30 Flirty Replies to a “Good Night” Text That Will Make Them Dream of You

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How to Reply to a Good Night Text

Flirty Responses

Everyone wants to go to bed with their partners beside them. I mean there is no greater way of sleeping than being next to the person you share mutual feelings with.

However, not everyone is lucky enough to have that at the end of the day, exchanging flirty good night messages between yourselves can be a form of relaxation sending you both into a calming sleep.

Especially for a long-distance relationship, flirty conversations before bedtime are important, though not only restricted to them.

For those whose partners are in close contact with them or even the married ones who spend most nights together, and also for the ones who are trying to get their crush’s attention, flirty chats with each other are key.

Imagine being next to your partner in bed and your phone beeps. It’s a good night message from them, you will immediately smile and then you send back a flirty reply to them, what will happen immediately, is you both running into each other arms with a big smile.

This simple gesture is a very healthy way to strengthen bonds between partners. Now that you know the importance of goodnight messages and flirty responses in relationships, in this article I will be showing you 30 flirty replies to Good night messages that will make them dream of you.

Let’s Take  A Look  At The 30 Flirty Replies To Good Night That Will Leave Them Make Dream Of You

How to Reply to a Good Night Text

  1. It is late already and I so much want us to keep talking, all night if possible. But I have to let you go because we both need to rest. Good night my sweet, I am counting down the hours till tomorrow so we can continue again, I will be dreaming of you tonight.
  2. Hey baby, I  am wishing you sweet dreams,  but definitely, I will be visiting your dreams too. Maybe there we can hold each other all through the night and I can tell you how much I love you, definitely my dreams will be as sweet as yours.
  3. Anytime I close my eyes it’s your face I see, your eyes twinkling like the stars watching me, I can’t get over these feelings and I  want to get sick with it. Sleep well, I will be thinking of you until I  fall asleep.
  4. I  feel so lonely without you by my side, right now I  am scrolling through our messages, looking at our pictures together, and wishing you were with me. I  can’t wait to see you again babe,  and this time around, I’ll be holding you all day.
  5. My whole body hurts from longing for you, and I am finding it difficult to go to bed. I  wish you were here so that you could give me your loving massage and pamper me to sleep.
  6. You know if I was right beside you, I wouldn’t let any harm come to you, I would give you my arms to lay your head and my chest for you to rest on, while I  watch you sleep rocking you through the hours of the night. But sleep well baby, and let our memories be with you.
  7. My bed feels so empty without you, and if you were here you wouldn’t just fill the space by my side but also fill me with your warmth. These thoughts console me, while I wait until we see again, good night too my darling.
  8. Whenever I  begin to wonder why I don’t get tired from talking to you all night even after a hard day, I  remember that our love gives me strength, It is what motivates me and gives me the courage to persevere, one thing I know is that my day starts and ends with you, and my world revolves around you. Please don’t let this end because I might lose it.
  9. I hope you sleep well tonight and wake up filled with renewed strength to conquer, I love you now and always. Have a blissful rest my dearest.
  10. Before you close your eyes to sleep, I  want you to know that I am always here for you, and my heart always beats for you alone, and whenever you need me, you will always find me. I wish you a calming night’s rest, as peaceful as you are, sleep easy baby.
  11. As I lay in my bed, with my pillow in my arms, I  am down with mixed feelings.  I  am happy to share my life with you, and also as I get your text, but sad also because I wish that you were by my side and I am holding you instead of my pillow and talking to you instead of a text. But goodnight sweetheart.
  12. My bed misses you so much,  if you were here it would have been more comfortable for me, and I know I wouldn’t be getting much sleep either with your presence. Just like the last time, we will be wide awake in the dark and you will tell me how much you love me, and if by any chance I close my eyes, you will follow me into my dreams. My goodness, how I miss everything about us together, but a sweet night’s sleep is what I wish for you in my absence.
  13. Don’t sleep so deep and forget my feelings for you, let the stars be a reminder of my love for you, your sheet be a reminder of my warm embrace, and your pillow be a reminder that I am your resting place. Dearest one sleep well, sending you lots of cuddles to ward off the cold.
  14. I  am staring into the dark, sitting on my empty bed, listening to the sound of my breath echo in this silent night, and wishing it was your voice telling me good night, rather than a text, it was you by my side rather than my pillow,  it’s your breath I can smell rather than my sheets.  How else do I express this feeling,  that l am lonely without you? Good night too.
  15. It’s amazing how your good night text fills my heart with joy whenever I get a notification on my screen, I can’t believe a short text will leave me with so much happiness and fill my night with peace. Thank you for every time you wish me a good night, sleep well too darling.
  16. Your shirt looks so nice on me tonight, too bad you aren’t here to see me in it. I am going to bed now, have a good night also.
  17. Even the distance that separates us can’t break my love for you, because your love gives me strength that miles cannot bridge. Sleep peacefully knowing that I think of you all the time.
  18. Night night, my prince let your dream be filled with castles and I, your princess waiting to be swept off by you, come with your horses so we can ride off into the wonderland.
  19. Close your eyes,  picture the stars, the brightest among them is me, and make a wish because I am there not only in the day with you but also at night to watch over you while you sleep. Sweet dreams.
  20. My most precious one, find solace in my love as you fall asleep, may the dark bring you rest and your dream be filled with the promise of our happiness ever after. Good night.
  21. The thought of you makes my night at peace, knowing that I  will see you again makes me sleep faster anticipating the next day and I wake up excited and in a hurry to meet you. This is what loving you has done to me, every moment with you fills me with joy.
  22. Every second of my life will be spent with you creating beautiful memories with you, if dreams do come true, we will be traveling around the world and never separating from each other. But since my reality isn’t that now, let me go to bed so I can visit my dream land, where I can hold you all to myself, good night love.
  23. Have been feeling too sleepy tonight, but I just couldn’t go to bed without talking to you. The thought of you has kept me up waiting for your text and now that it has come my mind can rest. How are you doing tonight, how was your day too, sleep well, remembering that I  cherish you.
  24. Seeing your face before I go to bed, would have been the loveliest thing. I know that in reality, it is not possible. Baby, can you send me a picture of you so I  can feed my eyes with your beautiful smiling face, before my deep slumber?
  25. If only you knew how much  I miss you every second, and how I want to spend every minute with you, then you would be in my day, my side, and my dreams. Good night my darling, I’ll dream of you tonight.
  26. I hope I am the only one who makes you smile, I hope I am the best thing that has ever happened to you, and the thought of me brings you happiness, I hope I am the one you do this with every day before you sleep. Sweetheart you have taken my breath as I send loads of kisses your way, may the stars brighten your night.
  27. You made me smile so much today and I can’t wait for the next time we will see, but for now, I am asking the angels to watch over you as you sleep and your dream is beautiful. Good night too my darling.
  28. Sleep well dearest and make sure you dream about me, because that will be our topic of conversation tomorrow, sending you kisses for the night.
  29. Do you believe in fairy tales, my love? I  want you to make a wish, while you close your eyes and you will see me by your side holding you while you sleep. I am sure our love is magical and your charm was my spell.
  30. It’s so cold here, and I wish you were here to hold me tight so that I could rest in your embrace. The steady beating of your heart would be my symphony, filling my ear with rhythm and sending me into a peaceful slumber as the darkness grows.

As we wrap up

Let me drop some pieces of advice I feel can help, when you are just at the beginning of your relationship or still trying to convince your crush, you can make your message short and loving, for example; Good night too and sweet dreams, sleep well I will be dreaming of you, good night I wish you were here, and so on.

Sending long messages with bold emotional words will make it look like you are obsessed and you might chase them away.

Then when you have grown into a deep bond and you are both sure of each other especially if you are both separated by distance, you can give longer responses that express your feelings, gratitude, and how much you miss them.

I hope this article has filled you with knowledge on the importance of flirting and gives you a guide on how to make your loved ones feel cherished before sleeping.

How to Reply to a Good Night Text


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