20 Flirty Responses to “Now, We’re Talking” That Will Leave Them Speechless

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Flirty Responses

“Now we’re talking” is an expression that’s used to indicate that something has been gotten right or that the right decision has been made.

If you’re discussing with someone and they make use of the expression, it shows that they agree with you.

Giving a flirty reply to this phrase is up to you to decide. Notwithstanding, a flirty response is a way to tease them and get a smile from them.

Moreover, you can use some sweet words to express your feelings for them.

Fortunately, in this article, I’ll be discussing 20 flirty responses to “Now we’re talking” that’ll get them speechless.

20 Flirty Responses to “Now, We’re Talking” That Will Leave Them Speechless

If you want to flirt with someone who uses this expression, some examples you can use include: “I’d like to do more so you can keep smiling like that,” “It’s so good to see you this delighted,” “What did we say again? I was so lost in your beauty.”

Below are 20 flirty replies you can give:

  1. Yes, baby
  2. I want us to do more than talk
  3. And after that?
  4. I love your smile
  5. I’d like to do more so you can keep smiling like that
  6. And I’m enjoying it
  7. I’m glad you love it. It’s cute
  8. It’s so good to see you this delighted
  9. I love your voice
  10. I like to hear you talk
  11. That’s the spirit, babe
  12. What did we say again? I was so lost in your beauty
  13. I can also do more than talk, you know
  14. You should thank me properly for that beautiful suggestion. I’d like a kiss if you ask me
  15. Your excitement turns me on
  16. You should keep smiling, it makes you more beautiful
  17. And I don’t want us to stop
  18. And it must’ve been fate that got us talking
  19. I’m glad, I so much enjoy being around you
  20.  So, how will you thank me?

Yes, Baby

“Yes, baby” is one of the flirty responses to provide someone who says “Now we’re talking.”

This reply is a positive one that shows you concur with their agreement. Also, it’s a cool way to flirt with them. Calling them “baby”, is certain to make their heart skip and possibly leave them speechless.

You can use this response in several ways including:

  • Yes, baby. I agree
  • Yes, baby. You can say that again
  • Yes, baby. It makes more sense.

I Want Us to Do More Than Talk

“I want us to do more than talk” is an interesting response to give someone who says “Now we’re talking.”

This reply is flirty because it shows that you’re interested in being with them. If you guys have been having an important discussion, this response shows that you want to spend more time with them and engage in other things.

Moreover, saying that you want to do more than talk leaves a lot to the imagination.

And After That?

“And after that?” is a simple question to ask someone who says “Now we’re talking.”

This response is a flirty way to engage them, as it tells them that you want more with them.

Also, this question will leave them thinking about what you mean, which will make things more interesting, and leave room for more flirty conversations.

I Love Your Smile

“I love your smile” is an exciting way to reply to someone who says “Now we’re talking.”

This is a flirty response, as it ignores the subject on the ground and concentrates on their smile.

First, someone who says “Now we’re talking” is probably excited at what they’ve discovered and might be smiling.

So, by complimenting them on their smile, you’re letting them know that you’re more captivated by their smile. It’s a smart way to get them speechless, as they won’t be expecting this reply. It’s something you should use with your crush or partner.

I’d Like to Do More So You Can Keep Smiling Like That

“I’d like to do more so you can keep smiling like that” is another interesting way to answer someone who says “Now we’re talking.”

As I’ve earlier established, when discussing with someone, and they say “Now we’re talking” when you bring up a suggestion, it shows that they like it very much.

So, giving this response shows that you’re satisfied that they agree. Also, saying that you’d like to do more so that they keep smiling is a flirty way to let them know that you like their smile.

And I’m Enjoying It

“And I’m enjoying it” is another thing to say to someone who says “Now we’re talking.”

This reply shows that you’re enjoying your time with them. It’s a flirty response, as it doesn’t quite follow with their statement. Moreover, it doesn’t make clear what it is you’re enjoying.

So, it’s a reply that’ll keep them curious and possibly speechless, leading to more flirty engagements.

I’m Glad You Love It. It’s Cute

“I’m glad you love it. It’s cute” is another thing to say in response to “Now we’re talking.”

When someone exclaims “Now we’re talking” when you bring up a suggestion, this response shows you’re happy they agree.

Also, stating that it’s cute is going to spark more conversations, as they’re going to wonder what you’re complimenting.

It’s So Good to See You This Delighted

“It’s so good to see you this delighted” is another interesting way to respond to someone who says “Now we’re talking.”

This response shows that you’re more focused on the excitement on their face, rather than on their statement.

Also, it’s a response that should give them a pause, as they wonder why you should care about something that’s possibly not serious.

I Love Your Voice

“I love your voice” is another interesting way to respond to someone who says “Now we’re talking.”

This is an exciting response that’s going to take them unawares. It’s a perfect way to flirt with them and get them speechless.

Giving this response shows that you’re more interested in the sound of their voice rather than in what they’re saying.

Moreover, it gives the impression that you’ve been carried away by the sound of their voice. If you want to get the perfect reaction from your crush or your lover, give this reply to leave them befuddled.

I Like to Hear You Talk

Flirty Responses to Now, We're Talking

“I like to hear you talk” is another reply to give someone who says “Now we’re talking” to a statement you make.

This is another exciting reply that’s going to take them unawares. By mentioning that you like to hear them talk, you’re suggesting that your focus is on the sound of their voice rather than on the message they’re saying.

Just like the above example, this reply shows you’re mesmerized by the sound of their voice.

That’s the Spirit, Babe

“That’s the spirit, babe” is another befitting response to provide someone who agrees with what you say.

When discussing with someone and they reply with “Now we’re talking” this response shows you love their response.

By adding an endearing term, you’re sending some signals to them. It’ll be suitable to use with someone you haven’t used the term with before to get them speechless.

What Did We Say Again? I Was So Lost in Your Beauty

“What did we say again? I was so lost in your beauty” is another exciting way to respond to someone who says “Now we’re talking.”

This response is a funny way to flirt with them and get them speechless. By asking them about what you’ve been discussing, it gives the impression that you lost focus.

Then giving the reason as their beauty distracting you, you’ll certainly get them blushing and lost for words. It’s a beautiful way to flirt and compliment them.

I Can Also Do More Than Talk, You Know

“I can also do more than talk, you know” is another answer to give someone who says “Now we’re talking.”

This response is a suggestive one that’ll leave a lot to their imagination. Telling them that you can do more than talk shows that you’re more interested in engaging with something else with them, rather than the discussion.

Moreover, they won’t be expecting this response, which will likely leave them speechless. In addition, not stating what you can do will heighten their curiosity and give room for more flirty discussion.

You Should Thank Me Properly for That Beautiful Suggestion. I’d Like a Kiss if You Ask Me

“You should thank me properly for that beautiful suggestion. I’d like a kiss if you ask me” is another interesting answer to give someone who says “Now we’re talking.”

This reply is another exciting one that’ll take them by surprise and leave them speechless.

First, it tells them that you need to be appreciated for suggesting something they like. Then stating that you want a kiss means that it’s something you’ve always wanted.

It’s a perfect way to flirt with someone you like, letting them know you’ve always had eyes on them.

Your Excitement Turns Me on

Flirty Responses to Now, We're Talking

“Your excitement turns me on” is another interesting way to flirt with someone who says “Now we’re talking” when you make a suggestion.

This reply is a wild response that’s going to take them by surprise. It’s a response you should give if you’re feeling bold. First, giving this response shows that their excitement has taken your interest.

Also, this flirty suggestion is likely going to leave them speechless, as they wonder how they’ll reply to you.

You Should Keep Smiling, It Makes You More Beautiful

“You should keep smiling, it makes you more beautiful” is another interesting reply to give someone who says “Now we’re talking.”

This response completely ignores their statement and focuses on their smile. By complimenting their smile with this statement, it shows that you love it.

Also, it’s the perfect reply to make their heart skip a beat and get them speechless. It’s something you should use with your crush to cause them to melt.

Moreover, accompanying it with an intense gaze will get the desired effect.

And I Don’t Want Us to Stop

“And I don’t want us to stop” is another cool response to give someone who says “Now we’re talking.”

This is another reply that shows you’re enjoying their company.

Although someone saying “Now we’re talking” in reply to something you said shows their agreement, this response shows that you enjoy talking with them and not necessarily what you’re discussing.

It’s a smooth way to flirt with them and get them excited.

And It Must’ve Been Fate That Got Us Talking

“And it must’ve been fate that got us talking” is another exciting thing to say to someone who says “Now we’re talking.”

This is a confident and romantic statement to make that’ll get them speechless. Giving this reply shows that you’re happy you get to talk with them.

Also, it’s a reply that shows you believe that talking with them is not something coincidental but something destined.

It’s a great way to stir the discussion in the way you want it with someone you’ve got eyes on.

I’m Glad, I So Much Enjoy Being Around You

“I’m glad, I so much enjoy being around you” is another interesting way to respond to someone who says “Now we’re talking.”

First, it’s a reply that shows you’re glad they like your suggestion. Then, it further confesses your feelings for them.

Mentioning that you enjoy being around them tells them that you have an interest in them. It’s a simple way to flirt with them and get you two talking.

So, How Will You Thank Me?

Flirty Responses to Now, We're Talking

Another question to ask someone who says “Now we’re talking” to a statement you made is, “So, how will you thank me?”

This response shows that you deserve some appreciation for bringing up what they like. Moreover, it’s flirty, as it doesn’t state what you want but rather gives the option to them.

It’s a great way to lead the conversation where you want it.


Flirting remains one of the fun ways to engage with someone you like and to joke with your loved ones and acquaintances.

When someone says “Now we’re talking,” you’ve seen in this article that flirty responses are interesting. Moreover, it’ll work well with your crush or your partner.

So, don’t forget to reference this article whenever you need it.

Flirty Responses to Now, We're Talking


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