When A Man Realizes He Lost A Good Woman Quotes  (30 Quotes By Me)

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When a Man Realizes He Lost a Good Woman Quotes 


Losing something of value can be painful in retrospect. Losing a good woman is even more painful. All you have after the woman is gone is memories.

Suddenly, the things you took for granted about her become more important to you and you wish she never left. 

But she’s gone. You can only remember her voice, her touch, her smile—and her tears. You’re plagued by your mistakes, the words you said to hurt her and the things you didn’t do to keep her. 

It took her departure for you to realize how much you loved her and she loved you too. You wake up in the middle of the night to the echoes of her name.

You reach out, trying to grab the sleeve of her dress but she’s not there. 

So you spend the rest of the night thinking about how big of a space she filled in your life. 

If you have ever felt all these, these quotes about losing a good woman are for you. 

Table of Contents

When A Man Realizes He Lost A Good Woman Quotes

1. I didn’t know what I had until it was gone, and now I’m left with just a memory.

These memories are good ones but you can’t even taste their sweetness because you’re in pain. They say everybody leaves, but you’d have loved to keep her longer.

Even forever. You regret why it had to take her absence, to cherish her presence. 

2. My biggest regret is letting her slip away, and my greatest fear is, she’s gone for good.

Hope is a respite you’d give anything for. Hope that she’ll come back. But even that is out of your reach. You can only hope that wherever she is, she’s thinking about you too.

But you doubt it because you did hurt her so bad. Or else she’ll be here, by your side. Now she’s gone for good. 

3. I realized too late that she was the sunshine in my life, and now I’m left in the dark.

A good woman brightens your life up. Like a beacon, her smile lights your way back to her every time you lose your way.

And perhaps you’ve lost so many times that she got tired of being that beacon, that ray of sunshine on a cloudy day—because even the stars refuse to shine sometimes. 

4. I took her for granted, and now she’s gone. I’m left with the bitter taste of regret.

None of what happened was her fault—well, maybe a little of it. Yet, you did all those things; you cheated, you stayed out too late, you forgot her birthday, and you probably didn’t care about hugging her when she was down.

You took her for granted for the longest time, thinking you’re the king of the world. The regret is heavy, weighing you down. 

5. I thought I had all the time in the world, but time ran out, and so did she.

If you’ve ignored her for too long in pursuit of other women, work, or pleasure, you’d feel the words of this quote.

Many men take a good woman for granted when the excitement wears off. In search of new thrill, they seek out other women to play games with.

They neglect the one who truly loves them thinking she’ll always be waiting at home. Until one day—

6. I was blind to her worth, and now I’m left with the consequences of my own blindness.

Sometimes a man may stop seeing the worth of a good woman. The pearl that she is loses its value in your eyes just because she’s always available.

Now that you’ve lost her, she’s suddenly rare again and you can’t find a replacement. Your eyes suddenly open and you can see even though she’s gone. You’re forced to see. 

7. I let my pride get in the way, and now I’m left to face the truth: I lost a good woman.

The man’s ego is a powerful thing. It protects him, but it can also ruin him. A woman who challenges his ego can easily get on his bad side.

A good woman however challenges his ego, not to disrespect her but to make him better. But he may not know this until it’s too late. He would have lost a good woman.

8. I thought I could do better, but better never came. Now I’m left with the memory of what could have been.

The grass is not always greener on the other side—painfully so, you have learned. It is greener where it is watered.

Now you realize you should have known there was nothing out there better than her. She was made specially for you. All you have now is dreams of what could have been. 

9. I didn’t know love when I had it, and now it’s gone. I’m left to pick up the pieces of my own heart.

A break-up can be shattering. It hurts worse when you realize it shouldn’t have happened at all. With every passing day, it gets tighter around your neck and breathing is difficult.

That’s your shattered heart attempting to come up your throat. And with every attempt, you blame yourself for being such a fool.

For failing to see what you have for what it was: true love. 

10. She was my everything, and I threw it away like it meant nothing. Now I’m left with nothing but regret.

With your own hands, you wrote yourself out of favor with that great woman. The veil is off and you can see and feel how empty life is without her.

Her name is written on everything, her scent is on every breath you inhale. You’re choking. Your pride is nothing without her admiration. What you threw away, you can’t buy anywhere else. 

11. I took her love for granted, and now it’s gone. I’m left to face the emptiness I created.

Love is the purest emotion. And it is one of the most abused emotions too. Filled with love for someone, and reciprocated, you feel fulfilled.

Once the source of such inspiration is gone, you feel empty. With a great woman, you know it wasn’t her will to leave.

It was your doing and it hurts like a real mess. That emptiness you feel, that’s the open space she carved herself into when she loved you. 

12. I thought I had forever, but forever came and went. Now I’m left to wonder what could have been.

When you love someone—like you loved her—they become your forever. Time became her but you didn’t know this. Thinking she’ll always be around, you left her unattended, unwatered like a flower.

And like that flower, she withered away in loneliness while you ignored her cry. She got up and walked away with her dignity. 

13. I let my fears and doubts dictate my actions, and now I’m left to face the consequences of my own uncertainty.

It’s an uncertain world we live in. If you are not careful, the pressure can get inside of you, fueling actions borne out of doubt and fear. Communication breaks down, wrecking your relationship.

This happens all the time. You have taken out your frustrations on a good woman, alienating her until you pushed her away.

Alone with the consequences of your actions, you now understand what she meant to you. 

14. I didn’t appreciate her until she was gone, and now I’m left to appreciate the beauty of what I had.

This quote paints a picture of your present predicament. What you have now is only a shadow of what was. What was has become iconic in remembrance.

When she was with you, her presence meant little to you. We never value what we have until it’s gone. A good woman can lose her value after a whole, not because she ceases being good.

It is because you become complacent, telling yourself she has got nowhere to go. When she eventually leaves, all you have to appreciate is the beauty of her memory. But that’s not enough now, is it?

15. I thought love was a game, but it was my life. And now I’m left to face the reality of my own mistakes.

This quote is for men who play games with women’s hearts. It’s all a game until you meet the real one, a good woman. You play with her heart like you have always done.

By the time you realize you’ve chosen right but treated her wrong, she’s gone. It was a mistake, yes, but it was your mistake. Not hers. Your loss too. 

16. I was too blind to see the beauty in front of me, and now it’s gone.

When a Man Realizes He Lost a Good Woman Quotes 

She was beautiful, in and out, through and through. Your folks talk about how good she was. Your friends tell you they’d give anything to have someone like her.

And everywhere you go with her, heads turn as the whole world admires who she is. Everyone sees her. Everyone except you.

She loved you with all her heart. How you didn’t see that now marvels you, but it’s too late. 

17. My heart is empty, and my soul is crushed, all because I let her go.

All along, you loved her too, with every morsel of your being. Somehow you weren’t aware of what your heart was doing.

Somehow, the part of you that was doing the loving was doing it on autopilot. Now that she’s gone that part of you is suddenly awake, shocked by how empty and cold it feels inside you.

She was your warmth, the one for every season. Now it’s always winter where it was once summer. 

18. I thought I was the one who had the upper hand, but it was her all along.

The best thing about a good woman is they love you quietly, without reservation and with all they have. They give their all. Taking them for granted is the worst way to play them.

Love her fully, or never love her at all. Once she opens her heart to you, she expects reciprocity. She lets you play your game, she watches your moves.

Just when you think you have the field you find that she’s being ahead of you all the time. 

19. I let my ego get in the way, and now I’m left to face the ruins of my own making.

Great men have fallen to the snares of their own ego. Great cities ruled by great men have fallen to the whims of beguiling women too. A good woman protects a great man from falling.

But such a man can only win if he first wages a war against his ego. A lack of trust has your ego blocking your ability to see that you need her.

Your eyes only opened when she left and now you gaze around at the ruins of what you once had. 

20. I took her love for granted, and now it’s a memory that haunts me.

You have to admit that taking her for granted was a deliberate act, a wanton disregard for her. Her love was there for the taking. You could see her putting her best to make you happy.

But somehow you just couldn’t stop yourself from being irresponsible with your duty to be her man.

Now in retrospect, you can trace all your steps back to the moment it all started for you. And what you find haunts you. 

21. I was too afraid to love her fully, and now she’s gone, and I’m left with nothing.

The ability to love is inborn. It is an inherent urge in us all. Childhood trauma can cause a man to lose this ability altogether.

Too many fears stopped you from expressing your love to her. She could tell that something inside you yearns for her but she just wants to be sure it’s true, that you truly care.

Hard hearted, you refused to let yourself go. She waited for you to connect. It never happened. She left. Her absence thawed the ice but it’s too late. 

22. I thought I could replace her, but no one can fill the void she left.

Everyone is unique. There’s no one like her, and will never be. It took her absence for you to know this truth. No one can love you quite like she did. They can try. And you did try, didn’t you?

You met someone else. Someone with the same color of hair, who dressed like her, talked like her. But it didn’t take you long to know you’re only fooling yourself.

It soon dawned on you that she had imprinted herself in your heart, carved herself in it. That place is now empty, echoing her name. 

23. My biggest mistake was letting her walk away, and my greatest regret is not fighting to keep her.

Now that you think about the day she left you, things could have gone differently. If only you had held on to her.

Just before she got on the train, if only you had brushed her hair to the side, looked in her eyes and kissed her lips.

Now that you think of it, she wanted you to do this. Now you wonder what held you back from doing this?

Why did you stand there on the platform of that train station and watch her get on the train? Why didn’t you fight for her not to go? 

24. I was too proud to apologize, and now I’m left to suffer in silence.

When a Man Realizes He Lost a Good Woman Quotes 

They say goodbye’s the saddest word. Well, ‘I’m sorry’ is the most powerful reply. Yet it is often the hardest to say. Pride is the poison that ruins a relationship the most.

And apology is the antidote. Many men only know how to drink the poison but know nothing about the antidote. When the woman they love leaves them, they suffer in silence.

25. I thought I had all the answers, but it was her who had the one thing that mattered—my heart.

Maybe she was a quiet woman, she deferred to you, recognizing your leadership in the relationship.

Perhaps this was what made her such a good woman. Her humility caused a bloating of your pride, your ego.

You deceived yourself into thinking you have all the answers; what can she possibly have to show you, or teach you? All the while, your heart was in her hands, and she knew the sound of every beat.

26. I let my fears and insecurities drive her away, and now I’m left to face the darkness alone.

It’s a dark, dark world without someone we live by our side. The woman we love gives us the confidence to weather the storm of life.

There’s only so much she can bear if you don’t value her support. Your insecurities and fears did you in. In your head, she became the enemy and you started to alienate her.

You let go of her hand and now you flounder in the dark. 

27. I took her kindness for weakness, and now I’m left to face the strength of her absence.

A kind woman will remain so to the end. She will not repay you with the same coin of ingratitude. She would simply pick herself up and walk away to be seen no more.

The absence of such a woman is as powerful as her presence. She may be gone, but her kindness continues to shine through.

You’re reminded of her kindness because you found someone else, in fact, several replacements.

But they’re all sharks sinking their teeth into your skin, trying to devour what’s left of you. 

28. I thought love was a game, but it was my life, and now I’m left to play the fool.

For some men, love is a game—one they can discard when the game is over. But when you have a good woman, the game loses its essence, the rules go out the window.

You’ve played this game all your life, now you feel like a rookie because a good woman just slipped out of your reach.

You’re sitting at the chessboard, your hand pausing over the last pawn, your king and Queen gone. Suddenly the rules that kept you formidable, untouchable don’t work. 

29. I was too busy chasing shadows to realize she was the light that made my life worth living.

The shadows you chased—other women, pleasure, even work—all dissipate into valueless pursuits compared to the place this good woman occupied in your life.

Now that you think of it, she was all that mattered. She gave your life meaning. You may have wealth, fame and all the other trappings of life but without her, it’s all emptiness.

There’s no one like her to share those things you have with. You tried to replace her but nothing felt right. It has to be her. 

30. My heart’s a heavy burden, weighed down by the regret of losing a good woman.

How does it feel to lose a good woman? It feels like many things, none of it good. It feels like nights that never end, days that draw on endlessly, and food that all tastes the same.

It feels like being sick. It feels like walking around with a rope around your neck that’s tied to a millstone.

It feels like dropping the ball, then missing the shot every time you try. It feels like London and it’s dreary weather. 

Final Thoughts 

Every man who has lost a good woman often realizes their mistake. They try to get her back. Sometimes they succeed, other times they don’t. It’s best not to lose her.

Every man wants a good woman. If you lose the one you have, it might be you never deserved one.

Never say never—if she doesn’t come back, deep your hand in the pool and you just might make another lucky draw. If not, let these quotes continue to remind you to value what you have at all times. 



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