50 Things to Say When Your Partner Is Upset

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Things to Say

We’ve all been there, we’ve all made someone angry or upset at some point. And of course, the right thing is to let them know that you’re truly sorry.

But, this time around it’s your partner who’s upset. Maybe they’re upset with you over something you did, or they’re upset over something else.

So, how do you respond to an upset partner?

First, it’s important to know that disagreement is normal in every relationship and what you say to an upset partner can go a long way to impact their feelings.

Therefore, if you need help with what to say to an upset partner, you’re in the right place.

Whether you want to apologize for your wrong, or you want to express your support over something that’s bothering them, we’ve got you covered. I’ll be taking you through different ways to soothe an upset partner.

Table of Contents

15 things to say when acknowledging your wrong

Acknowledging your wrong is the first step in showing contrition. You can’t claim to be truly sorry when you don’t think you’ve done something wrong.

So, if you were the one that upset your partner, these are things you can say.

Things to Say When Your Partner Is Upset

I am sorry I upset you, babe

This statement is a straightforward way to apologize to your partner when you’re in the wrong. Saying you’re sorry for upsetting them and not just “I’m sorry” makes a lot of difference.

I know I was wrong, I’m really sorry for hurting your feelings

This statement is another great way to acknowledge your wrong while apologizing to your partner.

Saying you’re aware that you’re wrong and also acknowledging that you hurt their feelings can make forgiveness easier.

Baby, I’m sorry I acted that way, can you forgive me?

“I’m sorry I acted that way” shows you’re aware that your actions were wrong. Then, asking them to forgive you shows your contrition.

I take the blame for making things go sour, please forgive me

If things are no longer the way it was between you and your partner, maybe they’re no longer talking to you, taking the blame for your wrongdoing is the first step to seeking forgiveness.

“I take the blame for making things go sour, please forgive me” should work well.

I feel ashamed for what I did, please forgive me

Sometimes we look back on our actions and only feel shame and regret, and we wonder why we did what we did. Well, we’re humans and humans make mistakes.

Saying “I feel ashamed for what I did, please forgive me” to your partner shows your sincerity.

I’m sorry for making you sad, it was never my intention, babe

Sometimes you hurt your loved ones unintentionally, but it doesn’t mean you no longer love them. If you notice your words or actions have made them sad, this statement is one of the right ways to seek forgiveness.

The thoughts of hurting you still haunt me, I need your forgiveness, babe

When you notice you hurt your lover, it can hurt too. Sometimes it makes you go days without sleeping well.

Letting them know that you’re pained by your actions while seeking forgiveness is a sweet way to appease them.

“The thoughts of hurting you still haunt me, I need your forgiveness, babe” is an emotional statement that should work.

I’ve realized how insensitive my words were, I’m genuinely sorry

Sometimes we say things in the heat of the moment not realizing how hurtful and insensitive the words were.

If you’ve realized that, acknowledging your insensitive words can melt your partner’s heart because not everyone is humble enough to take back their words.

I shouldn’t have said what I said, that was unthoughtful of me

This statement is another simple yet effective way to acknowledge your insensitive words to your partner. It’ll certainly get to them.

I’ve realized my mistake but I never meant to do what I did, can you forgive me?

Another way to phrase your apology is with these words, “I’ve realized my mistake but I never meant to do what I did, can you forgive me?”

It shows you’re aware of your mistake and assures them that you never meant to hurt them.

Nothing hurts me more than knowing that I’m the reason you’re upset

This statement will also let them know that you’re unhappy with making them upset.

I don’t think I can get over making you hurt

“I don’t think I can get over making you hurt” is another simple line that can touch your lover when they’re upset because of you.

You don’t deserve how I treated you, please forgive me

You can also phrase your apology by saying, “You don’t deserve how I treated you, please forgive me.” It shows you value them.

You’re the most adorable person I’ve ever met, I’m sorry I took that for granted

Complimenting your partner while acknowledging your wrong is another sweet way to seek their forgiveness.

Darling, I feel bad for what I said earlier and I take back my words

“Darling, I feel bad for what I said earlier and I take back my words” is another simple and sweet way to ask your partner to forgive you.

10 Ways to Say You’re Making Efforts to Right Your Wrong

When you know you’re in the wrong and you acknowledge it, you shouldn’t stop there. Making efforts to right your wrongs does the real work of showing true repentance.

Although not every wrong can be made right in literal terms, you can do things to make them feel better.

How can I make it up to you?

“How can I make it up to you?” is the question that shows you’re sorry and you’re ready to make them feel better.

Making it up to them means you know you can’t correct the mistake, but you’re ready to compensate them.

What can I do to make things right?

Another way to phrase your request to make things right is, “What can I do to make things right?”

It should help you get back into your partner’s good graces.

I know you’re disappointed in me, please give me another chance to make things right

This statement first acknowledges your wrong before showing your readiness to correct things.

Also, it’s a humble statement that shows you know that getting another chance won’t be easy.

 I know it’s difficult for you to look at me, but I’m willing to do anything to earn your forgiveness

This statement also acknowledges your fault. Also, letting them know you’re ready to do anything to earn their forgiveness is a courageous statement they shouldn’t ignore.

It shows how truly contrite you are.

Babe, just tell me how to make you happy again, I really can’t stand this silence

Asking your partner what they want from you to make them happy is another cute way of seeking their forgiveness.

This statement shows you’re ready to do anything to make them happy while also letting them know you don’t like how things have been with you both.

I promise to do better if only you can forgive me

Acknowledging your wrong and promising to do better is another great way to seek your partner’s forgiveness.

In addition, this line shows your humility.

I can’t truly show you how sorry I am, but I’m ready to do whatever it takes for you to smile again

This line is another beautiful way to show your partner how sorry and repentant you are.

Also, letting them know you’re ready to do anything to make them smile should melt their heart.

I can’t take what we share for granted, I’m willing to put in the hard work to make this work again

Acknowledging the beauty in what you both share is a sweet statement that should melt your partner’s heart.

Additionally, letting them know you’re ready to do the hard work in getting back to the way things were, shows your commitment to them.

I made a mistake yesterday, please allow me to show you how much you mean to me

Another simple yet beautiful way to phrase your apology. While it shows you’re ready to make efforts to correct your mistake, it also lets them know they mean a lot to you.

I love you so much, and I’m ready to do anything to prove that to you

Letting your partner know that you love them while seeking their apology can make a lot of difference.

10 Romantic words to use when your partner is upset

Romantic words are a great way to get to your partner’s heart when they’re upset. Try any of these lines below.

I miss you so much, please forgive me

If your partner has been avoiding you because they’re upset, this is the perfect line to use. It’s straightforward and romantic. It shows you’re sorry while expressing how much you miss being with them.

Hi, my love, you mean so much to me. I’m sorry I hurt you

This is another sweet way to phrase your apology. It shows your love and sincere contrition.

I can’t bear this pain of being away from you, please let’s talk things out

This is an emotional statement that shows your love and how much being away from them hurts you.

Also, it shows them you’re ready to make things better.

I can’t believe I’ve hurt you so much, you’re my life babe, and I’m so pained I let this happen, please pardon me

This line is another romantic and catchy way to seek forgiveness from your partner.

It confesses your feelings to them while expressing how sorry you are.

You’re the only one I love babe, and I can’t bear this silence, please talk to me

Continually emphasizing your love for your partner makes a lot of difference.

“You’re the only one I love babe, and I can’t bear this silence, please talk to me” is a sweet way to approach your partner for forgiveness.

I’m so cold because of your absence, please come back to me. I’m sorry

A flirty and romantic way to seek forgiveness from your partner. This one should remind them that they’re cold too.

Your arms are my peace, I can’t wait to be in them again, I’m sorry

Another romantic way to get the attention of your lover you’ve wronged.

These sweet words will surely get to them and remind them that they miss you too.

Darling, my heart beats only for you and it has not stopped beating. Please accept my genuine apology

This is another beautiful thing to say to your lover when seeking their forgiveness.

It reassures them of your love for them and shows you’re contrite.

Honey, you know you’re the only one that I love, I’ve not been the same since you stopped talking to me

This line is another romantic way to approach your partner when they’re upset. If they’re not talking to you, this line tells them how much that is affecting you.

Also, it reminds them of your love for them.

I never meant to make you sad, you’re my heart, and hurting you means I’m hurting myself. Please, forgive me, my love. It won’t happen again

This is a cute and romantic thing to say to your lover you’ve wronged. It shows how sorry you are and also lets them know you never meant to hurt them.

In addition, it lets them know you’ll be more careful not to repeat the same thing.

5 cute things to say when your partner is upset

Cute things can make your lover smile even when they’re sad. You can try any of these lines when you notice that sad face.

Just know I’ll be waiting for you until you can look at my face again and smile at me

This is a beautiful thing to say to your lover to get them to smile when they’re upset.

This line will work for something that isn’t very serious. Maybe you forgot their hair appointment, you can let them know you’re sorry by trying to sound cute.

Letting them know you’ll be waiting for their smile might get you that smile immediately.

I know I have made you sad, and I’m truly sorry. But you’re still cute, though

This is another cute line to try with your lover who’s upset with you. It’s a lighthearted statement that attempts humor to get to them.

First, it acknowledges your fault and lets them know you’re sorry for your actions. In addition, adding that they’re cute should soften their anger. It’s something you can try with something that isn’t very serious.

You’re really cute when you’re upset, maybe I should try upsetting you once in a while

“You’re really cute when you’re upset, maybe I should try upsetting you once in a while” is another cute way to get the attention of your partner who’s upset with you or over something else. It’ll work for something that didn’t hurt them deeply.

Moreover, it attempts to release the tension and make them smile.

Hey! What’s making my baby upset?

A question to ask your lover when you don’t know what made them upset is, “Hey! What’s making my baby upset?”

It’s a cute way to approach them when they’re sad and silent. Also, it’s casual and playful, yet full of concern. In addition, the endearment should melt their heart.

Hey! Come on! Smile for me, babe

“Hey! Come on! Smile for me babe” is another cute thing to say to your upset lover. It’s something you can say when they’re upset over something not worth staying angry for.

For instance, the waiter forgets to add a dish to their menu only to find out it’s finished. This line is an attempt to make them forget what happened.

10 Terms to Mean You’re Providing Support When Something Else Upsets Them

Things to Say When Your Partner Is Upset

Sometimes your lover can return upset over something from work, letting them know that you’ve got their back can help them relax a bit.

Whatever it is that makes them upset, ensure you provide encouraging words to soothe them. Below are some of the things you can say.

Hey! Babe, I’m here for you, okay?

“Hey! Babe, I’m here for you, okay?” is a simple yet reassuring words that remind your lover of your unwavering support for them.

This line can work when you see them frustrated over something but are too overwhelmed to talk about it.

You could stay beside them and say these words to them while rubbing their back. It’ll go a long way to make them relax.

Talk to me babe, I’m ready to help

“Talk to me babe, I’m ready to help” is what you can say when you want them to let you know what’s making them upset.

It’s a cute way to make them relaxed enough to talk to you. In addition, letting them know you’re ready to help should convince them to open up to you.

Hi, sweet. Just take it easy, you’ll get through this, I believe in you

“Hi, sweet. Just take it easy, you’ll get through this, I believe in you” is a beautiful encouraging statement to say to your lover when they’re upset over something.

It’s something you should say when they’re frustrated and not taking it easy on themselves; it reminds them to be calm.

In addition, sounding your trust in their abilities in their ears should help.

Just relax darling, you’ll sort this out

“Just relax darling, you’ll sort this out” is something you should say to your frustrated lover. It’s a soothing statement that encourages them to calmly work through things.

In addition, reminding them of their capabilities will do a lot for their morale.

It’s alright, babe, we’ll get through this together

“It’s alright babe, we’ll get through this together” is another beautiful way to show your support to your lover going through some difficulties.

First, assuring them that things are alright should get to them. Then adding that you’re ready to get through it with them will do a lot for their morale.

These are words you say to your lover when you’re ready to take action with them. So, ensure you’re ready to be involved before making this statement.

You’re not alone, I’m here for us to work this out

“You’re not alone, I’m here for us to work this out” is another great way to remind your lover that you’re there for them.

It’s something you say when you’re ready to provide not only emotional support or encouraging words but also actions that’ll help sort out their problem.

Also, it’s a beautiful way to help them calm down a bit.

Take it easy on yourself darling, we’ve got each other, remember?

“Take it easy on yourself darling, we’ve got each other, remember?” is another beautiful thing to say to your lover who’s upset over something.

First, it reminds them to stop taking things out on themselves. Then reminding them that you’ve got their back reassures them of your love and support.

Your lover remembering that you’re there should help.

I’m here if you want to talk, alright?

Something you can say to remind your significant other that you’re there for them if they aren’t talking yet is, “I’m here if you want to talk, alright?”

Also, these words don’t pressure them to talk, rather they give them the space they need to be ready before opening up to you.

Don’t allow this to get to you, sweet, you’re bigger than this

“Don’t allow this to get to you, sweet, you’re bigger than this” is another encouraging line to say to your lover when they’re going through some challenges.

These words encourage them to be strong. Also, reminding them that they’re bigger than whatever they’re going through should boost their spirit.

Always remember that I love you and I’m ready to support you through anything including this one

“Always remember that I love you and I’m ready to support you through anything including this one” is another sweet way to encourage your partner who’s facing some challenges.

This line reminds them of your love and your readiness to stand by them. Also, it’s a great way to get them to share their problems with you if they’ve not done that.

Things to Say When Your Partner Is Upset


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