40 of The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships (As Seen On Social Media) 

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The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships


On today’s edition of stupid, stupider, stupidest, here are 40 of the stupidest ways people have ruined that beautiful thing called relationship. 

You’d be appalled. Or maybe you won’t, because you’re as guilty of ruination like the people that will be featured in this article.

Or you’re on the brink of desolating your own relationship. Whatever the case may be, none of the examples here should be emulated. 

As the world economy rocks all around us and people’s finances shred, so do relationships.

Most of the experiences here are from Reddit because most folks are more open about their relationships there. 

You’ll encounter the weird, the hilarious and the downright stupid in this article.

If you’re out of a relationship or looking to get into one, you might learn a thing or two about love here. And about yourself. 

Take my advice, read this article to the end, laugh but learn. Let’s go.

40 of The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships

1. She got upset because her boyfriend played a game with someone else. 

The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships

This dude and his girlfriend wanted to do stuff together so they started playing Diablo 2 together. Things were going well and peachy. She was unavailable for a couple of weeks or so.

Dude decided to play the game with one of his friends. Girl came back and got upset that the dude played with someone else. She complained that the game was special for her. 

2. She dreamed they got intimate. 

The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships

This couple’s relationship was ruined by a dream where the girl saw her and his boyfriend getting down, you know, intimately.

Apparently they’ve never been intimate which was how the girl wanted it to be. She was probably afraid her dream would come true. 

3. Girl ruined her relationship over bread.

The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships

The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships

Here is an example of epic relationship ruination. This relationship reported on Reddit was ruined by bread. A couple who decided to lose weight went out to eat.

They’ve agreed not to eat bread again. Girlfriend goes to the bathroom while the dude orders. Waiter brings bread but the dude tells her no need for bread.

Girlfriend comes back and throws an epic fit when she was told by the waiter her boyfriend didn’t want the bread. The relationship ended after that. 

4. Ruined it over a Mitch Hedberg joke

The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships

This guy said he told his girlfriend a Mitch Hedberg joke which went along the lines of him not having a girlfriend but knowing a girl who would get mad at him if she heard him say this. The girlfriend couldn’t take the joke and she broke up. 

5. She ruined it over a ferret 

The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships

This interesting ruination happened over a ferret, the girl’s pet. This dude and his girl were trying to get intimate and the girl’s ferret grabbed his dingdong trying to munch it off.

Dude grabbed the ferret and threw it across the room, scared for his precious dingdong. Girlfriend flipped off and threw him out. 

6. She ruined it over a blanket. 

The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships

Blanket. That’s what this girlfriend ruined her relationship over.

They were sleeping after a row. The dude grabs most of the blanket, the girlfriend complains and the dude says, “You deserve it,” and goes back to sleep. Girlfriend left before the dude woke up, breaking up with him via another friend. 

7. Cheering gone wrong.

The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships

In this story, the girlfriend was sad so the dude was trying to cheer her up. Girlfriend likes penguins so he sent her a photo of a penguin that he thought was sleeping in the picture.

Turns out it was a dead penguin. The relationship ended right after that. Stupidest. 

8. He ate chipotle without her! 

The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships

It was an argument over lunch that led to ruining this relationship. Girlfriend called boyfriend asking that they eat chipotle. Dude said he already had lunch but would eat chipotle with her.

Girlfriend begins to blow hot about how he should have eaten with her, planned his meals around her and many more. Dude had to let her go. 

9. Sniffing to lose weight.

The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships

This guy’s girlfriend was doing coke to lose weight, blamed it on the dude because the boyfriend loved how she looked.

Talk about a lack of accountability for your actions. Dude had to break up with her. 

10. She was simulating an eating disorder. 

The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships

This is one of the stupidest stories of ruining a relationship you’ve ever heard. This girlfriend wanted his boyfriend’s support on a diet that simulated anorexia. He refused. He broke up with her. 

11. They broke up over a parking spot.

The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships

If you think you’ve seen all the stupid, wait. This dude tells us how he broke up with his girlfriend over a parking spot.

He didn’t drive but his girlfriend does and she lives like a block from him. He has a parking spot that he sold to his neighbor for a pack of beer.

Girlfriend drives over one day to find a car in dude’s spot and there’s where everything goes up in flames. Read the rest in the screenshot—

12. Should have saved a dollar to sponsor a child instead

The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships

This relationship ended because the dude thought her girlfriend ought to have spent the $1 she bought chocolate with on a child who needs sponsorship. 

This is weird because how was this girl supposed to know about kids needing sponsorship? She just wanted to make her boyfriend happy. 

13. Caught ‘hypocriting.’ 

The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships

This relationship ended for the stupid reason that a girlfriend who succumbed to masturbation using a dildo thought her boyfriend was unfaithful because he masturbated too.

They had decided to stay celibate until marriage, apparently. 

14. Ruined a relationship over a virtual relationship. 

The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships

Online connections can be stronger than you think. Or maybe folks are just plain stupid.

This man’s 42 year old wife fell in love with a 17 year old that she still hadn’t met at the time the report got to Reddit. The marriage sure had ended by then. 

15. The movie did it in.

The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships

A Walk To Remember is a dope movie. If you’re not gully enough, you’d surely shed some tears. Dudes need to understand that the women folk are different. They internalize stuff they see in movies.

Men however, thinking logically, are able to come away from watching a movie with their minds intact. It is for this reason that when the dude in the screenshot below joked about a terminal illness, the girlfriend couldn’t deal.

16. Ruined it over a marriage proposal. 

The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships

This one was technically ruined by someone else, not either of the partners. It counts, though. So it happened that the girlfriend here answered a call from her mom.

Boyfriend overheard her mom making reference to how dude hasn’t even proposed yet. And they were 19. 

17. She ruined it because she didn’t want to ruin it. 

The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships

In this weird case, a girlfriend who had a habit of getting-up-falling-down drunk broke up with her boyfriend because she ‘didn’t want him to see her in her weakest state.’ 

She broke up even though the guy didn’t even mind being the one to clean her up every time.

You’d wonder if she was planning to clean her act. And if so, why not stay and do it with the guy who practically has your back all the time? Folks will surprise you all the time. 

18. He didn’t like that she was happy.

The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships

Happiness is infectious. Sometimes it isn’t. For some partners, your happiness irritates them. In the case below, the boyfriend was horrified that his girlfriend acted childish over a song.

Childish means dancing to music she loves. What we learned  here is, someone can break up with you because you’re ‘too happy.’ 

19. Breaking up over walking speed

The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships

The world never runs short of stupid breakup reasons. Makes you question the nature of stupidity in relation to love. Some say for your relationship to work, one or both partners must be stupid.

How does one cope with the stupidity of their partner? In the case shown here the couple broke up because one was walking faster or slower than the other. 

20. A Time Debacle 

The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships

Let me give you a summary after which you’ll read the screenshot below to get the full story. This breakup below reeks of repressed trauma or a chronic issue of immaturity.

It was a simple misunderstanding over time stamps on the phone.

The girlfriend made the mistake but becomes unduly suspicious of the dude. Now you can read: 

21. He thought he was the hulk.

The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships

This breakup happened because the girlfriend couldn’t focus on watching Star Wars with him. This one makes you wonder if the dude loved Star Wars that he does his girlfriend.

Doing stuff together is great. Doing it with a nut case is dangerous. They just might be the incredible hulk. 

22. Dumb preferences 

The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships

This particular case made this list because we need to laugh a little. Dude broke up with a dumb girl because she was too dumb—that’s at least what I got from the story.

He’s been dating smart girls and got tired of it. He decided to try a dumb girl but haven gotten used to smart ones for so long, he was 

23. Oh Matt, Oh Matt!

This breakup happened over a stupid reason, and a funny one too.

Due to a cold that changed her voice into a guttural one, this girlfriend’s moans during intimacy sounded like a boy’s name. Her boyfriend got it all wrong and broke up with her after.

What we learn from this episode is that when communication fails, all else follows. As much as possible, partners must never neglect clear communication and seek to understand each other. 

24. Directions that took her out of the relationship 

The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships

Simple things like a joke can lead to a breakup too. It’s stupid but then it happens.

It’s also amazing how people’s interest in their partner just goes off like a lightbulb. In this case the boyfriend was only trying to be funny.

She took it the wrong way and never talked to him again. Wild. She got lost literally and never found her way back to him. 

25. Let exes stay exes. 

The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships

This dude did the most stupid thing—he tried to get back with his ex without finding out if the ex wanted him back. He stayed in touch with his ex after that one moved away.

And when this ex moved back to town, he quickly dumped his girlfriend to get back with the ex. Wrong move. 

26. Another dumb one

The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships

This dude was pissed off because his girlfriend couldn’t process the geometry of pizza slices. This is a stupid reason to ruin a relationship.

Or did the girl ruin the relationship? At any rate, not everyone has the sense for math, which is what the problem was here. 

27. She wanted a mind reader. 

The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships

As sad as this case is, most guys can relate to it. Most people who suck at communication in relationships are women. This is because they have this weird belief that as a dude, you ought to know what they’re thinking.

They practically want you to read their mind, making you jump through hoops in the relationship. 

28. A hungry man, an angry man

The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships

If you have cuddled your partner’s bad habit for so long, you’ll suffer the kind of consequence this dude experienced in this example below.

They’ve been having a fight so they decided to go to a movie. After the movie the dude got hungry and asked his girlfriend if she wanted to eat too. She said no.

They went to Chili’s and he ordered but went to the bathroom to clear out some room. When he came back his girlfriend had devoured the burger and left some fries. He didn’t want the fries.

He was mad. I guess they ended things that night. Why do girls do this thing where they eat your food after saying they’re not hungry? 

29. Dude with a low self esteem. 

The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships

Feelings of low self esteem can impact a relationship terribly. If such feelings are not addressed you’ll have the kind of consequence shown below.

This couple were both bipolar. The dude is the one with the low self esteem and would always question the girls motive for being with him.

Eventually the girlfriend got tired of the incessant questioning and walked away. He wrecked his relationship with self doubt. 

30. He thought she was childish. 

The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships

Years of bad habits turned up in this one. The girlfriend here seems to be a daddy’s girl who still bickered about gifts from him. This attitude irritated the boyfriend and dumped her. What broke this relationship?

It wasn’t the dude. It was the girlfriend’s childish attitude. The girl was 23. She was old enough to handle gifts from her father maturely. The guy also complained that she was controlling. 

31. Same taste in everything

The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships

This couple’s example shows that having everything in common with your partner isn’t a guarantee that your relationship will succeed. As they say, opposites attract.

The attraction comes from giving your partner something to be excited about, something to learn.

In the case below, they were so alike down to having the same taste in women. This was what likely broke the camel’s back. 

32. It was the rush. 

The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships

This guy ended his relationship stupidly when he argued with his girlfriend over the pace at which Beethoven played the cello.

This thing usually happens in relationships where partners get into a harmless argument. But this argument soon transforms into a huge emotional explosion. Ego creeps in and they break up.

The good thing here is the dude learned from it. Hopefully he didn’t repeat the pattern in his next relationship. 

33. The Jealous boyfriend 

The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships

Jealousy ruins relationships too. Take this one below where the boyfriend found out his friend was asking his girl out. He broke up with her. 

There’s another side to this story. Did the girlfriend somehow invite the interest of her boyfriend’s buddy? This happens too where a girl actually likes her boyfriend’s buddy and flashes the greenlight. 

34. She was underaged anyway

The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships

This dude’s breakup made this list because everyone needs to understand that dating underaged people is dangerous for anyone. You could go to jail for a long time.

This supposed boyfriend, 18, broke up with his girlfriend, 16 because her mother ‘wasn’t exactly fond of him.’ 

He shouldn’t have dated the girl in the first place. He was barely over the underage line himself. 

35. Boss at the barn

The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships

The girlfriend here ruined the relationship, but with the helpful connivance of the boss at the barn.

It is my theory that this relationship hit the rocks the minute the girlfriend stepped foot in the barn and saw the boss at the horse barn. Likely, they became close due their shared interest.

I also think the girlfriend manipulated the situation against his former boyfriend. He was supportive of her interests. Did she want him to change his interests for her? 

36. Broke up over Red Lobster.

The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships

We have a new contender for the stupidest ruination story on the stupid-O-meter.

This story is a one-liner, and that’s why I love it—apologies to the dude. It is probably as short as the life span of the relationship. It was such a convenient breakup it’s almost fiction.

But as you know, excuses for breakups are not in short supply. Did the girl love Red Lobster that much or were there other issues? 

37. She does have a good point

The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships

This breakup raises questions about the boyfriend’s choice of music. It’s a stupid reason to break up.

You only need to check the lyrics to the song Should Have Stayed in The Shallows to understand the girlfriend’s reservation.

That song graphically describes the murder of a girl at the beach, and suggests the use of drugs by ‘spiking drinks.’ 


38. Political differences 

The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships

Politics was the problem. This girl feels very strongly about her boyfriend’s political choice. I imagine that if Trump eventually doesn’t go to jail quite a number of relationships are going to get ruined. 

39. Because she was ‘stupid.’

The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships

This dude here broke up with his girlfriend because she was a mushy one.

It’s impossible to tag the girl stupid based off this one incident mentioned here. People cried when they first saw the Titanic movie and many other films like.

I think we can understand how someone can feel this way about a TV show that goes on for months. Viewers can become attacked to the characters. 

40. Break-up over a movie. 

The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships

This is yet again a breakup that shouldn’t have happened. The issue was simply a difference in preference. People don’t feel the same way about movies, sure. 

The fight after the breakup was uncalled for and is a signal that there were underlying conditions. 

In the final analysis 

Relationships take a lot of work. Not everyone is able to put in this work. And sometimes even with your best efforts, you still get dumped for the stupidest reasons.

A failed relationship gives you the opportunity to reflect on what went wrong and how to prevent or deal with mistakes like that in the future.

If you’re lucky, you’ll meet a great person and make a great life together. While you wait your turn to meet this great person, allow yourself some lighthearted reading with articles like this. 

The Stupidest Ways People Ruined Their Relationships


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