40 Hilarious Tweets About Wanting a Girlfriend

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Hilarious Tweets About Wanting a Girlfriend


Many out there wish for a girlfriend; for a romantic relationship, for some cool friendship, and for several personal reasons. Some are vocal about it, while some lack the slightest idea of what to do about it.

Moreover, social media is one such place where those who are vocal go to rant about their feelings. For instance, on Twitter, you’ll find all kinds of tweets about wanting a girlfriend m

Therefore, in this article, I’ve compiled a list of hilarious tweets about wanting a girlfriend. Read and have some fun.

40 Hilarious Tweets About Wanting a Girlfriend

Check out these 40 hilarious tweets about wanting a girlfriend below:

1. infinityonFAGS needs a girlfriend so badly that it’s affecting him. Maybe he hasn’t had one in a long time and maybe he hasn’t been intimate in a long time and now he’s shaking with needs.

Or what else could get him shaking? Is it loneliness? What do you think?

2. paytonniree is calling the girls bitches and still wants them for a girlfriend.

Well, I don’t think they need a girlfriend. I think they need a bitch and not some girl. They should go look for them, there are plenty of bitches to choose from. I wish them success hunting the bitches down.


3. hrtmelody is really in need of a girlfriend. Maybe they’ve never had one before and that’s why they keep emphasizing that they want a girlfriend. I hope they get one real quick. 


4. ChibuezeRe60214 needs our help with getting a very wicked girlfriend.

Wow! This is new and hilarious. He wants one for a serious relationship that’ll end up in marriage. But, why doesn’t he want good girls?

Who in his right senses would want not just a wicked girl but a very wicked one for a relationship? Wow! I think there’s more to it. What do you think?

5. tripleSiouxsie is in a situation now. They don’t know whether they want a girlfriend or they’re just excited about the idea of wanting one.

But, they do know they want to get married someday. So, how do we help out? It seems the real problem is meeting with a girl and telling her their intention. 

Well, I think they should work on their confidence and then they can decide if they want to date and are interested in marriage.


6. freesmoke4yall needs a new girlfriend, he claims his girlfriend is broken.

But, where does one get a new girlfriend after the old one gets broken? Probably on Twitter. Well, I hope he gets a new one that doesn’t get broken.

7. jevilangle wants a very handy girlfriend. One who drives a motorcycle picks them up from work and attends their band practice. And they want to know if it’s too much to ask.

Well, it doesn’t seem too much to ask. I’m sure there are a lot of girls willing to learn to ride a motorcycle and wouldn’t mind picking their partner up from work. Sounds like what someone in love would do. Good luck with him.

8. NoxinaVT wants a pretty girlfriend and at the same time, he’s afraid of and intimidated by women.

How do we help him? Maybe he shouldn’t look for a pretty girlfriend. But, since he claims to be intimidated by women, who knows if he won’t be afraid of the unpretty one.

Well, I believe he doesn’t need a girlfriend now. He needs to stop being intimidated by women first. I think this solves it.

9. Realhollywhite needs a girlfriend. It can be any girl, as long as they live in Atlanta. Pretty simple, until she meets the Atlanta one that she’d have a problem with.

Well, it’s her choice, right? And we got to respect that.

10. ritsubabygirl doesn’t really need a girlfriend. They’re just lacking women and need females in their life. The woman might end up being their friend, a girlfriend, or a crush.

I hope they get as many women as they want. I wouldn’t claim to know what they’re feeling without a woman in their life. But, women are great, so it must be some bad feeling.

11. beomsanewife is obviously in dire need of a girlfriend.

“I want to find a girl who would love and treat me right, I want a girl who loves me and will give me a sight to look at.” 

Looking at these lines I think he might be trying some new lyrics. Well, we should wish him well in his search.

12. Edfeminate just needs a girlfriend who’d let her borrow her clothes. She needs a cool friend who would tell her she’s pretty and wouldn’t mind sharing things.

Well, she’s telling us that romantic relationships are not everything. Just having that cool friend around is great. 

13. Oops! It seems the cold weather has gotten jamanbooty into some situation.

He’s catching a cold and needs to get warm. So, he needs a partner real quick. If you’re interested, I think you need a quick reminder that when the cold goes, he might not want you again.

Just so you know what you’re getting into.

14. thesw4nprince seems confused. They want a girlfriend and a boyfriend but don’t want them at the same time.

Hmm, how do we sort this one out? Maybe they should start with a boyfriend and then break up and continue with a girlfriend, break up again, and then go back to a boyfriend.

They could keep doing that until they make up their mind whether they want both at the same time or they prefer either. Sounds like fun.

15. playingthegame2 is asking if wanting or having a girlfriend is a good idea in this generation.

What’s the best answer to this question? Well, I think experience would be the best answer. They should go ahead and get a girlfriend and then they’d know if it’s best for this generation. It’s not that hard.

16. Looks like meforme711 needs some sympathy. He doesn’t want a girlfriend because of some shit he claims to have seen in life.

He had probably gone through some bad times with a previous relationship to warrant this statement.

Hmm, I wonder what it might’ve been. Well, while we’re curious, we can only wish him well and hope he still finds love.

17. aprettylorliar seems to want a playful relationship. He wants a partner that he can play tricks on. So, he’d need a girl who’s ready to be tricked. 

Is that possible? Where do such girls live? I thought girls do the tricks. Anyway, let’s keep our fingers crossed, it’s possible such girls exist.

18. I love Ammar4khan straightforwardness. It’s better to put it out there for people to know. So, Ammar4khan needs not just any girl, he needs a loyal girl for a girlfriend.

He probably might’ve experienced a cheating girlfriend before and needs to be on the safer side. 

19. Chapoisrich looks like the dude who’ll take care of a woman. He sounds like someone who doesn’t want to be swayed by the pressure of getting a girlfriend. I hope he remains unmoved until he’s ready.

Unfortunately, many guys are not like Chapoisrich, who knows that they need to focus on themselves first before looking for a girlfriend. If many think this way, there will be fewer relationship problems.

20. until2025 is hungry and wants a girlfriend. Is he looking for a chick who would feed him? If that’s the case then he needs a cook, right? 

Or maybe I’m wrong. Maybe he’s hungry for a girlfriend, he needs a girl he can eat. Can you tell? He should make his intention clearer so we know if we’re finding him a cook or a girlfriend.

21. MadameMilkchi pointed out the real dilemma some men find themselves in.

A lot of men want a girlfriend badly and will do everything to get one, but when they finally get one, some of them become unhappy.

Why is it so? What changes? Is it their taste? Is it the women? I’m hoping the men here can tell us.

22. Wow! Do people actually want someone obsessed with them? Well, toxic_acidz has shown that that’s something they like, obsessive and jealous.

As for me, I wouldn’t want someone obsessive and always jealous. What about you?

23. 358_yarde is promising to be a faithful boyfriend to any lucky girl who’d say yes to him.

So, who’s ready to trust 358_yarde? Are you ready to believe his words here on Twitter? 

24.  HighassDegen made some observations about niggas who want girlfriends who smoke, have tattoos, and are okay with video games.

He’s insinuating that anyone who fits in this category is a boy. So, there are no girls who smoke, have tattoos, and play video games?

No, there are plenty of them. You just have to look hard niggas.


25. Oh, WillowChem must have gone through something bad to make this statement.

They would rather commit murder than have a girlfriend. What could’ve possibly gone wrong?

26. kagamerichards2 doesn’t want a serious relationship. Just a one-day girlfriend for a concert, and she has to apply in this DM for the position. That’s hilarious by the way 

Well, he just needs a date for the concert, which is great. And if they click, who knows if she’ll be more afterward? Only one way to find out. By applying.

27. ldndee1 wants a girlfriend for a long-term relationship, but he’s worried because he has been meeting the wrong ones, the ones who want him for something.

But, what could be that one thing that they want from him that could make commitment hard for him? Should we ask him or mind our business?

28. Wow! This is a weird one. Tronmechaborg wants a cute little dragon girlfriend! Mmmh! I’m finding it hard to understand this one. Does he want a cute dragon for a girlfriend, or does he wants a girlfriend who looks like a dragon?

(Take a deep breath). You might want to help out if you understand, while we wish them well on their search for a cute dragon.

29. Oops! goatdick1523 wants some girl who’s into creating content. It doesn’t sound like something difficult, right? 

Buy, why would they want a content creator girlfriend? Are they a content creator themselves? Well, it’s none of my business.

Also, they shouldn’t limit their search to only Twitter. Lots of girls on Instagram are creating content, even on Facebook.

30. wanderewah sounds like they’ve been on the lookout for a girlfriend for a long time and they haven’t been lucky to get one.

I can imagine what they must be feeling now, wondering what could be the problem for the difficulty. Well, we can only wish them luck and pray they find one soon.

31. hapo3_ is probably still with us here on earth because he hasn’t gotten a girlfriend yet. So, we should prepare to be cut out from his world when he gets one.

It’s just going to be him and the lucky woman. I bet they’d have a good time. Unfortunately, we won’t be there to witness it.

32. gloomymbear is really in need of some help. She needs a girlfriend badly.

Also, she has been waiting her whole life for one. Sounds pitiful. She probably hasn’t had any girlfriend before and she needs one really bad and has to wait on the road for her.

If you’re passing by this road you might want to check on her. 

33. Wow! This is something sweet from meloddramaticc. They want a pretty girlfriend that they can worship. Sounds romantic, right?

They want a pretty partner they’ll adore and show off. I’m jealous already. Whoever girl is going to be the one is lucky. You don’t need much, just have a pretty face and be ready for a god-like treatment. I’m considering applying. 

34. dandantheartist needs a clingy girlfriend. Should we tell him what that means, or we should wait until he gets one who would want his attention 24/7? Would he be able to handle that?

You see, I’m worried that a clingy partner might be an issue. But, who knows? He might love everything clingy and we shouldn’t discourage him but wish him all the best. 

35. hotnp_ is some hilarious person. It’s obvious they want some drama and not a relationship.

Who intentionally walks into a complicated relationship? I mean you sit down to carefully plan to come in between two people in a relationship? 

Hotnp of course; says they want to fight for love. That’s some crazy pun by the way.

36. SAKUT3N is probably a high school student or their minds have traveled back to high school days where your crush or partner stands at the window of your class to watch you learn.

That’s some good old days when love was simple and not as complicated as it is. Well, good luck to SAKUT3N finding such a girl.

37. It’s obvious needlenogginirl needs a dramatic relationship? Or is it that they need drama and not a relationship?

It’s going to be some crazy thing where the three will be cheating on each other. Let’s wait and see if this works out, it’s going to be an interesting ride.

Or wait! They probably need a male and female who are in a relationship to befriend, right? Just a platonic relationship on their side. Maybe I’m the one going too far. Who knows? Just maybe

38. KingBrad_ is wondering why he suddenly wants a girlfriend out of the blue. 

Maybe it’s a relationship fever. Who knows? Maybe people around him are all in a relationship and he has finally caught the fever.

Do you feel that way too?

39. DHoftm must have been through a lot at the hands of women, and now they want a robot girlfriend rather than a human one.

They don’t want to deal with cheating and false accusations anymore. Oops! But, who says robots don’t have their problems? It might be more than cheating, you know?

Well, you better be prepared for anything when you get your robot girlfriend.

40. WeZakaQ wants an understanding girlfriend who wouldn’t want money from him.

Does such a girl exist? Maybe. Well, I wish him all the best in finding such girls.


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