10 Signs That Shows You Are Ready To Move In With Your Partner

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Signs That Shows You Are Ready To Move In With Your Partner

Relationship Advice

Do you want to do a self evaluation on your decision to move in with your partner? What are the signs that show  that a person is ready to take that next big step in their relationship? All the answers to these questions are in this article. 

There are clear indications that show that your relationship is strong enough for you and your partner to live together because believe it or not, moving in with your partner could turn out to be a great idea or a terrible one. 

In this article, I would be walking you through 10 signs that show you are ready to move in with your partner so make sure to read to the end to get as much information as you need. 

Here is a list of 10 signs that show you are ready to move in with your partner, you’ll thank me later. 

List of 10 Signs That Shows You Are Ready To Move In With Your Partner

  1. You have a solid relationship with your partner that has faced trying times. 
  2. When you feel comfortable to be your true self with them. 
  3. If you are willing and able to be dependent on them. 
  4. When you’re confident that the relationship is your final one. 
  5. When you and your partner have the same approach to living life. 
  6. When you’re sure that this would benefit you and your relationship with the person. 
  7. When you’re able to communicate with the person effectively. 
  8. If there’s peace in your heart, with the decision to move in with your partner. 
  9. You observed that your partner isn’t violent and explosive. 
  10. If you’ve spoken about marriage and kids quite deeply then chances are that you’re ready. 

You have a solid relationship with your partner that has survived difficult times. 

One of the signs that shows that you’re ready to move in with your partner is that the relationship you have with your partner has overcome difficult moments. 

 If your relationship is so solid that you and your partner have had to deal with worst case scenarios and you still remain together with them then living together wouldn’t be a problem. It would just be another mountain to overcome because you would be able to handle any future fights or happenings in the future. 

You could ask yourself questions that helps you validate if your relationship is solid enough, questions like;

  • How often do you fight with your partner? 
  • After a fight, do you end up being closer or drift further apart? 
Signs That Shows You Are Ready To Move In With Your Partner

When you feel comfortable to be your true self with them. 

If you’re going to live together with your partner then that means that they are going to see sides of you that might be shocking to them, but if you’re already yourself with them, before this, then you don’t have to worry because you’re already comfortable with them. 

A sign that you’re ready to move in with your partner is that you’re comfortable to do the most silly and quirkiest things around them and not have to worry about them being turned off by that. This is a clear indication that you’re ready to move in with them because you no longer have anything to hide or feel insecure about. 

If you don’t act differently when you’re alone and when you’re with them then you’ve become very comfortable with them, living together with them wouldn’t change you or them ultimately making the relationship stronger. 

All it takes to do this is to ask yourself questions below; 

  • Can I fart in front of them? 
  • Do I act like my normal self when I am with my partner or there’s something I am hiding? 

If you are willing and able to be dependent on them. 

Moving in with your partner means that you’re willing to give up a huge part of your independence because you’re committing yourself to being dependent on a person and vice versa. You will have to change the “me alone” lifestyle that you’ve been living into something that proves that you’re in a partnership. 

You have to understand that you are now going to be more accountable to them and consider them in every decision you make. Are you ready to be told sometimes what to wear and be given a sort of curfew? If you know that your kind of personality wouldn’t be able to handle this then it’s a sign you’re not ready to move in with them, but if you can, then that’s a big green flag that you are absolutely ready to move in with your partner. 

Instances on decision that you would have to make everyday when you move in with your partner are; 

  • What food would they want to eat in the morning? 
  • What time would they want you back home perhaps you went out? 

When you’re confident that the relationship is your final one. 

If you’re confident that the relationship is your final one that you want to be in and you’re at the verge of getting married then that’s one of  the signs that you’re ready to move in with your partner. 

Perhaps the relationship is one that you’re sure wouldn’t last then you’re not ready to move in with them. Moving in together with someone shows that you’re serious about them and are probably thinking of making them your spouse and it wouldn’t be reasonable to move in with someone you have no intention of dating for a long time. 

Ask within yourself, questions that would help you evaluate this point or sign;

  • Do I really see my future with this person? 
  • I’m I ready for a relationship that’s this serious?

When you and your partner have the same approach to living life. 

People who share the same lifestyle or have the same lifestyle patterns are likely to live happily together. If you and your partner seem to agree a lot on the same lifestyle choices like working out, keeping a healthy environment and cooking healthy meals amongst others then it is a clear sign that you’re ready to move in with them. 

Of course there are still going to be some different ideologies between you and your partner but if most of it is in sync then you can proceed to moving in with your partner. To be sure that you and your partner share the same lifestyle or agree on it then that means you have can agree with the points below;

  • You share the same view about finances. It could be that you both believe the importance of saving or investing money. 
  • Cleanliness is a trait that both of you possess. 
  • You share the same family values and ideologies. 
Signs That Shows You Are Ready To Move In With Your Partner

When you’re sure that this would benefit you and your relationship with the person. 

Only you and your partner know what can be beneficial to the relationship. You could be moving in for various reasons, it could be that you want companionship or cut down on the rent’s payment. Whatever the reason is, it must do more good than harm to your relationship. 

You have to be sure that this would benefit your relationship, it wouldn’t do any sort of harm to your relationship or make you people begin to hate each other. Does living with your partner look like an opportunity that you can pass out on? 

One key way is to evaluate the pros and cons of living with your partner, you could decide to spend the weekend with them to see how they are around you. 

Points to note when you’re there for the weekend are; 

  • What are the changes noticed? 
  • Are you comfortable with them? 

When you’re able to communicate with the person effectively. 

If you are able to have effective communication with your partner then living with them wouldn’t be a bad idea. Communication is one of the key things for a successful relationship and if you can do that with your partner effortlessly, it’s a good sign that you’re ready to move in with them. 

Once you’re able to communicate with your partner very well then that means you can have serious conversations and communicate your displeasure with whatever attitude they have and they can also do the same to you. 

Communicating with your partner effectively would mean that quarrels could be avoided and boundaries wouldn’t be hard to keep without any hard feelings. If you can communicate with your partner well then asking them questions like these wouldn’t be a problem.  

  • Are we compatible enough to live together? 
  • Why would you want to live with me? 

If there’s peace in your heart, with the decision to move in with your partner. 

Sometimes we have this inner peace as humans when we’re making a decision. Although it’s not always accurate, it’s one tell sign that you’re ready to take that next step in your relationship. 

If your head is clouded with doubts and you’re feeling restless about it then I suggest that you patiently wait to clear out whatever factors that could be causing doubt in your mind. 

Your lack of peace with the decision could be the universe trying to tell you that you’re not meant to move in with your partner yet or at all. It’s important to put it out there that having inner peace shouldn’t just be the only sign that you need to know if you’re ready to move in with your partner. 

Doubts that could be clouding your judgment about living with your partner could be in form of these questions;

  • Do they take you seriously enough? 
  • How compatible are you with them? 
  • Are you sincerely comfortable with them? 

You observed that your partner isn’t violent and explosive. 

If you know your partner is someone that’s explosive when they are angry then you might want to reconsider your idea of living together with them or being in a relationship with them. 

People with anger issues often take out their frustration on the people closer to them and could end up physically hurting their partner. I am sure that no one wants to be a victim of domestic violence but if you know that your partner has a history of violence then that’s a sign that you shouldn’t move in with them. 

On the other hand, if your partner is one who is calm and doesn’t get angry easily then that’s one sign that they could handle your excesses when you move in with them. 

Here are some signs that your partner isn’t explosive and isn’t a violent person in a relationship. 

  • They respectfully talk to you and want to listen to your opinion. 
  • They are calm and don’t possess narcissistic traits. 
  • They have not raised their hands at you or attempted to be physically violent with you. 

If you’ve spoken about marriage and kids quite deeply then chances are that you’re ready. 

Not many relationships have ‘the future’ talk, but if your relationship is one of those relationships that you speak about marriage and raising kids that you would have together then it is a good sign that you’re ready.

What makes this a good sign is that it shows that your relationship is healthy and that you have long term goals to achieve together, it’s worth living together so you could be closer with them to achieve these goals. If you’re positive about these following questions when you think of your partner then you’re in a serious relationship;

  • Can you see your partner being a good father or mother to your children? 
  • Are they loyal and responsible? 
  • Do they love you almost in an unconditional way? 

In Final Words…

If you could thick most of these boxes in the relationship you have with your partner, then chances are that you’re ready to move in with your partner. So you don’t have to worry about making the wrong decision because with these signs, you can be able to tell if you’re ready to take your relationship to the level that you move in together with your partner. 

Signs That Shows You Are Ready To Move In With Your Partner


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