125 Things to Say to a Guy to Make Him Blush

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Things to Say to a Guy to Make Him Blush

Things to Say

Are you looking for beautiful things to say to your boyfriend or husband to make him blush?

Or you probably have a crush on a guy and you need things you can say to him that’ll make him blush and fall for you?

Or do you want to tease your male friends with romantic words that’d make them shy?

Romantic words are great for expressing your feelings for someone you care about. Most men, no matter how hard they look on the outside, love to hear their woman say sweet things to them.

In this article, I’ll be compiling a list of beautiful things you can say to any guy to make him blush. Whether they’re your partner or just a friend, you’ll find the right words you need here.

125 Things to Say to a Guy to Make Him Blush

Below are 125 things to say to a guy to get him blushing:

  1. I love you more than I love pizza with all its delicious toppings
  1. Being with you is the best thing I need. I appreciate every minute spent with you
  1. I love your smile. It makes my day. I always want to smile whenever I’m with you
  1. There’s nothing hotter than you. I get so hot by just looking at you
Things to Say to a Guy to Make Him Blush
  1. Being with you, I’ve realized I no longer need much to make me happy. You’re enough for me
  1. Seeing you every day gives me happiness. I want every day with you
  1. I suggest you learn CPR because whenever I’m with you, my breath ceases
  1. I don’t care if you have a name. I’m calling you mine
  1. I’m so jealous of your girlfriend. If you make me this happy, then she must be dying of laughter
  1. I think you’ve got a gift for making people smile effortlessly. You should monetize this gift of yours
  1. I just checked my phone and I realized your name is saved as “mine”. I promised it wasn’t me, it must be autocorrect. But that’s fate, right?
  1. I see you in my future, it’s not a dream or a fantasy. It’s a strong feeling in my gut and my guts never lie. Let’s hurry and make the future now
  1.  Call me a smart thief because I’m about to steal your heart when you’re not looking
  1. You must be a dictionary because I find meaning in you
  1. Do you know how cute you are? The angels must be screaming in jealousy
  1. You’re so hot and spicy, you should have all the restaurants adding you to their menu
  1. You’re so hot, I’m sure the sun is screaming in jealousy
  1. Do you always smile whenever you read my text? Just so you know, I smile whenever I read yours
  1. There’s nothing I want so much more than spending the whole day in bed with you
  1. Are you related to the sun? You make me so hot
  1. As the days go by, I grow more in love with you every day. You’re easy to love and you’re the best thing to ever happen to me
  1. I miss hearing the sound of your laughter, I miss seeing your smile, and I miss your breath against my skin
  1. You’re the sweetest, funniest, hottest, and cutest person I’ve ever met
  1. Being your woman is the best feeling I’d ever ask for
  1. Knowing I’m yours makes me happy, knowing you’re mine is the best gift I’d ever need
  1. I love what we share. It’s like a candy with sweetness that spreads, but the difference is that it’s never going to end 
  1. I just want you to know that I can’t get enough for you. I’ve not stopped thinking about you even for a second
  1.  love you so much that if I’m asked to choose between you and different varieties of ice cream, I’d choose you
  1. I’m a hopeless romantic with you. You bring out every bit of me with you.
  1. I’m happy I get to experience love with you every day, I’m not sure what my life would be without you in it
  1. You’ve captured my heart, and the funny thing is I don’t want it back
  1. You’re the only thief I’m going to let go for stealing something precious to me. No, I think I’m going to sentence you to the prison of my heart
  1. Your smile is what I crave to see every day, your voice is what I long to hear every day, to drink of the melody of your voice and to drown in the brightness of your smile
  1. I wait for your text every day, you need to see the way they light up my insides and outsides 
  1. I’ll be forever grateful to the heavens for blessing me with you. You’re the evidence of God’s love for me
  1. I bless the day I met you. You came into my life when I had no idea of where I was going, but with you in it now, I have a direction
  1. See how cute you are. You need to compete with the world’s cutest creature. I know you’ll win because nothing can match your beauty
  1. Every day I get more crazily in love with you. You might need to hold me someday so I don’t go mad
  2. I miss seeing your handsome face and touching it
  1. You’re very precious to me. I don’t want to ever lose you, I won’t be able to handle it
  1. Your presence lightens the whole place. I’m the luckiest person in the world to be part of your space
  1. Are you a magician? Why do I get butterflies whenever you gift me with your presence
  1. I feel safer only in your presence. I want you to keep holding me and never get tired
  1. Your kisses are everything. I bet if the world were very simple, they’d line up for just a kiss
  1. I want to take you everywhere, I want to show the world you, I want to tell the world that you’re mine, and I want to make the world yours
  1. It’s amazing how I feel better with you. What have you done to me? 
  1. If you were a movie, you’d be my favorite, and I’ll never get tired of watching you over and over again
  1. Thank you for making me yours, and I’ll remain yours forever. I’m going nowhere
  1. I want to grow old with you, I want to make babies with you, I want to kiss only your lips till death
  1. My dreams are all about you. I think you have the gift of penetrating people’s dream world. I hope it’s only mine you invade
  1. You’ve been on my mind all day, I can’t wait to see you and inhale your sweet-smelling scent
  1. I love your scent, it follows me everywhere. Now, I can never forget it
  1. Wow! You’re freaking hot, I can’t get enough of you
  1. I love that face you make when you’re trying not to blush, it’s so cute. I want to see it every day
  1. It’s okay to blush when a girl tells you you are handsome. Don’t you know you’re the most cutest boy to grace this world
  1. You’re the flour in my pizza, you’re what keeps me together
  1. Do you have something sticky on you? Why can’t I seem to let you go?
  1. I want to let you know that you mean everything to me, and that means I’m not letting you go
  1. I’m grateful to God for blessing me with someone with a beautiful heart 
  1. I love it when you kiss me, can you remain by my side and kiss me forever?
  1. Knowing you remind me how lucky I am to have taken that step out of my house that day and met you
  1. If time could stop, I’ll remain in your arms forever. I feel so safe with you
  1. If I’m doing life again, I don’t want to do it with anyone but you. You’re my treasure, and I’m holding unto you forever
  1. Can I be your Juliet while you be my Romeo?
  1. I’m deeply attracted to you, I think you must be some kind of special magnet that I can’t seem to let go
  1. I appreciate you every day for being the man that you are. You’re kind and thoughtful, and the sweetest man on earth 
  1. You’re the last thing I think about before I fall asleep, you’re what makes my dream, and you’re the first thing that crosses my mind when I awake in the morning 
  1. I love everything about you: your nose, your eyes, your lips, but I think I love your smile the best. It enhances your beauty and beautifies my day
  1. I can’t wait to create memories with you, with your cute smile plastered everywhere
  1. Even after many years, you still make me hot with just staring at you
  1. I’ll be forever grateful to you for making me a better person and a much more happier person
  1. You’re my lucky charm and I don’t ever want to let go
  1. Your smile is the prettiest thing on earth, your face is the most beautiful to grace the world, and your voice is the best sound Earth will ever hear
  1. Holding your hands is like holding the world’s biggest treasure. I feel so lucky I get to hold it
  1. Your laughter fills me with much happiness, it’s like music to my ear, and my favorite sound
  1. Where have you been? I’ve been searching the whole for you my missing part
  1. You’re the man of my dreams, the man in my reality, and my man forever
  1. I’ll do everything to always put a smile on your face. It’s the prettiest thing on earth
  1. You’re so good at making my heart race and my belly flutter with butterflies. What are you? Some kind of cupid god?
  1. What I love doing the most is sitting beside you, holding hands with you, and hearing you talk all-day
  1. I cannot appreciate you enough for the joy you bring into my life and the laughter I share with you
  1. You’re beauty itself. Even without trying, your beauty radiates everywhere 
  1. Describing you as beautiful is not enough. You’re more than beautiful
  1. When you’re not with me it feels like a part of me is missing, and I remain restless until I get to be with you again
  1. You’re my best friend, my sweetest partner, and my love forever. I want everything with you
  1. I’m sure you turn heads by just stepping on the road, your handsomeness is stunning 
  1. You’ll always be in my heart. I’m not letting you go Cheers! To forever!
  1. I can’t wait to tell our children about us and how you easily I make you blush 
  1. You’re my king, my soulmate, my forever.  
  1. You’re the perfect man I could ever ask for. I’m sure other ladies will kill to have you to themselves. so, I’m glad you chose me
  1. Your charming smile races my heart and spreads warmth all over me. I want to bask in it all day
  1. My heart leaps for joy whenever your name pops on my screen. Only you have that effect on me
  1. What we share is the most beautiful thing. You make things so beautiful
  1. Thoughts of you make it hard to concentrate, the sight of you ceases my breath, and getting to feel you on my skin is eternal bliss
  1. You brought out the best part in me. I didn’t even know it existed until I met you
  1. Looking at your arms, they seem very large and look like they’ll fit perfectly around me
  1. Your eyes must be the most beautiful thing about you, the way you look at me makes me want to drown in them
  1. If I’m asked to drown, it’ll be in the warmth of your love
Things to Say to a Guy to Make Him Blush
  1. You’re the one for me, I’ll forfeit the world to be in your arms because in your arms is where my home is
  1. You give me a reason to want to wake up every day and step out of my house because that means seeing you
  1. There are likely thousands of angels, but I see only you. You’re my angel, the one for me, the answer to my prayer
  1. In my next life, I’ll choose you again because there’s no one else for me
  1. You’re more beautiful than the finest of flowers. They must be jealous of this much beauty you exude
  1. Life without you in it is like an unsharpened blade. Useless
  1. Life without you in it is like a broken sword. Pointless 
  1. What we share is too sweet that it gives me toothache, but I want it forever
  1. If chocolates knew how sweet you are, they’d give you the front of every shelf at malls
  1. Everyone knows happiness begins with H, but when I met you I knew how wrong they were because I realized that it starts with U
  1. Your parents must be wondering what you’ve done with me because I can’t seem to get enough of you
  1. Can you lend me a kiss? I promise you’ll get it back 
  1. You’re as hot as hell, Satan must be roasting in jealousy 
  1. Good morning sunshine, I want to remind you that you’re the most beautiful thing on earth
  1. From the moment I  set my eyes on you, I’ve been wondering how I have been living without you
  1. The bed feels empty without you in it. I can’t wait till when you get to take your place by my side every day
  1. Every morning after I wake, all I think about is when I get to be in your arms and kiss your lips
  1. I could hold onto you forever. You give me a kind of warmth I won’t get anywhere else
  1. Every time with you, it feels like I’m swirling in a dream, and I don’t ever want to wake from it
  1. With you by my side, I’m sure I can go through every challenge because you make me stronger 
  1. I love how you look at me, and how you hold me. I feel like it’s only you and I in this world
  1. Your presence is the cure for my sadness, it’s like a beam of light in a dark tunnel
  1. I feel lonely without you, I don’t want to be ever separated from you
  1. You’re the kind of drug I want to be addicted to, the type of drug I’ll gladly get high on, and the type of drug I’ll allow to cure me
  1. Why do you get so adorable daily? Just a moment of being with you, I can’t help falling in love with you all over again. It’s like a spell I don’t want to be free from
  1. You must have gone to school and gotten a degree of being the most adorable boyfriend. I’m glad I’ve got the best boyfriend in the world
  1. I’m so hungry right now, but it’s you I want to eat


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