20 Signs a Co-worker Likes You More Than You Think

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Relationship Advice

You can meet a great guy or lady anywhere, at work, during a task assigned from work, and in so many other places, official or not.

Your looks, sweet smell, courtesy, or manner of conversation could be an attractive factor. But before you read and think further, ensure you don’t make things difficult if your eyes are on your co-worker as well.

Beyond the time to communicate, hang out, learn things, and work as co-workers, it is important to know if your co-worker like you, particularly because they act so nicely towards you.

You can do this by positioning yourself more properly to attract a relationship with them or avoid any form of professional misconduct. For whatever reason you may have in mind, it is not wrong to know your co-worker’s intentions towards you.

You can tell if a colleague of yours seeks to draw closer to you as a friend or is more attracted to you than you think through the following signs and more:

  1. They are always around you.
  2. They want to answer your questions.
  3. They ask you questions about yourself.
  4. They often try to make eye contact.
  5. They get concerned about how you feel.
  6. Their tone is more welcoming when dealing with you.
  7. They see your thoughts as the best ideas.
  8. They want to see you off all the time.
  9. They say nice things to you, including compliments.
  10. They always partner with you.
  11. They seek to keep conversations with you.
  12. They try to get your attention with the way they dress.
  13. They want you to notice their actions.
  14. They are so nice to you.
  15. They show genuine interest in things that concern you.
  16. They talk about you always and reference you constantly.
  17. They start having frequent conversations with you online and outside of work.
  18. They want to go out with you.
  19. They help you when you are faced with challenges.
  20. They want to know your views on the things they do.

1. They are always around you

Signs a Co-worker Likes You More Than You Think

It is not so difficult to know that someone enjoys being around you all the time. Someone may enjoy your company because you think alike and your philosophies and beliefs are similar.

Possibly, you should also take note that someone can always be around you because you smell good too. Looking at all these factors and more, you can tell if it’s about something deeper.

When a co-worker likes you way more than you think, you will notice that they always seek to be around you. Right from the moment you come to work, they will seek ways to flock around you, and they always have justification for being by your side.

In fact, your colleagues must have noticed their attitude towards you, and they can use it to always make fun of you at every opportunity they have.

When you notice you, you might ask him why he is always around you, but his response may not be a direct one, especially if he doesn’t want you to know that he likes you already.

2. They want to answer your questions

At work, one can know a more collaborative worker by the way one asks questions and seeks to know the ideas of others.

Beyond this, it is not a bad idea to ask questions when you are in need of answers or ideas to make things work. And if your workplace supports community engagement to generate ideas, then collaboration will be accommodated at your workplace.

Your co-worker can leverage this to indirectly express their attraction towards you by always attempting to answer your questions and providing ideas when you reach out for answers.

This act of your co-worker towards you will be way more than the norm. You will notice it in their attempt to always render help, answer your questions, and hold your hand through challenges. These signs and more show that they like you already.

3. They ask you questions about yourself

Official questions and community engagements are expected at the workplace, but when personal questions, like really personal questions, set in, backed up with certain nice gestures, then there may be more.

Your co-worker who likes you will try to engage you in conversations about life, particularly questions about yourself. If you notice that they keep getting deeper into asking questions about your life, family, and what you like and dislike, then they may be initiating these conversations about you because they like you.

They can move it further to asking you personal questions about your relationship, love life, and the like. Furthermore, you can tell that they are interested in you because they keep asking questions from your conversations, and as they get deeper, they seem to enjoy the conversation and keep getting comfortable with you.

4. They often try to make eye contact

It is thrilling to catch someone trying to steal glances at you time and time again, especially if you like them too. When your co-worker makes eye contact with you once and tops it up with a smile, you may reciprocate the same as a coincidence.

If it happens continuously that your co-worker keeps trying to make eye contact with you, it becomes obvious that he wants to steal glances because he likes you. He may be doing that if he hasn’t gotten the courage to walk up to you and express his feelings yet.

You can ask someone at your workplace who you can confide in if they have noticed it as well, so you can be sure that you are not assuming. Ultimately, you can stylishly ask him why he often steals glances at you. From there, make your deductions.

5. They get concerned about how you feel

Signs a Co-worker Likes You More Than You Think

People are drawn to others who care about them, especially in a genuine manner. Your co-worker’s concern about your well-being could be a sign that they like you. When you see that you are up and doing, they will always seek to know if you are fine or comfortable.

Also, at the point when your co-worker’s concern about how you are faring becomes unusual, they are showing a sign that they already like you. If you complain about an ache, they will offer so many solutions. Whatever you do, they will want to ensure that you are stable and fine. When you see these signals they are sending, it is obvious that they like you.

You can also tell that they are at this point when they ask whether you have eaten or not and attempt to get you food, ultimately making the working environment and beyond more comfortable for you.

6. Their tone is more welcoming when dealing with you

No one needs a soothsayer to perceive that someone is liking another when they give them preferential treatment. The same way, when your co-worker treats you differently, nicely, and with more care, they may like you more than you think.

This may not necessarily mean that your co-worker treats others badly. It may just be that they have a special place in their hearts for you.

Moreover, no one treats everyone equally in their lives. Your co-worker’s welcoming tone is a sign that you have grabbed their attention, and so they want to show that they like you or something about you by giving you a lot of attention.

7. They see your thoughts as the best ideas

When it comes to sharing ideas to execute a project at work, all ideas may not be placed at the same level. Most times, the top ideas may not be based on brilliance but are intermingled with personal bias.

As a norm, people tend to consider and hold in high esteem ideas that are from people they like so much. That could be why your co-worker snaps his fingers when you speak during meetings to indicate that he has not heard any better.

His applause and ovation after your speech, how he adds content to your ideas, and how he holds your hand when executing your projects can be a sign that he likes you—not as a friend but even more than you think.

8. They want to see you off all the time

After a stressful day, having company and someone you can talk to on your way home or before picking up a cab is simply interesting. For some people, it is a great way to unwind.

It is also blissful to have someone to share your day’s experience with, whether good or bad. It helps you offload and, if possible, enrich others and yourself, making them know more about you and your every move.

If your co-worker can’t wait to see you off all the time, brings up discussions when you are walking together, or drives you home and it feels like they do not want to leave even when you have gotten to your destination, then it is glaring that they like you more than you think.

9. They say nice things to you, including compliments

Someone on the road whom you haven’t met all your life can complement your looks, dress, smell, smile, and so on. However, you can get compliments at different levels.

Your co-worker can take it to a deeper level by doing it consistently. You will discover that they like almost everything about you. Your smile, the way you talk, your voice, and every little thing you do thrill them, and every effort you put into what you do amazes them.

What is most touching about this sign is that your co-worker may begin to compliment you with words that people will hardly say to you on a normal day.

10. They always partner with you

Signs a Co-worker Likes You More Than You Think

There are highly independent people who prefer to do things for themselves and on their own. For some, it is a personality trait; for others, they may be doing it to get the glory all to themselves and nothing more.

However, partnership with the right and like minds will make your efforts swifter and your outcome more profitable. When your co-worker finds every opportunity to partner with you, teach you, and assist you and does it passionately, then it is obvious that they like you.

For instance, your co-worker may assist you in accomplishing your tasks at work or tidying up your workplace.

They may render assistance to you time and time again without your permission as well. Aside from trying to partner with you, your co-worker may put in all efforts to make sure that you always achieve what you set out to do.

11. They seek to keep conversations with you

You might have noticed that your co-worker is a nice person and is quite reserved with others, but when he is so free with you and tries to keep conversations with you going, then there could be something about the way he relates to you.

On a normal day, the way in which you sustain a conversation with someone reflects a lot about your relationship with them. And so, your co-worker may transcend the usual conversation you used to have and delve deeper.

They keep conversations going with you so they can know you better or keep enjoying your company before they boldly come out of their shell.

12. They try to get your attention with the way they dress

Getting compliments about your dress or your fashion sense is simply beautiful. If you compliment your co-worker about the way they dress or tell them that they look so great in a particular style or outfit, they may make it their regular to always get your attention.

Once your co-worker likes you, he wants you to always notice their moves, and so if you give them a hint of how you want them to always appear, your compliment about their dress will drive them to always attract you with their appearance.

This is quite easy to note; just observe if their fashion sense has taken a new turn ever since you complemented their outfit.

13. They want you to notice their actions

You might have noticed that sometimes some people want everyone to notice what they do, make comments, and, of course, praise them. This hypocritical act can be traced to one reason or another.

Nonetheless, your co-worker may want you to notice them because they like you; to them, that could be the way they will attract you to themselves. Due to this, they will strive to be excellent or do things that are to your taste.

When you try to ignore them, they will practically rub what they have done on your face in order to trigger a conversation with you or make themselves fresh in your mind due to their deeds.

14. They are so nice to you

When people are so nice to you, it doesn’t mean that you should be relaxed. It can also mean that you need to be alert so you can decipher their intent towards you. So, don’t spread your arms in rest yet because someone treats you nicely.

Your co-worker’s niceness to you could be an indication that they want to set a trap against you, so they want you to feel comfortable, or they are interested in you and want you to perceive it.

You need to settle down and pick their motive from the way they treat you or what they want to prove; otherwise, if they have an ulterior motive, you may be a victim of it. More so, you shouldn’t be tense if you have come to the knowledge that your co-worker likes you and that is why they treat you nicely.

15. They show genuine interest in things that concern you

Signs a Co-worker Likes You More Than You Think

When running with a vision, it is good to let others who you feel are in position to help you know, both at the work front and in your personal life. These people must have good intentions towards you too; you shouldn’t reveal them to them.

Nonetheless, no matter how many people you tell about your plans and interests, not everyone will show you genuine support. Others may begin but leave you along the journey.

Your co-worker may see your vision and plans as an opportunity to get closer to you. It becomes obvious when you see the efforts they put in to push you forward and their genuine interest in the things that are of concern to you.

16. They talk about you always and reference you constantly

When something or someone is on your mind, you will constantly think about and talk about it. Also, you will remember what they say, do, and other memories that surround them. Same with your co-worker; when they like you, they will always refer to you.

Your co-worker will always remember what you say in every instance and tell others since they do not take your word lightly. You can see more signs that your co-worker likes you by the way they seek to know your thoughts about issues that surround them.

Anyway, it is not enough to always share your thoughts with someone. You can tell if they value your words by how they receive them and work with them. If your co-worker recognizes your words in your presence or absence, then it is obvious that they like you more than you think.

17. They start having frequent conversations with you online and after work

Your conversation with someone is likely to be traced to a situation or environment. You can also see instances of people talking about someone who inspires them deeply in their workplace or in their field generally since they are at work.

In the hospital environment, doctors and nurses can talk about touch situations they had to treat that they hadn’t encountered before and how they handled the patient. Other situations can prompt conversations in the same context.

But when your co-worker ensures that you have frequent conversations online and outside of your work environment, then they may like you more than you think. They may take it further by discussing personal issues with you.

18. They want to go out with you

When someone wants to be more free with another person, they may seek a different, more comfortable environment where they can express themselves well with the other person.

Your co-worker may not be any different. They want to experience you and allow you to express yourself in a place that they or you choose to go. So, when your co-worker wants you to go out with them, they may seek to know you better outside your work environment.

It is a great idea to know their reason for taking you out anyway. In such cases, it may be nice to say that you have been so stressed out with work and that they want you to unwind by taking time out in a more comfortable environment. Whatever their reason is, look closely into the lens; it may be another sign that they like you more than you think.

19. They help you when you are faced with challenges

It is not new for people to encounter challenges on a course. During times of difficulty, it is inspiring to be told that overcoming challenges leads to a brighter experience. However, beyond motivation, it is super enriching to have people around you when you are faced with challenges or a trying time. It does much more than words can say.

Your co-worker may be that person who understands you when you are faced with tough situations and always reaches out with a helping hand in such situations. You must not take their disposition towards you at this time.

So long as you notice that their motives are pure, receive them with open arms and allow them to help you. It could be a sign that they like you more than you think.

20. They want to know your views on the things they do

Signs a Co-worker Likes You More Than You Think

During conversations, not everyone likes talking about themselves. They may prefer to talk about other people’s experiences, events that they did not partake in, and so on. But their lives remain private and open to them alone. That’s a great place to be, so long as that is what they want.

On the other hand, when your co-worker wants to know your thoughts concerning what they do, it tells a lot about their personality and how they want you to treat them from henceforth.

It means a lot for someone to consider your thoughts so much that it determines what decision they take. When your co-worker seeks to know your views on the things he does, then he is interested in you much more than you think.

Parting Words

When a co-worker likes you, there are many ways in which they will express the way they feel about you. Don’t take their feelings for granted or overlook the signs that they show you.

Overall, you should not assume that they like you so much already; seek to know why they look at you the way they do and treat you especially well.

Signs a Co-worker Likes You More Than You Think


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