels to be loved right by someone. Good people support their friends and other people around them and they keep no record of wrong or hurt.

If you are someone who has been with someone toxic or only ever knew the feeling of fear and pain, what happens when you have a good person or people in your life is that you begin to feel free to be yourself since love does the opposite of what fear does.

You become a better version of yourself

Good people are never afraid to be who they are and to be better at embracing their flaws and weaknesses. This will become your reality when good people walk into your life.

Instead of looking down on yourself, what you’d rather do is to work hard on your strengths rather than focusing on your weaknesses.

They push you to realize your fullest potential and to make you come out of your comfort zone and this is a positive sign to easily detect that who came into your life is a good person.

You begin to settle for more.

Settling for less is a result of an unhealthy mindset, which will all come crashing down when good people walk into your life. There would be no need to settle for people who will not value you because good people know how to treat other people right.

Instead of ignoring basic signs that a person doesn’t mean well to you, you open your eyes to the right person because you now know how to be treated well by a person.

When good people walk into your life, what used to look like a limitation starts to look like a beginning.

Good people make life feel so good and amazing that you’ll begin to break down walls that you’ve raised in your heart and go far beyond the limits that you placed on yourself due to fear of the unknown and failure.

The only thing that begins to matter now, is the fact that you only have a single shot to live a good and positive life where you can inspire others and give back.

Your activity will no longer involve you thinking about a thousand things that you wish you had and how your life isn’t as perfect as you want it to be.

Being vulnerable would no longer be difficult for you

It is only because a good person hasn’t come into your life that you feel like you have to act tough or perfect to everyone around you.

When you are aware that a person loves you regardless of what you can not offer, there would be the ease to be vulnerable or appear weak with them.

It’s sad to think that you have to look perfect every time just to gain acceptance or to be superior to others.

But when good people come into your life, there would be no need to do that anymore because they only care about the person on the inside, the real you.

8 Things to Do to Not Lose Good People In Your Life

Now that you know what happens when good people walk in your life, the next reasonable thing to do is to learn how to not lose them, because of the positive changes they make in the life of a person.

If you know that you have good people in your life or you just met with some of them, these are some of the things/roles that you must play, if you don’t want to lose them.

Respect their boundaries

The saying, ‘respect is reciprocal’ is an action for us and not just mere words. If you don’t want to lose good people, then you have to be willing to respect their boundaries.

A person who has boundaries has it because they want to be loved the right way. So when you respect their boundaries you’re also learning how to love them the right way or the way they prefer.

Show more gratitude towards them

When Good People Walk Into Your Life

Be sure to show them how grateful you are to have them in your life. Throwing in a little word of affirmation here and there would help you maintain their presence in your life, they’ll be aware that you value them.

It wouldn’t hurt if you said thank you to someone who has been good to you.

Be more devoted to spending quality time with them

Even if you’re busy, try to create time for the good people in your life, this will help strengthen the bond that you have. It is where a person’s treasure is that his heart is. You shouldn’t neglect good people in your life if you don’t want to lose them.

There are a lot of fake and evil people in the world today, that’s why you should treat the real ones in your life special by spending as much time as you can with them.

Don’t be deceptive, try to be as honest as possible

If you don’t want to lose good people in your life, then you have to be completely honest with them. Lies aren’t acceptable in genuine and healthy relationships, so you have to get rid of deception.

Apart from the fact that it hurts to be lied to, you’re breaking the trust that a good person has in you and this will make you lose them one day.

Communicate better with them and be consistent.

Communication builds intimacy and familiarity between two or more people. You should frequently communicate with the good people in your life as this will help build intimacy.

A relationship that does not struggle with communication is more likely to thrive and flourish. This will help you not to lose good people in your life.

Celebrate them when they achieve new goals

Let their happiness be your happiness, their victory, your victory as well. Don’t let envy creep up into your heart that you begin to belittle their efforts, if you continue down that road, you’ll lose them.

Good people just like everybody else want to feel relevant and celebrated by the ones who care about them, and be a part of those people.

Be supportive to them

Be there for them when they are not feeling their best, when things go south, or when they are at their lowest point. You should be selfless because you know that would do the same for you too.

If you don’t want to be supportive and intend on only being at the receiving end, then I will have to tell you that you will lose them eventually.

Grow together with them

Be willing to take it one step at a time with them, if you really want to keep them in your life.

Just as Rome wasn’t built in a day, so is a healthy relationship with good people involved. Growth and patience are for strong people building authentic things, if you can’t understand that, then you’re yet serious about not losing good people in your life.

Before I go…

Good people are hard to come by and oftentimes we attract people that represent what we are on the inside.

If you have found one rare person(s), [ a good person] and they probably check most of the boxes outlined in this article, then having them in your life for a long period is dependent upon you and vice versa.

Are you ready to take these actions? Are you ready to make them feel valued and appreciated and not make them feel less of themselves?

If you could answer these questions, then I am certain that you are never going to have to deal with the pain of losing a good person due to your negligence.

When Good People Walk Into Your Life


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