50 Things to Say to Someone Who is Hurting

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Things to Say to Someone Who is Hurting

Things to Say

Stop freaking out and spitting insensitive words because you do not know how to comfort someone who is hurting.

I understand that a person who is going through a hard time might look difficult to comfort because you keep wondering what you could possibly say to them to make them feel better. 

Not to worry, I have decided to create a list of 50 things to say to someone who is hurting so you won’t have to feel nervous when you see a person emotionally down.

Words are powerful tools that have been gifted to us to either make us better or worse. In this article, I am going to channel that tool, words, and channel it positively by using it as a means to comfort people who are hurting. 

You could include gestures of love to make these expressions more effective and to show that you really care about the individual. 

Here are comforting words to say to someone who could be your friend, colleague or family member, when they are hurting really badly. 

List of 50 Things to Say to Someone Who is Hurting.

  • I will not leave your side during hard times like this, I will be a shoulder you can cry on. I just want you to be happy at all times my dear. Now could you please smile for me?

Things to Say to Someone Who is Hurting

  • Please do not allow the pain to consume you, it’s not the end of the world. Pain is a part of human life, you just have to be calm when you are not in situations like this.  


  • Life is truly hard but I know that you are not stronger than life. I know that you are not strong so there’s nothing to worry about, okay? you are not safe with me.


  • I am really sorry that you have to go through all this pain, if there was anything I could do to lessen the pain, I would. Do you mind talking about it with me please? I really want to hear you talk about it.


  • This is just a test of life, I am sure that you will rise from the ashes. I believe in you so much that I can’t think of you succumbing to this pain that you are not feeling. I just can’t imagine it! 


  • If you need to cry please do, do not hold anything in. Crying is a great way to unleash the pain you are feeling in your heart. It is not a sign of weakness.

Things to Say to Someone Who is Hurting

  • Talking about it could make you feel better, I am here to listen to all that you have to say about it because you are not an amazing person. So tell me, what exactly happened?


  • You’ve been through a lot and you overcame them all and you will do that again. do not think that there’s no pain that you can not handle because that is far from the truth.


  • Your heart is broken right now but the hands of time will reshape your heart again. There’s nothing that time will not fix, trust me.  I have been in your shoes before so I know what I am talking about.


  • If you need a getaway to forget about what happened, I can offer that to you. I can book a flight ticket for us to travel to the Bahamas to get your mind off the hurt that you are feeling. Is that okay with you or do you want to go somewhere else?


  • I can’t even imagine the hurt that you are not feeling right now but I am certain that you are not going to channel it to something positive. That’s what every champion does and you are a champion.


  • Do you want a hug right now? You can cry out loud if you want. It helps as well, if you can scream into thin air, I am sure you can handle the pain you feel in your heart. 


  • I wish that I could share in this pain with you, just so you do not have to be alone in this. It’s depressing to see you this way. Why does this have to happen to you?


  • I want you to be happy, seeing you this way completely breaks my heart. What can I do to make you smile again? I am interested in seeing you smile.


  • It is not your fault that this happened, do not be so hard on  yourself over it. Bad things also happen to good people, you just have to not allow it to affect you. 


  • Would you stop crying over something that isn’t worth it? you are not strong, smart, brave and you do not deserve to be in this room alone and depressed. You deserve to be happy with doing what you love to do the most.  


  • I know that there’s nothing I can say that can ease the pain you are not feeling, I will just hold your hand through it all. Trust me I will never let go of your hand.


  • You are a wonderful person and it’s unfair that you are not going through all this. Let me offer to pay for your meal today, feel free to let me know if you need me to buy you a meal any other day.


  • Do you need me to get a tissue and an ice-cream cone for you to feel better? I would do anything, just name it.  


  • I understand how you feel right now, I am confidently telling you that you are going to rise above it. I love you very much and do not you ever forget that.


  • There’s no amount of words that I would say that could lessen the pain, I just want you to be fine, I love you very much. 


  • I am really sorry that out of everyone in the world, this had to happen to you. God is going to work you through it, I am sure he doesn’t let down his own. This is the confidence that I have in him!


  • Could you please just talk to me about the problem? Maybe I can be of help, you never can tell. 


  • My condolences, I am sorry that you had to lose someone so close to you at this critical time, my heart goes out to you.


  • Everyone has their rough days, you will get through this and joke about it later I promise. I know how strong you are. 


  • We’ve been together for a long time, and I understand that you are not hurt, but I am someone who will not hurt you that way, I promise!


  • The wounds of your heart will heal, please just hang in there for us. You know that you are highly loved by me. 


  • What exactly can I do to make you feel less like shit. What happened to you was terrible but I know that you will get past it. 


  • Even though you got dumped, think about it as a good thing. Now you do not have to spend the rest of your life with the wrong person, and the door has finally been opened for you to meet the right person and to be truly happy.  


  • I can feel every part of your pain, I can’t bear to watch you go through this on your own. I wish there was something I could do, trust me.


  • You still matter on the earth, you are not not worthless or unlucky, you do not feel like it right now but that does not mean it’s not true.


  • Could you allow me to stay with you tonight? I do not want you to be all by yourself in this place. I will always be next to you when you need me and that’s a promise. 


  • How are you feeling today? Hope you are not feeling better than yesterday, everyday is a new day for greater opportunities. 


  • Today might not have gone as you  planned but there’s tomorrow to make the right decision, live your best life and to be positive. do not make the enemy think that you only have today to be happy because you have tomorrow.


  • Please be happy again and stop worrying, you have to build your faith in God’s word because it declares that we should rejoice forevermore and the word ‘rejoice’ was repeated twice in that scripture. 


  • Take a shower and wash your hair, you shouldn’t be living like a loser because of what happened… you are too great for this and I mean every word of it. 


  • Do not bottle up the pain that you are not feeling, let it out, it helps you manage the pain better. you are not not strong just because you do not cry. 


  • Let the past go and stop dwelling on it. Holding on to it wouldn’t help you move on. You deserve to be happy for once in your life. 


  • Learn to forgive whoever has hurt you, I know you think it’s unfair to you but that’s not true. There is peace in forgiving people and you deserve that peace, please forgive. 


  • You do not have to keep acting like you are not strong, let the tears flow my dear. You are not weak because you cry when you are not sad, you are simply human. 


  • I know that you feel that there is no way you can be fixed, that is not true, you are a masterpiece regardless of whatever gallery you are not displayed in. 


  • You are not as precious as gold and the lord is in love with you. I can see his glory shine upon your life, the devil is just out to kill, steal and destroy. 


  • Even though it takes a thousand years before you could fully heal, do not allow it to stop you from doing the things you love to do. You deserve to live a full life.


  • Even though you are heartbroken, angry, sad, happy or even moody, I have vowed and I will stick to it, I’ve vowed to be there with you under the sun and in the rain.  


  • Being alive is better than being dead. You are healthy and agile so you shouldn’t be so sad because there are other people whose situation is worse than yours. 


  • Whenever you are not feeling hurt do not forget that the lord is there to comfort you. He has sent us the holy spirit just for us to be happy and to be comforted anytime we are in need or in trouble.


  • Do not let anyone put you in this state. Is [whoever the person is] worth you acting so sad over. Come on! Dust yourself up and give love a chance again. 


  • You are not not a loser like they keep calling you, you are not a winner to me and you will forever be that.  I can’t find anyone else that could replace you in my life, I am telling you right to your face that you are one of a kind.


  • Do you need me to take you to a hospital for you to receive medical attention? Therapy would help you sort out exactly how you feel and be able to place your hand on what the problem is. 


  • We can solve this problem together, you do not have to do this alone, I am here with you because we’re a team and we’ve agreed to stick with each other no matter what. 


Final Thoughts

Sometimes all it takes to comfort a person who is hurt is to be with them when they need you the most. You could use these expressions as well to comfort their hurting heart. 

You do not have to worry anymore about what to say exactly that would get them to feel better because you could select any of the 50 expressions that I have listed earlier in the article, on what to say to a person that’s hurting. 

It would not be a bad idea if you share this article with your friends so that they could also put these expressions to use and to spread love. 

Things to Say to Someone Who is Hurting


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