50 Flirty Responses to “Thinking Of You”

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Flirty Responses

One of the commonly used phrases that indicates that a person has you in their heart and in their mind is “thinking of you.” It means that you are an important person to them and probably are on their mind at a particular moment or often.

There are moments where you will find yourself being told this phrase and you might want to upgrade your response from the regular response of “that’s so sweet” or “I’m blushing,” by making it more flirty and creative that it would make the heart of whoever says that phrase, “thinking of you,” melt like butter.

You do not have to search any further because you just stumbled on the article that you need to achieve, knowing flirty responses to “thinking of you.” I have prepared 50 flirty responses to say when someone tells you that they are thinking of you.

So, all you have to do is relax and allow your eyes to feast on these brilliant responses, thereby making your flirting game more top notch.

Here are the outlined 50 responses carefully chosen to say to “thinking of you”

Flirty Responses to Thinking Of You

  1. That’s exactly what I am doing as well, it is like you cast a spell on me or something because I can’t seem to get you out of my mind. One of these days I will have to book a private dinner so that we can get to meet and talk about why you are always on my mind. I honestly find it unbelievable and quite amazing.
  2. It better be that your thoughts are just as dirty as mine because in my mind I am doing a lot of dirty things to you that you can not even imagine. I hope you are getting a great feeling as a result of thinking about me nonstop, I am as well.
  3. I was literally about to text you the same thing. it is like we were designed to be together from heaven and it was just driving me insane, I love it so much, it has been so long since I have felt this much excitement over anyone before.
  4. Whatever I am doing or you are doing in your mind can be turned into reality, we do not have to wait anymore. Remember that we only have one life to live, let’s make the most of it. I am ready to take all risks with you in life because you are for me and there is no other.
  5. Even I think about you when I am supposed to be doing other things but it’s just that I can’t help myself right now. I want you to come over here so that I do not have to think about the things I want to say or do to you, I want it to be physical, a moment where I am living in my dreams and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
  6. Awwwn! I love being in your thoughts, it is peaceful, beautiful, and magical, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else, I like it there. I was thinking of moving into your thoughts minutes ago, permanently, that way I will not have to leave you your thoughts anymore.
  7. I am not joking, I really would pass on anything just to take a trip to the mind of my knight and shining armor, I don’t think I need a passport for that, do I? If I do, then I will get it at all costs because your mind is where I can flourish and be so happy for the rest of my life.
  8. I feel so special hearing that, you know the right words to say to make me feel happy and that’s why I can’t seem to get you out of my mind either, do you think that God is trying to tell us something about our relationship because I can feel that he has great plans for both of us.
  9. I do not care if you distract me all day and night, you are the best distraction that I have ever had, who needs to focus when I can be distracted with you in my thoughts forever? I know how incredible that sounds but I guess we’ll just have to wait patiently and dream of the day that we will see each other again.
  10. Now I know why I can’t seem to get you out of my mind all day. Our brains are symbiotic and I wish that we could meet up tomorrow so that I get to hold your soft hands all day long, we could even see a movie together while munching on some popcorn just like we always do in my thoughts.
  11. I do not know what exactly you are making us do in your thoughts but I wish you could ask me to do it physically. I am tired of not being able to see you whenever I like, it is so frustrating. Thank goodness the mind is present for us to make use of because I would have gone crazy if I could not think of you.
  12. You are like a catchy song that I cannot seem to get out of my head, I do not mind playing it all day so that I can listen to it and be happy. I am so glad that we are thinking the same way, it makes me confident that we are destined to be together, don’t you agree?
  13. You know that when you say words like that my heart begins to melt like ice, I keep seeing you in my thoughts as well as in my dreams. I hope you do not stop appearing, the day you stop, I don’t think that I will be able to handle the pain that I would feel.
  14. Don’t you think that your thoughts are trying to tell you something, perhaps it is saying that we should be together for the rest of our lives.  What’s the worst that can happen? We could get started on marriage preparations since we both agree that we are in this together for life. What’s the point of waiting and thinking about each other for so long?
  15. I get butterflies anytime you say you are thinking of me because I can not get you out of my mind either, it’s so strange how the thoughts of you make my belly full, I don’t need to eat anymore, your thoughts are tastier than delicious food. I haven’t eaten food today and I don’t care because the thoughts of you thinking about me is enough breakfast to eat.
  16. The day that you smiled at me, I began to think about you nonstop as well. I have heard of angels but hardly did I know that I was going to come face to face with one. You are the angel that I met and I am not ashamed to tell the whole world about it. It doesn’t have to be expressed only in my mind anymore.
  17. I am pleased to know that my feelings are not one-sided because I don’t know what I will do if I find out that I am the only one going crazy about you, the only one who sees your face in every billboard poster of models. I am glad you are thinking of me [the name of the person]
  18. I was not going to say anything until you said this to me but now that you have, I also want to confess that I am thinking about you too and it is not just as friends but as something more. Do you want something more with me? I hope that I get a positive response from you.
  19. Your thoughts must be full of wild things if they are about me because you know how wild I can be especially when I am with the one that my heart beats for. I am crazy about you in a good way so I am very pleased that you have me in your mind.
  20. I love to pay a visit to your thoughts not just because I am there but because it means I get to be closer to you and be everywhere you go, I would not have it any other way. I love how you make me feel.
  21. You know that if you say words like this I won’t be able to focus anymore, I just can’t escape from the thoughts of you, can I? I do not think that’s even possible, I have tried my best just to cleanse my mind off you but I just can not.
  22. It is like you applied glue to yourself and attached it to my mind because no matter how hard I try, I can never take you off my mind at all. I do not think that there’s a remedy for it anymore. Well, I don’t mind, I love it, so why would I need a remedy?
  23. What are we doing in your thoughts? Let me guess, we are holding hands and expressing how deeply we love each other, or is it that we are looking at the stars together after we just played on the beach? Those are the things that I think that we are doing, it’s been putting a smile on my face all day.
  24. Could you please never stop thinking of me because I don’t think I can stop as well. I love when I am thinking about you too, it makes me feel that life is so beautiful and that it is worth living. I have never felt more comfortable thinking about someone in my life.
  25. Maybe we could just skip the thought stage and just figure out a way to see each other. It is crucial at this point, don’t you think? I just can’t imagine not seeing the person who occupies my mind all day.
  26. I am so flattered to hear that, I can’t believe how much you make me blush every time you open your mouth to speak. I wish that all I can do is think about you and not be questioned about it by anyone.
  27. Are you serious? That is so nice of you to say to me, I appreciate you in my life so I am honored to hear that. It has been so long since I have heard someone say to me how much they miss me, thank you once again.
  28. If it wasn’t because of the circumstances, I would have suggested that we meet somewhere but I guess for now the best we can settle for is to meet in our thoughts.  So which scene of us are we going to dream about tonight, is it the moment that we hold hands or cuddle?
  29. I am positive that that is the best thought you ever had. I can guess that you’re happy, calm, and feeling butterflies right now, or am I wrong about that? I know your answer to that and it is that you find me irresistible.
  30. It would be more fun if it was not only me in your thoughts but both of us together. I assure you that it would be more suitable, trust me, I am speaking from experience. I have been thinking about you even before you were because I have loved only you for so long.
  31. Even if I fell ill and could not find a cure, the thoughts of you will become a medicine to my bones because you make me feel like I can do the impossible, one moment with you in my thoughts is worth gold and diamonds.
  32. That’s so cute! I love it when you say words like that, it’s funny because that’s what is happening to me right now, we are truly each other’s soulmates. I knew from the first day we met that I wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about you too.
  33. It’s like the clock refuses to move, I can not wait to see you later, you will not have to think about me constantly anymore because I will be right in front of you, holding your hands and making you delicious meals and desserts.
  34. You are an amazing person thinking about another amazing person, you have all the attributes I need in a man/woman because we would build an amazing relationship if we were together. Isn’t that amazing?
  35. If I was asked what makes my day better, I would say it is you in my thoughts but what makes the best day for me is to be physically with you. I won’t have to worry about any difficulty because I know you will be there to get me through it all.
  36. How can I get inside your thoughts this minute? I want to see what you’re thinking about me, is it something good, nasty, or perhaps romantic? All I am thinking about is you as well, it’s all shades of romantic, nasty, and beautiful memories of us.
  37. Let’s see what we can do to meet each other this Friday night. I know I can see you so I do not have to fill my entire mind with images of you. I want to see you! It would not be so bad if I brought my thoughts to life, would it?
  38. What am I wearing in your thoughts? Because in my thoughts, you are wearing a red dress, looking like the Queen of the world. I know that you would be finer than how you are in my thoughts. How incredible! I am so lucky to have such a beautiful person in my mind.
  39. If you are thinking of me then I am obsessively thinking about you. I would like to ask you something very crucial. What have you done to me? I need to know, I don’t think this is ordinary anymore, I prefer to think of you than to talk to anybody.
  40. I can imagine your smell in my thoughts, it smells like morning roses and I can not stop perceiving it everywhere I am. I don’t know if a person can sneak into my mind so easily.
  41. If I can spend the whole day thinking about you and I don’t have to go to work or anywhere else, I would mark that day as my favorite because thinking about you gives me peace. Thank God you told me that you were thinking of me because I wouldn’t want this to be one-sided, it would break my heart way too much.
  42. Are you a mind reader or something? I have been thinking about you as well all day. I do not think I have even had a shower yet. I would prefer to have you in my mind than any other thing because you are just priceless and there is no question about it.
  43. I am missing you as well, I could not sleep all day because I was thinking about you profusely. I do not know what you have made me eat or drink that is making me this way, tell me what you have done to me, I really need answers from you.
  44. Are you also trying to get into my mind to the extent that you control it? I have been telling myself to stop thinking about you but it refuses to listen to me. Who is the owner, should I say your thoughts have become a virus spreading in my head?
  45. I wish I could just become a bird so that I can fly all night just to see you, the fact that I just have only memories of you makes me crave seeing your beautiful face. What makes me more delighted is that you feel the same way, I am truly happy getting to know about this.
  46. Awww! How cute of you! I am doing the same thing where I am as well. I miss you so much that I can’t wait to see you. I am shaking out of excitement because we wouldn’t just have to connect through thoughts but we could connect physically and be together.
  47. The day that I get to physically do what I have been doing with you in my mind, I will thank the heavens all the days of my life. I wish that the heavens could grant my most desired wish, I honestly wish. I am confident that our prayers will be answered and the heavens will unite us again.
  48. I have been feeling so cold since morning but the moment you said these words, my entire body began to feel warm and good inside. Look at the things your love can do to me, it is like you have the keys to unlock my mind.
  49. I do not think that it is only at night that I think of you, I daydream about you as well and it is nice to know that you are as well.
  50. You have just articulated what I have been doing as well, I love how we can feel and think the same thing. Are we telepathic? Because I am beginning to think that we are.

Flirty Responses to Thinking Of You

Before I go

Whether you choose the medium of texting or articulating these lines, you must be playful and somewhat cute about it.

If you are texting, adding emojis and romance-themed gifs would be a great help in achieving perfection with flirty responses.

There’s no doubt that with the right tone and body language,  you are certainly going to ace the flirting game. Also, feel free to include your style or a shade of personality to be able to personalize these responses.

Do you find this article helpful and achievable? Or do you think it is not enough and you need more? Let me know how you feel in the comment section below.

Flirty Responses to Thinking Of You


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