20 Early Signs Your Partner Will Break Your Heart

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Signs Your Partner Will Break Your Heart

Relationship Advice

Being in a new relationship can be so exciting that we often let it get into our heads. Things that we normally keep us worried, we keep ignoring them with excuses.

While it’s okay to relax and enjoy the whirlwind romance of a new relationship, it’s also crucial not to ignore red flags.

There are always early signs that a relationship is heading for a disaster. If a relationship ends today, most of the time, one or both parties ignore some signs.

So, if your heart gets broken today, they were likely red flags that you ignored, and this is what this article is all about.

In this guide post, I’ll be discussing 20 early signs that your partner will break your heart. In the end, you’ll know how to guard your heart against this hurt.

These Are The 20 Early Signs Your Partner Will Break Your Heart

Countless signs show that someone isn’t invested in a relationship and will likely hurt their partner.

If you find it hard to talk to your significant other, you keep tolerating a lot, and you’re not yourself with them, they’ll likely break your heart.

Also, if they keep invalidating your feelings, they don’t involve you in their decision, and they keep picking arguments with you, you’re certainly heading towards a breakup.

Below are 20 signs that your partner will break your heart:

  1. They don’t like discussing with you
  2. You’re always complaining
  3. They don’t take you seriously
  4. Your life revolves solely around them
  5. They keep exhibiting negative body language
  6. You keep tolerating a lot
  7. You are not yourself with them
  8. You keep comparing them with others
  9. They don’t like introducing you as their partner in public
  10. They never make any plans about you two
  11. They invalidate your feelings
  12. They still keep in touch with their exes
  13. Intimacy is poor
  14. They don’t want you to meet their friends
  15. They only shower you with gifts
  16. They never include you in their decision-making
  17. They always have an indifferent attitude
  18. They keep picking arguments with you
  19. They don’t invite you as a date to events
  20. They never talk about their future with you

They Don’t Like Discussing with You

Signs Your Partner Will Break Your Heart

One of the early signs that your partner will break your heart is if they don’t like communicating with you.

First, one of the signs of a healthy relationship is good communication. Communication is an important factor that keeps a relationship.

And if you have a partner who doesn’t like discussing things with you, then your relationship is in trouble.

Also, a lover whom you find difficult to engage in a discussion depicts many things, including a lack of trust, they find you boring, or they’re hiding something.

Moreover, being in a romantic relationship with someone means you find them interesting. And if your partner isn’t showing signs that they enjoy your company, they’ll likely hurt you soon.

You’re Always Complaining

While there’s no perfect relationship, a relationship shouldn’t be riddled with arguments and complaints.

If you find yourself always complaining of one thing or the other in your relationship, then the relationship is likely heading for a disaster.

It could be about the way they’re always late to dates, they don’t get you gifts, they’re always on their phones, and even the smallest of things.

These actions show they’re not willing to correct their mistakes, which means they don’t take you seriously.

They Don’t Take You Seriously

If your partner doesn’t take you seriously, you’ll see it in their actions.

A serious relationship should be what it is- serious.

When they don’t pay attention to what you say, they joke about almost everything, they don’t make plans with you, they don’t engage in serious discussions with you, you’re likely heading for heartbreak soon.

Moreover, actions that make it seem like you’re just there, dating yourself, means your supposed partner doesn’t take you seriously.

Your Life Revolves Solely Around Them

Does your life revolve solely around your partner? Is your life suddenly on hold after meeting them?

Being in a relationship shouldn’t make you lose yourself; you’re two independent individuals who choose to do life together.

If your significant other only talks about their goals and how you should fit into them, if you start making everything about them, if you suddenly don’t know what you are, then you’re not in a healthy relationship.

A healthy relationship is one in which both partners help each other grow. While there should be compromises and sacrifices, a relationship shouldn’t be about just one person.

So, when you notice that your life revolves only around your partner or it’s suddenly on hold, then heartbreak is imminent if nothing is done about it.

They Keep Exhibiting Negative Body Language

Body language is an important part of communication. With these body signals, you can send important messages consciously or unconsciously.

The body language your partner exhibits is very important. Unfortunately, not many pay attention to these signals.

If your partner exhibits negative body language like avoiding eye contact, too much eye contact, blinking rapidly, leaning away during conversations, and friendly gestures rather than intimacy, then they’re not trustworthy.

These are important signs that show if they’re interested in the relationship or not.

You Keep Tolerating a Lot

Another sign that you’re in for a heartbreak from your lover is if you keep tolerating a lot from them.

Are there bad habits of theirs that you keep tolerating; from not picking up calls, being on their phone during conversations, coming late for dates, and several more?

If you find yourself always overlooking or always forgiving these actions, you’re likely going to be heartbroken with them.

Moreover, these actions that you keep tolerating from them are signs that they’re not fully committed to the relationship.

You Are Not Yourself with Them

If you’re not yourself with your partner, then you’re not in a healthy relationship.

As I’ve earlier established, being in a relationship doesn’t mean you should lose yourself.

When you’re with someone and you keep pretending to be someone else around them, it shows there’s a problem with the relationship.

If you notice you’re not comfortable around your partner, you walk on eggshells around them, you don’t know how to enjoy yourself fully with them, you should guard your heart because that person will certainly break your heart.

You Keep Comparing Them with Others

If you’re always comparing your partner with others, then it means you don’t find them satisfying.

Getting into a relationship with someone you’re not compatible with will lead to a lot of problems, including comparing them with others.

When you begin to wish your partner did this or did that, you keep wishing they were like this or that, it means someday your heart will be broken when they hugely disappoint you.

They Don’t Like Introducing You as Their Partner in Public

Having a partner who doesn’t like introducing you in public means a lot of things. It could be they’re ashamed of you, they’re cheating, or are hiding something.

However, some persons who don’t like publicizing their relationship might behave this way. Conversely, when they decide to go out with you, it then means they want to be seen with you.

So, if they avoid introducing you to their friends or acquaintances, or they introduce you as their friend, it means they don’t value you as their partner.

They Never Make Any Plans About You Two

If your partner never makes any plans for you two, you’re dating yourself.

Being in a romantic relationship means you both are involved with each other in many ways, including doing a lot of things as a couple.

If you notice you’re the only one making plans in your relationship- you fix the dates, you fix the vacations, you even make the calls, then there’s everything wrong with that relationship.

Even friends make time for each other, and showing commitment as a friend means you make plans that involve them.

So, continuing in a relationship where there’s not a single effort from the other person will lead to heartbreak soon.

They Invalidate Your Feelings

It’s very important to surround yourself with people who genuinely care about you and your feelings.

Someone who constantly invalidates your feelings doesn’t love you. If you have a partner who constantly ignores what you say whenever you raise a concern, or always does things without caring how it affects you, continuing with them will lead to heartbreak.

It’s important to date a kind partner. A kind partner is sensitive to your feelings and doesn’t push them into a corner. They always care about how things affect you.

They Still Keep in Touch with Their Exes

Signs Your Partner Will Break Your Heart

If you date someone who still keeps in touch with their exes, you’re in for trouble.

Now, I’m not saying that one becomes enemies with their ex(s). However, if you’re dating someone who still hangs out with their ex and is still at their beck and call, then you’re likely to get hurt.

For instance, if their ex still calls them, asks for their help, or asks for dates, and they’re willing to hang out with them and run to their aid.

These actions show they don’t respect boundaries and even your feelings. You’re certain to get hurt if nothing is done about it.

Intimacy Is Poor

Intimacy is very important in relationships. First, intimacy is not limited to only physical intercourse. Intimacy is the level of deep emotional connection you and your partner share

And according to verywellmind, there are different types of intimacy.

Also, intimacy is intentionally built. By making efforts to communicate and connect with your partner on different levels, you can achieve intimacy.

Therefore, if this deep connection between you and your partner is lacking or is poor, the relationship won’t survive long.

And if you’re the only one making the effort and your lover doesn’t care, they’ll break your heart someday if it continues that way.

They Don’t Want You to Meet Their Friends

If your partner doesn’t like you meeting their friends, then something is wrong somewhere.

First, if someone loves you and is proud of you, they’ll like to show you off to their friends and families. While there are people who like to keep their relationship private, there should be at least one or two close friends they’d like you to meet.

Also, although meeting your partner’s friends doesn’t equal love, it at least shows that they’re not hiding anything and that they’re proud of you.

So, if your partner intentionally prevents you from meeting their friends without any reasonable explanation, you might end up with a broken heart if you continue with them.

They Only Shower You with Gifts

If all your partner does is shower you with gifts, your relationship is in for some trouble.

First, gifting your partner is one of the ways to show you love and care about them. However, that is not all what love is about.

Love is about connecting with your partner on every level, communicating, and enjoying happy moments together.

Except, you’re in a relationship for the material benefits, you won’t enjoy a relationship where all your partner does is gifts you.

If they don’t give you attention, they show no willingness to support you, you can’t count on them, then you’re in for a heartbreak soon.

They Never Include You in Their Decision-Making

Another action that indicates your partner will break your heart soon is if they never include you in their decision-making.

Dating someone who does things on their own, never asks your opinion about anything, and never makes plans with you shows they don’t trust and value you.

Getting into a relationship with someone means getting to be a part of their life. So, if your partner’s actions don’t show that you’re a part of their life, then it’s as good as being in a relationship just in name.

They Always Have an Indifferent Attitude

Signs Your Partner Will Break Your Heart

If you’re in a relationship with someone who shows an indifferent attitude to almost everything, they’ll certainly break your heart.

You ask them about plans for dates and they show no interest or something big is happening in your life and they don’t care

Also, when you want them to meet your friends and they’re not enthusiastic about it, continuing with such a person is likely going to end with you getting hurt.

So, if your partner acts like they don’t care about anything concerning you two or things in your life, they never really cared about you in the first place.

They Keep Picking Arguments with You

Someone who keeps picking arguments with you is certainly looking for something.

If your partner picks at every opportunity to disagree and quarrel with you, continuing with them will hurt you badly soon.

Your love partner should want peace with you. Of course, disagreement and quarrels are part of human relationships, it shows they’re humans and have a mind of their own.

However, if your significant other enjoys attacking everything you say or do, you’re in for a heartbreak soon if they don’t change and you remain with them.

They Don’t Invite You as a Date to Events

Another early sign that heartbreak is imminent is your lover not inviting you to events as their dates.

If your partner’s life is full of social and business functions, and they never invite you, they’re likely hiding something or they’re ashamed of you.

As their partner, getting exclusive invites to these events shows they see you as their partner. In many of these events, you’ll see people show up with their partners or dates.

It’s a way to connect and build relationships and it’s also a way people show off their lovers.

So, if your partner keeps you away from such functions, they don’t like you enough.

They Never Talk About Their Future with You

If you’re in a relationship with someone who never speaks about their future with you, likely, they don’t see you as someone who’ll be in their future.

And if you see the relationship as a long-term one, you’re likely to get hurt soon.

When someone loves and wants a future with you, they’ll have discussions about the future with you. When they speak about the future, they’ll use “We” and not “I”.

So, pay attention to this aspect. It’s part of the early signs you shouldn’t ignore.

End Note

Early signs in relationships are easy to neglect because of the new love and romance we feel. And when things begin to get bad, it seems almost too late to prevent a heartbreak.

So, it’s important to pay attention to red flags in your relationship. They’re there, small but visible.

When you don’t ignore these warnings, you make it easy to work things out or distance yourself before you get hurt. You should always prioritize your emotional and mental health.

Signs Your Partner Will Break Your Heart


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