70 of The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced ( as seen on social media)

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The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced


Divorce is what—usually—occurs when a marriage relationship has collapsed beyond repair.

The reasons for divorce can range from serious issues like domestic violence to spousal infidelity. 

At times it can be due to less grave reasons that concerns finance, inability to have children and so on.

Even lesser grave reasons have led to divorce. Reasons you might refer to as being stupid. 

This article contains a compilation of 70 of the stupidest reasons we found social media detailing why couples got a divorce. 

Table of Contents

70 of The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced 

1. He hogged the blankets

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

Couples have divorced for workaday reasons. Here is an example where the partner complained that his wife hugged the blanket so he sought the divorce solution.

Safe to say, women hug the blanket at night. It’s a stupid reason to get a divorce however. Getting a separate blanket could have easily solved this issue. 

2. She always left the cap off the toothpaste.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

Married couples often have to live with annoying quirks by their spouses. Leaving the cap off the toothpaste is one of those.

Other people’s quirks drive you crazy than your own. This is not enough to seek a divorce though. As you may suspect, other underlying reasons may be responsible. 

3. He thought the TV remote was his personal property.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

Predictably, the TV remote can be the cause of strain in the living room.

Couples often have to duel over who runs the kingdom in that part of the home. But it’s one of the stupidest reasons to get a divorce. 

4. She spent too much money on shoes

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

Finance is another serious issue that may cause a strain in marriage. When properly managed couples often find a way to get by and be happy.

At other times it’s a stupidest reason to seek a divorce like in the case below where a husband accuses his wife of spending too much on shoes. 

5. He snores too loudly.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

Living with a loud snorer can be a torture. There are treatments however to help deal with it. Rather seek a divorce for this stupid reason, get help at the hospital.

According to what we found on social media, some spouses don’t have the patience. 

6. She always wanted to watch rom-coms.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

It is true that some men find romantic comedies lame and the characters insufferable. Women on the other hand are a different breed—they want to watch rom-coms all day if they could.

It’s understandable how this can cause a strain. But not enough for a divorce. 

7. He refused to do the dishes.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

Married people spend half of their lives doing chores. If they have kids, it doubles how many chores they have to do.

The home front is kept from falling apart this way. But not all spouses want to pick their end of the couch on this. 

8. She was allergic to his pets.


For some folks, pets have the same priorities as humans. The existence of pets in the home can cause a rift in your relationship if boundaries aren’t adequately spelt.

Some have allergies to cats or dogs. Here’s where compromise comes in if the couple loves each other enough. 

9. He loved video games too much.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

What rom-coms are to women, games are to men. Playing games is a hobby for some men, and they’d play it alone or with their buddies all day.

This sure can drive a wife nuts. But not enough to lead to divorce in a healthy marriage relationship. 

10. She was a morning person; he was a night owl

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

Temperament can have a lot to do with whether you’d be happy in marriage or not.

If one of you keeps the lights on while the other needs to sleep, this can lead to strains in your relationship. This issue can be solved easily if either learns to compromise. 

11. He couldn’t resist playing pranks on her.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

Marriage can become boring, which can lead to a strain in itself. Some couples try to spice it up but when there’s other deeper issues, such efforts can go to waste.

We think this is what happened in this case where the husband pranks his wife and it leads to a divorce. 

12. She took too many selfies.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

Another quirk here. Some partners, especially women, have a thing for pictures. They can’t stop taking selfies, even in the most precarious locations.

They whip out their devices and begin to snap away. Husbands who are camera shy have this to deal with. 

13. He was a bad cook.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

Cooking is not the domain of all spouses. Some enjoy it as a chore, others as a hobby, while some would rather eat takeout.

Some partners value home cooking but couldn’t even cook to save their own lives. This too can shake things a little bit. But not enough to cause a divorce. 

14. She was a neat freak.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

Couples also have to deal with each other’s extremes. It’s all part of being human. Not everyone has learned balance in their lives.

With time, couples often come to appreciate each other’s extremes or simply live with it. But apparently, this too has led to divorce for some. 

15. He loved his mother too much.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

Generally, in-laws can become a burden when your relationship with them is not properly managed. 

Men usually get along well with the parents of their wives. It’s women and their husband’s mom we have to worry about. Getting a divorce for this reason is stupid though. 

16. She had too many hobbies

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

Without hobbies, life would be bland. Some partners want a spouse who holds their own at a job. Or at hobbies. Some partners want to have fun with these hobbies together.

Then you have this particular person who divorced because his partner had too many hobbies. 

17. He was a sports fanatic

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

If you are a sports lover, maybe you could see how being a fanatic could be a problem in marriage.

When a wife begins to think she’s in a competition with her husband’s sports team. They could have talked about this. Or maybe they did and he refused to adjust. Still—

18. She loved shopping too much.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

This has to be a problem that is tied to other problems. A couple’s finances could suffer if one partner spends recklessly. Still couples can talk things out, adjust and continue to enjoy their union. 

19. He was a couch potato.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

A couch potato is a terrible thing to be, admittedly. But being this is only a sign of other fundamental problems.

Therapy can solve this problem. Maybe this couple’s finances began suffering for this reason. It’s a stupid reason to divorce though. 

20. She always wanted to go on adventures; he preferred staying home.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

This is like the couple where one is a morning person and the other is a night owl.

One partner here loves the outdoors and the other just wants to stay indoors. Folks should learn to choose better. 

21. He insisted on wearing plaid with stripes.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

This one right here tops the stupidest reasons a partner divorced their spouse.

This is the lamest way to leave a marriage ever. Hopefully, the partner here takes time to think about their priorities in life. 

22. She always puts the empty milk carton back in the fridge.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

We can all agree how doing this can be annoying—returning the empty milk carton back in the fridge. It belongs in the trash, not the fridge.

It makes you think there’s milk when you should buy more. Yet, if you love your wife simply buy more milk and take the empty carton. 

23. He was obsessed with his fantasy football team.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

Not a real team? Okay, this one is tough to adjudicate. A real team would have been easier to deal with than a dream one.

If it’s the Spurs, you could turn off the TV. Maybe the husband here could have been helped with therapy. 

24. She loved singing in the car; he hated her singing

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

She was singing off key and enjoying it? She was louder than the engines and the stereo? Which is it?

Have you always wanted to get a divorce or what? Things could have gone differently with this one. He could have just tried to block out her voice. 

25. He thought pineapple belongs on pizza.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

And he made you eat it? This is a tough one. It’s easy to see how this could make someone lose faith in humanity and seek a divorce. That it happened at all is a terribly stupid thing of itself. 

26. She was a hoarder; he was a minimalist.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

This right here is a simple manifestation of men and women personalities. Men have always been known to be minimalist, they get by on little.

And women, being nurturers, love to hoard for the rainy day. It’s about having enough for the family. This shouldn’t have been an issue. 

27. He snorted when he laughed; she found it annoying.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

This tweet drew a lot of laughs too. And Twitter being the fun place that it is, the tweet gathered comments from folks who also agreed this shouldn’t have resulted in a divorce. 

28. She loved cats; he was allergic.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

Some allergies can cause other life threatening illnesses. People live with cat allergies.

No one has ever died from it. This partner here must have other issues with his ex wife. What they needed was compromise. 

29. He was a morning radio DJ; she hated his jokes.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

So I wondered if he was doing his DJ thing before they got married, or he picked the gig up after. 

Many times, you need to look below the surface to see what the real issues are. Not finding your husband’s jokes funny is a sign of a bigger issue. 

30. She loved spicy food; he couldn’t handle the heat.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

The partner who loves spicy food here is either Asian or African. Whatever the case, it is odd that people would get a divorce because they couldn’t handle spicy food.

But it happened, unfortunately. This is why the tweet made it to this stupidest list of excuses for divorce. 

31. He was a slow walker; she was a speed walker.

Walking? Y’all divorced over differences in walking speed? There has to be a deeper problem with this couple. To be fair, what you take for granted, others prioritize.

Weird things happen in marriages and people get offended over inanities. 

32. She loved reading books; he only read video game manuals.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

The rift here is understandable: conflict of interests. But this happens all the time, even with the most compatible couples.

There’s no total compatibility, and in fact, the disadvantages of it far outweighs the advantage. 

33. He thought the toilet paper roll should go over; she thought under.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

It was about toilet paper with this couple. Toilet papers end up in the trash or down the toilet drain.

When this couple’s marriage ended, it is my hope that they came to their senses and saw how senseless it was to end it over a piece of paper worth shit-all. 

34. She loved karaoke; he hated her singing (again!).

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

Singing should be a happy activity. When the relationship has gone sour, a partner’s beautiful voice grates the ears.

Maybe this couple had a karaoke machine in their home and the partner dogged him endlessly with her hoarse singing.

No partner is perfect. He should have found a way to annoy her back. 

35. He was a news junkie; she avoided current events.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

TV wars, and the living room is the battleground. Men love listening or watching the news, or sports. Women love rom-coms or reading romance novels.

These things aren’t deep. They only show how men and women are different from each other. It’s not enough for a divorce. 

36. She loved shopping at thrift stores; he hated secondhand clothes.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

The problem here is an underlying principle of not wanting second hand clothes. Maybe this made the partner here feel poor.

They may have been irritated by simplicity. This grudge with simple things isn’t supposed to lead to a divorce. 

37. He was a neat freak; she was a creative mess.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

In this tweet a man reports the rare situation of his former wife being a creative mess. The tweet lacked details.

Marriage mates compliment each other. Where one is a neat freak, the other is a mess creator. How do folks not think of marriage this way? How can they forget no partner comes perfect? 

38. She loved watching cooking shows; he hated cooking.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced


We are down to the stuff that should keep couples together but somehow has become excuses for divorce.

This is a simple difference in interest. The tweet was by a woman whose husband hated cooking. The woman must have felt unsupported by the man. 

39. He thought the garage was his personal space; she thought it was storage.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

The garage is in dispute here. Unfortunately the couple couldn’t reach a middle ground on what the purpose of the garage was.

The man considered it his personal fiefdom while the wife thought it was the storage. Was the man always hiding from his wife in the garage?

40. She loves surprise parties; he hates surprises.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

If she loved surprise parties, it must be that she was throwing one every time for the husband who hated surprises.

We have to admit that if your partner isn’t comfortable with surprises you should stop surprising him. 

41. He thought the TV show “The Office” was boring; she loved it.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

Could this have happened? Could a divorce have ensued from a TV show? Well, we’ve seen people getting divorced over toilet paper, so expect the worst.

They could have gotten an extra TV for her or him. Something could have been worked out. 

42. She was a fan of heavy metal music; he preferred classical.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

Music should unite people, and it does. Like sport should, and does. Sometimes humans just act like humans and throw away relationships for stupid reasons.

Music preference influences who we associate with. This couple could have worked things out. 

43. He loved playing the accordion; she hated the sound.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

The sound of an accordion is beautiful. How could anyone not like it? Did this husband play the accordion just to annoy his wife?

It is difficult to build interest in things like this once you hate them. It’s like asking someone to like metal music just by listening to it. 

44. She was a vegan; he was a meat-lover.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

First, these two should not have married each other if the vegan is truly vegan. Maybe the wife here is a fanatic vegan, the sort that interviews people on the street about their meat habit.

If so, she must have been trying to convert the ex husband. 

45. He thought the bathroom mirror was his personal property.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

Is it possible the ex husband wanted a divorce but didn’t know how to get it? Taking the mirror off the wall and going around with it is suspect.

The mirror belonged on the wall of the bathroom. This spouse clearly brother this stupid divorce on himself with this weird behavior. 

46. She loved taking selfies; he hated being in photos.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

Yeah, true, many spouses, men, get dragged into social media photos. These men often don’t like featuring in these shenanigans.

Somehow, this reluctance makes it even more intriguing for the women. They like to laugh about how their man hates being in their unaware selfies. 

47. He was a fan of science fiction; she preferred romance novels.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

Both loved books, but different genres. This variety is healthy for marriage. These two didn’t handle their differences properly. Did they only talk about books? Didn’t they have other things in common? 

48. She loved going to the gym; he hated working out.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

This is another stupidest reason to get a divorce. Couples can’t always do everything together. You can be married and have a life outside of it. For example, a husband can love pottery. His wife doesn’t have to join him. 

49. He thought the laundry was her responsibility; she thought it was his.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

Chores again. This is what happens when a radical feminist marries a traditional man. It’s stupid to divorce over who should do the laundry.

Most importantly, partners should talk about ideologies before getting married. 

50. She loved watching sports; he hated competition.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

How can he hate competition? A man’s life is lived competing with himself or his goals. And how come this guy hated sports? Weird. Still, this is a stupid reason to get a divorce. 

51. He was a fan of spicy food; she preferred mild flavors.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

Spicy food is good. The issue here is, if your spouse hates it, meals become a chore because you can’t share.

There’s no perfect marriage, this everyone knows. This could have been an interesting marriage. 

52. She loved going to the beach; he hated sand.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

The beach? This couple divorced because they couldn’t agree on sand? Did the man suffer from some sand allergies? Was his life in danger from sharks that wander far into the shore? This is stupid, to be honest. 

53. He thought the remote control was his personal remote.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

Again, the remote control is in dispute. A little variation here though—he thought the remote was his own. He likely questioned his wife whenever she touched it.

Or when he’s at work, the wife has to call on the phone to ask if she could use the remote for a second. Or he took the remote to work. 

54. She loved reading comic books; he thought they were childish.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

Did you folks have kids? Did your kids read comic books? This couple could have at least reached a middle ground on comic books for the sake of the kids, if they have any. 

55. He was a fan of country music; she preferred pop.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

Hw can’t hate all pop music, and she can’t hate all country music. It’s not possible. This is one of the stupidest reasons to get a divorce.

It’s not even possible to even love every song in your favorite genre. 

56. She loved taking naps; he hated sleeping during the day.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

In marriage, even sleeping schedules can present a challenge. If she’s taking a nap maybe it’s because she’s been overworked.

And if she does this all the time, rather than fault her, find out why. Marriage mates need to support each other. 

57. He thought the kitchen was his personal cooking lab.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

The kitchen is a part of the home where meals are made. Other fun things can be done there too. This ex wife didn’t explain what cooking lab means. 

58. She loved going to museums; he hated art.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

So what? A simple solution to this would have been do something else that you both enjoy.

Or she goes to the museum alone or with her girlfriends. It’s the stupidest thing to divorce on the basis of his hate for art. 

59. He was a fan of playing video games; she thought it was a waste of time.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

This could happen where the wife feels unloved because games are taking too much of the husband’s time. If the husband loves the wife though, he’d adjust and make time for his wife. 

60. She loved going to concerts; he hated loud music.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

She’s a club girl? Where did you find her? You didn’t know there would be nights of dancing to loud music? Man, you ought to know what you were getting into. You married just to divorce. 

61. He thought the perfect pizza topping was anchovies; she thought it was a crime against humanity.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

It could be that the constant sight of anchovies on pizza drove her insane. She didn’t want to live with that the rest of his life if he continued doing it. What a stupid reason to get a divorce. 

62. She loved collecting antique teapots; he thought they were dusty relics.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

Maybe the garage flowed with antique teapots. Man couldn’t have the garage to himself when he wanted. Now what did she collect teapots for? Weird reason to end a marriage though. 

63. He was a fan of extreme ironing; she thought it was a ridiculous hobby.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

Little things can tick some people off. A woman can become neurotic over a chore that husband finds extremely enjoyable—like ironing the same shirt until it’s as flat as a dollar bill. 

64. She loved watching cat videos; he thought it was a waste of time.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

What! There has to be more than the cat videos. Did she meow like a cat after a while? Did she start exhibiting cat ways? She grew whiskers? 

65. He thought the ideal vacation was a camping trip; she preferred a 5-star resort.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

Finances is what struck this marriage out of the water. Not the choice of vacation.

Usually partners avoid opening up the real issues because it’s difficult to look at a mirror that’s got your face looking back at you. 

66. She loved reading romance novels; he thought they were too sappy.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

It can be disheartening to hear someone you love berate your choice of books.

Especially if reading is something that defines your core as a person. It can hurt and one is prone to take it personally. What a stupid reason to get divorced! 

67. He was a fan of playing the harmonica; she thought it was ear-piercing.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

Music is powerful. By now you can see the influence it can have on a marriage union. In this case a harmonica caused a couple to get a divorce. Hopefully this is all there was to it. 

68. She loved going to yoga classes; he thought it was too slow-paced.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

Challenges arise when a spouse is trying to force their partner to join them in a hobby they love. This is perhaps what happened in this marriage seeing as the man is the one who filed. 

69. He thought the perfect pet was a snake; she thought it was slithery and scary.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

Aw, man. You can dig what terror this most has been for this spouse if you’re scared of things that slither. Love should have won—toss the snake, keep your wife. 

70. She loved collecting vintage clothing; he thought it was old and outdated.

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced

People with these quirks have risen in number since COVID hit earth. If you took a COVID shot, you’re likely to exhibit this sort of quirk where you collect vintage clothing just to store them. 

Final Thoughts 

It was a hell of a ride to get here, I know. Had to share the horrors of the stupidest reasons people divorced with you. Couldn’t see it alone.

Hopefully, you’ve learned a thing or two about quirks and the ones you should never have or your spouse will leave you. 

The Stupidest Reasons Why People Got Divorced


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