20 Funny Things Women Carry In Their Purse That Start With “P”

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Things Women Carry In Their Purse That Start With P

Relationship Advice

Have you ever wondered what’s inside other women’s purses?

I asked some of my female colleagues to quickly list the items in their handbags, and their answers were fascinating.

The most interesting part is that the contents of their purses reveal a lot about their lifestyles.

In this article, I’ve compiled a list of some surprising things you might find in a woman’s bag. To make it fun, we’re focusing on the amusing items that start with the letter “P.”

List of Funny Things Women Carry In Their Purse That Start With “P”

Common ones include phones, power banks, and portable chargers. But we’re highlighting the quirky ones that will likely make you laugh.

Some women will tell you they try to keep their bag contents to a reasonable amount, but even then, certain items have become essential parts of their daily carry.

1. Pantyliners

Things Women Carry In Their Purse That Start With P
Purpose: For emergencies and freshness

Pantyliners in a woman’s bag are little helpers. They’re especially useful between periods or on light days.

So this comes as no surprise.

Whenever the occasion calls for it, this item comes in handy to absorb everyday vaginal discharge, unexpected light period flow, light spotting, staining at the beginning and ends of periods, and post-intercourse discharge.

It’s essential, not necessarily, but it would be interesting not to come across it in a big bag carried by a woman.

2. Phone, phone charger

Purpose: Keep devices and gadgets powered. 

I think many women’s clothes don’t have good pockets, so they have to carry small things like phone chargers, cables, and power banks in their bags.

This is pretty normal, but it can be funny when they end up with more than one phone charger in their bag. I know this from my own experience.

Even though they already have a power bank, they still carry a charger. It’s all part of being prepared, which is a reason why they’re appreciated.

3. Plastic fork in a plastic wrapper

Purpose: you never know. 

The first time I saw this was in my college seatmate’s bag. When I asked why she had a plastic fork, she said, “Because you never know.”

It might sound rare, but it’s common to find such items in women’s bags. The “just in case” situation is when they need cutlery, and none is available. So, they can always reach into their bag and use their plastic fork.

Trust me, these things come in handy. It might sound funny to carry them around without expecting to use them, but they’re often useful.

4. Pouch with cash and other cards

Purpose: to prevent scratches on payment cards.

In a woman’s bag, among the odd items, sharp objects could damage credit cards and other important things. That’s why many women prefer to use a small separate purse inside their main bag for storing cards and cash.

Often, they keep this purse out of sight in the main bag to avoid attracting pickpockets and thieves.

And just in case trouble arises, there’s pepper spray, another practical yet amusing item that starts with “p” (more on that later).

If you don’t carry a handbag, you might not appreciate the usefulness of an extra purse. But women who do understand its value.

5. Power bank

Things Women Carry In Their Purse That Start With P
Purpose: to keep the phone battery full

These days, who wouldn’t want a power bank? If you meet a busy mom, chances are she has one tucked away in her bag.

Even if they don’t carry handbags, women often keep power banks handy, along with cords and charger adapters, just in case they’re needed.

Thanks to technology, some power banks are as compact as mobile phones, making them easier to carry alongside other items in a bag.

But don’t be surprised if you ask a woman with a large purse for a power bank and she doesn’t have one to spare. Not everyone prefers carrying them.

Still, they remain essential for many.

6. Playbill

Purpose: To pass the time while waiting in a queue or in the lobby.

Playbill is a monthly American magazine for theater enthusiasts. Although some issues are available by subscription for home delivery.

It’s not uncommon (though it can be amusing) to find a woman with a Playbill in her bag. I’ve come across this several times.

It’s handy when you’re waiting in line or at a reception and want to look occupied. The funny thing is, if you have your phone, why bother carrying a Playbill in your bag?

It’s one of those items you might find and just chuckle at, wondering, “Is this necessary?”

7. Pepper Spray

Purpose: for protection cause you never know. 

This one is quite common: many women carry pepper spray in their bags. While it may not be effective against someone with a firearm, it can incapacitate a larger attacker, making it a useful self-defense tool.

According to a survey, pepper spray is one of the most commonly used safety gadgets by women in self-defense situations.

But, experts often advise against keeping pepper spray in a purse because it can be difficult to access quickly.

I recommend women keep it accessible by attaching it to a key ring, snap clip keychain, or a quick-release keychain for faster access and use.

8. Planner

Purpose: This keeps women busy when they have no plans.

A planner found in a woman’s bag serves a specific purpose: it helps her stay organized and manage her time effectively.

Even when her schedule isn’t packed, the planner allows her to jot down ideas, and notes, or plan future activities.

Who wouldn’t want a personal assistant in paper form?

So, during moments of free time or indecision, the planner provides a way to stay productive.

9. Prescription medicines

Purpose:  Some have an obvious purpose, some don’t. They are just there. 

You’ll often discover many prescription medicines in a woman’s handbag, some of which may have expired.

It’s amusing because there are even pills they carry that they don’t need to take all day. What’s the point?

But, for those who require medication, it’s necessary to have their pills with them at all times.

What baffles me is why carry around expired medicines or empty capsules. What satisfaction do they get from it?

10. Pocket Calendar

Things Women Carry In Their Purse That Start With P
Purpose: Women love to keep an account of dates

The nice thing about having a pocket calendar is that it helps track meetings, and coffee dates, and stay organized while on the move.

That’s why moms often seem to remember all the important dates and events—it’s all in their bag (pun intended).

When you spot a pocket calendar in a woman’s bag, it’s a safe bet she’s busy or managing numerous activities to keep track of.

These days, most people use their phones and apps like Google Calendar for this, so it can be amusing to find a pocket calendar in a woman’s bag. This isn’t 2004, is it?

11. Pocket knife

Purpose: to cut tapes and things or for protection. 

Women often carry pocket knives in their bags for various emergencies.

Have you ever been in a moment where you needed to cut soft foods, open letters or packages, whittle something, or do similar tasks, and you heard a woman say from the background, “I have a pocket knife that might help”?

The convenience and portability of these items make them common in women’s bags.

They can easily slip into a pocket, clip onto a belt, or fit comfortably in a backpack, ensuring they’re readily accessible when needed.

So the reason why you would see this item in a woman’s bag is quite practical and they mostly come in handy in unexpected situations. But ordinarily, it may leave you wondering why they are going around with a knife.

12. Photographs

Purpose: personal possession

It’s not odd for a woman to be up and about with a photograph in her purse. You could find it in a man’s wallet as well.

But it may surprise you to find many photographs, especially Polaroid snapped ones in her bags. The fun part is what the photographs are about. Yes, photos of family, friends, or loved ones. But you could chuckle to realize that some of these photos are some of the most random things you could think of.

So yeah, it’s not surprising to see photographs and even passport-size ones. You don’t know when you’ll need them.

But it can become funny when they are in their numbers and are off random things you least expected.

13. Paper Fan

Purpose: for hot situations

It’s likely to find a paper fan in a woman’s bag as well.

It’s funny that you will still find a battery-operated fan in the same bag that there’s a paper fan.

A cool draft of air from a hand-held fan can be very effective.

Perhaps, many women who keep this in their bags believe hand-held fans are a great option since they are cheap, quiet, and easily portable.

14. Pocket mirror

Purpose: For quick touch-ups.

Pocket mirror is a common item in women’s bags. There’s always a space for it even when other things can’t fit it.

They need it for occasional touch-ups or to see their faces and ensure they look good.

Of course, you need a reasonably sized purse or handbag to have it carried everywhere you go.

It is also useful for them when they want to view how their makeup is or want to remove it using a makeup wipe.

15. Peppermints

Things Women Carry In Their Purse That Start With P
Purpose: For fresh breath

There’s always a place for peppermints in women’s bags as well.

Aside from being a staple item in the purse, Peppermint is a popular flavoring for gum.

Women do not like to have their day ruined by an upset stomach or difficulty in digestion.

The calming and numbing effect of peppermint can come in handy at any point of the day, so women are always prepared as long as it is available in the bag.

Since peppermint also helps with menstrual cramps, there’s no further explanation to justify why it’s a popular item in women’s purses.

16. Pain Relievers

Purpose: For unexpected headaches or other pains.

Don’t be surprised to see a lot of medications, especially pain relievers in a woman’s bag.

It even makes more sense if it’s a pregnant woman because you will surely find Acetaminophen.

But some women with no condition or ailment will still have about a dozen pain reliever pills in their bags. Why? For occasional headaches or stress during the day which they may never use.

It’s just funny that women can pack all the pain relievers in their bag and end up not using any for months until they expire while still sitting in the bag.

17. Personal Care Wipes

Purpose: For quick clean-ups and hygiene.

Many women would usually have personal care wipes in their purses. It helps with makeup removal. So they can achieve that anywhere and anytime.

But beyond that, these wipes can be used to cleanse and nourish the skin, such as in the form of exfoliation, hydration, and anti-aging application.

Generally, everyone would find some kind of value in having easy access to these wipes because they help you in cases where you want to clean your hands and soap and water are not readily available.

But carrying them in your bag all around? Especially to functions where you will likely not use them? Can be funny.

18. Purse hook

Purpose: To hang purse on the table 

Another piece of item that I’ve noticed many women add to their bag essentials is the purse hook. It’s usually magnetic and many women like to have this in handy for those moments where you enter a toilet and there’s no place to put your bag.

Instead of putting it on the following, the purse hook allows you to sustain it on the wall.

You can also use it to hang a purse, bag, groceries, umbrella, or any item that can be hung and needs to be kept close, for convenient access.

We tend not to put our minds to these things but women have these items in their bags for quite valid reasons which can naturally and initially sound funny to the average person.

19. Phone Stand

Purpose: For hands-free use.

Have you ever had that awkward movement of shaking hands in the pictures and videos? No one hates it more than a content creator.

So if you see a woman who seems like a social media person, they will likely have a phone stand in the bag.

It helps to improve the quality of the videos and photos you take. They also work well for selfies.

20. Plasters/Band-Aids

Purpose: For minor cuts and blisters.

The real question is who walks around hoping to get cut so that the bandaids they have in their bag will finally become useful?

Of course no one. But it may surprise you to know that plasters are among the common items you can find in a woman’s bag.

You can call it a commendable effort to have a first-aid kit around, but when they are not handy, it can be funny to think that it’s in one’s bag.


If you’re reading this and you love big bags, chances are many of these above-listed items are in your bag.

Some women like to carry everything with them, but from my perspective, there are only a few essentials you need to have on you all the time.

These essentials include sunscreen, a water bottle, a phone charger (power bank and charging cord), an extra pair of underwear, hand sanitizer, and maybe hand lotion.

Anything beyond these items might be non-essential.

Ultimately, it all depends on your lifestyle.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments.

Things Women Carry In Their Purse That Start With P


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