20 Flirty Responses to “I Want You” That Will Turn Up the Heat

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Flirty Responses to I Want You

Flirty Responses

Are you trying to figure out a way to turn up the heat with your response when someone says ‘I want you?’

Well, congrats to you because you have finally found the right article. When a person tells you that they want you, it means that they have a deep and longing desire for you in their life.

I have set aside 20 flirty responses to ‘I want you’ that would help build the momentum that you already have going on with them and make them get the message that the feeling is mutual.

Now you do not have to deal with being speechless or clueless about what to say when someone says they desire you, you can put these phrases to good use at your convenience.

I have put together these outlined flirty responses to ‘I want you’ that will certainly turn up the heat with someone you have feelings for.

List Of 20 Flirty Responses to “I Want You” That Will Turn Up the Heat

  1. Well, I am all yours, so what’s the hold up?
  2. If you want me, then I need you.
  3. You don’t have to tell me, just have me.
  4. What took you so long to articulate what I desire?
  5. You know that saying things like that makes my heart beat faster.
  6. Who else would I want, to want me, besides you?
  7. Luckily for you, I have reserved the best of myself only for you.
  8. Do you want every part of me? I am ready to give you everything tonight.
  9. Who wouldn’t desire to be wanted by a [man or woman] like you?
  10. Then what are we waiting for? Let’s get the sizzling business started.
  11. Well, it’s quite fortunate that I can’t refuse your command.
  12. Which part of me do you want, the obedient or the naughty part?
  13. Finally, you are saying what I want to hear.
  14. What do you want me for? I can be wanted for a lot of dirty reasons.
  15. Well I should consider myself chosen and given.
  16. I have to warn you, I can be a very bad [girl or boy].
  17. I want you so badly too.
  18. Do you want me for lunch or for dinner?
  19. I can see that you like your wild [men and women], excellent choice.
  20. How badly do you want me? Show it to me.

Well, I am all yours, so what’s the hold up?

When a person expresses their desire to have you or want you, a flirty response you can give is this one above.

This line means that you are willing to give your entire self to the person and you even find them delaying the process.

It shows that you’re not only confident but you are just as anxious as they are in desiring them.

A soft tone would come in really handy when articulating this flirty line to someone who says they want you.

If you want me, then I need you.

You are taking it up the notch with a flirty response like this and I am certain that you’ll thank me later.

When the person says that they want you, a flirtatious way to reply is by saying that you need them instead which implies that you long for them more.

It’s a no-brainer that you’re going to turn up the heat in the atmosphere. You are not just going to sound flirtatious, but you are going to leave a lasting impression on that individual.

You don’t have to tell me, just have me.

With a flirty response like this, you are certainly passing the message that you are ready for action.

They say, actions speak louder words and this flirty line proves just that. If your intention is to turn up the heat then this would do just the trick.

You are telling the person to skip the talking stage and jump right into action, it indicates just how fierce you are. Now you don’t have to worry about what to say when a person tells you that they want you.

What took you so long to articulate what I desire?

Asking what took the person so long indicates a form of readiness and could be considered flirtatious.

With this statement, you are passing the information that you have been thinking about saying that you want them but they beat you to it.

To perfect the act of flirting, it takes using diverse creative forms of figurative expression to get whoever you are referring to, to get the message in an indirect manner.

You know that saying things like that makes my heart beat faster

Flirty Responses to I Want You

The heart beats fast when there is tension or a person feels overly anxious, it is a figurative way of saying that you are feeling anxious around a person. At this point, you’re going to make the person feel the need to crank up the heat.

I recommend that you use this line while having a playful yet intimate conversation with your partner or someone you like.

Who else would I want, to want me, besides you?

Send a person’s heart sailing by responding with a flirty line like this one. This rhetorical question means that you are glad to be desired by that person and you much rather prefer to be wanted by the individual rather than anyone else.

Luckily for you, I have reserved the best of myself only for you.

In a conversation with your crush or someone your partner, they could express that they want you, to keep the flirting going, you can reply to your crush by saying that they are quite fortunate because you have gone one step ahead of him or her and reserved the best part of you, only for the person.

With the right moment and the perfect mood, you won’t struggle to turn up the heat with someone who’s being flirty with you.

Do you want every part of me? I am ready to give you everything tonight.

I like how this response shows how bold you are. If you are going to improve your flirting skills and woo that crush of yours, you will need to be bold and not be afraid to show it in the way you speak.

The initial question gets the impression that you are not a novice when it comes to flirting while the last sentence is the icing on the cake as it sets the mood for something much hotter.

Who wouldn’t desire to be wanted by a [man or woman] like you?

Rather than just replying with the comment that you find the person attractive or that you want the person too, a better way to flirt back is to say that they are so attractive and it is a popular opinion that is mutually agreed upon by a lot of people.

This way, you’re not just flirting casually, but you’re flirting like a pro who has his eyes set on capturing a person’s heart.

Then what are we waiting for? Let’s get the sizzling business started.

In this case, I used the word ‘sizzling business’ but you could make use of other phrases like, ‘main topic, ’the real deal’, and lots more depending on how creative you can be at the moment.

You can’t be caught off guard with a flirty response like this already registered in your mind.

Take control of the atmosphere by turning up the heat with this flirty response to when someone says the sentence, ‘I want you.’

Well, it’s quite fortunate that I can’t refuse your command.

Let’s say you wanted to be naughty and feisty, this would probably be a line that you will find really helpful as it sends a message that you are willing to be submissive to their ‘command.’

You don’t have to wander any further, because you have just found a perfect fit to turn the heat up when flirting with a love interest.

Which part of me do you want, the obedient or the naughty part?

These lines just keep getting hotter! You are widening the perimeters of your flirting abilities by implying that you have sides to you which is the ‘obedient’ and the ‘naughty’ part.

It would make them understand indirectly that you are ready to take any role or route to be with them.

The only thing left to do after uttering a flirtatious response like this is to see how they shiver at the kind of mood that you have set.

Finally, you are saying what I want to hear.

What the individual must have been saying previously might not have been as exciting as when they expressed that they want you and one way to say that is by replying this way.

You’re not shy but rather you are more fascinated with their desire to want you. If the person had the mindset that you were timid or not so bold, he or she is going to have a rethink because this line has bold and flirty written all over it.

What do you want me for? I can be wanted for a lot of dirty reasons.

It is true that you can need or want a person for a lot of reasons. The beauty of this expression is that you narrowed it down to a specific [flirty] aspect and then relay the message that you want to be wanted by the individual for that specific aspect.

Share his line with your friends who aren’t so fierce or good at flirting and watch how their ability to flirt improves.

Well, I should consider myself chosen and given

Flirty Responses to I Want You

The key words in this expression are the words ‘chosen’ and ‘given.’ These words mean that you are delighted to be wanted by them and that you consider yourself offered to them.

It is another creative yet flirty way to respond to someone who says that they want or desire you.

Let your mind be at utmost peace as regarding how to come up with a flirty response because you have finally found the answer in this expression.

I have to warn you, I can be a very bad [girl or boy].

Warning is needed if you are trying to pass the message that you are in control of the moment.

When two people are enjoying flirting with each other, chances are that they would want to outdo each other to see who has more breathtaking lines.

In this case, there’s no need to ask who tuned up the heat because this expression just owned the moment.

Saying that you can be a bad or good girl shows how much experience you have or creates the impression that you are good with making a person anxious.

I want you so badly too.

It’s short yet effective to pass for a flirty response when someone says that they want you. You’ve just clearly stated that you want them just as bad as they want you.

If you want to properly express this, make use of a low tone and a tensionless atmosphere to build more intimacy with your partner.

I am sure you’ll be doing your friends a huge favor by sharing this article for them to read and make use of some of the lines.

Do you want me for lunch or for dinner?

If you’re planning on keeping things subtle and under control, you could adopt this expression since it means that the person could prefer, just like food, a necessity for human survival, for breakfast, and for lunch.

You could also come up with other concepts, depending on what suits your style and your personality.

I can see that you like your [men and women] wild, excellent choice.

‘Wild’ is a term that means that you are a beast or an expert at something. Commending them for making an excellent choice [ to want you], is a good sign that you are not afraid to turn up the heat and make the atmosphere just as cozy as you want it.

There are many ways you can or use this expression in a way that will suit the context, all you have to do is to be playful about it and not create a serious moment.

How badly do you want me? Show it to me.

If you are interested in turning up the heat with your response when someone says that they want you, you are going to need this type of expression.

This line urges the person to show just how much they want you and if they truly want you badly enough. It’s the height of flirty responses to turn up the heat when someone says, ‘I want you.’


It is essential to be aware that your response should not only sound flirty but passionate so that you can elicit more emotion from the person.

The last thing you want to do is to ruin a romantic moment with your partner or your crush.

So, next time when a person expresses their thoughts on desiring you, I am sure that you will have something flirtatious to reply with.

Let me know in the comment section if you find these tips helpful and if you’re interested in content like this.

Flirty Responses to I Want You


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