15 Dating Stories That Will Make You Laugh, Cry, and Maybe Even Scream

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Dating Stories That Will Make You Laugh


The dating world is a dynamic place. It is an intriguing subset of the larger human marketplace. And we’re all involved, men and women (and everything in-between), as either buyers or sellers.

The dating marketplace is like a terminal, most of us have to stop at that place, laden with our belongings.

Some are carrying big luggage, others, a simple hold-all. No matter the size of your baggage, your presence in that place impacts everyone you meet.

From that terminal, everyone moves to different destinations—marriage, or some other forms of partnerships. Some even circle back around to whence they came, only to start all over.

In this article about dating, you’re going to read stories shared by players like you in that dating marketplace. Some stories will make you laugh, cry, or scream.

Dig in.

15 Dating Stories That Will Make You Laugh, Cry, and Maybe Even Scream

1. Nothing Last Forever 

some high school relationships don't last forever..
by inCreepyDatingStories

Our first story is from Amy. She suffered seizures and chronic depression which impacted her relationship with Kevin adversely.

They started having problems when Kevin began referring to himself as a sociopath and a monster, which was weird because why would someone talk about themself like that?

He would use belittling comments about her seizures, anxiety, and depression. Rather than be understanding, which is what a boyfriend should be to his girlfriend.

It appeared that Kevin was having a hard time dealing with Amy’s condition. He could have gotten some education on what it means to suffer depression or have seizures.

Amy also found it difficult to communicate her feelings. Kevin used this against her too, blaming her seizures on her inability to express herself. Soon, Amy found out that he was cheating on her with a girl he met one night while they were out with friends.

You have to read Amy’s experience to understand the immense difficulties she went through. As you read it, you come to realize how a lack of understanding can destroy what’s supposed to be a beautiful relationship.

2. He Blocked Her To Be With Someone Else 

byu/Particular-Cut-1665 from discussion

One bane of the dating world is insincere players. In this story, they started well, you know, the usual everyday calls and so on. Then he started ignoring her calls on weekends. At first, she simply felt he was just being an ambitious person.

Then one day, his Facebook ID popped up on her suggestions and that was how she knew he had left her.

He did it without ceremony-just quietly went away.

She saw a girl like his profile picture. She checked and found out that he was holidaying with the girl after blocking her for a month.

3. Interrupted

byu/rootsandchalice from discussion

And here’s a funny date story. This couple was having a good time on the grass in a park when the lady felt something poke her bum. She looked but found nothing.

She and her date continued talking. The poking happened again and she quickly looked to see if she could catch whatever it was in the act. But there was nothing.

It happened several more times and it scared her. But next time she jumped to see what was poking her and a mole popped out of the hole in the grass. She and her date watched the mole explore the grass. It was fun.

She had been sitting on the mole’s manhole. It was nice to see the world of man and beast at peace with each other.

4. Kinky One

byu/watchuwannaknow from discussion

To get the whole juice on this story, click the link above. Now, one of the things this guy said in his story was that his girlfriend was into an unusual kink.

His girlfriend loved being smacked full in the face because this was what her dad used to do to her. And she told him on their very first date. Now, how about that for first-date news?

Unbelievable, yes? Later, the guy would wonder if the girl was trolling him or not.

5. The Tokyo Shrieker

byu/zack_wonder2 from discussion

This dating story will probably make you laugh. So here it goes: these two were seeing each other anew. The guy invited the girl over and decided to cook fettuccine alfredo.

While cooking he needed to get something from the fridge so he opened it. But he didn’t close the fridge because he expected to open it shortly again for something else.

Suddenly the girl started screaming, like, real banshee screaming. Thinking the girl had seen a cockroach or something, the guy ran to her, asking what was wrong.

The girl pointed at the open fridge, screaming that leaving the fridge open is wrong. It uses up more power and that isn’t good. She was shrieking, “The fridge is open. When it is open it uses more electricity. Hurry, close it! Hurry, close it! Hurry, close it!”

6. The Self Abuser

byu/zack_wonder2 from discussion

Here’s another funny one. This is about a guy, a big 6 foot 5 rugby player who was in a relationship with this Japanese woman.

According to him, the girl wanted to date a foreigner so she could brag about it to her friends. So early on the date she started telling the guy, “I love you so much.”

It got to where the guy had to put a hand over her mouth to stop her from this constant proclamation and to get her to stop.

They were at Osaka station one day, after a fight over why he hadn’t started telling her he loved her too.

Then this girl started punching herself in the face, in a very public place. When he tried to stop her, people gathered around, thinking it was his fault.

She sent him a text breaking up with him later, to his great relief.

7. The Crazy Lover 

byu/zack_wonder2 from discussion

This story is from the same guy above with the Japanese girl, and this story is about another Japanese girl.

According to this dude, the girl complained about him being poor because he couldn’t take her shopping at the mall.

They were in a long distance relationship so they got to see each other weekly. The guy was already exhausted by her constant complaints by this time.

They were in his place and the back and forth was well underway. She’d tell him she was leaving, it was over, but would come back with, “One last thing,” reviving the back and forth again.

Tired and going crazy from the arguments, the guy said something along the lines of finding a non-psycho woman to replace her with. This got her even crazier and she picked a kitchen knife, threatening him not to come closer.

The guy backed away gladly but she lunged at him, stabbing him in the shoulder. Then she started pleading, “I’m sorry. I love you. I need you.”

This guy ended up getting stitched after putting the girl out.

8. The Deaf Lover

byu/zack_wonder2 from discussion

They say love has no bounds. In this funny story, the girl was seeing this deaf guy and they went out to karaoke.

How did they communicate? Well, they used their phones by typing and showing each other. It was awkward at first, but it appears the girl genuinely enjoyed the relationship. Or they wouldn’t have made it to the karaoke part.

Anyway, think about a deaf guy who couldn’t even hear his voice singing karaoke. How would you feel if you were his date?

One thing is for sure, he must have enjoyed himself. He must have valued every moment of that night, to love and be loved.

9. He Was Looking For Taller

byu/zack_wonder2 from discussion

Funny story here about a girl who went on a date with a guy who wanted someone taller. Apparently, they met on a dating site.

She was 5’3. The guy said he thought she was joking about her height. He asked if she had a tall white friend to introduce to him. Wild.

The girl thought it was really out of place for your failed date to ask you to get them another date.

10. He’s Not Ready

I meant those words in the best possible sense
byu/MrTerrificPants incrazyexstories

This one story comes in a screenshot that I found on Reddit. The screenshot tells everything you need to know about the parties and what’s been going on with them.

Apparently, this guy is still hung up on his ex-girlfriend. The assumption is that that ex was either really exceptional, and good to him that he wants her back. Or that she treated him so badly that he now takes his time before committing to a new partner.

Either way, he’s being starved of attention by his new girlfriend. He accused her of not texting him regularly and the girlfriend’s reply is shocking enough.

11. Cat Defence Army

Fightin' felines
byu/MrTerrificPants incrazyexstories

One of the things that make dating such a fun thing is the complexity of human nature. Not all human quirks are horrible. Some are actually interesting and funny. This makes being a date to some people the most memorable thing they’ll remember.

The screenshot below tells an interesting story about the partners. It is my conclusion that they’re enjoying some form of healthy relationship, although the girlfriend wonders if the boyfriend is broken.

He believes the cats should learn how to fight. In a security situation, this boyfriend doesn’t see himself as the girl’s protector. That’s a job for the cats.

12. A True Gentleman 

A true gentleman
byu/neuroticsmurf incrazyexstories

One last screenshot. Bear with me. This story is here because it’s so funny the words this guy employs in laying out his desire.

You can discern a lovestruck mind in the words. Or maybe an attempt to amuse his girlfriend. Hopefully, the girl understands humor and doesn’t think this guy is a jerk for saying exactly how he felt about intimacy.

You might also come to the conclusion, as I have, that this is one of the maladies of a distant relationship. Or that of a man who came this close to dating a woman he considers out of his league. At any rate, the penmanship inspires a hearty laugh, if you’re not too heartbroken.

13. The Psychotic Babe

Here’s an unusual story from the realms of long-distance dating:

Psychotic Ex. Story Time~
byu/PunnyBunny69 inCrazyExs

This two met through a game they played online. They started sweet, texting and calling each other, you know, the usual back forth. It was lovely and they were both hoping to meet someday. The guy lived in Florida while the girlfriend lived in Ohio.


One day a random girl texted the guy screaming about how despicable he was. The random person accused him of breaking into the girlfriend’s place and beating her up. Confused, the guy told this stranger he had no clue who or what she’s talking about.

He talked to his girlfriend who he called Lee and that one accused him of the same thing. In the morning, she called with a sob story, apologizing for what she did. They got back on good terms and continued as if nothing happened. But not long after, Lee’s friend texted again accusing him of a coverup of the beating. Long story short, they broke up. This guy had never even been to Ohio before.

14. His Girlfriend’s Ex

My girlfriends ex
byu/thebloodyphantom inCrazyExs

In this story, the guy had to contend with his new girlfriend’s ex, apparently. The girl was a prankster so when they started dating officially and some random person texted him on Instagram to, ‘stop talking to her she’s mine’ he naturally thought it was his girlfriend pranking him.

Later on, he got a request on Instagram, added the person, and checked their photos to see pictures of his girlfriend’s house. He visited and the girl told him, in tears, that someone was in her house the night before.

15. Meet The Family

Psychopath Family
byu/Jeebadown99 inExGirlfriendStories

This guy broke up with his girlfriend on account of her family: her dad had 12 iguanas, is a rac#st, narcissistic personality, owns about 30 guns of different varieties, is a pill fiend and every Friday is crack night. She had nonconsensual intercourse with her dad.

The brothers had to disarm bombs homemade by their dad, her mother was a dominatrix. Well, you get the picture. Read the rest of the tragedy by clicking the link.

Final Thoughts 

Some people say the dating pool is messed up. I say it’s only filled with humans like you and I. And humans are kind of messed up in some ways.

But there’s still some beauty to be had. Dating can be hard, yes. However, when you find a genuine soul, you can enjoy the best part of your existence with them.

Dating Stories That Will Make You Laugh


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