I Always Want You to be Happy: 10 Powerful Ways to Tell Your Partner This!

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I Always Want You to be Happy

Relationship Advice

At the start of your relationship, everything can feel thrilling. But as time goes on, the initial excitement fades, and both of you need to remind each other that you’re there for one another.

Letting your partner know that you always want them to be happy can greatly strengthen the love you share. However, the saying “actions speak louder than words” holds true. So it’s not just about saying it.

In the following sections, we’ll explore ten effective ways to show this affirmation and make your partner feel truly loved.

10 Ways to Tell Your Partner You Always Want Them to be Happy

We understand that people are more moved by what they see you do than what you say to them.

As you read on, you will notice that we reviewed both words of affirmation and acts of service you can use to effectively remind your partner that you always want them to be happy.

1.  Tell your partner, “I support you”

I Always Want You to be Happy

One of the best ways you can tell your partner that you always want them to be happy is by saying “I support you” to them as often as you can.

It doesn’t necessarily have to be on all occasions where an argument has been raised.

Rather, it should especially be in those moments where they share their job interview, career choice, dreams, goals, and aspirations that get them excited. It shows you care when you say these words to remind them.

The truth is that we all need someone to encourage us and remind us that we have a strong ally when things get challenging. Even the most confident people need reassurance sometimes.

2. Tell your partner “It’s going to be okay”

Sometimes, it is when your partner is going through a tough time that they want to hear those words of affirmation, especially when they have enough troubles going on in their lives and they want to see you as someone with a beacon of happiness.

Going through tough times and feeling let down is never easy, but even a small bit of reassurance from someone we love can make things seem more manageable.

In a bid to make your lover happy, you may not always have clear solutions to offer when he or she is struggling, but you can remind them of a simple truth: this will pass, and things will get better.

3. Tell your partner “I’m here for you”

I Always Want You to be Happy

Of all words to say to your partner, “I’m here for you” is a perfect way to remind them that you always want them to be happy because it directly captures how dedicated you are to them.

Yes, words are cheap but they will value these words of affirmation especially when it comes unsolicited or when they actually need to hear it.

You’d do almost anything for your partner because you love them and want the best for them.

But during tough times, they probably need to hear it again. Even if you’re not great at comforting, a simple and sincere “I’m here for you no matter what” can mean a lot.

4. Remind them that you both are in it together

Whatever the present situation is that makes you feel you need to remind them of your commitment to make them happy, you can effectively pass your message by simply telling them “hey, we’re in this together.”

Let them know you’re by their side and ready to help with anything they need. This will strengthen your relationship and reinforce their trust in you.

5. Ask your partner, “How can I help?”

A lot of couples are quick to assume that they know just what to do to make their significant other feel happy.

The reality is that you may have been assuming wrongly and there’s nothing wrong with that. You can also ask. Asking your partner “how can I help,” “how can I make you happy?” alone in itself is a show that you always want them to be happy.

When your partner faces a challenge, you can support them by reminding them they’re not alone in dealing with it.

6. Let them know their happiness is important to you

I Always Want You to be Happy

When you consistently tell your partner, “Your happiness is important to me,” and back it up with actions—doing things that make them happy and avoiding things that upset them—you show them that you genuinely care about their happiness.

Putting your partner’s happiness first shows your love and commitment.

It means you’re attentive to their needs and well-being, reinforcing that you care about their happiness just as much as your own.

7. Become their place for peace and comfort

Your partner might seem disinterested if they don’t feel comfortable talking to you about everything.

Focus on being a source of peace and comfort for them, letting them know they can come to you with anything.

How do you achieve this? Quality time. Your partner doesn’t always have to be the one initiating things.

When you spend quality time together, open up to your lover, and practice active listening, they can comfortably become vulnerable around you.

When your partner sees that you’re their go-to person for peace and comfort, it’s easy to let them know that you always want their happiness.

8. Encourage your partner to make time for themselves

The truth is that your spouse could have difficulty expressing what they need, including needing some downtime.

Also, sometimes what they need to make them happy is to be left alone for a while. But if you don’t understand that, you’ll be offering to lift their mood when you’re doing the opposite.

9. Let those compliments start flying

The common reason why people compliment others is to make them happy or smile, at least. So what’s hotter than giving your partner a nice compliment?

It will give the impression that you like their smile and reaction any time you throw a compliment, thereby establishing the fact that you want their happiness more than anything.

Compliments can be on anything. Literally, ANYTHING about the person will surely have a good side. Start from there.

10. Send morning texts

I Always Want You to be Happy

You may say all the fancy Shakespearean words to your partner about how their happiness is important to you.

But without consistent action, it will go unnoticed or simply won’t work. This is why sending a text to your partner, early horse of the morning around 7 am when they are just waking up is a perfect way to keep it on top of their mind throughout the entire day.

Meanwhile, the text doesn’t have to be plenty of paragraphs. Just a few words to help remind your partner that you really care about them and want to keep them happy always.

You can take advantage of these templates to achieve this:

  • Good morning, love! Just wanted to remind you that your happiness means the world to me. I always want to see you smile and be happy, no matter what.
  • Seeing you happy makes my day. I hope you find endless reasons to smile today. Your happiness is everything to me. Have a great day.
  • Morning, darling! I want you to know that your happiness is my biggest wish. Keep smiling and enjoy every moment today. You’re my sunshine!

The Bottom Line: Words of Affirmation is Key

It’s comforting when those we love remind us that they always want to see us happy. Your partner deserves that.

However, if you don’t communicate or show it effectively, they might not recognize your genuine effort. This isn’t because they’re ungrateful, but because your intentions aren’t clear.

The tips we’ve shared can help you express your feelings more clearly. In the end, words of affirmation are always valuable, especially when they’re unexpected.

I hope you found this helpful.

I Always Want You to be Happy



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