20 Evident Signs You Are Begging For Love

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Signs You Are Begging For Love

Relationship Advice

Love is beautiful, especially when two people are willing to be together and give their best.  Not with one begging the other for attention.

One can love someone so much and wouldn’t even know when they begin to beg for love in return, and this can be seeking attention or validation.

Most people who beg for love often have low self-esteem and believe their happiness relies on another person.  Eventually, they end up being taken for granted and their hearts are shattered.

How would you know if you are begging for love?

In this article, I will extensively show you 20 signs that you are begging for love, and what you should do if you find yourself in that situation.

20 Evident Signs You Are Begging For Love

Begging for love can belittle you and reduce your worth in the eyes of your lover or whomever you have feelings for. Notwithstanding it doesn’t mean you can’t get hold of yourself and get the love you deserve.

Here, are the 20 signs to look out for:

  1. When you are willing to settle for anything
  2. Continually want reassurance
  3. You  always want their validation
  4. You adjust your standards to please the other person
  5. You are never happy alone/always seek attention
  6. You put your feelings aside for peace’s sake you avoid conflict
  7. You gift even when the favor isn’t reciprocated
  8. You are the initiator  in the relationship
  9.  You accept all the red flags
  10. You make excuses for your partner’s misbehavior
  11. You are always feeling insecure
  12.  You overflatter your partner/seek attention
  13. You often find yourself in an unhealthy relationship
  14. You are constantly texting and calling
  15. You are giving your partner more attention
  16. You are overanalyzing every message
  17. Posting desperate posts on social media
  18. You are very Clingy
  19. You are prioritizing your love over personal growth
  20. Easily accessible

When You are Willing to Settle for Anything

Another sign you are begging for love is when you are willing to settle for anything. And low self-esteem can cause this, you feel like you don’t deserve enough.

You accept ill-treatment, you always compromise on things that are essential to your well-being, and you are comfortable with whatever your partner does even when it is disrespecting to your person.

Often, fear of losing your partner can cause this, you feel like you are stuck, and this is the only person who can love you.

The thought running through your mind is, “if I leave will I find someone again”, yes let me tell you there are a thousand and more people, and love would find you again.

Leave if you are getting less than you deserve.

You Continually Want Reassurance

Words of affirmation they say are a love language,  and yes it is principal in relationships. It makes your partner feel valued and brings happiness to you both.

However, if you find yourself continually needing to hear the word ‘ I LOVE YOU’ and the dread of abandoning you when your partner does not say it, is a sign that you are begging to be loved.

It also tells you that you are not even sure of your partner’s feelings towards you.

Therefore you should work on building your esteem, and trust in your partner, to foster a healthy relationship.

Signs You Are Begging  For Love

You Always Want Their Validation

Another sign to look out for is validation. Some people lose themselves while loving.

Suddenly they can’t make decisions on their own and rely heavily on his opinion.

They begin to see themselves in how their partner sees them and will begin to crave perfection so that they won’t be abandoned.

However, this can come as needing constant communication, once they do not hear from their partner anxiousness sets in and their mind rings to them that the relationship has ended.

Do you feel like you are lost,  is your confidence gone in your relationship, without your partner your life is over.

Then you should reflect on these, and remember relationships are supposed to be a safe place to lay all your imperfections.

You Adjust Your Standards To Please The Other Person

This is one way you can tell that you are begging for love.  Begging for love can make you begin to modify who you are.

It can be altering your appearance, hobbies, and social activities,  to meet your partner’s expectations.

Most times people go as far as changing their weight for their partner, they adjust their opinions and values to align with those of their partner.

You wouldn’t even know when you are trapped and don’t know your identity anymore.

This will make you feel unhappy and won’t build the connection needed for your relationship to grow.

However, you can quickly call yourself to order when you notice these changes in you. Practice self-love and know that you are enough to be loved the way you are.

Signs You Are Begging  For Love

You Are Never Happy Alone

One of the evident signs that you are begging for love is that you are constantly seeking attention, you don’t find happiness with yourself.

Humans naturally want attention, especially when you are in a relationship, you want your partner to be so full of you. One thing you shouldn’t forget is they too have their own life.

And partners should give each other equal attention, do you find yourself often reaching out first, being jealous when your partner talks to someone else, or when they don’t respond to you early enough then yes you are begging for love.

Often, people go as far as pretending to be sick just to get attention from their partner. This can be emotionally draining and will leave you feeling anxious.

As I stated earlier, attention in a relationship should be balanced, and if you find yourself in this situation, you can call your partner’s attention.

You Put Your Feelings Aside For Peace  Sake

How you feel should be a priority to your partner and your feelings should be respected. If you are in a relationship where you can’t freely express yourself without being bashed then you should think twice.

Most people accept bad treatment from their partners and fail to confront them, forgetting that this is an important part of a relationship.

How your partner responds to your anger is very important, do they apologize or gaslight you? This is very crucial for the mental health of yourself and your love life.

Constantly bottling up your emotions and not being able to express them will make you frustrated, unhappy, and resentful and this will put a hindrance to your personal growth and progress of your relationship.

One thing you should understand is that hiding your feelings with the intention of not wanting to upset your partner will not stop them from leaving you, you are only making yourself miserable.

If you find yourself doing this then you are begging for love and that is diminishing your self-worth.

You Gift Even When  The Favour Is Not Reciprocated

Gifting is very important for partners and one way of expressing love is by gifting your partner. It’s a way of showing that you pay attention to their needs.

But when it becomes a one-sided thing it shows that you are begging to be loved.

When you find yourself spending above your means and running into debt to gift your partner then it’s a sign that you are begging for love.

Another thing to look out for is when you expect something in return, you buy a gift to get someone’s affection, validation, or commitment.

Real love doesn’t depend on material things but rather focuses on building connections.

You Are The Initiator In The Relationship

The relationship is boring without you, nothing happens if you don’t plan or introduce it in your relationship, and it remains the same way.

You are the first to initiate conversations and date plans, and you suggest the steps in your relationship.

Whenever there is an argument you are willing to give an apology first to make this work.

You carry the responsibility in your relationship, a healthy relationship involves shared effort, and two partners put in the work to keep it sailing.

If you do all these, while your partner does not return the same energy, it is a one-sided love and an evident sign that you are begging for love.

You Accept All The  Red Flags

No one is perfect, but there are certain behaviors one should not accept,  especially with your partner and if you intend to stay with them for a long time.

One evident sign you are begging for love is when you accept ill treatment from your partner, you even make excuses for their behavior.

This is often caused by fear that you may not find someone who would love you again.

If you see yourself doing these, it is a sign that you are begging for love, and it is important to address unhealthy issues in your relationship.

You deserved to be loved without manipulation.

You Are Always Feeling Insecure

Insecurity in a relationship will leave you in continuous doubt and have you questioning yourself all the time.

It will make you feel like you are not enough for your partner, and oftentimes this leads to pleasing your partner to get their love.

In addition, insecurity can turn you into a watchdog in your relationship, you constantly want to be aware of everything and everywhere your partner is and this can eventually push them away.

Remember no matter what you do, it is only those who want to be with you, that will remain with you.

You Make Excuses For Your Partner’s Misbehavior

Another tell-tale sign that you are begging for love is when you make excuses for your partner’s behavior.

Meanwhile, you are fully aware of their inconsistency, lack of effort,  toxic manners, and disrespect with which you are treated, but you choose to be blind, coming up with excuses or blaming yourself for being treated badly.

You avoid confrontation,  for fear of abandonment.

Intentionally or unintentionally, once your partner notices the power they have over you, they might use It to their advantage.

Signs You Are Begging  For Love

You Over Flatter Your Partner

If you find yourself constantly showering your partner with praise, even when you don’t mean it or it’s not needed then you should begin to pay attention to your emotions, they are beginning to get ahead of you.

To most people their partners are perfect, and they never find fault in them.

They shower their partner with excessive flattery over little things, or they use phrases that show dependence on their partner. ‘I am nothing without you’, ‘you are my everything’, ‘I am helpless without you’.

All this stated above can make your partner uncomfortable or give them an edge over you.

Once you begin to notice that you are doing this, it is a sign that you are begging for love.

You Often Find Yourself In An Unhealthy Relationship.

If you find yourself constantly jumping from one relationship to the other, then this is a major sign that you are begging for a relationship.

The need to belong and be loved is paramount in everyone, but it should make you give your commitment to just anybody.

One thing you should constantly take into consideration before going into a relationship is to know that you deserve to be loved and loved well, not a relationship where all the work and effort rely on you.

Signs You Are Begging  For Love

You Are Constantly Texting And  Calling

Constantly texting and calling can turn you into a pest in your partner’s life. Every good morning, every how are you, begins from you.

You are the one who always initiates all the conversations in the relationship, you often ask where are you or what are you doing just to feel connected.

You will have to continually text to get a response from your partner,  your one missed call is not returned by your partner except it is multiple.

If you find yourself in this situation, then yes you are begging for love, and this points out the imbalance in your communication with your partner, and a deep connection can’t be built in this condition.

You should either dust your butt and leave or express these feelings to your partner.

You Are Giving Your Partner More Attention

Do you find yourself replying to their messages immediately even when they take time to reply to yours,  always being at their beck and call, be it emotionally or physically?

You are the one who calls often and returns their calls immediately.

You are the only one who offers support in the relationship but they rarely give you the same, you shouldn’t be in a relationship where you can’t share your burden with your partner.

If you find yourself in these shoes then a rethink should be done, because you are being taken for granted and you deserve better.

You Are Overanalyzing Every Message

Constantly craving love can lead to emotional vulnerability to every sense of rejection or perceived criticism.

Replaying conversations in your head,  trying to decode or look for a secret meaning to every message is telling you that you are begging for love.

This can build hindrances in communication, in your relationship.

Your partner already knows you make the worst scenario in every case, and no one is ready for the stress to continually explain themselves.

Posting Desperate Posts On Social Media

 Several sayings suggest that your social media post is a reflection of what is going on in your heart.

When you begin to post frequently about love,  heartbreaks,  or even sharing intimate pictures to gain attention is a sign to watch out for.

Although the need for validation and attention is inherent in humans, when it becomes excess it can speak volumes of your loneliness and desperation.

When you find yourself doing this, you should call yourself to order and create a balance in your life.

You are very Clingy

Most times people fall head over heels in love with their partner and this can lead to clingy behavior.

They become too attached to them and their world revolves around them, while love is a beautiful thing, becoming over-possessive can be harmful to your relationship.

This can create tension between you and your partner and eventually push them away.

It is important to respect your partner’s boundaries.

You Are Prioritizing Your Love Over Personal Growth

A healthy relationship leads to growth in every aspect of your life.

When you begin to lose yourself and compromise your dreams to please your love then it is an evident sign that you are begging for love.

This will put you in a state of stagnancy and unfulfillment, and this will make you unknowingly resent your partner.

Remember your partner should be a support system in reaching your goal.

Easily Accessible

Another sign that tells you you are begging for love is when you are at your partner’s beck and call.

If you find yourself continually available for your partner,  be it emotionally, physically, or even financially, you have lost the ability to say no and you feel compelled even when it is not convenient for you.

It is your fear of desertion that has taken hold of you, you think they might leave you if you are not present for them.

Once you find yourself in this state, prioritize setting healthy boundaries, enjoying your company, and learning to say no.

In Conclusion

A healthy relationship is one where two individuals put equal effort to make it work.

Love is something you shouldn’t beg for, it should be given freely.

Signs You Are Begging  For Love


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