20 Funny Things Women Carry In Their Purse That Starts With “M”

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Funny Things Women Carry In Their Purse That Starts With M

Relationship Advice

Nothing can truly prepare you for what you’ll find in a woman’s purse.

When asked, they often say it’s just the essentials. However, they could live for weeks on what’s inside.

In this article, I’ve listed some amusing and unexpected items starting with “M” found in women’s bags.  

Why the letter “M”? You’ll be surprised by how many essentials start with it, like Mini hairspray, Makeup brush, and Mascara. The others will surely surprise you.

List of Funny Things Women Carry In Their Purse That Starts With “M”

Even many of the women who say they hate shuffling through a bunch of random things in their purses to find what they are looking for still have many things going on in there.

Here are some of the funny things starting with “M” that we’ve heard women say they put in their purse/handbags.

1. Mini flashlight

Funny Things Women Carry In Their Purse That Starts With M

I used to think this was not a popular thing until I came across this thread where many women confessed that mini flashlights are among the must-include items in their everyday bags.

Wait, for what really? Except you work at night shifts mostly.

Well, it could be useful hunting for a lost earring in her bag’s black hole.

2. Multivitamins

It’s easier to picture the validity of having multivitamins in the bag. I mean, it’s there to help if she needs a quick pick-me-up during a busy day.

But of all things? It will always be fun to guys.

It’s usually the ones with evening primrose oil and starflower oil. They are specially developed to help maintain overall health and vitality.

So this one is valid but will also be funny.

I’ve seen multivitamins fall out of women’s bags onboard in flight many times. Even the TSA website clearly states that yes, packing vitamins is allowed in both your carry-on bag and checked baggage.

3. Micro USB cable

It’s surprising to find micro USB cables tucked away in a woman’s bag when you least expect it.

She keeps them handy for charging small gadgets like smartphones and for transferring data between devices, which can be useful for both her and her husband.

This is why you often hear mothers saying, “I’ve got that in my bag.” If she’s carrying around a smartphone or other compact devices, chances are she’s also equipped with a micro USB cable ready to go.

Yes, anyone can move around with a USB. We all need to stay connected and keep devices powered up while on the go, yeah?

But it just shows how prepared many women are in their daily lives.

4. Mini perfume bottle

Some would call it perfume atomizers but I can’t think of a world where women won’t have this item in their bags.

Usually, the container is measured at 3.4 ounces (100 milliliters) or less and placed in a single, clear, plastic, sealable bag especially when traveling.

It’s very important to have an appealing smell. It has a long-lasting impression on the people you meet. Women understand this assignment which explains the need for this item.

So it’s no surprise to find perfume bottles in the bag, only that you may be surprised that there’s more than one of them.

5. Mini hand sanitizer

Funny Things Women Carry In Their Purse That Starts With M

Mini hand sanitizers are also funny but common items you can find in a woman’s bag. The reason is valid, you can disinfect your hands as often as you like so you can keep yourself safe from bacteria.

Bags usually have things like makeup or keys, but a sanitizer is small and practical, standing out among the usual stuff.

The tiny size makes it cute and easy to carry around. So, finding a mini hand sanitizer in her bag might make you smile or think it’s clever.

It also makes sense as a first aid kit. The alcohol-based hand sanitizers are antiseptic products.

6. Membership cards

The reality is that women tend to take more things out with them when they go out. If you’re wondering what could be in the bag aside from keys, phone, and money, then think of membership cards.

But it’s still useful. These cards are a small piece of plastic or stiff paper that shows you are a member of a group or organization.

Before you enter the building of one such organization, you have to possess a ticket and membership card or a guest voucher.

But what makes it funny is that they may not even be going to one of such places and still have the cards on them. For what really?

Of course, it won’t take a lot of space but it’s just one of those items you’d see while ransacking and say “Really? What’s this doing here?”

7. Measuring tape

Some women even carry up to two – one 15 feet long and the other 5 feet long and attach to a clip in their bag.

There are only a few other things in this world that hurt a woman than coming back home to realize that the outfit they bought isn’t their size.

So these items can be ideal for taking body measurements, such as the bust, waist, hips, inseam, and more. Especially if any occasion arises and they need to have custom-made clothing or alterations.

Meanwhile, they also use tape measures for general measurement purposes in other areas, like home improvement projects, crafts, or any task that requires measuring lengths.

8. Mouthwash

Finding mouthwash in a woman’s bag might be surprising, but it makes sense.

Just like carrying hand sanitizer for germs, having mouthwash handy means she’s ready for any situation, like after eating or being out all day.

It shows she cares about having fresh breath and keeping her mouth clean wherever she goes.

And small mouthwash bottles fit easily in a bag with her other stuff. So, seeing mouthwash in a woman’s bag may not be the usual but it has usefulness.

9. Moisturizer

It’s just an unspoken rule. Hardly will you search the bags of women without finding a moisturizer. It goes in tandem with items like lip balm, blotting wipes, and extra hair ties.

The common response I got when I asked most of my friends why they also add moisturizer to their bags is that it “comes in handy for dry patches on your hands, face, elbows or even feet.”

So carrying a tube of all-over moisturizer, in some way, makes sense.

But you can do without it. This is what makes it one of the funniest things you can ever miss in a woman’s bag.

10. Makeup remover wipes

Funny Things Women Carry In Their Purse That Starts With M

Women will at one point or the other be faced with a situation where she has to:

  • Lift away makeup, SPF, oil, and other debris
  • Purify and refresh the skin

And it can happen anywhere and anytime. So it makes sense to see makeup remover wipes in their purse.

But for someone who has no idea about these, it can sound somehow to see these items.

Meanwhile, sometimes, women substitute this for baby wipes which are much cheaper than the alternatives like Cottonelle Wipes, Scott Wipes, or Charmin Fresh wipes.

11. Mirror

A small mirror is always handy, whether you need to check your teeth after eating or quickly fix your makeup.

I like compact mirrors because it’s lightweight and the perfect size.

What’s neat is that this kind of mirror can have one side for a mirror that magnifies things ten times bigger, which helps when you’re trying to find those tiny eyelashes that get stuck in your eye.

It’s so useful for making sure you look your best throughout the day, fitting easily into any bag or pocket.

You will see many girls use mirrors all time of the day, whether out with friends or getting ready in the morning. It’s just one of those simple things that can make a difference in a woman’s day.

12. Mints

Throat lozenges or mints are a must-have for many women these days.

If as a lady, you often feel your mouth and throat getting dry, especially as you get older, then it makes sense that you’d carry these everywhere.

These lozenges are great because they soothe that dry feeling and make your breath feel fresh again.

They’re a quick fix when ladies need to feel more comfortable or ready to talk without any discomfort.

Chewing gum also helps freshen breath in a pinch.

It’s these simple remedies that can make a difference in how women feel throughout the day, whether at work or out and about.

13. Mini Notebooks

When you find mini notebooks in women’s bags, they’ll tell you that you never know when a great idea will strike.

I relate to this as well so I’ve learned to always have a couple of mini notebooks handy.

These little books are incredibly useful for jotting down lists, important information, and any ideas that pop into your head and you don’t want to forget.

So whether the girls are at work or out with friends, they usually have these notebooks nearby.

They’re like a portable memory bank that seems to be helping greatly to stay organized and on top of things throughout the day.

14. Morning-After Pill

The morning-after pill doesn’t come as a surprise.

It could be in a woman’s bag in case she needs it after unprotected intercourse or if her birth control doesn’t work.

It’s there as a backup plan to prevent pregnancy when things don’t go as planned.

Having it available means she can take action quickly to avoid getting pregnant when she doesn’t want to.

There’s a lot of validity in this one because it’s about being prepared and having options to stay in charge of her own body. But then, imagine ransacking your bag for a pen, and then all these begin to drop on the train.

15. Magnetic Purse Holder

Funny Things Women Carry In Their Purse That Starts With M

If you’ve ever been in a public restroom and had nowhere to put your purse except on the floor, then you’d understand why many women would have magnetic purse holders in their bags.

It lets you easily hang the bag on any metal surface, like a stall door. It’s so convenient and keeps the purse clean and off the ground, which is a relief.

16. Medication

Medication is something many women carry in their purses all the time.

Whether it’s for headaches, cramps, or other unexpected pains, having medicine on hand can be a lifesaver.

It’s a quick solution for when you need relief from discomfort or pain.

Anything that makes women get through the day comfortably can easily make it to the bag.

17. Mini stapler

A mini stapler is another funny but surprisingly useful thing you can find in a woman’s bag.

For one, it’s great for quickly putting papers together when you need to keep them organized.

Since it’s easy to carry around, you can find it in women’s bags that often visit school, work, or anywhere that they can be required to do paperwork anytime on the go.

Despite its size, it works just like a regular stapler.

If you ask a woman, she’ll tell you that you never know when you might need to staple something, and having a mini stapler with you means you’re ready for those moments.

It can be awkward to find this in a personal purse, but we can all agree that it’s a simple but practical item that can make a big difference in staying organized and getting things done smoothly.

18. Mismatched earrings

Imagine searching through a woman’s bag and stumbling upon two different earrings….lots of them.

It usually gives the vibes of a carefree and adventurous style where rules about matching don’t matter much.

Maybe there’s a story behind why the earrings don’t match—a rushed morning. And she may be unaware of those pairs in her bags.

19. Map (foldable)

These are mini booklets of directions that you can easily fold and unfold.

Many women would find it super handy for travel because you can quickly open it up to see where you are and where you’re heading.

It’s funny to find this item in women’s bags because what happened to use phones?

Indeed, foldable maps are simple, reliable, and great for exploring new places without any fuss.

But we’re in 2024.

No hard feelings for those who prefer to do things the old-fashioned way.

20. Message cards

Over 30 women in this thread revealed that these small cards where you write messages to communicate with someone always come in handy on special occasions.

But why carry it all about when it’s meant for days like birthdays or holidays to share personal messages?

Well, they’re simple but meaningful because they let you say something important in a handwritten way.

If you can recall those scenes in movies where ladies would write a thank you or a quick hello on small cards and give them a waiter? Yes, that’s a better understanding of its usefulness.

Are There Others?

Besides the 20 items already mentioned, we can think of everything that ends up in a woman’s purse as stuff that won’t fit in their pockets.

This also includes items that husbands, boyfriends, or male friends feel too “macho” to carry in their pockets.

But if you ask women, they’ll say, “If it’s in my purse, it’s not weird for me.”

So, what do you think? Are there any other common items in a woman’s purse that start with the letter “M” that should be added to this list?

Let me know in the comment section below.

Funny Things Women Carry In Their Purse That Starts With M


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