50 Flirty Responses to “WYD”

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Flirty Responses to WYD

Flirty Responses

What (are) you doing, is what the abbreviated WYD stands for. It is an informal way, often used while texting someone, to ask what a person is doing or up to.

“WYD” can also be interpreted as a flirtatious question that you could send to your crush or love interest, while texting, to playfully ask if they are open to chat or speak with you.

The focus of this article is to get more creative and playful with flirting by compiling 50 flirty responses to WYD while chatting or conversing with your crush or friend.

This article will educate you on cute ways you can reply to ‘whatcha doing,’ as some people would often call it.

It is no fun if your response is bland or basic as this could ruin the mood when you could have ceased the moment, and let them know how willing you are to make yourself available for them.

It is a no-brainer that flirting isn’t always serious and lacks intentionality in its full sense, and that’s why I believe that when you make use of these lines that I am about to share with you, with the right tone and mood, you are going to produce a flirty response for when someone asks what you are doing.

Here are 50 flirty responses to WYD that would have your crush or love interest’s heart jingle like a bell

Flirty Responses to WYD

  1. I am not doing much right now. The strange part is that I wanted to ask what you are doing as well. Maybe we could go watch a movie or something, anything to get rid of the boredom, don’t you think?
  2. I am just in my room, staring at the ceiling just thinking about you and me being together. I do not mind if we could keep each other busy by talking for a long period of time, I would certainly appreciate it if you could create time for me to speak with you.
  3. Missing you is what I am doing right now so I better find my way to your heart so that I can live there for the rest of my life. The way that you are making me feel is indescribable and I think it is high time we met each other.
  4.  I went to grab some food at [ the name of the place] and I was wondering if you could join me in eating this delicious food because something tells me that I would enjoy this food more if we ate together. We could decide to have a lunch date some other time if you are free.
  5. I am not doing anything if you are available to meet up. Please say yes to me and you will make me the happiest person on planet Earth because I have always wanted to go on a date with you for so long, I wish you could grant my request.
  6. I am walking down to your house because that is where my feet desire to carry me and honestly, I do not mind because I also want to be where you are, so to answer your question, I am walking to wherever you are right now and I am anticipating seeing you and I hope that you feel the same way about me.
  7. Listening to music reminds me of the beautiful moments that we had together and it is making me miss you more and I want to hold your hands and have you close to me, that is what I would rather be doing right now, I would not be here thinking about when next I get to see you.
  8. I am hoping that you are free tonight so that we can catch up and spend quality time together. There is a movie that I think that you would like to see, we could go see it together if you do not mind, so what will your answer be? I hope that I get a positive response.
  9. Staring at your pictures on my phone, no matter how many times I have seen them already, I still can not help but find them fascinating and suiting to look at. I feel like if my phone got broken today and I lost all your pictures, I would still have your images inscribed in my memories.
  10. Whatever you are doing right now is what I am doing especially if it involves thinking about you, I am always thinking about in fact, that is what keeps me busy. So tell me what you are doing right now so that I can blush a little bit.
  11. I am doing whatever I can get my hands to do just so I can stop thinking about your pretty smile but unfortunately, it is not working because I feel so attached to you, there has to be a way that I will not think about you for at least just a day if that is even possible at this point.
  12. I keep trying to focus but you keep popping in my mind a lot. I wish that you could stop appearing uninvited and unannounced because I might just begin to miss you so much that I will not be able to control myself anymore. Tell me what I must do to get you out of my mind.
  13. I am just watching an episode of your favorite movie, [ the name of the movie] and I must confess, it is an interesting one and I am beginning to see why you hate it so much. I wish that we were seeing this movie together though.
  14. Well, I am just looking forward to our next conversation, where we get to talk about how much we love and care about each other no matter the situation. I think that we could schedule a meeting this weekend so that I could finally be living in my future.
  15. I am imagining how it would be to feel your soft skin and your beautiful face.  I have been having all sorts of fantasies since I left you, it is like there is something spiritual pulling me towards you, what would it take for you to cleanse me of this spiritual ecstasy?
  16. What I am doing right now is that I am going through our old text messages and I can not help but laugh hysterically, because I remember how we started as frenemies and now we have become two pieces in a pod.
  17. Resonating on how the last date we had and also hoped that one day I get to go on such an amazing date once again. I loved everything that you were putting on and the color of your lipstick, I can not stop thinking about it, honestly. Well, I would like you to wear a pink dress today because I am thinking of setting up a date with you.
  18. Well, I am just booking a reservation for both of us in a restaurant. I know that you deserve the best and that’s why I make sure that everything will be perfect for a perfect [ lady or man] like you. I am positive that you will like it, don’t worry. You know what they say, ‘a happy wife makes a happy life.’
  19. I keep looking at the stars wishing up on them. My wish is that you come sooner and I can get to be with you and feel safe and secure again. Being without you has not been easy, I barely get excited about anything anymore. May the stars grant me my wish?
  20. Hoping for a miracle to happen and I can not just be here without you in my life. It would be a miracle if I could just have you appear here this minute as spend even if it is just a day with me. I believe that miracles happen and I know mine will come to pass.
  21. Taking a walk around the park made me remember when you and I both shared our first kiss, I haven’t felt as happy as that before ever since. Since you are not here with me, I guess that I am just going to live in the memories of us.
  22. Thinking about ways to make you smile and to have you in my life till the end of time. I should have been more vocal about my feelings about you but I promise that I am going to make the most of this opportunity and make my feelings known.
  23. I am planning our next adventure. I was thinking we could go to Africa so that we can see the gorgeous savannah and waterfall. It would be a nice date and a good way to get rid of all the stress and challenges that we have been going through lately, don’t you think?
  24. Trying to remember the last time I smiled this frequently. Spoiler: it was when I was with you. My teeth are always out whenever I am spending time with you and I hope that we get to spend more time together as an item one day. What do you say about my proposal? Think about it, would you?
  25. I am thinking about how much fun we could have together if we were not so far apart. I always get so nervous when I am around you but I know deep down that I am always comfortable around you and you make me feel peace on the inside.
  26. I am just scrolling through your Instagram page not because I am a stalker or anything of sorts but because I want to see what an intriguing [ man or woman] is up to. I must say, your life is exciting and I wish I could be in it with you, and hopefully you could post a picture of me with the caption “the love of my life.”
  27. Wondering what I did exactly to God to deserve such a wonderful person in my life. I still can not believe how much you mean to me and how well you treat me, I could not have chosen better honestly, I love you and what you represent. You are not easy to find because you are a rare gem and I want you to be conscious of it.
  28. Baking a delicious cake for our next date, I want the cake to be as sweet as when we are together but I do not think that is possible. I love how much we love each other and protect each other. All I will do for the rest of my life is make you happy. Even if you like me being a full housewife and raising your kids at home, I will do it because I care about you.
  29. Just dreaming about the moment that we shared our first kiss, is a dream that I do not want to wake up from. It is funny how the thoughts of you consume my day and also consume my dreams at night as well. I wonder if this is black magic or a spell that you cast on me, that makes me not think straight whenever I see you.
  30. I am thinking about you and how we can be closer than the way we are. If there is a secret formula to your heart, I am willing to figure it out just so that I can be the one that you are thinking about as well. I want you to be mine, when are you going to finally give me a positive response?
  31. Waiting for your call so that I can hear your sweet and melodious voice once again. I sometimes don’t want us to stop speaking whenever we are speaking on the phone because I enjoy it so much that I don’t want it to end. Is it that you fell from heaven or you were part of the angels that God created? The way you speak is so eloquent.
  32. Checking to see if I can be free this weekend so that we can go somewhere quiet and spend the day together. I need to relieve stress in my life right now and I know that only you can be able to do that for me.
  33. I was just about to ask you that because I am about to die of boredom without you here with me. What makes a great day for me is when I am with you, even though we don’t do anything productive, I will be happy because I am with you.
  34. Doing everything in my power to make sure that I meet up with you this weekend. I just can not take it anymore. I feel sick to my stomach knowing that there is a chance that I might not see you this weekend.
  35. Nothing satisfying enough like you being with me right now. What exactly is the problem with the world? It is like when I plan to be happy the universe finds a way to ruin it all for me.
  36. I am just writing your name on a note and designing it with some hearts around it. It is a way of physically illustrating how I feel about you and consider you someone that my heart beats for every day. Sadly, this is not enough because of the love I have for you, no one would be able to comprehend it because it is too strong.
  37. Thinking of a question that I could ask that would spark a conversation between us but I guess you already beat me to it. I love how we can think the same thing at the same time. Do you often wonder if we were lovers in our past lives?
  38. Writing a song about you, I easily get inspired to write songs about our love story and how I came across an angel like you. This song would be a definite hit on the Billboard 100.
  39. Waiting for you to come home so that I can do crazy things to you in the bedroom. Where are you? Please tell me that you are almost here because I need to be with you right now. If you do not come soon I might begin to lose my mind and get lonely.
  40. Cooking your favorite dish even though you won’t get to eat it because you are not here with me. At least it would make me feel closer to you and value every moment that we have shared. I know how much you like my cooking so I will get better at it so that when I see you I will be able to serve you the best meal.
  41. Watching YouTube videos that remind me of the time we [mention the incident] I was laughing so hard that I lost track of time. Do you remember that moment? It was one of the moments that I knew that I wanted you to be in my life for a long time.
  42. Following your lead at this moment, if you want me to come over, I will do anything that you wish for me to do. All I am waiting for right now is that you should tell me what I have to do. You do not have to be shy to tell me to do anything since I am the one permitting you to do so.
  43. I am playing with the teddy bear that reminds me of you. It is as soft as you are and I love to play with it just as I love to play with you as well. But don’t worry so much, the teddy can not take your space in my heart, don’t be jealous.
  44. Living a life that I do not want to live because you are not in it. I love you more than words could ever describe and I am unapologetic about it.
  45. Feeling lost in time because I am so busy with work. I would like to know if we could meet up later so that we can grab a few drinks or something. I need to see my stress reliever.
  46. Envision you and I having a romantic dinner under the moonlight in an expensive restaurant. Just close your eyes and you will be able to feel what I am feeling right now.
  47. Rounding up my activities for the day so that I could spend the rest of the day with you without any distractions. I must make sure that nothing takes away my attention from you.
  48. Telling my friends how amazing you are and how well you have been treating me. I am making them feel jealous because I keep talking about you and how romantic you are.
  49. I am listening to a podcast on (the name of the podcast or perhaps a radio station). I love listening to people’s love stories, I wonder when you and I will get to write our own love story.
  50. Picking out clothes that I want to wear on the date that we will plan next, you know how much I love to look good for my man/ woman. Do you think I should go with the purple dress or the red one?

Flirty Responses to WYD

In my last words

I would like to express that WYD being a question, gives you more room or opportunity to be more flirtatious with your answer. It would be nice if you had whoever you are texting blushing and happy that they asked you that question. Q

At the end of the day, your tone and body language, if physical, are good agents to make you sound flirty and playful. If you are texting, try to make use of words that are lighter and include other cute comments to achieve your aim.

If you find this article helpful, feel free to express yourself in the comment section below.

Flirty Responses to WYD


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