50 Married People On Facebook Share Funny Ways They Met Their Spouses

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Married People On Facebook Share Funny Ways They Met Their Spouses


Marriage stories are fun to read.

These stories show that love can start in unexpected ways and give hope to those looking for it. 

In this article, I will show you up to 50 different stories people share on how they met their significant other. 

Note that these stories were sourced from Facebook. 

Table of Contents

Funny, Adorable ‘How We Met’ Stories From Real Couples on Facebook

In romantic movies, nothing beats the moment when the couple makes up after a fight, except maybe the scene where they first meet. 

But in real life, it’s even better when those moments happen for real.

Here are the best ones we’ve seen on Facebook: 

1. What is bound to happen will happen

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This story is fascinating because many people think high school reunions are just a chance to show off their success. However, it’s heartwarming to see that a sweet love story can begin there, too.

2. Off shift at work to on shift in marriage

Married People On Facebook Share Funny Ways They Met Their Spouses

There are countless stories of people meeting their future spouses while working at McDonald’s or similar places. The funny and admirable part of this story is that a man will keep coming back for what he wants. It’s always lovely to hear about love at first sight.

3.  Blind date still works. 

Married People On Facebook Share Funny Ways They Met Their Spouses

You might be hesitant about blind dates, preferring things to happen naturally and leaving it to fate. 

However, some of the best marriage stories start from a blind date. It’s even sweeter when your best friends set it up, making them a part of such an incredible story.

4. When you win the prize

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These days, it’s uncommon to see guys approach women on the street to ask for their number, mainly due to social media. However, let’s commend the men who are brave enough to do so. 

The way this marriage story is described, though, makes us wonder if his wife might have once been a prostitute. 

5. It is a sensitive and heartbreaking way to meet your SO

Married People On Facebook Share Funny Ways They Met Their Spouses

Sweetly meeting your spouse is one thing, but it’s even more special to meet them when they’re about to give up on life, and you come in like an angel to change everything. These are the kinds of stories we love to hear.

6. We don’t always get along with the inlaws

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It’s a whole new level of achievement to immediately win the approval of your spouse’s siblings when you first meet them. 

While the “best enemy” in this marriage story might be symbolic, it cutely shows that you can meet your significant other through your future in-laws. The lesson here: always make a good impression.

7. Why do many people meet their partners at funerals?

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This story is quite humorous because just as you’re mourning the death of your husband, you’re finding comfort in a new one. 

The late husband might not be thrilled about it wherever he is, but life goes on as long as she’s happy.

8. The marriage story is as fast as a moving train

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From the unfortunate event of losing your phone to finding your perfect match, it’s always amusing to see how the messy moments in our lives can lead us to meet our significant other.

9. Stalker turned wifey
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When we’re in love, we might find ourselves unable to resist keeping a close eye on the person, even if it borders on stalking. In this instance, it led to a capture and a ring on the finger.

10. Actually, I said, “What?!!”

Married People On Facebook Share Funny Ways They Met Their Spouses

I’m interested in what God did and how He did it…

11. Nature’s divine way to show you she’s the one!

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Cool! It looks like Mr. Web Dev and Mrs. Love-Hiking always celebrate their wedding anniversary by going hiking because that’s the whole theme of their marriage origin story.

12.  A “Dissasterous” romance

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This is a classic example of what’s meant to be will find its way. At times, we might be apart from our loved ones for a long while. Yet, if our connection is genuine, fate will reunite us in the most unexpected ways.

13. Food is the way to a man’s heart.

Married People On Facebook Share Funny Ways They Met Their Spouses

It’s amusing how the guy you’ve always thought of as a brother ends up becoming your husband. It’s incredibly heartwarming to see how a guy might support your business not just because he enjoys your service (though he might) but because he actually wants you.

14. All you had to do was iron his shirt 

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Unfortunately, he’s passed away. However, the story of how they met remains one of the most intriguing I’ve ever come across. All she had to do was iron his shirt, and then she continued doing it for the next 39 years (figuratively speaking).

15. Him being mean to you might be a sign

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I still can’t understand why some guys choose to express their interest in a woman in less direct ways, sometimes even by being mean or teasing them. But it’s fascinating that this love story turned out well in the end.

16. Making out on the first dates doesn’t always end badly

The phrase “more like husband and wife” raises some questions. However, if she actually meant they are married now, then it’s another example of showing that making love on the first date doesn’t always end badly for both parties.

17. When he goes to any length to reach you

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18. At least you stuck with the family

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It’s puzzling to reason how you’d comfortably move from your ex husband to his cousin. But life happens and there’s probably more to this story than was revealed. 

19. Crazy things are happening

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Sharon has got some explaining to do. The rookies may approach you, smooth-talk you, try to get your number and act all cool and polite.

The seasoned pros, however, will discreetly grab your contact info from the library register and dazzle you with the best smooth talk ever. I’m confident this couple is headed for marriage.

20. Life will show you all the signs even when you dodge

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Many of those romantic comedy movie scenes actually happen in real life, especially situations where the guy offers you a lift, and the rest, as they say, becomes history.

21. It’s the little things that count

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22.  Something must kill a man

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23. From the toilet to the pulpit

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Nobody expects to meet their life partners in a public toilet. I mean, that’s the last place you’d expect it. But when it does happen, it’s undoubtedly the hilariously unexpected intervention of fate.

24. Too good of a story to be a dream

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25. No shame. It’s love. 

Married People On Facebook Share Funny Ways They Met Their Spouses

26. I can’t do life without you

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Online dating groups really do work. Don’t believe anyone who says otherwise. But the hope is to find someone who can’t imagine life without us.

For Keesha, it was someone who started as a friend, then became a confidant, and finally, a lifetime partner.

27. As long as you enjoy each other’s energy…

Married People On Facebook Share Funny Ways They Met Their Spouses

We grew up with our parents warning us not to accept lifts from strangers. But as you reach a certain age, you realize it could be a heaven-sent suitor coming your way.

28. Video games do bring partners together

Married People On Facebook Share Funny Ways They Met Their Spouses

29.  Love in the church

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What could be more perfect than having your significant other come from the same church you attend?

It’s already a good reputation for your parents if they’re actively involved in your life. But more importantly, you sort of know the person, and he plays guitar while you sing.

Maybe your first son will learn the drums, and you’ll build a family of choristers.

30. Ask, and it shall be given unto you

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I bet he also asked how short you were… 

31. The Janitor-teacher thing relationship

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32. Wait, what?

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I’m still puzzled by how this works, but life has its surprises. This must have occurred before Valencia broke up with her ex. It’s difficult to understand why a guy would recommend a new guy for his ex, especially when it’s not a business project.

33. Ice Cream investment

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34. Too good to be true

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35. The Marriage encounter in the prison

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36. May his soul rest in peace

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37. Get drunk first

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I don’t know about you, but having someone vomit all over your dashboard isn’t precisely the way you’d envision discovering that she’s the one. Nevertheless, this is undoubtedly an exciting story.

38. He changed your tires and then changed your marital status

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39. A win is a win

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40. Complicated

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41. If it didn’t go well at first, try again

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Don’t blame guys who are interested in you if they can’t take their eyes off you.

Perhaps that’s their way of staying determined, even when you say no initially. The lesson from this marriage story is that delay doesn’t necessarily mean denial.

42. Playing hard to get won’t cut it

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43.  Nothing beats a personal recommendation

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44. From dance partner to Life partner 

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45. The “told you so” gloat feeling never gets old.

Married People On Facebook Share Funny Ways They Met Their Spouses

46. A man will go any length

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47. Who would have thought

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The guy seemed to know what he was doing. Perhaps the wrong number was just a tactic, and he knew who Filha was all along. After all, curiosity often sparks interest.

48. Wait, what?

Married People On Facebook Share Funny Ways They Met Their Spouses

49. When those posts finally work for you

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You’ve probably come across posts on Facebook and Instagram that claim your third @ will be your life partner. While these posts are usually meant to drive engagement, it’s amusing that someone actually found a lover through one of them.

50. Swap of fate

Married People On Facebook Share Funny Ways They Met Their Spouses

Wrapping Up

Reading these stories will make you even more sure that when something is meant to happen, it doesn’t need to be forced. 

You just know when someone is suitable for you. 

Sometimes, people come into our lives for a short time, but it’s still meaningful. 

Every experience teaches us something valuable, whether it’s good or bad. Are you ready to be open to new opportunities and take a chance on love? 

Let me know what you think about these love stories and which one interests you the most. 

Married People On Facebook Share Funny Ways They Met Their Spouses


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