15 Signs You Are Dating a Faithful Partner

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Relationship Advice

Being in a relationship can be quite challenging. Especially if you have experienced heartbreak or several heartbreaks in your previous relationships, these experiences can make it difficult for you to trust someone new.

So, it’s not surprising if you look for signs that the person you’re dating is faithful.

But what exactly does a faithful partner look like? What are those things they do that make you say you have a faithful partner?

It’s not quite straightforward to tell a faithful lover because people can pretend and look faithful even when they’re not.

However, there are certain things that your significant other does that can assure you that they’re faithful. And that’s what I’ll be discussing in this article because I understand how important it’s to get that assurance.

In this guide post, I’ll take you through 15 signs that can tell you whether your partner is faithful or not.

15 Signs You Are Dating a Faithful Partner

As I’ve already established, people can pretend to be what they’re not. However, there are extents to which people can pretend.

Things your partner does subconsciously, their immediate response to something, and the intentional way they respect you and boundaries are good ways to tell if you have a faithful partner.

If your lover makes you a priority, they’re always willing to support you, they respect boundaries, they’re not always flirty, and they’re always sincere, which means they’re loyal to you.

Additionally, if they do things for you without you asking, they’re happy to show you to friends and families, they don’t criticize you publicly, they’re faithful and committed to you.

Below are 15 signs that you’re dating a faithful partner:

  1. They make you a priority
  2. They’re very willing to support you
  3. They are sensitive to your feelings
  4. They delete dating apps on their devices
  5. They are not flirty towards others
  6. They don’t pursue relationships with their exes
  7. They maintain and respect boundaries in the relationship
  8. They do things for you without you asking
  9. They’re always sincere
  10. They’re happy to show you to friends and family
  11. They keep your secrets
  12. They don’t criticize you publicly
  13. They involve you in their plans
  14. They’re open to you
  15. They make commitments

They Make You a Priority

Signs You Are Dating a Faithful Partner

If you’ve got a partner who makes you a priority, you’ll be happy in your relationship.

First, when someone feels they’re ready to get into a serious relationship, it means they’re ready to add their prospective partner to their priorities. Getting into a relationship with someone, means they’re important to you.

So, if your partner treats you as someone important, it means they’re a faithful lover.

Actions that prove you’re a priority to them include but are not limited to: making out time to spend time with you, including you in their decision-making, supporting and encouraging you, considering your feelings before taking action, etc.

If you notice your partner doing things of this nature, then you’re a priority to them, which means you’re dating a faithful person.

They’re Very Willing to Support You

If the person you’re dating always shows a willingness to support you, it means you’ve got yourself someone faithful.

It’s not everyone that has lovers that support them. First, support is an essential ingredient for a successful relationship.

Loving someone involves supporting them in ways you can because you’re interested in seeing them grow.

So, if your partner exhibits supportive traits, they’re committed to you.

In addition, supporting you includes showing interest in what you do, being emotionally available, joining you in making plans, getting involved in things that concern you, and being there when things are tough.

In general, if you can count on your partner at all times, it means you’ve got their support.

They Are Sensitive to Your Feelings

If your partner is sensitive to your emotions, they’re committed to you.

Being sensitive means showing care and concern, doing things without being asked, and being able to read the feelings of people.

Not everything needs to be said. When you care about someone, you should be able to tell when they’re sad and excited. It’s not by some magic or anything, it’s because you care and are interested in them.

Having someone who asks if you’re fine because you’ve been quiet lately brings a kind of momentary happiness.

Having someone who can read your body language and expression makes things easier for you two. Having someone who doesn’t act differently to your emotions is a blessing.

So, if your partner exhibits sensitivity, they’re faithful.

They Delete Dating Apps on Their Devices

Signs You Are Dating a Faithful Partner

Since the inception of online dating apps, many people have subscribed to such platforms, and many of them have found their loved ones there.

While several apps give the impression that people who’re in there are likely only looking to satisfy their physical urges, there are also several apps where people looking for serious relationships succeed.

If you met your partner when they still have these apps on their phone, whether you both met there or not, it’s only natural you expect them to delete it when you get exclusive.

Deleting these apps shows they do not need it since they’ve found what they’re looking for. Also, it shows they take what they have seriously.

So, if your partner does this without you talking about it, it shows they’re faithful. However, they may likely forget about it, and so if you mention it to them and they immediately do away with it, it indicates commitment.

They Are Not Flirty Towards Others

Signs You Are Dating a Faithful Partner

Having a partner who doesn’t flirt around is a sign that they’re faithful. While flirting may seem harmless to them, desisting from such an act when they get into a serious relationship means they take the relationship seriously.

Granted, some people are naturally friendly. But there’s a thick line between being friendly and flirting.

Moreover, being excessively friendly to everyone in front of your partner, especially people of the opposite sex, doesn’t show respect.

So, if your partner doesn’t flirt around in your presence or absence, it shows they respect what you both share.

However, it’s important to note that not being flirty doesn’t connote fidelity. Your partner may respect you piously and still be involved with someone else.

They Don’t Pursue Relationships with Their Exes

When your partner doesn’t pursue a relationship with their exes, it gives you a feeling that you’re in a secure relationship.

Ending things with your ex doesn’t mean you become enemies. But, there should be an extent to the friendliness that exists between you and your ex, especially if you get into a new relationship.

So, if your lover keeps a safe distance between them and their exes, it assures you that they’re committed to you.

Keeping a safe distance means they don’t go on dates with them, they don’t go about doing things with and for them, and they don’t have unnecessary chats with them.

They Maintain and Respect Boundaries in the Relationship

If your partner respects the boundaries in your relationship, it shows they’re faithful.

First, setting boundaries in your relationship is a way to achieve a healthy relationship. It’s important to communicate your boundaries with your lover at the start of your relationship.

So, when your significant other doesn’t disrespect you and your boundaries, it means they’re loyal to you.

Also, if they maintain boundaries with friends it shows they take you seriously.

For instance, they don’t go ahead to become friends with your friends without your knowledge and they don’t discuss things that should be between you two with their friends.

They Do Things for You without You Asking

If your significant other does things for you without you needing to always ask, it means they’re committed to the relationship.

Of course, your lover can’t always know all your wants and needs when you don’t talk about them.

However, someone who cares about you will be sensitive to your needs.

For instance, during a casual conversation with them, you might mention something you need to get in passing, if your partner goes ahead to get this thing for you, it shows their intentionality about you.

This intentionality can be as little as stopping at the grocery to save you the stress, throwing away the trash, filling the gas in your car, and many more.

If they help you with the things you normally do without having to ask, they’re a faithful partner.

They’re Always Sincere

A sincere partner is a loyal one. If your partner is always honest with you, you’ll have no problem trusting them.

A sincere person is honest even in the smallest of things; they barely tell lies and their actions match their words.

If your lover is an honest person, they won’t lie about their whereabouts or make things up, they mean what they say, and when they can’t fulfill their words, they explain without you asking.

Therefore, if the person you’re with has this quality, they’re the faithful ones.

They’re Happy to Show You to Friends and Family

If your partner is happy to show you to their friends and family, it means they take what you share seriously.

A lover who avoids introducing their partner to their family and friends is likely hiding something.

However, if they’re not reluctant to let you meet people who are dear to them, it connotes commitment.

They Keep Your Secrets

If you trust the person you’re dating with your secrets, it means they’re faithful.

Dating someone who doesn’t talk too much is a blessing. Many people divulge things they’re meant not to do because they’re very quick to talk before thinking.

While they might mean no harm, their inability to control their tongue puts people in trouble.

Also, some people intentionally share people’s secrets to ruin them. While there are gossips who discuss everything they’ve heard.

If your partner is none of this, you’ve got yourself a faithful one.

In addition, if they’re natural gossip, loving and caring about you, should make them want to change.

They Don’t Criticize You Publicly

Having a partner who doesn’t publicly criticize you indicates that they respect you. A respectful partner doesn’t talk badly about their loved one publicly or criticize them openly.

First, a partner who constantly finds fault with you, whether openly or privately doesn’t have any regard for you.

Yes, it’s important to call your lover’s attention when they’re in the wrong and not make what they do look good when it’s not because they’re your lover.

However, doing so with love makes a lot of difference.

Conversely, there’s a difference when all they do is find fault with what you do, judge you, and pay attention to only your weaknesses.

If your lover respects you enough to correct you in love, respects you enough to do so privately, and isn’t a fault picker, they’re a faithful one.

They Involve You in Their Plans

If your significant other always makes plans with you and makes you part of their plans, it means they take you seriously.

Someone committed to you will involve you with what is going on in their life, they’ll ask your opinions about things, and they’ll make decisions with you.

So, if your lover carries you along with what is going on in their life and has plans concerning you, they’re committed to the relationship.

They’re Open to You

Open and honest communication with your lover shows you trust them. If your partner doesn’t keep things from you but is open with everything that concerns them, then they’re a faithful lover.

When your partner easily talks about their day, tells you about that colleague harassing them at work, and tells you when things are tough for them, it shows you’re important to them.

If they do all these things easily without feeling pressured, they’re faithful to the relationship.

They Make Commitments

If your partner makes relationship commitments, you know they’re in for a long haul with you.

Investing in something shows you like it and want it. So, if your partner invests in your relationship, it shows they’re committed to you.

Making relationship commitments can differ from couple to couple. However, someone interested in a relationship will do things that show they want the relationship.

Things like making time for you two, helping you in your pursuits, having a family with you, etc. Generally, people invest time, finances, and emotions in things they value.


As I’ve previously mentioned, you can’t easily tell a faithful partner, because they can pretend to be one.

However, certain signs can reassure you that you’re in a relationship with someone who values you.

From doing things without you asking, communicating openly with you, being completely honest, maintaining boundaries to showing real commitment, these actions are signs of a faithful partner.

Signs You Are Dating a Faithful Partner


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