120 Things to Say to a Guy to Make Him Fold

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Things to Say to a Guy to Make Him Fold


Have you seen a guy you like, but you’re yet to get his attention? Are you looking for the right things to say to win his heart? 

First, most ladies find it hard to tell a guy they like him first, especially if he isn’t showing the same interest.

For some, they don’t have an idea of the right words to say without coming off as awkward. If you’re in this situation, I’ve got good news for you.

In this article, I have put together 120 things you can say to a guy to make him fold. Whether you want to send them as a text or say them right in front of him, you’ll have enough from our list to choose from.

120 Things to Say to a Guy to Make Him Fold

Below are 120 things to say to a guy to get his attention:


  • You’re the reason I can’t sleep well at night, your beautiful face fills my whole room.


  • I have never felt this way with any guy before, don’t you think it’s because we’re meant to be?


  • You’re the first person I think of after I wake up every day.


  • I thought I knew what love is, but meeting you has taught me that you can love someone more dearly every day.


  • You’re the missing puzzle my body has been trying to piece together, you’re the sun that brightens my day, you’re the reason I look forward to the mornings.


  • Seeing you makes my heart beat faster, reminding me that it’s the reason it’s beating in the first place.


  • With you I’ve found a place to call home, with you I see the reason to come home, with you I’ll always have a home.


  • Since I’m making the first move to win your heart, just so you know, you’ll make the first move for a kiss after I win your heart.

Things to Say to a Guy to Make Him Fold

  • I’m confident that I’ll win your heart because my heart has recognized that your heart is what we’ve been waiting for.


  • Nobody moves me like you do, you do it effortlessly without knowing about it. I hope you can see it.


  • Isn’t my love reflected in my eyes? Look deeply into my eyes and tell me what you see. Oh, you probably won’t, because you’re afraid you’ll fall in love with me too.


  • Now that you know how I feel, you’re probably not going to rest until you start feeling the same way too.


  • I was going to wait till you make the first move, but I know if you want something badly, you’ll go for it immediately.


  • Hearing your voice makes me excited. I don’t want you to stop talking, I might stop breathing if you do.


  • You mean so much to me. It’s hard to explain, but with every word, look, touch, and action, I’ll keep telling you until you’re full enough to give out your love.


  • My love for you will never go away despite how hard you resist it. I’ll work hard to imprint it into your skin, into your being, into your soul, until it becomes your essence.


  • When I look into your eyes, I see a depth waiting to be filled with my love, won’t you let me fill you?


  • Each passing day is a reminder that I’m closer to winning your heart, so I look forward to that day when you’ll call me yours.


  • I’m not bothered that you’re not reciprocating my love now. I’ll wait until you’re convinced that you can love me.


  • I sleep with the thoughts that one day you’ll call me yours. And that’s my peace.


  • With you, I’m reminded that dreams come true. I never knew you were my dream until you became my reality.


  • Looking at you I know your arms are my safe harbor. Won’t you let me in? 


  • I’m blessed to have you in my life. I don’t have much to request from the universe other than it keeps you in my life forever.


  • I never knew loving someone could be the sweetest thing ever until I met you and fell in love with you.


  • You’re more than everything to me. I smile with you every day. That’s how happy you make me.


  • I never knew the heart could enlarge until I met you. My love for you has filled my heart and it keeps expanding.


  • Every day I get to spend time with you is a treasure I’ll forever cherish. And I want to have it forever.


  • I never knew loving someone could get so deep until I found myself deeply in love with you, and yet I keep sinking every day.


  • It started with an attraction, to a deep crush, and now it’s a deep love. I don’t want it to end.


  • In you I have found a love so beautiful, with you I’ve found purpose, and I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you.


  • You’re hotter than chili pepper, yet I want to taste you and blend that hotness inside me.


  • You fill every part of me, now I can’t stop thinking about you, even at work. You’re my worst distraction, but I want this distraction.


  • You remind me of my future partner, it must mean something right?


  • I picture us together every day, yet I’m not a photographer. I think it means  something.


  • You must be related to Google because I find everything I’m looking for with you.


  • Now, I don’t have to think about what I want for Christmas or what I wish for on my birthday. It’s just simply YOU.


  • Is it Fall already? Because why can’t I stop falling for you? 


  • If kisses were rainfall, I’d send you a storm.


  • It drives me crazy when I’m not with you. Won’t you save someone from going mad? 


  • I love your lips. If you can’t give me all of you, at least give me your lips. I’ll teach it to speak love to me and I’ll always have it to kiss.


  • I crave for you more badly than I crave food and air, that’s how crazy I’m in love with you.


  • Oops! I know you must be staring because I no longer have my jaw. Yes, it just dropped.


  • If kissing is a love language, then be prepared for we’ll never run out of what to say.


  • If this love I feel for you is a disease, then I don’t want to be cured.


  • You’re driving me crazy with thinking about you. Can you put me out of my misery?


  • I have met a lot of people, but you’re the only that makes my heart melt and beat fast at the same time, and I’m not ready to ignore it.


  • I always smile sheepishly anytime thoughts of you fill my mind. People already think I’m crazy, but I don’t mind.


  • I don’t believe in magic, but I believe in miracles with you, and in the love that we’ll share.


  • I come out every night to look at the beautiful stars, and I’m reminded of you who’s even more beautiful than the stars.


  • I laugh when people talk about butterflies in their bellies. But when I first felt the flutter in my belly when I met you and the flutters afterward, I knew that I was housing a million butterflies that come alive in your presence.


  • I can’t stop myself from thinking about you and wishing to see you no matter how hard I try. I think you’ve possessed me.


  • You smell so good that your fragrance stays with me for days after seeing you. I think it’s now imprinted on my senses.


  • I’d keep talking if every word I say will bring out that beautiful smile on your face.


  • I think when God decided to create you, he planned to use you as a show-off to the universe.


  • Your cuteness drives me crazy. You should be arrested for being so fine.


  • Even though I’m not a scientist, I have been able to figure out the cause of the constant spike in temperature. 


  • You made my heart melt and I stopped breathing. But, I want to remain that way.


  • If I’m given a chance to do something out of this world, I’ll choose to rearrange the alphabet and put U and I together.


  • Do you think I’m a light switch? You keep turning me on with your eyes.


  • I get lost whenever I’m with you, and I want to stay lost with you forever.


  • I must be a bad shooter because I keep missing you no matter how hard I try.


  • I can’t get over your beauty, the outward one pulled me to you, and the inner one hooked me to you.


  • I know you don’t love me now, but just give me a chance to prove to you that you’ll want me as much as I want you very soon.


  • I feel you want my heart so badly as much as I want yours. Why not we make things easier and exchange hearts.

Things to Say to a Guy to Make Him Fold

  • I feel our heart beat as one whenever I’m close to you. You must feel it too, it’s not hard to miss.


  • I don’t know any pickup lines, I’d have brought a truckload of them. But I just want you to know what I want you.


  • I’m madly in love with you. You’re the only one that makes being mad fun.


  • My days of restlessness are over because I’ve found the one my heart beats for. Now, I can have my peace.


  • There is no music I want to listen to except your voice, there’s no book I want to read, except your text messages, there’s no taste I want to experience except your kisses.


  • Loving you is the best thing I’ll ever experience, being loved by you is the best gift you could give me.


  • The brightness of the sun during the day or of the stars and moon during the night cannot be compared to the love I have for you.


  • I can trade anything just to spend moments with you.


  • I thought being your best friend was enough, but now I dream of being a lover and yours forever.


  • You’re very beautiful, and your beauty rubs off on people around you and on the whole universe.


  • I bless the day I met you, you make love so beautiful.


  • I can’t stop thinking about you, even when I’m far apart from you


  • I don’t think I can spend a day without wanting to hear your voice. The sweetness in your voice soothes my soul.


  • I wish you knew how much your pretty smile means to me. I love seeing the dimples that brighten my day


  • I want you to know that I’ll never be too busy for you. You’re important to me and I’ll treat you as such


  • Even though you’re yet to look at me the way I look at you, I’ll not stop looking at you tenderly until you know how to tenderly look at me


  • You’re wrapped so tightly around my heart, that it aches when you don’t smile at me 


  • I’m your forever fan, I’ll keep rooting for you even though distance separates us


  • Just the thought of you brightens my face with a smile, it fills my whole heart with warmth and makes it beat faster


  • Whenever I close my eyes, I see you. I open them to chase you away, but I still see you


  • My crush for you has morphed into something too deep that I can no longer handle from a distance


  • I have tried my best to stay away from you but I can’t. I just need you to create a tiny space for me in your heart so I can survive


  • If your heart were a prison, I’d like to be confined to a life imprisonment in them. 


  • Your eyes must be filled with magnets, they keep drawing me to you by just looking into them 


  • Whenever I sleep I pray to dream about you. And during the day I pray my dreams turn into reality


  • Whenever I’m sad, I think about your smile, and play your voice in my head. Your smile lightens my mood and your voice soothes the ache in my heart 



  • Your personality is what attracts me to you. And now that I’m here, I no longer want to leave


  • You have a special place in my heart, and it grows bigger and bigger every day. I want you to come fill the place and make me whole


  • I long for you daily like the thirsty long for water. Won’t you quench my thirst?

Things to Say to a Guy to Make Him Fold

  • Meeting you gives me a reason to start my day knowing I get the chance to catch a glimpse of your face 


  • Loving you gives me purpose. And I’ll keep loving you irrespective of what you feel


  • Nothing you say will keep me far away from you. I’m like a bee attracted to honey, which is you


  • You have filled every part of me. I want it to remain so because I’m happier with you there


  • You’re like the missing piece I’ve been trying hard to find. Now, that you’re here, please remain and complete me


  • Every time I see your face, I’m reminded of how lucky I am to have met you and known you


  • I don’t think I can live without you and I’m sure you’re a kind person and you won’t let me die 


  • If I’m going to die, I’m glad that I’ll be dying knowing that I told you about my feelings


  • Each day is a reminder that I’m closer to winning your heart. Even though it takes me forever, I won’t stop trying


  • I don’t know how to do anything else except cherish the moment I spend with you


  • You’re like a streak of sunbeams on a cloudy day. Your presence means joy


  • I want to go everywhere with you. Even though you don’t talk to me, I want you to know that I’m there for you


  • Meeting and knowing you is life’s generous gift to me. I thank the universe daily they counted me worthy


  • If only you could look into my heart and get a glance at the depth of my love for you, you would take me more seriously


  • I can never grow tired of loving you. My love for you is eternal 


  • I pray every day that you get to look at me and see that I’m the one for you


  • I wake every day with a new belief that someday we’ll laugh over how you wasted time professing your love 


  • Your beautiful smile should be captured and placed in a public place for the whole world to see and appreciate 


  • Your charm is what got me. And the cute thing is that you’re unaware of the charm you possess 


  • Spending my day with you makes me complete 


  • I dream of the day you’ll finally call me yours and I get to call you mine 


  • I’ll treasure each moment I get to spend with you no matter how small


  • You’re the source of my joy, and I’ll spend every moment sharing my joys with you


  • I’m glad I got to know you. Now I know why I’ve never felt complete before now


  • Everyone has that one special thing. For me it’s you


  • I want you to love and trust my love for you. It’s not going anywhere 



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