20 Things You Should Never Tell Your Partner (When You Have An Argument)

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Things You Should Never Tell Your Partner

Relationship Advice

Sometimes during the heat of an argument with our partners, we throw out words that we can’t take back which could scar the relationship forever. Giving it much thought and thorough research, I have been able to gather 20 things that you should never tell your partner when you have an argument regardless of how mad or how badly you feel hurt as a result of their actions. 

I propose that constructive communication is the backbone of every long lasting relationship and if it’s done the other way around, then you might be signing up for a  “ hell on earth” relationship. 

Here are words that should never come out of your mouth  when arguing with your partner no matter what the circumstance is. 

List of 20 Things You Should Never Tell Your Partner ( When You Have An Argument) 

  1. I curse the day that I met a horrible person like you. 
  2. You’re the biggest mistake that I have ever made. 
  3. The years that I have been with you have been a total waste of time. 
  4. Someone else can do better than the little you do. 
  5. Don’t think that I can’t replace you because I will in just a second. 
  6. You only care about yourself and nobody else. 
  7. What exactly was I thinking, partnering up with a person like you? 
  8. You never do anything right. 
  9. You’re completely useless to me and I am tired of it all. 
  10. Everyday you become the worse version of yourself. 
  11. I am no longer happy when I see you. 
  12. I don’t think we’re destined to be together anymore. 
  13. You turned out to be callous just like your mother. 
  14. You’re just a dirty, smelling, haggard bitch! 
  15. I wouldn’t want my future children to have a father like you. 
  16.  You’re so lazy and that’s why you keep getting fat. 
  17. I don’t need you in my life anymore, I am better off without you. 
  18. Everything that you say makes me irritated. 
  19. I no longer find you attractive like the way I used to. 
  20. No matter what you do, you can never be enough.

I curse the day that I met a horrible person like you. 

Emotions can run wild like a wild animal but it’s important to tame them so it  doesn’t make us single. Saying that you curse the day you met a person is the same as saying that your partner was not a blessing to you all through the relationship which could leave a huge scar that can’t be healed even with time.  

This is why it is important you abstain from saying phrases like this, that is, if you still want to be that person. 

  • You’re cursing my life, you have never been a blessing and that’s why bad things keep happening to me, because of you!
  • How unfortunate must I be to be partners with someone like you, I am disappointed in myself. 

You’re the biggest mistake that I have ever made. 

It’s wise to refrain using negative affirmative statements especially when referring to your partner. No one wants to hear that they are a mistake because it doesn’t just highlight their flaws, but also means that their entire presence or being is a mistake as well. 

Other phrases or sentences that has the same interpretation as this are;

  • You’re the only flaw I have in my life. I wish I could just get rid of you. 
  • Everything about you screams imperfections, it’s making me sick to my stomach. 

The years that I have been with you have been a total waste of time. 

Saying a phrase or sentence like this to your partner is the same as piercing a dagger through their hearts. For a healthy relationship, it is important that phrases like this are banned from your mind. 

One of the reasons for a partner is to enjoy and invest richly in time and memories and to call that a complete waste of time, ruins that essence. Another way you can put this phrase is;

  • Being with you is a complete waste of my time, resources and life. 
  • I shouldn’t have wasted [duration] of my life with you, if I was feeding cats all those periods, I would still have more to gain than this. 

Someone else can do better than the little you do. 

Comparing your partner with another person is one of the major elements that destroys a relationship and has them develop low self-esteem. 

It’s a phrase that should never be said no matter how angry you are at them because it would have them questioning their love for you or whether they are even enough for you which isn’t the case. 

  • Why can’t you be more like [Name] she cooks better food. You cook like you lost your sense of taste, I want [ name] to cook for me.  
  • You don’t even do enough for me to manage, I am sick and tired of being with a lowlife like you. 

Don’t think that I can’t replace you because I will in just a second. 

This statement could translate to the fact a person or a person’s role is insignificant in your life and can easily be replaced. Why on earth would someone want to still remain in a relationship with you after hearing something like this? 

Everything about a phrase like this is negative and shows a lack of gratitude for your partner or your partner’s effort. 

  • There are many girls on the street that can do what you do so please, don’t think you’re one of a kind. 
  • Many men want me so don’t think that you’re special, I am only with you because without me, you would be nothing. 

You only care about yourself and nobody else. 

This is another way of saying that someone is ‘selfish’ which could be unfair to your partner who might have sacrificed ang dedicated their life to you. 

I understand that you might be hurt that they didn’t put you into consideration at that moment but you have to know that a statement like this should not be said to your partner because of the long lasting, negative effect that it could have on your partner. 

  • You’re the only one that matters in this relationship, it’s always about your problems, your opinions, your interests. Date yourself!
  • I hope that you can think about me for once, let me have this one moment to myself. 

What exactly was I thinking, partnering up with a person like you? 

If you’ve lost your interest in a relationship and you want out then I would probably recommend you tell your partner this statement but if not, I suggest you never tell them. 

Questions that you should ask your partner should be positive and able to lift their spirit and not crush it. 

  • I am your partner? How did I get myself into this mess? 
  • How the hell did I get into this hell hole called a relationship? 

You never do anything right. 

things never to say when you argue with your partner

No matter how hard a person tries hard, you’re never going to be satisfied with what they do, sometimes it isn’t because they are just not good at pleasing you but it could be because you’re just not happy with them. 

The initial paragraph interpretes what this sentence could mean when you decide to say it to your partner in an argument. 

  • You can’t be good enough for someone like me. 
  • At least try to do something that pleases me today. 

You’re completely useless to me and I am tired of it all. 

Honestly, it must be because you’re not interested in the relationship anymore and don’t see your future self with that person that could  birth a sentence like this from you. 

It’s absurd to think that a person in a healthy relationship could say this to their partner because it means that the person lacks use and is simply no longer interested in them anymore. 

  • I am tired of all of your bullshit! You’re of no use to me anymore. 
  • I can’t do this anymore, I am fed up with you. 

Everyday you become the worse version of yourself. 

You’re signing up for a break up or a terminated partnership when you say sentences like this to your partner. A partner is meant to be a supporter, a person to encourage the other person when they are at their lowest.

 All this sentence can do is to keep your partner down and even ruin the little positivity they have left in themselves which is why you should never say this to your partner. 

  • If you were the man I met before, I wouldn’t have married you because this man is a completely different person. 
  • I hate the person you have become, you’re not the man I married. 

I am no longer happy when I see you. 

Telling your partner that you’re no longer happy when you see them is the same as saying you no longer love them. Your partner should be one of the reasons why you smile and saying that they no longer possess that ability is definitely heartbreak. 

Avoid letting this out when arguing with your partner because you might turn out to regret it. There are other ways that you could still mean the same thing has this expression, you could say it in other words like;

  • You’re not making me happy at all, you’re even making me more sad. 
  • I wish I could be happy with you but I am not and that’s the honest truth. 

I don’t think we’re destined to be together anymore. 

Partnership is for two people who mutually agree to be there for each other and support one another but a statement like this completely ruins that.  

You’re saying that you no longer need your partner and don’t see yourself with them as time passes. If you ask me I would say that this looks like a break up line and if you’re still in a relationship with that person, you don’t want to pass this message to them, right? 

  • You’re not meant for me, I am sorry. 
  • You’re definitely not my forever person, I am going to have to cut you off at some point in my life. 

You turned out to be callous just like your mother. 

Targeting your partner’s loved ones in a negative way isn’t the smartest thing to do as it could ruin your relationship with them. 

You’re not only being disrespectful to your partner but to people who are associated with them or close with them which could steer up a feeling of hatred. So if you know what’s good for your relationship, I suggest that you stay off phrases like this. 

  • You’re just as wicked as your sister. 
  • You’re a son of a bitch! 

You’re just a dirty, smelling, haggard bitch! 

things never to say when you argue with your partner

The ‘b’ word is a word that is highly used and could mean a variety of things depending on the context. When in an argument with your partner, it could mean that they are disloyal and of no value to you whatsoever. 

I would advise that you abstain from calling your partner a bitch regardless of the context. 

  • Bitch! 
  • I am so sick and tired of you being a whore! 

I wouldn’t want my future children to have a father like you. 

Saying that you wouldn’t want your partner to be a father or a mother figure to your children is completely disrespectful and could mean that they aren’t responsible enough to be role models. 

You’re basically letting the cat out of the bag that your partner is a bad influence to you and could ultimately influence your children in a negative way. 

  • You can’t be the mother of my children, I don’t want my children having bad examples as a mother. 
  • Let’s just see how far we can go. I am sure you can’t father my children, you don’t have what it takes. 

 You’re so lazy and that’s why you keep getting fat. 

This could be very disrespectful to say especially if said to a female partner. It could hurt their feelings and ruin their self esteem for sure. 

It’s not nice to call someone fat and should be avoided when arguing with your partner, you could try other ways to express this to avoid the argument getting out of hand. 

  • You keep adding so much weight and I can’t stand it, even the gym can’t help you at this point. 
  • See how big your stomach has become, it’s so squishy. 

I don’t need you in my life anymore, I am better off without you. 

Never say this to your partner no matter how frustrated they make you become. It’s not like you have another partner reserved somewhere else that you could swap them with so why should a statement like this be uttered by you to your partner. 

It’s not only insensitive, it is thoughtless and it could cause you to lose the beautiful memories you built with them and the chance to build more. 

  • You’re not needed in my life. 
  • I can’t stop thinking about how to get rid of you. 

Everything that you say makes me irritated. 

If a person begins to irritate you or annoy you then you must hate them or feel a sense of dislike for them which is the message that could be passed across to your partner when you say this to them while arguing. 

‘Everything’ which is used in this statement means that your partner hasn’t done anything that isn’t annoying to you. 

  • I am vexed with everything that comes out of your mouth. 
  • Could you stop talking? 

I no longer find you attractive like the way I used to. 

If you were drawn to someone to the point that you decided to be in partnership with them, then you shouldn’t express that they aren’t attractive anymore because that’s what pulled them towards you in the first place. 

It could shatter every positive ideology or feeling that they have about you because you couldn’t keep your comments to yourself. Instead of complaining about how they look, try to buy them things that you like to see on them, that way, they could feel special and loved. 

  • I used to think that you’re beautiful, I was wrong. 

No matter what you do, you can never be enough. 

You’re not just affirming that your partner isn’t good enough, you’re saying that efforts to do so would still not make a difference about how you feel, which is not something you want your partner to hear from you. 

  • Quit thinking that you’re my type, you’re just to pass time. 
  • You’re a distraction for me, [ name of another person] is what I want.

In Final Words…. 

It’s important that you consider the feelings of your partner because saying the listed expressions to your partner would definitely leave a scar on the relationship which isn’t good for both parties. Positive communication should be prioritized in your relationship which is the reason why you should never tell your partner these 20 expressions when in an argument with them. 

things never to say when you argue with your partner


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