200 Interesting Things to Say to Your Crush On Facetime 

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Interesting Things to Say to Your Crush On Facetime 

Things to Say

From simple questions like “Where are the next three places you want to travel?” to personal topics like “ Who in your family are you closest to?”

There are many exciting things to talk about when facetiming your crush. To take things up a little, you can ask them, “What are your top three biggest turn-ons?” 

You are here probably because your crush facetime a lot and barely texts. For you, it may quickly get awkward with dead silence because you barely know what to say or ask. 

That’s natural. Usually, the best thing to do when you don’t know what to talk about is just to start asking them questions about themselves.

But what else do you talk about when you already know pretty much everything about him?

In this article, I will show you up to 200 things you can talk about as you Facetime your crush, which will keep the conversation going in a super exciting and engaging way. 

Step–by step Guide on Facetiming Your Crush

In case you’re in a hurry and can’t go through the entire list, here’s one of the best chat flow recommendations:


Start by talking about the weather where you are.


Share what each of you has been up to recently.


Talk about any upcoming plans you have (naturally, your crush will want to tell you theirs as well)

Missing Each Other

Mention how much you miss each other.

Tomorrow’s Schedule

Discuss what you have planned for tomorrow.

New Learning

Share something new you’ve learned recently (you can look up interesting facts beforehand).

New Song

Talk about a new song you like.

Future Plans

Discuss things you can do together when you next meet.

Ending the Conversation

Mention that it’s getting late and you need to get some sleep to be functional tomorrow. Then say goodnight or goodbye.

Remember that communication is a natural exercise. It becomes unnatural when you start sticking rigidly to scripts.

But these guides will ensure you don’t run out of ideas. 

Within the conversation, you can also pick questions from the following list to ask them and see how the chat rolls on from there. 

List of the Best Things to Say to Your Crush On Facetime

You can start up with simple questions or topics that you know of. Then, as you get along, you can start talking about more profound things. 

Interesting Things to Say to Your Crush On Facetime 

  1. I recently watched a movie that made me think of you. Have you seen anything good lately that you’d recommend?


  1. If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go and why? I’d love to know!


  1. I tried a new recipe yesterday, and it turned out amazing. Do you like to cook or bake anything special?


  1. What’s the most exciting book you’ve read or the best show you’ve seen recently? I’m always looking for recommendations!


  1. Do you have a favorite childhood memory that makes you smile every time you think about it? I’d love to hear it.


  1. If you could have any superpower for a day, what would it be, and how would you use it?


  1. Have you ever had a dream that felt so real it stuck with you all day? What was it about?


  1. What’s the best advice you’ve ever received from someone? It could be about anything, big or small.


  1. If you were to host a dinner party, which three famous people would you invite, dead or alive?


  1. Do you have a favorite quote or saying that inspires you? I’d love to hear what motivates you.


  1. If you could learn any skill instantly, what would it be? I’ve always wanted to learn something new like that, too.


  1. What’s the funniest thing that happened to you recently? I could use a good laugh!


  1. If you could switch lives with any fictional character for a day, who would it be and why?


  1. What’s your favorite way to relax after a long day? I’m looking for new ideas to unwind.


  1. Is there a song that you can’t stop listening to right now? I’d love to add it to my playlist.


  1. What’s the best meal you’ve ever had, and where was it? I love hearing about great food experiences.


  1. Do you have any hobbies or interests that not many people know about? I’m curious to know more about you.


  1. If you could design your perfect day, what would it look like from morning to night?


  1. What’s something you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t had the chance to yet?


  1. Do you have a favorite season of the year? What do you love most about it?


Things to Break the Ice While Facetiming Your Crush


  1. If you could have dinner with any three people at any time, who would you choose?


  1. What book can you read over and over without getting bored?


  1. What’s something that always makes your day better?


  1. If you could live someone else’s life for a day, who would you pick?


  1. What’s the most interesting documentary you’ve seen?


  1. How long have you lived in [insert city name]?


  1. If you had to move to another city, where would you go?


  1. Do you live with anyone?


  1. Where did you grow up?


  1. What was it like growing up there?


  1. What job do you have, and how did you decide to do that?


  1. Are you happy with your career so far?


  1. What did you want to be when you were a kid?


  1. If money didn’t matter, what would you do with your life?


  1. How did your parents meet?


  1. Do you have any brothers or sisters?


  1. What do you like to do after work?


  1. How do you relax?


  1. Do you have a good group of friends here?


  1. How did you meet your best friend?


  1. Do you prefer having a big group of friends or just a few close ones?


  1. Did you have any pets when you were a kid?


  1. Do you have a pet now, or do you want one?


  1. Do you like dogs or cats more?


  1. What do you usually do on Saturdays?


  1. Did you play sports when you were growing up, and do you still play any?


  1. Do you play any musical instruments, or would you like to learn one?


  1. Is there a hobby or skill you wish you had?


  1. What’s your favorite place in the world?


  1. Is there something new you want to learn?


  1. Do you like to travel?


  1. What’s the best or craziest trip you’ve ever taken?


  1. Do you like to cook, or do you prefer getting takeout?


  1. What’s your favorite thing to cook or your favorite restaurant to order from?


  1. What’s your favorite season of the year?

Romantic Things to Say to Your Crush On Facetime 

Interesting Things to Say to Your Crush On Facetime 

  1. What do you think makes a perfect date?


  1. What’s the most romantic thing someone has done for you?


  1. What’s the most sensual thing someone has done for you?


  1. How would you describe intimacy appeal?


  1. Do you think you’re good with the lip-clenching activity?


  1. What’s something you find attractive that isn’t physical?


  1. What makes you immediately swipe left on someone?


  1. What did you first think of me when we met?


  1. Do you like it when others make the first move?


  1. What are your top three biggest turn-ons?


  1. What have your friends said about me?


  1. I had a dream about you last night. Want to hear about it?


  1. Has anyone ever complimented your (insert feature) before?


  1. How does this look on me?


  1. Why do you think I love talking to you so much?


  1. Are you interested in anyone right now?


  1. Is it okay if I kind of want to kiss you right now?


  1. What are your plans for this weekend?


  1. Have you ever been to (insert restaurant)? I really want to try it.


  1. What’s your idea of a perfect morning with someone you like?


  1. Is there a song that reminds you of someone you’re into?


  1. What’s the most romantic movie you’ve ever seen?


  1. If we were at a movie, would you put your arm around me? How would you make a move?


  1. What do you wear when you want to feel extra attractive?


  1. Do you think you’re a good kisser?


  1. What do you think makes someone a good kisser?


  1. Where would you take me on our first date?


  1. How do you know when you have a crush on someone?


  1. What was the first thing you noticed about me?


  1. How long do you think it takes to fall in love?


  1. Do you like making the first move, or do you prefer it when others do?


  1. I bought tickets for a concert. Do you want to be my date?


  1. What made you want to swipe right on me/approach me/DM me?


  1. What do you look for in a partner?


  1. Do you remember your first kiss?


  1. What’s your love language?


  1. What are your biggest turn-ons?


  1. What are your biggest turn-offs?


  1. Is there anything you want to do together?


  1. Do you think you and I are compatible?


  1. Try your best pickup line on me.


  1. If you had to choose between cuddling or kissing, what would you pick?


  1. Do you prefer being the big spoon or the little spoon?


  1. Did a lot of people have a crush on you in high school?


  1. Do you know your attachment style?

Interesting Things to Say to Your Crush On Facetime


  1. What do you like doing on a date?


  1. What are your favorite board games or video games?


  1. What are your hobbies?


  1. What are your goals in life?


  1. What inspires you the most?


  1. What’s your favorite season and why?


  1. What’s your favorite TV show?


  1. Who is your best friend?


  1. What do you look for in a friend?


  1. Do you enjoy cooking?


  1. What’s your best dish?


  1. What books do you like to read?


  1. What are your favorite movies and actors?


  1. Do we have any mutual friends?


  1. Where do you like to hang out?


  1. What’s your favorite place to travel to?


  1. Where would you go if you could go anywhere right now?


  1. When have you felt the luckiest?


  1. What’s your most memorable travel experience?


  1. What’s your favorite outfit to wear?


  1. Do you believe in any superstitions?


  1. What song always makes you want to dance?


  1. Who is your favorite family member?


  1. What are your thoughts on this sport or politician?


  1. Are you a morning person or a night owl?


  1. What’s your go-to comfort food?


  1. What was your favorite subject in school?


  1. Who was your favorite teacher in school?


  1. What’s your favorite childhood memory?


  1. What did you want to be when you grew up?


  1. What’s an important lesson you learned from a mistake?


  1. What’s the most beautiful place you’ve visited?


  1. How do you deal with stress?


  1. If you could be any animal, which one would you be and why?


  1. What’s your most treasured possession?


  1. What things annoy you?


  1. Tell me about your hometown.


  1. What jobs have you had?


  1. Who knows you best?


  1. What are you passionate about?


  1. Do you believe in soulmates?


  1. What’s something your parents don’t know about you?


  1. Do you have any weird habits?


  1. What’s your biggest pet peeve?


  1. What was your favorite movie or TV show as a kid?


  1. Do you support any causes?


  1. What’s the best concert you’ve ever been to?


  1. Tell me about your first job.


  1. Which actors do you think are overrated or underrated?


  1. Do you believe in astrology or zodiac signs?


Deeper Convos to Have When Facetiming Your Crush

Interesting Things to Say to Your Crush On Facetime 

  1. What’s the most important thing you’ve learned from past relationships?


  1. How do you define being vulnerable, and when do you open up to others?


  1. If you could change something about your upbringing, what would it be?


  1. Do you have a secret dream you’ve never shared?


  1. If you could ask anyone one question and they had to answer honestly, who would it be, and what would you ask?


  1. What are your thoughts on [insert your deal breaker here]?


  1. What kind of impression do you think you leave on people when you first meet them?


  1. What’s one skill you wish you were better at?


  1. What do you think is your biggest weakness?


  1. Do you believe it’s better to remain friends with exes or to cut ties completely?


  1. What’s something that keeps you up at night worrying?


  1. What’s an opinion you hold that not many others do?


  1. Where do you see yourself in a few years?


  1. What are you most grateful for in your life?


  1. What are your views on having one romantic partner at a time?


  1. What’s something people often misunderstand about you?


  1. What’s the proudest achievement you’ve had in your life?


  1. Have you ever sought therapy for anything?


  1. What’s something you wish you hadn’t done?


  1. What makes you feel unsure about yourself?


  1. What’s your connection like with your parents?


  1. How do you get along with your siblings?


  1. If you could advise your younger self, what would you say?


  1. Do you think of yourself as an honest person?


  1. What’s the most significant thing you’ve treated yourself to?


  1. What’s your take on defining romance?


  1. What’s your crowning achievement so far?


  1. What’s your deepest fear?


  1. What kind of legacy would you like to leave behind?


  1. Who knows you best, and why?


  1. What principles do you hold most dear?


  1. What’s an opinion you have that might not be popular?


  1. What’s the best and worst date you’ve ever been on?


  1. What were your first thoughts about me when we met?


  1. How often do you feel stressed out?


  1. How do you feel about your extended family?


  1. How do you express and feel loved?


  1. What are your top ways of showing affection?


  1. What do you think your purpose in life is?


  1. What accomplishment are you most proud of?


  1. Do you see yourself having children in the future?


  1. Who are the people you trust the most, and why?


  1. How important is trust to you?


  1. How do you handle disagreements or arguments?


  1. Have you ever been unfaithful in a relationship?


  1. What do you think you could have improved in your last relationship?


  1. If you could go back and experience one day again, which one would it be?


  1. How do you get close to people?


  1. Have you ever been betrayed by someone you were in a relationship with?


  1. If money didn’t matter, what would you want to do with your time?


  1. How do you think others see you versus how you see yourself?


  1. Who do you turn to when you need honest advice?


  1. What do you envision your life to look like when you retire?

The Bottom Line

Start with small talk before diving into deeper topics. You need to build trust first. Begin with basic questions and gradually move to more interesting ones.

Once you feel you know each other better, you can start asking more profound questions. But before you do, pay attention to how they respond to different topics. 

If they seem hesitant, don’t push them. Be patient, and let deeper conversations happen naturally.

Interesting Things to Say to Your Crush On Facetime 


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