15 Powerful Signs You Are a Confident Person 

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powerful signs you are a confident person 


One of the most important personality traits everyone should have is confidence.

Confidence will get you into places where other personality traits can’t. Confidence will also keep you in those places too. 

How do you know a confident person? What are the signs that you are a confident person? 

This article will expose 15 powerful signs that you are a confident person. 

15 powerful signs you are a confident person 

1. A Strong Eye Contact 

powerful signs you are a confident person 

A strong, direct eye contact is one physical sign you’ll notice in a confident person when you meet them. 

If you are someone who can’t meet people’s gaze, you probably need to work on your confidence. Eye contact is part of communication cues that all humans exhibit.

And throughout the day, at work, school or even indoors, you are required to look in people’s eyes. During conversations, looking in the other person’s eyes without making them feel uncomfortable is something you have to do.

Making eye contact isn’t the forte of everyone. If you are able to do it without flustering, then you have a superpower. But how do you maintain eye contact without making the other person uncomfortable? Do this:

  • Return eye contact when necessary, like during conversations. 
  • Make eye contact when listening to someone speak. 
  • Make eye contact when someone is staring at you. This shows a strong personality and confidence.

2. You Talk Slowly 

It is a powerful sign of confidence if you don’t rush through your speech when it’s your turn in a conversation.

Speaking slowly isn’t the same as slurring your words, or speaking with a drawl as some do on account of their language or ethnicity. 

Confident people talk slowly because they believe in what they have to say. They know what they’re talking about. And they believe you need to hear it. 

Notice that people slow down when they are sure about what they’re saying. This is how confident people feel about themselves most of the time. Also, a confident person understands the subject matter, or concept they’re talking about.

A confident person doesn’t claim to know everything. But what they know, they’re not afraid to say. If you are known to speak slowly, not out of fear, then you’re a confident person. 

3. You Are In Control Of Your Emotions 

Emotions are a powerful motivator, but they are often wrong. Confident people understand this truth well so they work to control their emotions. 

Emotions are so potent that they can quickly take over the wheels in certain circumstances. When a person allows their emotions to control them too often, it is a sign of weakness and a lack of confidence. It is not easy to control our emotions. 

This is why being able to control your emotions is a powerful sign of confidence. Confident people understand that emotions most often lead to bad decisions. How do confident people do it though?

  • When the situation becomes laden, take deep breaths
  • Walk away from situations that leave you emotionally charged
  • Hold back from speaking until you’re sure you have your emotions under control
  • Instead of lashing out, calmly ask questions seeking to understand the circumstances 

4. You’re A Good Listener 

It takes confidence in yourself to calmly listen to others when they talk. Especially if the conversation is a hot debate, or when the other person is clearly in the wrong.

The urge to show you’re right, or that the other person is wrong can make you take over the conversation. This is not a sign of confidence. 

A confident person isn’t intimidated by what the other person knows or has to say. In fact, he is interested in learning and updating his own reserve of knowledge so he listens.

Also, a confident person believes in the fairness of allowing others to air their own view on matters. 

It is a powerful sign of confidence when you can set your opinion aside and listen to opposite views. How can you display this powerful sign of confidence?

  • By learning to be slow to speak 
  • By asking questions that prompt others to speak their mind
  • By understanding that no one knows it all
  • By learning to listen, not just hear

5. You Take Care of Your Physical Health 

It may come as a surprise for some that confidence is linked to good health.

The connection between confidence and mental health is established. A lack of low confidence can impact your health adversely. 

Confidence is a positive emotion that comes from feeling good about yourself and how you look. If you’re overweight and your health is less than optimal, your confidence level drops.

You are dropped in a vicious cycle where your health is bad because you don’t feel good about your body, and you don’t feel good because your health is bad. Consequently, your health suffers, your confidence is out the window. 

A slouching posture from a sedentary lifestyle and a big belly from eating too much junk food is not a good look for you. 

Regular exercise is good for a healthy living. Your happiness can depend on how healthy you are, and so does your confidence.

So if you take your health seriously, it is a powerful sign you’re a confident person. How can you improve?

  • Exercise regularly. Walking, running, lifting weights, are all examples of safe exercises. 
  • Eating healthy food. Fast food has been implicated as food that causes weight gain. 
  • Taking time for meditation allows you to clear your mind and allow positivity into your life

6. You’re a Risk Taker 

Setting goals and meeting them is important for self esteem. To step out of your comfort zone is considered a risk.

The reason is because many do not step out because they’re afraid they might fail. If you are a risk taker, this is a powerful sign you’re a confident person. 

In fact, a lack of a happy, fulfilled life is linked to a lack of confidence. Confident people understand that life is about taking risks. Very often, you can’t see beyond a few steps of a given plan or goal. But you go on anyway. 

To achieve your goals, you have had to take risks. This is how you know a confident person. Once more, taking calculated risks is different from being reckless. How do you know how to take risks?

  • You research your decisions before making them
  • You don’t spend all your time perfecting all the steps
  • You understand that thing get clearer as you go
  • You make contingent plans 

7. You’re Not Afraid of Being Wrong 

powerful signs you are a confident person 

A powerful indication that you’re a confident person is you’re not afraid of being told you’re wrong. You’re secured in your emotions.

It is a sign of weakness for someone to reject corrections. Confident people focus on opportunities for growth, and this usually happens when we make mistakes. 

Further, a confident person doesn’t dwell on their mistakes. They recognize that they’re not perfect. Self respect requires that a person accept when they’re wrong and make amends.

This is a powerful sign of confidence. One that shows you’re grounded in your self confidence. 

Why do some people hate being corrected when they make mistakes? 

  • They’re proud and their ego is hurt when corrected. 
  • They have too high estimate of themselves 
  • They feel superior to others. 

Being confident must not be confused with arrogance. A person can be confident even in their flaws and in their self improvement. 

8. You Value Friendships 

Another powerful sign that you are a confident person is, you know how to get along with people. You choose great friends and maintain a great relationship with them. You’re not aloof. 

Proud weak people think they’re too good for everyone. People who are not confident are awkward around people.

For a confident person, it’s not just about having people around you. It is also about impact. You cultivate friendships that are beneficial and advantageous. The watch word for you is value. 

You ask yourself: what value am I bringing to my relationships? Also, how can the other person impact me too?

There’s nothing selfish about wanting value in other people as long as you’re ready and capable of reciprocating. How does being confident contribute to great friendship? 

  • You likely go for friends who are better than you. 
  • You get along well with friends because you’re not selfish
  • You have boundaries and you respect other people’s boundaries too. 

9. A Strong Body Language 

Having a strong body language is a sign of confidence. A strong body language suggests interest in your environment and enthusiasm about getting involved.

This trait can be noticed in the way you gesticulate when you speak, the way you sit, the way you walk and talk. It also includes your facial expressions. 

People who lack a strong body language are unenthusiastic, and boring. This is because body language is a nonverbal means of communication.

For example, mirroring the gestures of the other person when you talk is how you show you’re actively involved in the conversation. 

Being able to display a strong body language requires confidence seeing as you need the use of the other traits like maintaining eye contact and being a good listener. 

Here are some ways body language works:

  • An upright and open posture is needed to show interest in the other person
  • Looking in the other person’s face, maintaining eye contact
  • Smiling and nodding in response to what is being said 
  • Being relaxed is also an important aspect of confidence 

10. You Have A Great Posture 

If you have a great posture you must have been combining some of the aspects of confidence mentioned here. A great posture comes from regular exercise and body language. 

Some are born with a great physical frame. Others have to work to get one through specific exercises.

Good posture is a subtle but powerful sign of confidence.

It commands attention, and respect, making you appear more assertive. It also helps to reduce self consciousness. 

If you struggle with a good posture, here’s what to do: 

  • First become aware of your current posture
  • Regular stretches that targets specific muscles can help to loosen them giving you a better posture
  • Build strength in your core to improve your posture when you stand. A good exercise is planks. 

11. You Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously 

It’s a sign of confidence if you don’t take yourself too seriously. It means you are humble and lighthearted when it comes to life’s issues. You are ready to laugh at jokes about you, or when you make mistakes. 

Generally, you’re an easygoing person. It takes confidence to be able to let go of things that others fight to keep.

Again, this doesn’t mean you don’t value your life or property. It simply means you don’t allow those things define you. 

This trait is a blend of self awareness, humility, a healthy sense of humor and some vulnerability. 

Not taking yourself too seriously allows you to: 

  • Build better relationships based on empathy
  • Grow as a person because you learn from your mistakes 
  • You have a positive and resilient attitude towards life
  • You have less stress and anxiety about the future 

12. You’re An Arsenal Fan 

This is not to disparage the football club but being an arsenal fan requires guts. You get bullied and laughed at by other football clubs every football season, and you have to laugh along without crying. 

Only a confident person who’s comfortable in their skin is able to stay an arsenal fan for years hoping to win the premiership someday. A day that never comes but you keep smiling. 

Here are the reasons why you’re an exceptionally confident person for being an arsenal fan: 

  • Your loyalty is top-notch 
  • Your perseverance needs to be emulated
  • You have a strong opinion of yourself as an arsenal fan
  • You have a great sense of humor 

13. You Give Firm Handshakes 

In some cultures, people could tell how confident and strong your personality is just by how you shake hands. The stronger the handshake the more respect you’re accorded. 

It is a powerful sign of confidence if you give firm handshakes. How do you do that? This is how: 

  • Give a firm grip, not a crushing one. It shows self assurance. 
  • Make eye contact as you shake hands, smile too
  • Keep your posture upright 
  • Let your movement be clear and concise 
  • Do not hesitate to take handshakes 

14. You Have A Peculiar Taste In Style

Dressing is an integral aspect of your personality. And a good taste in style can be a powerful indicator of confidence.

Of course, it can also be a sign of vanity in some people. But combined with the rest of the signs here in this article, you can stand out as a confident person. 

One way to show you are confident by the way you dress, is having your own identity and style.

For example, you may favor certain colors like black, deep brown when it comes to your suits, pants, shoes or belts, dresses and hairstyle. 

How can you make your style peculiar and confident? 

  • By understanding or learning how to put clothing elements together, that is, knowing how to match jackets and pants, dresses and shoes, etc. 
  • By picking out a style of clothing for major occasions 
  • Knowing how moods and weather influence choice of clothing 

15. You Can Do Without People 

powerful signs you are a confident person 

If you have to always be around people to be happy or fulfilled, then you lack confidence and a large hole inside you needs filling. This isn’t a good look for anyone. 

A confident person is comfortable being alone, or by themselves. Being alone isn’t doesn’t always suggest loneliness. Sometimes solitude can be refreshing, and an opportunity to get work done. 

How can you make the best of being by yourself? 

  • Plan it before seeking solitude, know what you want to do when alone
  • Keep it balanced by making sure you are safe alone in case of an emergency 
  • Take short breaks to be around people 
  • Have books around you 

Final Thoughts 

Confidence is a big deal in today’s world. As this article has shown, your interactions with others will improve if you’re a confident person.

Furthermore, being confident benefits you personally. You enjoy better friendships and health. To become more confident in yourself can begin with a gym membership.

Let this article be your roadmap to becoming a more confident person. 


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