15 Signs You’re Dating a High-Value Woman

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Relationship Advice

Let’s face it: it can sound dehumanizing to try to put women (or men) into “high-value” or “low-value” boxes.

Many men simply want a woman they are attracted to and like being in the company of. It can be really that simple.

However, if you’re serious about spending the rest of your life with a woman, there are certain qualities or traits you’d want to see. These factors are what you can constitute to say she’s a high-value woman to you.

In this article, we will discuss some qualities you can look out for in her to affirm that you’re indeed dating a high-value woman.

15 Great Ways to Know You’re Dating A High-Value Woman

Most women believe they are of high value because of their education, economic status, leadership, power, and career. But the inward attributes also count according to psychology (how you’re perceived by people around you)

1. She knows her worth

Signs You're Dating a High-Value Woman

Being a high-value woman doesn’t end at being the prettiest, the most successful, or the smartest.

Does the woman you’re dating know her worth and is not afraid to show it? A high-value woman gets this. She knows her value and isn’t shy about letting others know too.

This doesn’t mean she’s arrogant or boastful. This should be a red flag.

Knowing her worth means she’s aware of her value and confident in her abilities, strengths, and even her weaknesses.

When you’re checking for this trait, look beyond the career or personal achievement areas.

Does she know her worth in the relationships too? In her group of friends? In her workplace?  It’s a sign you shouldn’t ignore.

2. She embraces being herself

Of course, no one is perfect, but one way you can identify a high-value woman is if she doesn’t try to be perfect, but, instead, aims to grow.

There are various ways to confirm this. Look at situations where awful things happen because of her mistakes. Does she try to hide them? Or choose to learn from them?

  • How does she see her areas of imperfection? Does she get insecure about it?
  • Is she the kind that seeks validation from others before she is convinced about her unique self? 

Your answers to these questions can further reveal if you’re dating a high-value woman or not.

3. She’s aware of the need for healthy boundaries and maintains them

This is an extension of knowing your worth. To confirm that you’re in a relationship with a high-value woman, check how she recognizes and maintains healthy boundaries between the relationship and others.

These boundaries are not brick walls to shut people out but rules to keep her relationships healthy.

They make sure she’s respected, her time isn’t wasted, and her emotional health comes first.

She’s not scared to say no when she needs to, and she doesn’t let anyone step all over her boundaries.

She’ll say “no” when she means to say “no” and “yes” when she means it. Your relationship will improve because of this.

4. She has emotional maturity

It doesn’t take long to figure out if someone is emotionally mature or not.

How does this translate to being someone of high value? Think about it. Being open and honest about how you feel is a sign of strength. It also hints at how she will handle misunderstandings in the relationship.

She’s also able to read the room and sense when something is not right between you two emotionally and will bring it up instead of reciprocating with silent treatment.

5. She’s purpose-driven

Signs You're Dating a High-Value Woman

Does she have something about her that drives her? It could be career, skill, talent, business, or passion.

This purpose doesn’t have to be about huge dreams or big goals (though it can be).

Somewhere somehow, you see a reflection of her toughness and persistence when you look at her purpose. When she makes progress on it, you can easily spot the happiness and satisfaction that it brings her. That’s another element of being high-value.

But life is a journey, so if your girlfriend seems not to have a clear purpose yet, it doesn’t necessarily mean she’s not high-value. It can be a sign she’s on self-discovery.

6. She has a growth mindset

One major sign you’re dating a high-value woman is if she’s got that growth mindset.

It means she believes she can get better at stuff with hard work and dedication.

There may be times when she breaks down, but she’s not one to spend time crying over spilled milk, she sees failure as just another step on the path to success.

7. She’s independent and self-reliant

Another way you can know if you’re dating a high-value woman is to check to see if she’s independent and self-reliant. And it shows in the little things.

She doesn’t expect you to be the rock in their life a hundred percent of the time.

Not that you shouldn’t be a supporting partner, but there will be various times when you won’t be at your best and will need support for those times just as you support her through her bad times.

She should also be good with money. A high-value woman knows how to manage money.

8. Look at how she treats others too

A high-value woman lifts everyone. She cheers on their wins, fuels their dreams, and stands by them in tough times. Other people’s success doesn’t bother her; it inspires her.

If you can see these attributes in her, then you’re dating a high-value woman. And trust me, the world could use more women like her.

On the other hand, it’s a toxic trait if she gets jealous of your success. Your achievements should bring happiness to you both and vice versa.

9. She has confidence

Confidence is another sign of knowing self-worth. And self-worth is the nucleus of being a high-valued person.

And it can easily show in situations where she needs to be confident about herself.

Without confidence, being a high-value woman is an uphill battle. You can only fake it for so long.

To show everyone how fantastic they are and become that woman men highly value, women have to truly believe they’re amazing.

10. She has an opinion

High-value women have thoughts and opinions on a wide range of topics. When you ask her what she thinks, she’s got something to say.

Even when it’s as simple as picking where to eat, which restaurant to hit up, or which show to catch, she’s not a blank slate. Sure, there are times she might defer to you, but she’s not the “I-don’t-know” type.

She’s confident in sharing her thoughts and opinions, and that’s what makes her stand out.

11. She is dedicated to learning more

Some men have a preference for the kind of women they date in terms of level of formal education.

But beyond academics, you can identify if you’re dating a high-value woman based on her attitude towards unlearning and learning things.

This commitment to learning makes her a powerhouse of influence and value to others.

12. She values her peace of mind

At the center of what many men look out for in a ‘wife material” is someone who won’t add to stress levels, but instead make life easier. This is why women who value their peace of mind and peace in the relationship are easily seen as high-value women.

It will even show in character, decisions, and conversation.

Meanwhile, won’t sacrifice her peace of mind for anything. She knows staying sane is key to reaching her goals, so she brushes off distractions on her climb to the top.

If anyone tries to derail her focus, she’s ready to gracefully let them go.

13. She doesn’t get sick with comparison

Signs You're Dating a High-Value Woman

Also, does she compare herself with her friends in an unhealthy way? Does she set others’ relationships as a yardstick for yours? If this is true, then she’s far from being a high-value woman.

A high-value woman doesn’t waste time comparing herself to others because she knows she’s unique. She avoids copying or imitating anyone else.

14. She loves unconditionally

This is one that not too many people talk about. She’ll love you deeply and be unapologetic about it. But she’s ready to gracefully let you go if you don’t reciprocate the love or bring trouble to her peace of mind.

15. She is a true feminist

It’s hard to separate being a high-value woman and being a feminist because that’s what you’re standing up for.

But I’m talking about true feminism, here. She sets an example of value, inspiring other women around her to stand tall.

7 Things to Do When Dating a high-value Woman

If you’re dating a high-value woman, the best thing you can do in that relationship is to be a high-value man too — or grow into being what she considers a high-value man.

You also want to be real, respectful, and ready to grow together.

  1. Give her props, seriously: Show some respect for her hustle and accomplishments. Compliment her without sounding like you’re reciting lines from a cheesy rom-com.


  1. Talk straight: High-value ladies appreciate a man who can spit it out. No mind games or beating around the bush. Be clear about your intentions and feelings. Trust me, she doesn’t have time for decoding mixed signals.


  1. You should have confidence too: I once read somewhere that “Confidence is hot; arrogance is not.” Show her you’re comfortable in your skin without turning into a peacock.


  1. Let her do her thing: Independence is her middle name. Respect her space and ambitions. Don’t cling like a barnacle or try to control her schedule. Support her goals.


  1. Keep your promises: Be dependable. If you say you’ll do something, follow through. Show her you’re a man of your word, not just a smooth talker.


  1. Grow together: Encourage her dreams and ambitions. She’s not settling for mediocrity, and neither should you. Support her growth and expect the same in return. A relationship should be a partnership, not a one-sided show.


  1. Be good with money: Handle your finances responsibly. She’s not looking for a sugar daddy, but she’s also not here to bail you out of debt. Show her you’ve got your financial ducks in a row—it’s a sign of maturity, not just wealth.

Final Thoughts

The bottom line is that being high-value is not limited to having access to, or ownership of, much wealth and/or resources.

If you want to check if you’re dating a high-value woman, you can also look into areas like “Is she someone you get along with?” “Can she support herself with her job?” You know, the basics.

As you get older, your idea of what makes someone “high-value” will change.

In the end, dating someone who’s “high-value” is a bit of a flawed concept. You’re not buying real estate; you’re building a lasting relationship. So, what matters is compatibility.

Signs You're Dating a High-Value Woman


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