10 Male Friends Reveal What They Find Irresistible in Girls

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Male Friends Reveal What They Find Irresistible in Girls


Indeed, a pretty face and an hourglass figure can catch eyes, but for many guys, what really pulls them in goes way beyond looks.

Everyone’s got their preferences. An extramarital dating app called Gleeden asked 15,000 users in a survey and found out that millennial men want women who are equal partners, leaders, passionate, confident, smart, and living their best lives.

Driven by curiosity, I talked to 10 of my guy friends about what they find irresistible in girls, and trust me, their answers will surprise you.

Here’s What 10 Male Friends Find Irresistible in Girls

To keep things anonymous, I was allowed to use only their first names and ages. Now, let’s look into what guys find irresistible in girls and how this can help in choosing the perfect partner.

1. David (24) finds lively girls super irresistible

Male Friends Reveal What They Find Irresistible in Girls

“I like girls who share my interests, but also those who can introduce me to new hobbies and ideas,” says David.

This fits with the playful trait that many guys find attractive in girls. Playfulness is crucial in every successful relationship. Be happy and fun-loving, and don’t be afraid to take yourself lightly.

Guys love girls who are cheerful and playful. They don’t like women who are always stressed or unhappy.

David explains, “It’d be kind of dull to date a gender-bent version of yourself, IMO. I don’t think the concept of opposites attract is true, but I suppose it varies.”

This idea resonates with guys who see themselves as shy and need a push to try adventurous things.

So, it was no real surprise when David said, “I’m shy, and an outgoing girl would balance me out. However, she might find me boring, or I might find her annoying. There’s always that middle ground or equal balance, y’know?”

2. Robert (29) admits it’s the touching and cuddling

“Girls who are calm and collected are hard for me to ignore once we start getting along. But honestly, I can’t resist a lady who loves touching and cuddling but avoids PDA {public display of affection},” Robert admits.

It turns out guys really appreciate those random touches. It’s no wonder they find this trait irresistible! Those little gestures show trust and make him feel like he’s caring for and protecting you.

As he reflects on this, Robert adds, “She should be sassy when she’s frustrated but nice underneath.”

Sass and attitude aren’t the same. There’s a fine line between expressing sass and being immature. Everyone communicates differently, and Robert enjoys a relationship dynamic where one person gets fired up, and the other helps cool things down.

“But a lot of guys say they love the sass and attitude,” Robert explains, “until I actually have a reason to be feisty. I always joke that the sass comes with the ass.”

In Robert’s eyes, frequent touches, cuddling and sass when the woman is worked up makes her irresistible.

3. William (27) gets turned on when she displays intelligence

“What really sets them apart is their personality. I’m attracted to girls who are smarter than me, but that doesn’t mean they need a ton of degrees.

I value intelligence in things like interpersonal skills and logical thinking. It definitely turns me on when she says romantic, intelligent things,” says William.

Guys like William might not have a specific type of physical feature that makes a woman irresistible. And honestly, that makes sense – attractiveness can vary widely.

A display of intelligence or wit is a huge turn-on for many guys. For William, that’s what he finds irresistible.

Men are drawn to this trait because intelligence often brings confidence, which shows in how you walk, talk, and dress. It’s powerful and magnetic, adding allure to your body language.

It might sound intense, but it’s true. An intelligent woman demonstrates ambition, and awareness, and understands the value of education, which is reflected in all areas of her life.

No wonder William adds, “I like women with a distinct fashion style. I value independence, and I think fashion truly showcases that.”

4. For Thomas (24), it’s the subtle gestures and mannerisms

“When they text you or send a random meme just because you popped into their mind, that confidence in showing they care? Can’t resist it,” says Thomas.

In a conversation filled with more laughter than words, Thomas admits that little gestures like sending snaps after getting her nails done or showing off her morning hair really get him excited.

But figuring out what subtle gestures are irresistible can be tricky and varies from guy to guy—there’s no one-size-fits-all.

Still, Thomas gets specific: “When she laughs before telling a story, snorts from laughing too much, makes funny faces at a puppy to see its reactions, or looks amazing while removing her makeup—those things drive me wild.

“And don’t get me started on her applying nail polish, sniffing old books, or wearing my T-shirt or hoodie while lounging in casual wear like track suits. I could go on forever.”

It’s clear you can’t always predict what guys find attractive. Sometimes, it’s the little things that women might not even notice themselves.

5. Charles (30) finds it irresistible when girls are excited over their hobbies

Male Friends Reveal What They Find Irresistible in Girls

“Seeing them get really excited about their hobbies is the cutest thing ever, even if I don’t understand it at all,” Charles shares.

In general, passion is super attractive, but it’s on another level when it’s a girl you’re connected with.

There’s something incredibly adorable about a woman who lights up and gets overly enthusiastic about something. And let’s be real, no matter how tough we try to act as guys, we can’t deny it.

So, it was relatable when Charles added, “I can be pretty stoic, but it encourages me to be a little more expressive.”

I always tell my single female friends that if you’re passionate about something, it shows in your body language. There’s a sparkle in your eyes and energy in your movements when you talk about what you love.

Guys really enjoy seeing this side of girls. Being genuine and passionate makes you way more attractive to them.

“When a lady talks about something intellectual that she’s passionate about, I just want to grab her face and consensually rip her clothes off,” Charles revealed.

They admire how involved and driven you are about your interests, and that enthusiasm is hard to resist.

6. For Joseph (25), it’s the beauty in scars

“My partner has scars from surgery on her tummy, and she was always shy about them, worried I’d think they’re ugly. But I keep telling her how much I love her (and all her bits). Honestly, I don’t even see the scars—I just see the amazing woman behind them.”

Surprisingly, Joseph actually loves scars. But would he feel the same if they were on a woman he wasn’t into?

Joseph says, “Scars show you’ve been through something. They mean there’s more to you than just looks. Inner strength is super attractive, especially in women.”

He adds that each scar is a reminder of why he loves her even more. “And just to be clear, there are plenty of other non-scar parts of her body that I adore too. The scars are just one part of her, just like all the other fun bits!”

7. Christopher (31) finds a woman’s voice hard to resist

“A woman with a cute voice can really win my heart. I’m pretty audio-sensitive, so that might explain it,” Christopher admits.

I couldn’t resist cracking a joke about how his “audio-sensitivity” probably comes from having ears.

We had a good laugh, but he quickly clarified, “It’s all about the intonation and that sweet voice, especially when she uses it to say romantic things with her lips moving.”

It turns out, guys find it super attractive when girls use their lips to show different facial expressions.

Whether it’s smiling, biting, or pouting, those lip movements definitely grab their attention.

8. Anthony (27) says humor was what made his ex GF irresistible

Anthony says, “I got to know my last girlfriend without even knowing what she looked like. I fell for her before we ever met in person because she was hilarious, down-to-earth, and just a great person to chat with.”

Looking back on his ex, Anthony adds, “After a whole year of texting without sharing pics, we finally decided to meet, and it went perfectly. Her personality made her the most beautiful person in my eyes.”

It’s true—women love guys who can make them laugh, and men appreciate women who laugh at their jokes.

They enjoy it even more when their girlfriend shares their sense of humor and joins in on the laughter.

Sharing a good laugh helps build a strong connection. If you’re witty too, you’ll only make things more fun, and your clever comebacks will keep him falling for you.

Of course, humor isn’t the only thing that makes a match made in heaven. There are other compatibility factors to consider, or the humor might not mean much.

But it can change perceptions in a heartbeat. Just look at how the funniest guy in the room becomes the instant favorite.

No wonder Anthony concluded, “She wasn’t my type at all at first, but that changed quickly because of all the fun we had.”

9. For Andrew (35), it’s how she’s good with numbers

Andrew’s idea is hands down the funniest thing we’ve heard from the guys. This guy is married, and he’s totally smitten by his wife’s number-crunching skills.

“My wife is an accountant who works from home. She’s a whiz with the calculator and can type in numbers faster than I can finish a sentence. Seriously, she can juggle a conversation with me while effortlessly crunching numbers. I find that super attractive,” he says.

Of course, every guy has his quirks. For Andrew, watching his wife do her thing can even change how he acts around her—especially during her morning counting sessions.

He also confessed, “She does get annoyed though when she’s trying to work and I’m standing in the corner of her office, watching her and masturbating.”

Pick me from the floor, laughter got me there.

10. Jason (24) says it’s cleavages or nothing

Male Friends Reveal What They Find Irresistible in Girls

Boys will be boys, right? You can’t talk about what guys find irresistible without mentioning the classic—cleavage! And Jason is refreshingly honest about it.

“It’s all about what she’s packing in the front and back that makes her hard to resist. But let’s be real, there needs to be some charm too. Looks might kick things off, but a girl’s personality keeps the conversation rolling,” he says.

I might not get a ton of upvotes for this, but I’m with him—an amazing personality can totally win over someone who’s a total knockout, though being less attractive can put you at a bit of a disadvantage.

Still, Jason insists he’d “happily pick an average-looking girl with an awesome personality over a supermodel any day. Plus, I have a soft spot for freckles!”

Wrapping Up

Attraction has many layers. From my conversation with these guys, it’s clear that men see beyond just physical appearance. A genuine personality, shared laughter, and mutual respect are also part of what really count.

And I can bet that the ladies will have a similar opinion about what they find irresistible about guys too. It goes both ways.

Let me know in the comments what you think of these guys’ opinions.

Male Friends Reveal What They Find Irresistible in Girls



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