30 People on Social Media Shares Lesson Learnt When They Moved in With Their Partners 

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People On Social Media Shares Lesson Learnt When They Moved In With Their Partners


Out of curiosity and my love for making content about juicy stories, I decided to do a research on social media about people who are or have lived with their partners at some point.

It turns out that they all had something interesting to say about the discoveries and lessons they learnt when they moved with their partner.

That’s why I have decided to compile 30 people’s shared lessons learnt on social media, when they moved in with their partner.

It would interest you to know that these individuals all had something fascinating to say about how and what living with their partner changed their relationship.

If you’re considering living with your partner, this would be a helpful article to read because it would enable you learn from other people’s experiences, and also make you more aware of things that you need to prepare for when you move in with your partner. 

Is moving in with your partner difficult? Will it make the relationship with my partner stronger or ruin it completely?

Well these are questions that will be answered in this article, all you have to do is glue your eyes to the screen as you read through these individual’s experiences.

Here are 30 people on social media who share lessons learnt when they moved in with their partners. Enjoy!

Table of Contents

30 People On Social Media Shares Lesson Learnt When They Moved in With Their Partners 

  1. Partners should learn to communicate what makes them pissed off about each other. 
  2. It is easier to fall victim to domestic violence when you move in with your partner. 
  3. You discover annoying and fascinating behaviors about your partner. 
  4. I learnt that my partner’s OCD level is bizarre and has a strange relationship with doors apparently. 
  5. Somehow, you also have to adopt their ‘crazy.’
  6.  Moving in together with your partner is good ‘sometimes.’
  7. Prepare yourself to forgive your partner a thousand times over.
  8. Being ready to stick with them despite all odds. 
  9. A lesson on how moving in with your partner could make you more resourceful. 
  10. My boyfriend is a total plant addict! There’s a lot of addictions yet to be discovered. 
  11. Your life could change positively, moving in with your partner. 
  12. My partner was a lazy git who couldn’t do anything productive which ultimately ended the relationship. 
  13. The outrageous amount of clothes that your partner could have but never wears. 
  14. I found out that my partner doesn’t like decorating and how I spend a decade in the bathroom.
  15. My partner made me have a weird and embarrassing visit to the doctor’s. 
  16. Moving in with your partner is a decision that you won’t regret.
  17. You could have a bunch of lists that you hate about your partner and still choose to love them.
  18. What will happen will happen whether you live in or apart.
  19. I have to clean up after his mess all the time, he had to change when I stopped. 
  20. She makes amazing soups that can literally cure any sickness you are suffering from.
  21. My girlfriend pisses like a freaking fire hose, I discovered this when she moved in. 
  22. I found out that my girlfriend is too insecure and sort of toxic, when we moved in together. 
  23. After I moved in with my partner, I added 30 lbs due to her overfeeding me. 
  24. The place my partner brushes her teeth is always a complete mess. 
  25. My partner either could not ask for help or he was too slow in the head to do anything.
  26. What I ordered is far from what I got when I started to live with my partner.
  27. Women’s strange habit with Bobby pins…
  28. My partner is weird about cleaning materials we can have…
  29. My boyfriend does not wash his hands after using the bathroom, gross!
  30. The shitter is a safe and quiet place to stay away from the drama and the world. 

Partners should learn to communicate what makes them pissed off about each other. 

People On Social Media Shares Lesson Learnt When They Moved In With Their Partners

Drawing on the experience of hufflepuff_keeper, it is vital to inform people who are planning to move in with their partner, that communication is key to maintaining a serious relationship and needed to live happily with your partner. 

Even if you feel like you might be nagging at them, it’s important that you understand that your partner needs you to voice out what you are feeling to be able to make a change. 

It is easier to fall victim to domestic violence when you move in with your partner. 

 People on Social Media Shares Lesson Learnt When They Moved in With Their Partners 

Judging from clubsinberian‘s story, moving in with your partner could lead to you being exposed to an abusive partner. Try to know who your partner is before moving in with them. 

If they are fond of hitting the wall, breaking things around them, you might want to reconsider moving with them because sooner or later, you might be what they hit next. 

You discover annoying and fascinating behaviors about your partner. 

People On Social Media Shares Lesson Learnt When They Moved In With Their Partners

In this case, it is how long the person’s partner takes a shower. One might wonder if their partner is a fish or a mermaid who finds peace and comfort where water is. 

 When you move in with your partner, you will find out a lot of weird habits that they have, some of which you can not handle.

A remedy for a crisis like this is that you can decide to get two bathrooms so you could not be hindered or be a hindrance to your partner. This is a lesson learnt and shared by chidishinquiry

I learnt that my partner’s OCD level is bizarre and has a strange relationship with doors apparently. 

People On Social Media Shares Lesson Learnt When They Moved In With Their Partners

cub_scout_reject shares their experience with a partner who has OCD and ultimately shares the lesson learnt from it. Aside from loving your partner with everything within you, you also have to consider that they are likely to make mistakes and have their excesses. 

You should be able to decide if you can bear it, if not, moving out is a good option. 

There’s nothing bad about living separately from your partner if you’re not married to them. What matters is the love and attention given to the relationship. 

Somehow, you also have to adopt their ‘crazy.’

People On Social Media Shares Lesson Learnt When They Moved In With Their Partners

This was a response to a question asked on Reddit, and the individual’s response got my attention on their experience living with their partner. If your partner has some weird behaviors, chances are that you are going to pick it up. 

Threesixninefourzero, says that his partner is a hoarder and does not like to waste anything which is obviously ridiculous.

If you love your partner so much and you want to remain a couple peacefully staying together, you either have to allow them to be who they are or join them. 

Moving in together with your partner is good ‘sometimes.’

People On Social Media Shares Lesson Learnt When They Moved In With Their Partners

Moving in with your partner could go both ways, it could be bad or great.

If your experience turns out to be bad, you do not have to remain with them because you are in a relationship, the best decision is to leave, for the sake of your protection. 

On the other hand, it can also be good because it could help you make life changing decisions as to who you want to spend the rest of your life with and make a parent for your children.

This is an important lesson shared by @candyricheson

Prepare yourself to forgive your partner a thousand times over. 

People On Social Media Shares Lesson Learnt When They Moved In With Their Partners

RealAbstractSquidll says that his partner destroys everything that he comes in contact with. If you do not have the ability to forgive, you might end up being miserable living with your partner.

Whether you like it or not, they are going to hurt you one way or the other. 

‘Forgiveness is a virtue,’ this should be a quote that you live by and allow you to navigate the relationship you have with your partner. 

Being ready to stick with them despite all odds. 

People On Social Media Shares Lesson Learnt When They Moved In With Their Partners

Buscemi_D_Sanji learnt how dirty their partner was and still chose to love them.

Not everyone could do this but it is something worth pointing out. When you move in with your partner, your tolerance level has to be at its peak. 

Sometimes your partner could be the most disgusting person you have ever met while other days they might exhibit tendencies of OCD, you just have to be prepared mentally and physically for whatever persona they put on. 

A lesson on how moving in with your partner could make you more resourceful. 

People On Social Media Shares Lesson Learnt When They Moved In With Their Partners

The theme of this first_oftheday’s  experience with living with her partner is more of a positive one. It centers on how the individual is more resourceful and has been able to learn things that he/she didn’t know before. 

Living with your partner could make you grow in character and as well in skills.

I recommend that when you move in with your partner, you prioritize personal growth because the quality of your relationship lies more on the individuals in the relationship. 

My boyfriend is a total plant addict! There’s a lot of addictions yet to be discovered. 

People On Social Media Shares Lesson Learnt When They Moved In With Their Partners

herekitakita says that her boyfriend has a plant addiction! You think you’ve heard it all? You’ve just been proven wrong. Moving in with a plant addict who brings in plants everyday is quite bizarre. 

One would think that there’s no such thing as a plant addiction but judging from this person’s story, I would say otherwise. Moving in with your partner takes a lot of patience, you have to also be open minded. 

Your life could change positively, moving in with your partner. 

People On Social Media Shares Lesson Learnt When They Moved In With Their Partners

IrascibleOcelot learnt something valuable. The lesson that can not be overemphasized by people on social media is that moving in with your partner could change your life positively. 

This person’s partner made them learn  how to cook, clean and do laundry. 

My partner was a lazy git who couldn’t do anything productive which ultimately ended the relationship. 

People On Social Media Shares Lesson Learnt When They Moved In With Their Partners

HMscaliostro also has a fascinating lesson that they learnt, to share. It is annoying staying with a partner that can not seem to get their butt off the couch all day. 

This mostly becomes a realization when you move with your partner which could be hard to deal with. 

The outrageous amount of clothes that your partner could have but never wears. 

People On Social Media Shares Lesson Learnt When They Moved In With Their Partners

Chill_Vin learnt something that is  mostly peculiar to females, a lady could have all the outfits for an event and still feel that she doesn’t have any clothes. 

As a man, you could find this behavior cute and a little strange or you could find it completely annoying but I am sorry to break it to you, whatever way you feel, you just have to put up with it. 

I found out that my partner doesn’t like decorating and how I spend a decade in the bathroom. 

 People on Social Media Shares Lesson Learnt When They Moved in With Their Partners 

Another person who shares lessons learnt from moving with their partner is the_real_mvp_is_you. Living with your partner could make you realize things that you didn’t even know about yourself. 

Through this person’s experience, it is clear that there’s a wise way to handle your differences.

Remember that opposite attracts which makes the relationship more better because it allows you to imbibe some characters and knowledge that you have on your partner and vice versa. 

My partner made me have a weird and embarrassing visit to the doctor’s. 

People On Social Media Shares Lesson Learnt When They Moved In With Their Partners

Breezie_Bee had a weird experience with her partner who made her have an embarrassing visit to the doctor’s. Your partner could make you do anything, go anywhere and say even the unthinkable. 

Breezie shares her experience with her husband at the clinic and her bizarre encounter but at the end of it, didn’t seem to faze their relationship. 

Moving in with your partner is a decision that you won’t regret. 

People On Social Media Shares Lesson Learnt When They Moved In With Their Partners

Faith says that she has been living with her partner for 4 months and has had no regrets about it which means she has a positive lesson to share about it. 

She also says that she has learnt a lot about him that she wouldn’t have had if she had not stayed with her partner.

She’s firm with her decision and in my opinion, I would say that that’s the attitude you need when you decide to move in with your partner and to also live comfortably with them. 

You could have a bunch of lists that you hate about your partner and still choose to love them. 

People On Social Media Shares Lesson Learnt When They Moved In With Their Partners

Schattentochter is another person on social media who made a whole list of qualities that they’ve observed about their partner since they moved in. 

It contains good qualities and the bad ones but what matters is you always highlighting your partner’s good qualities. 

What will happen will happen whether you live in or apart.

People On Social Media Shares Lesson Learnt When They Moved In With Their Partners

Khanya Mketshane makes a valid point from sharing lessons learnt from living with her partner. She says that she has moved with her partner for almost nine months and now they are happily married. 

 It serves as a sort of reminder that whatever will be will be regardless of living with your partner or not. You could turn out to end the relationship or build the relationship more, what truly matters is that you are able to learn from it. 

I have to clean up after his mess all the time, he had to change when I stopped. 

People On Social Media Shares Lesson Learnt When They Moved In With Their Partners

twitchy_taco enlightens us about a fact when you move in with your partner. It shows just how you could be tolerant and also learn how to put your foot down sometimes. 

it is fine to express your displeasure with their attitude and also find ways to make them change whatever annoying attitude they possess. 

She makes amazing soups that can literally cure any sickness you are suffering from. 

People On Social Media Shares Lesson Learnt When They Moved In With Their Partners

There will always be something about your partner that you would appreciate more than the others. Judging from the reed12321 experience, he appreciates his partner’s soup. 

She makes it well and according to him, it is ‘delicious’ and also tastes ‘heavenly.’

My girlfriend pisses like a freaking fire hose, I discovered this when she moved in. 

People On Social Media Shares Lesson Learnt When They Moved In With Their Partners

HorseMeatSandwich shares a lesson to learn from indeed. If you can handle a girlfriend that pees like the ‘Niagara Falls,’ then you are surely going to have a successful journey living with her.

 It could be annoying but it is something that can be communicated and fixed if your partner is willing. No one said that moving in with your partner is easy but you just have to make it work somehow. 

I found out that my girlfriend is too insecure and sort of toxic, when we moved in together. 

People On Social Media Shares Lesson Learnt When They Moved In With Their Partners

Dugg_Deep had something quite intriguing to share. You might not be able to figure out how bad or good your partner is until you move in with them. 

Living together would help you see just who they are and how they handle situations. Remember that loving your partner is one thing and being able to live with them are completely different things. 

After I moved in with my partner, I added 30 lbs due to her overfeeding me. 

People On Social Media Shares Lesson Learnt When They Moved In With Their Partners

The central theme of the lesson learnt by ActualWhiterabbit is that ‘experience is the best teacher.’ Adding weight because your partner overfeeds you is likely to happen when you move in with them.

It is a moral lesson to take home. I feel that his partner in question could express love through cooking and feeding her loved ones, all that is needed is to get her to minimize it and probably not consume all that she cooks. 

You just have to exercise self control and learn to set healthy boundaries for yourself and your partner. 

The place my partner brushes her teeth is always a complete mess. 

 People on Social Media Shares Lesson Learnt When They Moved in With Their Partners 

Prepare yourself for everything gross and disgusting because your partner is likely to do it.

 Imagine having the whole place messy with toothpaste and spit because your girlfriend had to brush her teeth, Grand- wazoo had to put up with that. 

My partner either could not ask for help or he was too slow in the head to do anything. 

 People on Social Media Shares Lesson Learnt When They Moved in With Their Partners 

This funny story by Buttadog1472, about how she moved in with her partner, is one to learn from and to be enlightened about the fact that your partner has the ability to change your mood and purge out all sorts of emotions. 

It makes you wonder at the end of the day if your partner is just genuinely clueless or is trying to upset you intentionally. 

What I ordered is far from what I got when I started to live with my partner. 

 People on Social Media Shares Lesson Learnt When They Moved in With Their Partners 

What a disappointment for Slowjams unfortunately. Sometimes you could have subscribed to receiving certain benefits when you move in with your partner but later find out that you were completely wrong. 

This is the case for SlowJams who says that his girlfriend is not as clean as he thought. 

Women’s strange habit with Bobby pins…

 People on Social Media Shares Lesson Learnt When They Moved in With Their Partners 

take5b had a funny experience that taught him a valuable lesson when he moved in with his partner. I would say this is a hard truth to swallow for ladies.

I can relate to the struggles of this person, bobby pins to women should be everywhere and anywhere. 

It is like every lady struggles to just keep their bobby pins together, the funny part is that ladies never run out of bobby pins which makes it more strange and something you might find out when you move together with your partner. 

My partner is weird about cleaning materials we can have…

 People on Social Media Shares Lesson Learnt When They Moved in With Their Partners 

This lesson learnt and shared by Zaeter is a fascinating one to learn from. Your partner could have strange behaviors but the lesson from this experience is that you could work your way around it. 

You might also find out strange behaviors that you have which might complement your partner’s. 

My boyfriend does not wash his hands after using the bathroom, gross!

People On Social Media Shares Lesson Learnt When They Moved In With Their Partners

Imagine having to deal with someone who does not wash their hands after using the bathroom. It’s not only disgusting but it’s also unhealthy and annoying. 

ElleCee12 decided to share this lesson, this would serve as a reminder that when you truly decide to settle with someone, you’re going all in, that includes their most disgusting sides as well. 

The shitter is a safe and quiet place to stay away from the drama and the world.

 People on Social Media Shares Lesson Learnt When They Moved in With Their Partners 

blurio experience is a relatable one. The bathroom or toilet is like a mini world where you can escape the real world for a while.

 It is mostly common for guys to take along a newspaper or their phone when going to the toilet because they do not intend on spending a short amount of time there. 

In Final Words…

I hope that you are able to take a few notes from the lessons learnt by these individuals when they moved in with their partner.

It could help you with weighing the pros and cons of living with your partner so you could make a better decision. 

These people have shared their lessons learnt from their experience and the only way to make this useful is to use it to navigate how to live with your partner and perhaps to not make the same mistake that these people have made. 



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