50 Things to Say to Someone Who is Struggling

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Things to Say to Someone Who is Struggling

Things to Say

As humans we tend to struggle at some point in our lives and that’s why it’s important to know how to handle the situation.

Perhaps you have a close friend, family member or acquaintance that is finding it hard to get back on their feet and you need soothing phrases that would help comfort them, then this article is what you need. 

In this article, I have decided to create a list of 50 things to say to that friend of yours that is struggling one way or the other. It’s important that you find a way to get them to think positively and not dwell on the existing problem. 

Whether it’s drawing quotes from motivational speakers, using analogies or offering to do something nice for them, this article will walk you through phrases that would best soothe the pain of someone who is struggling with life. 

Here is the list of expressions to say to a person that is struggling and probably needs help.

List of 50 Things to Say to Someone Who is Struggling.

  • The best fruits grow in the most unfavorable places, I believe that you are that fruit. Please [ the name of the struggling person] do not think that you are unlucky. 


  • I know that you can handle anything, if you need help, I am only one call away. Here is my number so that you can reach me, I will always pick up the call if it’s you. 


  • Better days are coming, do not give up. This might not be one of the better days, but that doesn’t mean that your better days aren’t going to come, it will!

Things to Say to Someone Who is Struggling

  • You might be struggling now but in no time, you will get a hang of it, please wipe away your tears for me, it doesn’t suit you. 


  • The most important thing is that you are alive and well…. There are a lot of people that dream to have a quarter of what you have right now, gratitude is everything. 


  • Do not let  this get you down, you are a fighter, you are the strongest individual that I know, so why on earth would you give up on this fight that life has with you? 


  • These are moments that you have to call on the lord to be your strength. Let me remind you dear brother, the lord will not leave nor forsake his own because he is too faithful to fail. 


  • My shoulders are vacant for you to lean on. You do not have to cry alone anymore because you have me by your side, I will hold your hand all through your struggles. 


  • I love you so much and it breaks my heart to see you this way. do not allow the mistakes to make you sad, it’s part of human nature, my dearly beloved. 


  •  I really can’t bear to see you go through this alone, how can I be of help? do not even  think about turning down my offer because I am determined to help you. 


  • How on earth did that happen? Tell me about it, I can’t help but want to hear what you have to say because I know how good of a person you are. 


  • It’s hard to keep going through this, is there a way I can assist you? I am willing to help you out so you do not have  to be shy to ask for help even though it’s financial in nature. 


  • That’s awful to hear, you are really strong and brave. It’s funny how I do not have that quality but I hope to learn that from you and to apply it to my life. 


  • One day, all of this would be a tale to tell other people, you are going to be an inspiration to other people, I am sure of that fact. Your story is a spectacular one to tell the world!


  • It’s part of the process, everyone starts from the bottom, even the world richest man starts from scratch on all his projects. If you want to be successful as well, you would have to be satisfied with starting small. 


  • Every successful person had to fail a couple times to get there. Even a baby before it walks starts crawling and then stands, falls a couple times before perfecting the act of the walking. Just because the child kept falling at the beginning, does not mean that the child should give up. 


  • You are an amazing person, this is just a test of time. Life itself is a test to all humans, all you have to do is determine in your heart that you want to pass the test excellently and you will. 


  • Do not get sad, you know that your happiness is important to me. How do you expect me to be in a good mood if you will continue to be hard on yourself this way. 


  • What exactly can I do or say that can make you feel better? Do you like food? I can cook something delicious for you or bake you a cake.  


  • I believe that you can push past this, you have done it before and you will do it again. This shouldn’t be something that would look like a challenge to you, even though you do not believe in yourself right now, I do. 

Things to Say to Someone Who is Struggling

  • You are a fighter so do not back down without putting up a fight. Only a coward runs when confronted, you have to hold the bulls by the horn, my love. 


  • You have such a beautiful soul, do not let [ the problem] ruin that. I know that you are tired of trying but you have to understand that giving up should never be an option for you. 


  • This is nothing compared to what you’ve overcome in the past. You have [mention previous accomplishments]  so why on earth would you think this problem is any different? You will overcome it!


  • Whatever happens, I will not abandon you. You were there for me when I needed you the most and it’s only fair that I do the same for you. you are not leaving my sight. 


  • Can I hug you please? I just would like you to understand that I am one of the hundreds of people who cares about you and wants to see you get back on your own two feet. 


  • Nothing is more important than you right now so I won’t leave your side. I will stay with you all through the day so that you do not feel  alone anymore, I can’t also help you practice to achieve perfection. 


  • Do not believe the lies that you can’t make it, you are a star. I know that you are talented, smart and have swag so do not allow anyone to tell you otherwise because I repeat again, you are a star!


  • I will always be proud of your mistakes because it makes me know that you are trying. At least you are giving yourself the opportunity to win by trying, compared to people who do not even try at all because they are so eaten up by fear.  


  • You will always be a friend that I cherish, no matter what happens. We’ve been together for a long time and I know what you are capable of, I know this is something that you can handle, all you need is to believe in yourself again. 


  • Could you let me know what the problem is, I might just be of help. I know that if I was in your shoes you would offer to do the same, that’s why I want you to tell me what the matter is so that I can help you. 


  • Wipe away your tears, the next time they come rushing down, it will be happy tears. You deserve all the joy in the world so I won’t allow anyone to hurt you anymore. 


  • You can’t allow [ the problem] to have the last laugh. You need to keep moving and doing the best you can, that’s the only way God can handle the rest. 


  • If you need a break, just say it and I will make that happen immediately. You deserve a break, you’ve been overworking yourself since I’ve known you and that’s why I want you to take a break today.


  • You are not a failure because you are struggling, you are only a failure if you quit. Struggling is the route to take to reach the destination of success so that means you are on the right track. 


  • I am pleased with every little accomplishment of yours, it doesn’t have to be a magnificent one. I am willing to celebrate all your wins with you even though you think it’s not significant enough.  


  • If you can get through this, you can get through anything, prove to yourself that you can. Now get up and let’s do this!  


  • you are the strongest person I have ever met, I admire that about you. I hope that one day you become a champion because you have all it takes to be one. 


  • Since you have gotten to this point, you should be proud and not have any negative thoughts about your future. Your future is bright and clear so you do not have to worry, I hope you take my advice. 


  • Keep moving, do not stop! I know how competent you are so why would I stop believing in you? You are made to be more than a conqueror. 


  • Remember that, if there’s no pain in the journey then there’s no gain in the destination. All that you are going through is a part of the process of being a giant. 


  • If I was you right now, I would pat myself in the back for trying. You didn’t make it this far because you had opportunities handed over to you, it’s because you worked hard to get to where you are today. Rise up and win! 


  • Life could throw big blows at you but you can give the biggest comeback. you are a fighter and you will be a winner at it. 


  • You do not have  to say negative words to yourself, there’s power in your tongue. You are a product of whatever you speak to yourself. If you speak positively to yourself, you grow and vice versa. 


  • People who struggle most are likely to come out on top of the tribulation. That’s why a flower that grows in the desert is a special kind. You are a special kind!


  • you are special and that’s why life is trying so hard to knock you down… you won’t quit right? Quitting isn’t the answer to your problems, not now that you are halfway there. 


  • Mention one successful person you know that didn’t struggle in the beginning. Even Elon Musk had to go through some struggles in the earlier chapters of his success story. 


  • These challenges are made to mold you and not break you. You are unbreakable, unbendable and uncrushable. I will not allow you to believe otherwise. 


  • Do you need me to send you some money to use pending the time you get back on your feet?  You do not have to refuse the money because I am willing to give it to you, it is not a loan. 


  • Weights are carried at the gym to build muscles, life’s problem is just weight to build your muscles and strength. You are designed to be a master at what you do so you shouldn’t be here thinking less of yourself. 


  • You are not a loser, you will make it to the finish line triumphantly. Hold your head up high and keep taking all the steps you need to take to get to the point that you reach your fullest potential.

Before I let you go…

I hope you are able to understand the power that lies in the tongue, you could use it to raise a person’s spirit up or to ruin it. 

Whenever you find yourself in a situation where you have to comfort someone, you can use any of the expressions that I have highlighted for you to do that.

I am sure that you would have them feeling comforted and more encouraged to not give up on what that goal that they are ready to accomplish.

Always remember that a friend in need is a friend indeed. 

Things to Say to Someone Who is Struggling


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