30 Funny Relatable Tweets About Being Single

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Funny Relatable Tweets About Being Single 


Are you currently single? What can you say about your current status? Or do you remember your single days? What can you say about those days?

Are you enjoying it or did you enjoy it? 

I was going through Twitter and I came across some posts about single people that are interesting and I thought I should make a post about them.

So, in this article, I’ve put together 30 funny relatable tweets about being single. Read, enjoy, and learn a lesson or two.

30 Funny Relatable Tweets About Being Single

1. braylon125 is excited about being single. It doesn’t seem to bother them that they don’t have anyone to specially love them.

Their excitement is that they can talk to whoever they want to talk to and not just who wants to talk to them.

What do you think about their excitement? Can’t people in relationships talk to whomever they want? Is there a talking restriction in relationships?

If there’s I haven’t heard about it. I know people set boundaries in relationships, but any partner who makes you feel you can’t talk to anyone you wish to talk to is only controlling you.

2. slim_ma97 is also excited about being single.

They’re excited because they get to see people they like every day and probably try them out without the restrictions of relationships.

So, they believe their singleness allows them to explore as many people as they want.

What’s your take on this?

Well, they’re excited because they don’t like commitment. Maybe they can’t stay committed to one person or they don’t want to. 

I think people should do what they want as long as it isn’t hurting anyone.

3. Another tweet from fineassnayyyy that screams excitement about being single.

Their happiness is that they belong to nobody. They like the idea of not having to answer to anyone or answer to anyone who calls them “mine.”

Well, that’s okay until they fall in love. They never can tell where love will get them.

4. This is a hilarious revelation from iamchriscoro, and I truly understand their happiness about being single.

First, relationships are not always sweet. Two people don’t always agree, it’s a part of life. But, iamchriscoro feels they can’t handle this side of relationships. 

Well, if they’re staying away from relationships because of the arguments, they must know the other things they’re missing. 

And if they think those things aren’t important, we’ll only have to wait until love happens to them. Then, I’m sure they’d gladly argue with their partner. But, until then.

5. This is another funny revelation from anti_cool. But, I’m glad they know the reason why they’re single, even though they sound unbothered about it.

So, if eventually, they don’t want to remain single anymore, they’d work on their personality.

6. Wow! queenxlexxx is so single that they don’t charge their phone at night.

That means they don’t bother to keep their phone on because there’s no one to call. It’s quite hilarious but it can make someone sad to not experience what being in love means. I do hope they find someone to make them want to charge at night soon.

7. lastvibes doesn’t know whether they want to be single or want to love someone.

This moment in life can be worrisome. The part where you so much enjoy your single life but at the same time you wish you had someone to love and who loves you in return.

Well, I can only advise them to enjoy their singleness while staying open-minded to love. When eventually it comes, they’d be glad they did. 

What advice do you have for them?

8. This is another funny tweet about being single from withmey_.

I can imagine her screaming in her head “I’m a woman, and I’m telling you I’m single, don’t you get it?”

But, why do men miss signals like this? Your flatmates have told you they’re single and you’re meeting them for tips on how to approach women, but since you’ve approached them, why not start with them?

Well, I think she might have to scream it out to him if she’s interested.

9. This is another hilarious one from its_tiidoo

They feel they’re too single and that there’s no hope for them. But, I quite disagree with them.

I know they might be trying to be funny with this tweet, but if they get a ticket for two, they should by all means look for a date. Many single people like them will jump on this opportunity, except, of course, they love their singleness.

10. This is another funny but relatable revelation from alubarika94.

Many people indeed love the freedom that comes with not being in a relationship with someone. They love the fact that they’re only answerable to themselves.

However, when it comes to physical intimacy, that’s where they find it difficult. They feel they can’t stay celibate so they’d need to be in a relationship to satisfy their urges.

Well, my advice for them is if they think they’d have problems staying committed to a relationship, they can choose to look for someone with their mindset who just wants to satisfy their physical need and nothing more.

11. bod-republic is worried about single people and wants to know if they’re okay.

Well, are you single guys okay?

While it’s sweet to have someone who loves you, one doesn’t need a relationship to be okay.

So, single people should be okay. They should first learn to love themselves before they can love someone else 

12. This is a sad one from GuruSyre. They’re single, they wish for love, but they’d still push people away because of their scars.

Well, I think the problem with GuruSyre is just their fear and belief. Yes, they might’ve scars they’re yet to heal from, but since they believe it’ll prevent them from being someone, it seems they’ve become comfortable with it.

My advice for them is they should work on getting healing from their scars, only then would they be able to open themselves completely to others.

13. Uyoyoghene_ story is one of the common ones amongst single people.

Sometimes you just find yourself amongst people married or in relationships, and when they discuss things you seem left out. 

It becomes worse when they’re your mates, and you’re the only single one among them. It can be hard like they said. 

However, if one has come to appreciate what they have, and if they surround themselves with lovely people, they’ll find it easy to manage. 

So, if you’re in Uyoyoghene_ ‘s shoes, you should only surround yourself with kind people who won’t make fun of you.

14. This is another humorous one from 1wishgenie1

However, it’s relatable. Many single people are on this table. They can’t relate to having someone they can call when they want to talk about their days, except their family if they’ve got one.

When they’ve got good news to share, they can’t go home and rant about it to their lover. When they get a bad day, they don’t have anyone to complain to. 

Well, I just hope they don’t put Jesus as their emergency number too. He won’t come down from heaven.

15. _okime is still single because they’re waiting for Asherkine, a Nigerian content creator and philanthropist to ask them out.

Well, they might be single for a long time. But, who knows? Asherkine might get to see this and pick interest in them.

Let’s wait and see if it becomes so. I hope they remember to keep us updated though.

16. Well, I agree with a part of this post of _Tayyx. I agree with that part where they don’t think lying and cheating aren’t deep.

But, I disagree with the part where they say everybody thinks that way.

No, dear _Tayyx, nor everyone conforms to such thoughts. There are a lot of people whose values don’t align with these.

So, I hope you open your mind more and understand that you can find people who’ll give you what you wish for.

17. lilmissboujeee thinks that some people are scared of being single while they are scared of committing to someone.

I believe they must’ve been through some relationship shits in the past, to tag going into another relationship a “waste of time.”

Well, I can’t claim to understand what they’ve been through, I only hope they understand that it isn’t everyone that treats people badly, if not they should be afraid of themselves too.

Also, I hope they reach that point where they’re ready to embrace commitment and be ready to try again with someone.

18. I like how Come222liyah understands that they’re the problem.

But, what do you think makes them reject people who try to take them on a date?

Are they an introvert? Are they scared of being in public with someone? Have they been through something bad in the past?

Well, since they know they’re the problem, if they’re willing to get into a relationship, they should work on themselves.

19. This is another funny one from INDIEWASHERE. They’re concerned that there’s no one for them to harass when they’re drunk.

I can see they’re bothered with being single and I hope they find someone who’d be ready to be harassed by them soon.

Funny Relatable Tweets About Being Single


20. maganoGasamwele enjoys being single because he doesn’t get to argue like people in relationships do especially in public.

Well, his reason might be funny, but I understand his perspective. But, can he remain single for long?

He might be changing his status when love comes his way, and I’m sure he’d understand that arguing is part of relationships. The only thing he and his partner should avoid is arguing in public.

21. lifeofa_gø1 claims they’re single and not lonely and I agree with them. Being single doesn’t mean you become lonely.

It’s only someone who lacks friends, family, and loved ones, I believe can be lonely. Someone who’s surrounded by people they love and who loves them shouldn’t be lonely. Not everyone will experience romantic love, that’s the truth.

22. Wow! tbandsss thinks having a nigga is embarrassing. What do you have to say to someone who thinks this way?

Well, I don’t know what to say. If they’re okay all by themselves, that’s okay. And if they feel embarrassed about being in a relationship, then by all means they should stay away.

23. This is another funny tweet from deslilym

While they might be trying to be funny, there are lots of people who think this way. Being in relationships with this kind of people can be frustrating.

Like deslilym concluding that they’re single because their boyfriend didn’t call them, some people too act this way because their partner misses their call or doesn’t text them. 

Also, they’re the type to complain all the time.

24. Hmm, Noorthevirgo thinks they’re meant to be single forever, probably because they’ve tried relationships and it’s not working.

What advice do you have for them?

I believe if they remove this mindset and become intentional about getting into a relationship, they won’t find themselves single soon.

25. This is quite an emotional one from chinito1896.

Like chinito1896, I don’t agree that being single for long makes someone so independent that they no longer yearn for romantic love.

While it might make one learn to cope with that kind of loneliness, it doesn’t eliminate wishing they could get someone to spend the rest of their lives with.

I hope chinito1896 finds such a person soon.

26. I love this post from aproko_doctor.

Being in a relationship with someone who doesn’t know what they want for themselves can be frustrating.

They aren’t interested in growing, they’re just okay with what they have at the moment. Believe me, if you’re the type interested in self-development, entangling with such a person can keep you stagnant.

So, I understand when aproko_doctor says they’d rather be single than be with such a person. I can’t be with such a person too.

27. Wow! This tweet from DrBrittWilliams might sound harsh but it’s common.

Some people don’t want the commitment that comes with relationships, so they stay away from one and still manage to satisfy their desires to get laid.

It’s not difficult, as long as you define the kind of relationships you want from the onset and there’s mutual understanding between both parties, then all is good.

And like they said, they’ve got friends who make them happy like a romantic partner does. Well, everyone with their choice.

28. Do you agree with this tweet from celesitial?

Well, I don’t quite agree. I believe one can be focused on themselves and still yearn for love, but it doesn’t eliminate the fact that they’ve been working on themselves.

Also, it doesn’t mean they no longer love themselves.

Working on oneself means you want to be better for yourself and others, it doesn’t mean getting a partner will suddenly make the whole point useless.

29. Well, ellsworthjetson is appreciative that they’re happy being single.

I love the fact that they acknowledge what they have, they’ve learned to live and love themselves the way they are, and it’s all good.

But, I’m concerned with the part where they said they barely talk to anyone outside of family.

Well, relationships don’t have to be romantic. It’s good to have good friends outside of family that one can rely on. Well, if they’re okay, I don’t have much to say.

30. This is another humorous tweet from venom_rmg. They’re happy that they’re single because they don’t have to deal with the cheating that comes with staying committed to someone.

Well, I understand their happiness. I just hope they’re able to stay single and not fall in love.



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