12 Ways to Get Your Crush to Ask for Your Number

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How to Get Your Crush to Ask for Your Number

Relationship Advice

For real, everyone has someone they crush on so, you’re not alone in this reality. But crushing on someone is, of course, not the main target; getting genuinely connected with your crush, featuring in their thoughts, getting along well, and making them yours forever are the ultimate goals.

Some questions might pop up in your mind, such as ‘What if I’m turned down?’, ‘What if they don’t like me?’, and ‘How embarrassing would their rejection of me be?’ are some of the terrifying questions you’ve got to deal with daily.

In this piece, you will get to know exactly what to do to make your crush also crush on you and equally request your number. Sounds like what you want, right?

Does Your Crush Play Hard to get?

How to Get Your Crush to Ask for Your Number

This is an important question that deserves our attention. A lack of understanding of this question and the right answer to it has been observed to be one of the topmost reasons many people don’t end up making their crush theirs.

When you crush on individuals in this category, you might be in this state longer than you expect. But here is the truth: An overwhelming majority of people want and need companionship.

So, approaching each situation as it relates to your crush with empathy, communication, and respect is the way to go. If you don’t, you might end up misinterpreting your crush’s behavior as playing hard to get without considering their intentions and boundaries.

Clear and open communication is key to initiating and navigating relationships successfully.

12 Things You Should do to make your Crush ask for your number

For ease of understanding and application, all of the 12 things you can do to make your crush willingly request your number are grouped into themes. Let’s check them below:

Build genuine connections

How to Get Your Crush to Ask for Your Number

Building genuine connections is the very foundation of establishing a rewarding relationship. Dr Diana Kirshner, a psychologist and author of the bestseller Love in 90 Days, emphasizes the importance of authenticity in building long-lasting relationships.

So, always engage your crush in interesting conversations, actively listen, and show genuine interest in what interests them. As well as that, share experiences that resonate with their likes.

Find common interest

Shared interests are no doubt one of the strongest bonding agents among people. You can tap on the potency of this to get your crush hooked on you.

So, whenever they think of engaging in what interests them, they automatically think of you because you share similar interests.

When conversing with your crush, make sure to identify common interests or topics that you both enjoy. Whether it’s a mutual love for a particular hobby, TV show, or cuisine, finding common ground can foster a deeper, lasting connection and make exchanging numbers feel natural.

Create opportunities for interaction

The saying that proximity breeds familiarity is so true. Creating or looking for opportunities to interact with your crush can make a whole lot of difference.

These opportunities could be in natural settings such as school, work, social gatherings, etc. Strategically positioning yourself to facilitate casual conversations and organic interactions can spark a deeper connection.

Flirt and be confident while at it

Flirt subtly

Yes, if you must flirt with your crush, do it subtly. Subtle flirting is found to be a powerful tool in making your crush think about you non-stop.

Subtle flirting behaviors such as teasing or playful banter, according to research, is capable of enhancing attraction and rapport between individuals, and this applies to you and your crush as well.

Body language cues such as the maintenance of eye contact and an alluring smile can also be used to communicate your interest.

Show confidence

How to Get Your Crush to Ask for Your Number

Confidence exudes attractiveness and sparks protectiveness. People who are perceived as confident are more attractive and competent, according to a study conducted by Dr Albert Mannes of the University of Pennsylvania.

So, you need to exhibit confidence in your interaction with your crush to be perceived as an attractive fellow, whose love is equally protective.

You can show confidence by maintaining good posture, speaking clearly, and being assertive but not overbearing.

Being Memorable and Engaging

Be memorable

If you want to be fondly remembered by your crush, you’ve got to do this: make a lasting impression. This can increase your chances of repeatedly featuring in your crush’s thoughts, thereby increasing their liking for you.

To leave lasting imprints of yourself on your crush’s mind, psychologist Jeremy Nicholson, an expert in influence and dating, suggests incorporating elements of surprise or uniqueness into your interactions.

You can share remarkably interesting stories with your crush and showcase your exceptional talents. Also, suggest reasonably unconventional activities to your crush to stand out from the crowd.

All of these are pathways to leaving a lasting impression on your crush, making them yearn for you.

Initiate group hangouts

This is an approach that is certain to calm your nerves if you’re the type who feels nervous interacting with your crush.

Group settings are packed with dual benefits: they can ease the pressure of one-on-one interactions while still providing opportunities for connection.

Here is how to use this technique: Invite your crush to hang out with a group of friends for a casual outing or event. Or if you have a family occasion to attend, you may suggest to your crush if they would like to join you.

Hanging out together allows you to spend time with your crush in a relaxed environment, igniting conversation and potential chemistry.

Utilizing Social Media and Compliments

Use social media to your advantage

How to Get Your Crush to Ask for Your Number

Social media is such a powerful tool for social connection. It enhances social connection beyond the physical realm.

This means that you also can enhance your chances with your crush using any of the social media platforms that your crush utilizes the most.

Since social media creates additional opportunities for communication and connection, there is perhaps no limit to when and how you can connect and interact with the one you admire so much.

Engage your crush’s posts by liking, commenting, or even sharing content that resonates with you. However, do these with caution to avoid being perceived as too eager or intrusive, as this might make all your chances fall like a house of cards.

Compliment sincerely

According to psychologists, compliments boost feelings of positivity, enhance confidence level, and foster stronger ties.

Routinely compliment your crush and do that sincerely. Be specific rather than generic in your complimentary remarks.

For instance, instead of saying something like ‘I like everything about you’, identify specific things you like about your crush and tailor your compliments to them.

So, you could say something like ‘I like how you dress with elegance’, ‘Your attention-grabbing smile sets the tone for good feeling’, etc.

In short, your compliments of your crush should reflect a genuine appreciation of their qualities, accomplishments, or style.

Leave them wanting more

Psychologist Robert Cialdini’s principle of scarcity suggests that people are inclined to desire things that are perceived as rare or limited.

This principle can be applied to your interactions with your crush. Ignite a conversation with your crush and take it to an enjoyable level.

When they’re lost in the conversation, end it on a high note or gracefully exit interactions, leaving them intrigued and eager for future interactions.

Caveat: This principle should be applied after you’ve successfully built genuine connections with your crush.

Be patient

You should never rush the process, as building meaningful connections takes time. So, be patient and give it time.

Allow your relationship with your crush to grow organically, and don’t be discouraged by setbacks or slow progress.

Remember that minor setbacks are parts of the ingredients for remarkable success.

So, ignore the setbacks you might encounter along the line, as everyone experiences some sort of hiccups. Rather than fixating on the end goal, focus on enjoying the journey.

Be respectful of boundaries

How to Get Your Crush to Ask for Your Number

Prioritize your crush’s boundaries and autonomy throughout your interaction with them. Pay attention to verbal and non-verbal cues when engaging them in conversations.

This helps to feel less pressure and improves their comfort level whenever they’re around you. Generally, people despise friends who are overbearing, as this act signals a red flag.

Demonstrating respect for the limits they set, either verbally or nonverbally, implants trust in them and nurtures it to maturation.

Your crush’s perception of your genuine respect for the boundaries they set increases the chances of their requesting your number—a dream come true for you.

Final Thoughts

At this point, the excitement and eagerness to drop your number with them will be overwhelming for you, but you don’t have to rush yelling your digits into their ears like a pack of dogs barking at ghosts!

Do it gently by looking into their eyes admiringly, and then call out your number. Alternatively, you may offer to punch your number into their phone.

If this second option piques your interest, gently stretch out your hand and gaze at them while you enter your number.

What are you waiting for? Walk up to your crush quickly and start acting on the tips you’ve learned here. You should always remember that ‘To look is one thing. To see what you look at is another. To understand what you see is a third. But to act on what you understand is all that matters.’

How to Get Your Crush to Ask for Your Number


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