30 Funny Tweets About Ex-Boyfriends

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Funny Tweets About Ex-Boyfriends


Do you have an ex-boyfriend or you’ve got ex-boyfriends? How do you feel about them? What do you have to say about them?

In this article, I have compiled 30 hilarious tweets about ex-boyfriends. Read, laugh, and learn a lesson or two from people’s experiences.

30 Funny Tweets About Ex-Boyfriends 

Check out these 30 hilarious posts as shared by people on Twitter about ex-boyfriends:

1. This is some crazy tweet from roshinimisra. Indeed there are girls out there who take care of their boyfriends, and raise them like mothers do with their children.

So, roshinimisra wished them a “Happy Mother’s Day” on the just concluded Mother’s Day. However, I think she might have been sarcastic. But, who knows? She might mean every word she says.

2. 9woodMac is onto something about Arianna. Ariana insists her boyfriend doesn’t deserve to breathe the same air as her.

Hmm, what could have happened to warrant this talk from her? It has to be something very serious, right, to make you detest your ex-boyfriend so much? 

3. You can make it louder Mostsillygoose. Once he’s now an ex, no more intimacy. Kudos to you for resisting.

Sure, she deserves an accolade for saying no. You know many people make the mistake of reuniting with an ex just for intercourse. However, Mostsillygoose has shown us with her tweet that she’s bigger than that. She deserves my respect.

4. Wow! Can this tweet from Chane11e1 be true?

After many years of being apart, Chane11e1’s family still wishes their boyfriend a happy birthday.

Hmm, what could he have done to deserve such loyalty? He must have left a strong impression.

5. exy__y needs a man in her life, someone who truly cares for her, but there’s a clause there, “he shouldn’t be her ex-boyfriend.”

Wow! What this means is that her ex-boyfriend had genuinely cared for her, so what could have ended the relationship? Now, she wants another man like her ex-boyfriend. 

Well, I pray she finds another who truly cares for her. But, wouldn’t it be easier to just get back together with her ex? I’m just saying.

6. thatom_thatom is asking what you’ll do if your son tells you that his girlfriend borrowed money from her ex-boyfriend. 

Well, as the mother I’ll tell him the truth. She probably has something going on with her ex to be able to borrow money from him. This revelation would help him make his decision.

Also, what about him, why didn’t his girlfriend ask him for the money? I’d ask him if he has always found it hard to give her money in the past and that led her not to ask him, his reply would determine the next thing to say to him. 

So, over to you, what would your advice be?

7. Breezy_lika should know that not everyone turns to enemies when they break up.

I don’t see anything wrong with still having my ex’s phone numbers if we broke up amicably. If it wasn’t a toxic relationship, and we ended things on clean ground, then there’s nothing wrong with being friends. 

It doesn’t mean we’ll end up calling each other all the time, going on dates, or something, but we won’t be enemies either. What do you think about this?

8. Oh well, this is something jadewisdm. It’s quite funny, but people change. I can’t say whether I believe this is true or not, but people change.

I have heard of criminals who became pastors, humanitarians, and many good things. Even drug addicts have come out clean and ended up doing some good work. So, it’s very possible for someone doing something bad to change. 

But, I don’t know about someone being very abusive working as a marriage therapist, like a professional and recognized one. Well, things happen.

9. soupyseags is super excited that her boyfriend got arrested. For her to be this excited, it means she doesn’t like him.

Also, for him to have gotten arrested, it means, he had committed a crime. But, our interest is in why soupyseags is very happy.

Was he bad to her when they were together? Maybe he cheated, or he was the violent type that beat her during their time together.

Whatever the reason might be for his arrest, it’s clear he’s her least favorite.

10. janelleroseee says she learned more life lessons from her ex-boyfriend than from her parents.

This could mean only one thing. The ex-boyfriend must’ve put her through a lot. I wonder what it could’ve been.

That a partner she’d probably spent less time with taught her more lessons than her parents did.

It must’ve been crazy.

11. This tweet from yabaleftonline is quite interesting. 

It talks about a lady messaging her ex-boyfriend’s new fiancee to congratulate her on their engagement and ended up getting blocked.

If it were you as the ex-boyfriend’s new girlfriend, what would be your reaction?

But before that, let’s discuss why this lady would message the new girlfriend to congratulate her on their engagement when they’re not friends.

Is she trying to get her attention? Since the lady blocked her it means she knows about her. So, do you think she isn’t over the man? What do you think is the reason?

12. This tweet from LuuXGjchhjmc is an opportunity to discuss why some girls return to their ex-boyfriends even when they know he’s bad for them.

Like she stated here, you’ve got a misogynistic boyfriend and you ended things with him because of his trait, so why do you need to give him a second chance?

What do you think makes ladies go back to their exes? They can’t get over him? Do they believe he has changed?

The funny thing about most of these scenarios is that these ladies know deep down that he hasn’t changed but they choose to be in denial. 

13. MrsEricaGaza compares her ex-boyfriend to the British press which seems not to know how to move on from Meghan’s story.

Maybe since their break up, he has been messaging her, hoping to get her back. Who knows? Maybe he never wanted the breakup, or he ended things and now regrets it. 

Whatever might be the reason, MrsEricaGaza might be rejoicing secretly that her ex still pines for her. It’s just the case with so many girls.

14. M_Molly19 is trying to tell us that she’s still hooking up with her ex-boyfriend. She’s probably teasing us, who knows?

But, these tweets from M_Molly19 still take us back to the same question. Why do people still get involved with their ex? 

They can’t get over the physical intimacy? Do they still have feelings for them? Or is it that the bonds never completely get severed? What do you think? Don’t forget to share your thoughts.

15. This tweet from hodonghee rings true in every aspect. Some people use their best friend to get over their ex.

So, let’s discuss. Why do people use their best friend to make their exes jealous?

Don’t they ever stop to think about the feelings of their best friend? What if the best friend has always had feelings for them and ends up becoming hopeful?

This action can be very hurtful to best friends. But, I wonder why best friends allow themselves to be used. They can’t say that they don’t have the slightest hint that they’re just a rebound.

16. Coralz is probably still pining for her ex-boyfriend or she suddenly remembers him and the day they got together.

Well, if she’s not over him yet, I hope she does and finds true love soon. Do you still think of your ex-boyfriend this way? 

17. This tweet jisungnoot is something to muse on.

How many exes do you have now, and how many would you like to have before you find the “one?” Do you like the idea of many exes before settling into marriage?

As for me, I don’t fancy the idea of many exes. Right now I have just 3 ex-boyfriends and I’m hoping my next relationship leads to marriage, so I’m taking my time. 

However, 5 doesn’t seem that bad. I’ve heard of people with over 10! This one is scary. 

18. Oh, how scarier can this get? This tweet from TheFoodHaven_ is crazy. I think I can agree with her that it might be intentional.

How did the ex-boyfriend end up with the friend without the lady knowing? It’s likely they both kept the relationship away from her. And if that is true, then her friend is making her  a bridesmaid to hurt her.

Or maybe I’m wrong, maybe none of them is aware of anything. This wedding is likely ending up in a mess. I’m scared for them.

19. This is a funny tweet from PseudoAgatha. First, why would she have such dreams? It’s probably because she still has a boyfriend in mind, or she’s insecure about her size.

And now she’s going to be furious for the whole of the day. And she has warned us to avoid her, you better do.

20. This is something from niyyaababbyy. Why is she revealing her mother’s little secret? 

But, really, what is it with people and their ex? Why can’t some ladies forget about their ex-boyfriend? Now, it’s a mother sneaking her ex-boyfriend into the house.

Wow! Is it some kind of curse or something? And why does it affect some and not everyone?

21. Wow! Another interesting one from Ruesavatar.

What do you think about this? Do you think they started drawing because of their boyfriend?

Well, I think the dream is just a sign that they should start drawing. It’s probably something they love doing. If that’s the case, they should keep at it, whether they reply to the email or not.

22. Hmm, what do you think about this tweet from babyann_?

They claim they don’t think about their ex-boyfriends yet they’ve been having dreams about them. Not just any dreams, dreams that they’re dating them.

Well, they should ignore the dreams. They’re probably not going to have it a third time, except they’ve been thinking about them.

23. This is a great piece of advice from terrificprodig1. He’s advising men to never get past the talking stage with any woman who has ex-boyfriends who are fraudsters.

Do you think this is a great piece of advice? And why do you think so?

Well, I understand where terrificprodig1 is coming from. Ladies who date men who make money illegally are likely to have these men spend lavishly on them. 

So, when they move on to the next relationship, there’s a high chance that they’re going to compare their new man to their ex, expecting him to spend like him not caring if he makes the same money that the ex makes.

24. Wow! What do you think about this tweet from maleka_sheila?

Is it that she has an affinity for abusive men? It’s likely so because why would she leave an abusive boyfriend and end up with another abusive one?

Well, let’s say she didn’t know the new one was abusive at first, but when she eventually finds out, why is she going back to her old abusive boyfriend?

I think we can conclude that she has a thing for abusive people. We can only hope it doesn’t end her.

25. According to emmamwanje256, what are the signs that your ex-partner still wants you back?

For me, 

  • They keep trying to stay in touch
  • They want to maintain the same energy you both had when you were together
  • They try to make you jealous
  • They find ways to ask you for help
  • They keep talking about your times together
  • They still compliment you
  • They follow up on everything about you

Can you add yours?

26. This is something serious from Folasheycrown22. First, why do people still engage with their exes even after they’re married?

These sets of people don’t often think about the repercussions. However, when the repercussions come they end up regretting.

What advice would you give this woman? Wait till the baby is born and find a way to carry out a DNA test. End things with the ex and confess to the husband? End things with the husband if she still loves the ex? 

27. Hmm! This is an interesting one with MichaelChu37836. MichaelChu37836 sister is marrying their ex-boyfriend and now they’re conflicted.

And that’s just the funny thing about exes. Sometimes you can’t control how they find their way back into your cycle. What advice do you have for MichaelChu37836?

Should they go to the wedding? Do you think they’d be able to act genuinely happy? Or should they rather stay behind?

28. This tweet from diminki is humorous. But, do women do so, date the lookalike of someone they really wish to date until they find that one?

So, in the end, the ex boyfriend ends up looking like the new boyfriend. It’s something.

Moreover, this is unfair to the person they’re just using to while away time. What do you think about this?

29. Raskolya claims she doesn’t miss her ex-boyfriend, just frequent study dates. Do you take her seriously?

I don’t at all. It’s clear that she misses her boyfriend, the study dates are just one of the things that follow with being with the ex.

Well, I wish her more study dates.

30. Oops! What have ex-boyfriends done to dianaaaaaagust to make her call them trash?

Ouch! This hurts.


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