50 Things to Say to a Friend After a Breakup

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Things to Say to a Friend After a Breakup 

Things to Say

Words like “You’re loved, and there’s much more to live for. Hang in there” and “If you need someone to talk to, I’m here” are some of the best things you can say to a friend who is going through a breakup.

However, remember that it’s more about being present, listening actively, and engaging with them than throwing advice at them. 

When my friends go through tough times like heartbreaks and breakups, I’ve been there for them.

And let me tell you, the best thing you can do isn’t always about what you say, although that matters too.

Just being there, inviting them out, listening when they need to talk, and keeping them busy can really help. That’s what has helped my friends in the past.

But I’ve also learned that words can make a big difference. There are certain things you can say that really comfort them. In this article, I’ll share some of the best ones.

Things to say to a friend after a breakup over text

Things to Say to a Friend After a Breakup 

  1. You’re allowed to be sad.


  1. I promise you’re so much better off.


  1. You won’t always feel this way.


  1. It’s OK to have a bad day.


  1. Rebounds are great (but only when you’re ready)!


  1. You are strong, capable, and deserving of love.


  1. You will come out of this experience more resilient.


  1. Remember that healing is not linear. It’s normal to have good and bad days.


  1. Be gentle with yourself and practice self-compassion during this time. 


  1. This breakup doesn’t define your worth.

Things to Say to a Friend After a Breakup 

Funny things to say to a friend after a breakup


  1. Remember when we talked about finding someone who’s ‘the one’? Turns out, they were just ‘the one’ to teach you what you don’t want!


  1. 1 Now you have more time to focus on your true love: Netflix.


  1. Don’t worry; we’ll find you someone who’s as extraordinary as you are… or at least someone who can make a decent sandwich.


  1. At least you won’t have to share your pizza anymore. Silver linings!


  1. Breakups are tough, but have you tried eating ice cream directly from the tub? It’s surprisingly therapeutic.


  1. Chin up, buttercup! Your ‘ex’ is in the past, but pizza and memes are forever.


  1. Remember, every breakup is just one step closer to meeting someone who’s not a total weirdo… maybe.


  1. See this as learning to ride a bike – you might stumble a few times, but eventually, you’ll master it and find someone who won’t let you fall.


  1. They say laughter is contagious, so let’s spread some joy and forget about that ex of yours.


  1. The silver lining? You can finally reclaim control of the TV remote.


Best advice for someone going through a breakup

Things to Say to a Friend After a Breakup 

  1. Give yourself the space and time you need to heal and figure out what you really want in a partner.


  1. When you’re feeling down, remember all the things that make you unique and different. You have a lot to offer, and someone will see and value that.


  1. Don’t forget you have friends and family who care about you a lot. They’re there for you, so don’t hesitate to lean on them when you need to.


  1. It’s okay to feel angry or sad, and it’s Okay to express those feelings in healthy ways. You can write about them, talk to someone you trust, or even speak to a professional if you need to.


  1. During this time, it’s okay to set boundaries with your ex and any mutual friends. Doing this can help you protect your feelings and focus on healing.


  1. Sometimes, it’s hard to get all the answers you want. It might be better to accept that some things won’t be clear and focus on what you can control.


  1. Try doing new things or taking on challenges that help you feel good about yourself. Think of this as a time to grow and learn more about yourself.


  1. It’s normal to have lots of different feelings while you’re healing, and you don’t have to pretend to be okay all the time. Be honest about how you’re feeling, even if it’s hard.


  1. Try not to compare yourself to your ex or their new relationships. Focus on your journey and go at your own pace.


  1. Time might seem slow right now, but it’s incredible how it can help heal emotional pain. Trust that things will get better with time, even if it’s tough to believe right now.

Comforting things to say to a friend after a breakup

Things to Say to a Friend After a Breakup 

  1. This is not your fault.


  1. You have every right to feel the way you think.


  1. You are not un-loveable.


  1. Do you need me to leave?


  1. Let’s eat ice cream and watch Netflix.


  1. What do you need from me?


  1. The pain will get past.


  1. You deserve better


  1. It’s ok to cry.


  1. I am here for you.

Worst things to say to a friend after a breakup

Things to Say to a Friend After a Breakup 

Some clichés can actually make things worse when you’re trying to comfort a friend dealing with heartbreak.

So, I’ve put together a list of 10 things you should avoid saying when talking to a friend after a breakup.


  1. There are plenty of fish in the sea!


  1. You’ll find someone else.


  1. They were an asshole anyway.


  1. You’re so much cuter than her.


  1. Couldn’t you have given them what they wanted?


  1. Everything happens for a reason.


  1. Just move on


  1. I’ve always known it won’t last long


  1. Life happens


  1. You could have spotted this mile away. 

Wrapping Up

The bottom line is to just be there for them, even if they’re not talking much. Your company alone can make a big difference.

They might need some space sometimes, but knowing you’re there is probably making them feel better.

Don’t advise unless they ask for it. Saying things like “Plenty of fish in the sea” won’t help right now. Your friend just needs time to feel sad.

And don’t talk about your own love life if you’re dating someone new. The person is not in the mood to hear about that right now. But don’t worry, they’ll be ready to hear about it eventually.

Things to Say to a Friend After a Breakup 


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