200 Most Important Questions to Ask a Guy to Bring You Closer

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Things to Say

When you seek to know more about your friend, your crush, or a guy, you get a clear sense of what he is and ultimately how to relate to him. If you like a guy, you should make an effort to get closer to him. You can move further with him, particularly if his mindset, looks, words, or actions attract you to him.

Nonetheless, getting to know more about someone you like will not just bring you closer to them but also take you far off or determine how close you will be with them.

Having a conversation is one cool way that you can get to know a guy better, and in this regard, you initiate a conversation by asking him questions. These questions will give you a sense of his personality and draw you closer to his fondness.

If you have been around the guy you want to get closer to for a while, you might have an idea of the kind of conversation he likes; in that case, you should know how to present your question(s). In order to achieve your plan of getting close, sense his mood and make sure he is comfortable and free to talk to you as well.

You can ask him about himself, what he likes, and what he prefers investing his time in to get to know him better.

Here is a list of 200 important questions that you can ask a guy to bring him closer

Questions to Ask a Guy to Bring You Closer

  1. What has been your most adventurous moment in recent times?
  2. What’s your take on setting financial goals? Can we talk about how much you have made so far this year?
  3. What can a lady do to please you?
  4. How do you suggest that life should be lived?
  5. Which colour fascinates you the most, and why?
  6. On a normal day, do you prefer coffee over tea?
  7. Within the last five years, how many relationships have been formed?
  8. What attracts you most about a person?
  9. Have you ever done something that made you feel so bad when you were caught? If yes, what could it be?
  10. What makes you lose interest most quickly in the opposite gender
  11. Over time, what has been your greatest struggle at work?
  12. Do you care so much about how a person looks, or do you feel that there is more to consider?
  13. What will you do if you notice your girlfriend has someone else?
  14. Everyone has an understanding of what love is. To you, what does it mean?
  15. Do you feel lonely sometimes?
  16. During the weekdays, which moment do you consider your best?
  17. Has marriage ever been on your agenda, or is it just a new thing on your mind?
  18. What scares you the most about a woman?
  19. Do you budget your finances or spend as you make money?
  20. I’ve related to you to some extent, but I want you to tell me: are you an introvert or an extrovert?
  21. Who has answers to almost all your questions?
  22. If your wife gives birth to an autistic child, What will you do?
  23. How many kids do you think you can cater to?
  24. Have you been plagued by sickness before now?
  25. Do you love pets?
  26. How best do you manage procrastination?
  27. Would you like toys in your house, or are you also of the opinion that they are a children’s thing?
  28. Should men be hurt when they are hurt?
  29. Are you an indoor person, or can’t you wait to go on vacation all the time?
  30. Does music uplift your soul? What kind, if I may ask?
  31. How would you love your family to be?
  32. How do you see yourself in the next five years?
  33. What are your biggest and wildest dreams?
  34. Are you interested in tech?
  35. What is the most thrilling thing you have ever done for a lady?
  36. Do you love journaling?
  37. What is the driving force behind your actions?
  38. Motivational books or romance novels. Which do you prefer?
  39. What is the greatest belief you’ve held on to since childhood?
  40. What is your message to someone who is hurting right now?
  41. Do you love receiving compliments and complimenting others?
  42. On a scale of 1–3, how quick are you to forgive and move on?
  43. Do you love games?
  44. What’s your favorite social media platform?
  45. Will you pick a best-selling book over a trending movie?
  46. What are you passionate about and can you consistently engage in for 25 days without pay?
  47. Swimming or dancing. Which do you do best?
  48. What is the most unfortunate event that has happened to you that you can recall?
  49. What is the meanest thing you have ever done?
  50. If you have the opportunity to access resources to impact your community, what will your plan be?
  51. What did you struggle with during your relationship period?
  52. Tell me about your family. Can you?
  53. Do you think people have taken advantage of you at any point in your life?
  54. Let’s talk about your spec in the lady you intend to get married to. Can we?
  55. Have you ever lost a loved one? How did you feel?
  56. What is your genotype?
  57. Can you cook intercontinental dishes?
  58. Do you love playing with pets?
  59. Have you given out your last cash before? How did you feel?
  60. After a stressful time, how do you unwind?
  61. If you are asked to relocate to any country of your choice, Where will you choose?
  62. Will competition bring out the best in you, or do you think simply being yourself will do?
  63. Are you scared of death? Why?
  64. Is it difficult for you to apologize to someone you are older than?
  65. Is there anything you can’t help but express your gratitude about every day?
  66. What would you love to start doing differently from now on?
  67. Will your wife bear her father’s name or yours?
  68. Whose journey has inspired you the most?
  69. What will your response be if your child is born with a terminal disease?
  70. Which course of study would you go for if you wanted to further your education?
  71. What do you call a blessing?
  72. If you have 2 more hours added to your 24 hours daily, what will you add to your schedule?
  73. Would you say your previous relationship was toxic?
  74. What’s the highest amount you’ve spent on shopping?
  75. How do you handle fearful situations?
  76. What philosophy about life stands out for you?
  77. If you were to choose your nationality, would you prefer where you were born?
  78. Between your mom and your dad, who do you prefer having a conversation with?
  79. Which stage of your life left an unforgettable memory?
  80. Do you have a sense of accomplishment right now?
  81. In a relationship, what is the deal-breaker for you?
  82. How would you respond if your wife chose to keep her password away from you?
  83. How can you tell that someone is ready for marriage?
  84. If you lose your job a few weeks before your wedding, will you still further your plans?
  85. What’s your take on ladies wearing makeup?
  86. What do you do when someone gets you upset?
  87. Do you prefer having male or female friends around you?
  88. What are you so uncertain about?
  89. Are you single? If yes, why?
  90. Do you have any awkward stories about yourself that you would love to share?
  91. Do you like anything about me?
  92. What is the longest time your relationship has lasted?
  93. Books or movies?
  94. As a young man, what defines you?
  95. Do you believe in religion?
  96. What would you do if you got a political appointment?
  97. If you had more money, what decision would you take that you haven’t taken?
  98. In the bright future you have for yourself, is marriage inclusive?
  99. What do you observe first about people when you meet them?
  100. Are you more accommodating than strict, or is it a gracious blend?
  101. When you meet someone for the first time, what do you say to them first?
  102. What was it like to make your first proposal to your ex-girlfriend?
  103. Do you ever think of asking me out?
  104. Which aspect of your life can sweep me off my feet?
  105. Do you enjoy flirting?
  106. What if we go on a date?
  107. Who sends you text messages the most?
  108. What is your favorite day of the week?
  109. A company that provides goods and offers services, or a school. Which would you prefer to build?
  110. What’s your favorite meme?
  111. Where would you love to have your next vacation?
  112. Do you prefer to dress more cooperatively than casually, or the reverse?
  113. What do you think about having group trips?
  114. Have you ever been embarrassed before your girlfriend? What was it like?
  115. Do you have a funny nickname that you do not want anyone to know about?
  116. Where have you been treated most rudely?
  117. What is the funniest thing you’ve ever told someone that made them laugh out of their eyes?
  118. Does your WiFi have a password?
  119. Have you invented something before? What was that?
  120. If your parents dislike you, what would you do about it?
  121. What is your most frequently used recipe?
  122. Whose music gets you thrilled and inspired?
  123. Have you ever told anyone about me? What did you tell them?
  124. Would you love to know my friends?
  125. How about we attend the movie premiere together?
  126. What elevates your mood?
  127. What have you always struggled at yet still can’t do perfectly?
  128. Who do you look at as a template?
  129. What fascinates you about nature?
  130. Do you prefer natural fruits or sweeteners?
  131. Do you make decisions based on astrology?
  132. What’s your dream job?
  133. Which generation were you born into?
  134. How soon do you want a relationship?
  135. Whose book has impacted you massively?
  136. Can you share a notable childhood memory that has shaped your life to date?
  137. Were you nervous during your first date?
  138. Which movie won’t you get tired of viewing?
  139. Ever had a near-death experience?
  140. Shoes, watches, and belts—which will you spend your last cash on?
  141. What is the scariest experience you’ve had since we’ve been together?
  142. Have you ever been falsely accused before? How did you handle it?
  143. How do you manage your daily tasks?
  144. What is your greatest advice to a 20-year-old guy in love with his schoolmate?
  145. Will you buy the idea of attending marriage classes before your wedding?
  146. How do you manage your daily tasks effectively?
  147. Do you do the laundry and dishes at home?
  148. On a scale of 1–10, rate your love for children
  149. What does success mean to you?
  150. When working on a project, do you love to improvise or simply wait till everything is in shape?
  151. How far can you go to prove your love to a lady you admire?
  152. Can you share a tough consequence you faced after engaging in something you were warned against?
  153. Have you ever won a jackpot by discerning correctly? What was it about?
  154. What’s the highest amount you’ve ever earned?
  155. How do you spend your weekends?
  156. What’s your secret to steady productivity?
  157. How often do you wish you had a girlfriend?
  158. How old are you?
  159. Can you share with me some priceless advice someone gave you?
  160. Have you ever battled with an addiction before?
  161. What kills your joy the fastest?
  162. If you could turn back the hand of time, what opportunity would you bring back?
  163. What experiences in your life marked the turn-around you are currently experiencing?
  164. Do you enjoy sports? Which in particular?
  165. Have you ever ridden on a horse? If yes, were you scared?
  166. Can I visit your family with you?
  167. If you had someone teach you graphic design, would you accept learning?
  168. How often do you visit the gym?
  169. How do you withdraw from parasitic relationships?
  170. After the incident the other day, how do you feel today?
  171. If you are to listen to inspiring music right now, whose album speaks directly to your soul?
  172. How do you approach seemingly disappointing situations?
  173. What can you trade your favorite meal for?
  174. Which TV show are you likely not to miss for any reason except an emergency?
  175. How good are you at telling stories?
  176. What is your take on the recent economic situation?
  177. Apart from your well-being, are you responsible for anyone else at the moment?
  178. How often do you go to outdoor events?
  179. Are you an extremely private person, or can you easily mix with the crowd?
  180. What is your most resounding achievement?
  181. In what aspect of your life will you say you deserve an accolade?
  182. Are you always strict about what you want?
  183. Are you an expressive person, or do you often hide your emotions?
  184. Can I invite you to a cocktail party at my place?
  185. What are your expectations for marriage?
  186. Can you cheat on your girlfriend?
  187. What does peace of mind mean to you?
  188. Can you borrow some money to have your dream wedding?
  189. Have you gotten a hang of your potential?
  190. Can you stand contradictory belief systems between you and your girlfriend?
  191. Ever witnessed a miracle? How was it?
  192. Can you share with me the biggest challenge you had as a teen?
  193. Do you have plans to marry me?
  194. Are you a deep thinker?
  195. Which word can best describe your current state?
  196. What is your take on self-defense?
  197. Can you tell me about your near-death experience?
  198. Do you like controversial people?
  199. Family and work. How will you balance them?
  200. Can you share a deep secret of yours that no one knows yet with me?

Questions to Ask a Guy to Bring You Closer

You Know What?

It is not just enough to come up with questions or to ask any of the 200 questions in this article. Ensure you ask passionately and listen intently to know exactly what he is saying to you, including the things he doesn’t want you to know.

Keep in mind that you need to enjoy the moment since you want to get closer to him, ask more questions, and make your discussion an engaging one.

Include what you think is missing, make the moment more conversational, and indicate at intervals that you are following.

Ensure you listen with genuine interest to know more about him, ask more related questions if he is comfortable with them, and show how delighted you are to know more about him.

To Wrap

Questions to Ask a Guy to Bring You Closer

Beyond getting responses to any of the questions above, ensure that you find a way to relate the things he loves or likes doing to yours.

Try to carry him along in your conversation and gestures, and ensure he gets comfortable as well. Ensure that you skillfully show him that you are interested in coming closer.


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