10 Things to Do When Your Partner Has Zero Time for You

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Things to Do When Your Partner Has Zero Time for You

Relationship Advice

Are you in a relationship where your partner has zero time for you and you think it’s all over?

Being in a relationship with someone you love feels amazing that you want to remain so forever.

However, what happens when your partner has zero time for you?

Having to deal with a lover who has no time to spare for you can hurt deeply, leaving you wondering if you’re still a priority in their life.

They might feel so distant that you can’t even connect with them emotionally anymore.

While it might be frustrating and tempting to walk away at this moment, there are certain things you can do to get things as close to normal even with their packed schedule.

Fortunately, in this article, I’ll be taking you through 10 things you can do when your partner is very busy for you.

10 Things to Do When Your Partner Has Zero Time for You

Before you think of walking away from your once beautiful relationship because your partner suddenly became too busy, there are certain things to consider.

First, talking to them about it can make a lot of difference. Also, focusing on yourself at that moment is important.

You should also find common interests, surprise them, and ask to get involved in what they’re engaged in.

In the long run, be considerate, don’t over-push things, and ensure you appreciate little effort from them.

Here are 10 things to do when your partner has zero time for you:

  1. Talk to them
  2. Find common interests
  3. Ask to get involved in what they’re doing
  4. Ask them to make the plans
  5. Take the surprise to them
  6. Consider online communication
  7. Get busy with you
  8. Appreciate little efforts
  9. Be considerate
  10. Don’t overpush things

Talk to Them

Things to Do When Your Partner Has Zero Time for You

The first thing you do when your partner no longer has time for you is to talk to them. Talking to them will help you express how you feel, letting them know how their lack of time is affecting you.

You might wonder how you’ll get them to give you some time to have this talk.

However, if you’re dating someone who cares for you and you let them know you want to have a serious discussion with them, they should be able to squeeze out time from their busy schedule to have this talk.

They’ve no business being in a relationship if they can’t spare any time at all.

So, when you talk to them, let them know you understand how important that which is keeping them engaged is and how much you miss them. Then you two can discuss a way around their schedule.

Find Common Interests

Things to Do When Your Partner Has Zero Time for You

Another important thing you should do when your partner is too busy for you is to find common interests that can get you guys together.

While you both are different individuals with different interests, there are still some things that you both enjoy. Find these things and talk to your lover about them.

They could be too busy with whatever it’s that’s keeping them busy. However, if it’s something they like, they’re likely going to include some time for them.

And even if they no longer have time for these things, suggest how you two can get back to these things to pique their interest.

It could be anything from reading favorite books, watching movies, gyming, or whatever activities you both enjoy.

At least meeting together two times a week, once a week, or whatever convenient time to engage in these things will help maintain that bond.

Also, if your partner is committed to the relationship, they won’t shy away from this suggestion.

Ask to Get Involved in What They’re Doing

When your partner is too busy and barely has time for you, ask to join them in whatever it’s they’re doing.

If it’s some project that’s eating up their time, you can ask them about it and how you can assist them. It could be as simple as doing research, entering data, or whatever you can assist with.

If the aspect of work is not possible, what about other things they engage in? Maybe they attend business events, maybe they hang out with colleagues and friends.

Even though it’s something you don’t find interesting, asking to join them shows the effort you’re willing to put in to be a part of their life.

This action should spur them to put in their efforts too. So, rather than act indifferent and allow the spark in the relationship to go stale, you might just be the string that pulls you both together again.

Ask Them to Make the Plans

If your lover is finding it difficult to meet up with dates and events, ask them to make the plans.

Rather than get upset over them declining on the last hour or missing dates, put the ball in their court.

Asking them to be in charge of the plans allows them to think about their past actions and should make them want to make it up to you.

If the relationship is important to them, they should be able to find a way around their schedule to include you.

It could be a vacation away when they’re on leave, it could be choosing a weekend to get away, or it could be anything as small as sparing some hours weekly to have lunch with you or take a walk with you.

So, rather than give up because you’ve tried and tried and it doesn’t seem to be working, put the trying on them. And if they don’t make any effort, consider it a red flag.

Take the Surprise to Them

Things to Do When Your Partner Has Zero Time for You

Another thing you can do when your partner is too busy for you to stay on a call, go on dates, and visit, is to surprise them.

Whether you’re living within the same vicinity or out of state, you can pay a surprise visit to them, or plan a beautiful surprise.

If you understand their work takes them from morning to night, and you can visit their workplace, someday pack a lunch and go see them.

And if seeing them at work might be difficult, pack the lunch with a beautiful note and maybe flowers and send it to them.

You could also travel to meet them if you can afford to, or ask them to give you a day and plan a beautiful date for you two.

This simple gesture can make them want to reciprocate. And if they care about you, they won’t take it for granted.

Consider Online Communication

If it’s difficult for your partner to meet with you physically, suggest online communication as a way to bridge the gap.

Maybe the distance is creating some lagging, and you want them to be the one to always make them move, you shouldn’t blame them when they no longer meet up.

Also, if their work is the stumbling block to physical meetings, online communication can suffice.

Suggest you have video chats, texts, and calls to at least communicate and connect. Thanks to different innovations, there are plenty of ways to achieve online communication.

You’ve got WhatsApp, Facebook, Skype, and even Zoom and Google Meet. These are media where you can talk and see each other’s faces, including following what’s going on in each other’s lives.

While it’s not a permanent solution, because you’ll have to meet physically if the relationship is important to you two, it can serve as a temporary solution until they’re done with whatever is engaging them or at least create time for you.

Get Busy with You

Relationships are not always easy to navigate. When two different people decide to do life together, sacrifices and compromises have to be made.

If your relationship has made you halt some progress in your life or lag in some areas that concern you, now it’s the time to focus on yourself.

When your partner gets too busy, rather than keep complaining and trying to get them to be with you, take that time to grow.

Find that thing which you enjoy doing and get busy with it.

Use that time to build stronger relationships with families and friends, take that online course, and start that project, that thing that you’ve always put off because you feel there’s no time for it.

When you get busy with yourself, you’ll discover you’re not depending fully on your lover to make you happy and fulfilled.

And when they realize you no longer need them 24/7 because you’re engaged with something you enjoy, they’ll be more relaxed.

In addition, it’ll make them push for your attention if they really care about you. Moreover, this independence can strengthen the bond, allowing none of you to lose yourself.

Appreciate Little Efforts

While it’s easy to nag and complain about how your partner lacks time for you, it’s also easy to forget the little efforts they’re making.

If your lover has zero time for you, and if they really care about the relationship, there must be something they’re doing, no matter how small it is.

It could be sending you daily texts, sending you flowers, crediting your cards, or sending you gifts.

These are actions you might easily neglect because they keep missing dates, don’t have time to speak on the phone, or can’t visit.

However, it’s their small way to show they still care about you and still have you in mind.

So, while you feel you’re not getting enough, don’t forget to appreciate the little they’re doing.

Then, you can calmly communicate your feelings and find a solution together.

Be Considerate

Sometimes your partner’s lack of time is unavoidable. Maybe they’re engaged in a work situation that takes up all their time, or maybe they barely even have time for themselves.

Rather than complain and complain, try to be considerate. Try and show understanding of their situation.

Now is the time to be emotionally available for them and show support. Empathizing with them this way gives a better atmosphere to talk things out and find a way.

Don’t Over-Push Things

In all you do, don’t overpush things.

Maybe you’ve tried to talk to them, tried to engage them in common interests, you’ve made efforts to surprise them, shown consideration, and asked to be involved in their life, but it’s yielding no result.

Then it’s time to take a break and think about where the relationship is heading. Sometimes your partner’s lack of time is a result of the lack of love on their part.

They probably no longer find you interesting, they’ve grown out of love, or they’ve found someone else.

You should understand that at this point, no matter what you do, you won’t get the result you want. So, if you did all you could, take a break and see if they care about you.

If they don’t act like you’re there, it’s time to walk away

Final Words

Before you take a bow from that relationship because your partner no longer has the time for you, you owe it to them, the love you share, and to your conscience to make certain efforts.

Understanding their commitments, talking with them, finding common interests, getting involved in their life, and appreciating little efforts are some of the things you should do.

However, you shouldn’t over-push things. When you do all you can, know when it’s time to walk away if you and your efforts are not acknowledged.

Things to Do When Your Partner Has Zero Time for You


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