30 Break-Up Tweets That Made Me Sad

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Break-Up Tweets That Made Me Sad


Many of us have experienced breakups before and will experience more, while some are yet to have their first break up.

Also, while some may handle it well, not many know how to handle a breakup from someone they’ve loved for a long time.

Have you read or heard of people’s sad breakups? In this article, I’ve compiled 30 break-up tweets that made me sad.

Read and see if you find them disheartening too.

30 Break-Up Tweets That Made Me SadĀ 

Below I’ve discussed 30 break-up tweets that made me sad.

1. This tweet from yabaleftonline is quite heartbreaking. This lady claims her boyfriend broke up with her because she scored 79 in an exam.Ā 

First, JAMB is a Nigerian exam written for students who want to gain entry into the University and most higher institutions in Nigeria.

And the overall score is 400, so someone scoring 79 did very poorly. But, do you think it’s enough reason for the boyfriend to end their relationship?

I think the guy ending the relationship shows that he didn’t love her at first. If he loved her, he’d encourage her and help her do better next time.Ā 

Except if she’s unwilling to learn, I see no reason why he should end the relationship so quickly and on that term. What are your thoughts on this?

2. This tweet from Moskeda_Pages is not entirely saddening. But I feel sad for her boyfriend.

I’m not saying she did him wrong by ending things with him. For the records, she did right by him, rather than cheat. Where I’m concerned is the abruptness of the breakup. It must have hurt him deeply.

While she might’ve been very convinced that the man she just met and talked to for seven hours was the man for her, ending things so quickly with the boyfriend seemed like she never felt anything for him.

I might be wrong, but that is what this tweet portrays. Except, of course, he wasn’t good to her and she’d been enduring, talking to him and ending things would’ve been better.Ā 

3. This tweet from Coffeeeeswift is one of the many posts that got to me.

Why would they want to kill themselves? Why does it sound like they’ve given up on life because they broke up with their boyfriend?

Hmmm, I don’t know how people get so attached to someone to the extent that they feel living is useless after they’re no longer together.

Well, I haven’t gotten to that stage. If you have, maybe you could share.

In the case of Coffeeeeswift, it seemed they were the ones who ended things and so felt life was no longer worth living.Ā 

Mmmh, I can only hope they find purpose again. And if they can still make things right, they should try.

4. Another death wish from Cinamorollbun. This time around, their boyfriend broke up with them and now they think they’re going to die.

Well, while I may not have gotten to that stage of thinking about death after a breakup, I think I can imagine what they might be feeling.

That feeling of complete loss, that feeling of emptiness. A breakup can be very bad, especially if you love the person so much. I can only wish they get healing quickly.

5. This is a funny tweet from heyalexfriedman and at the same time sad.

It appears their parents haven’t been together for a long time and had their respective partners. Now, they’re also ending things with those partners.

I feel sad for the child, they’re now torn between hoping that their parents who have been separated for a long time get back together.Ā 

While it might seem like they’re joking, they’re likely hurting and hoping inside, remembering their parentsā€™ initial separation. Now, it seems they’re back to the beginning.Ā Ā 

6. Wow! This tweet from carlosgondadMp3 hits hard.

They’re likely no longer together with their partner- someone they’ve probably spent a good period together with, probably gotten intimate with, and done a lot of things together, but they don’t care.

It’s saddening because how come they don’t care?Ā 

Well, it shows they never cared much about the relationship in the first place. But, why did they go on with it? Do you know why people do things like this?

7. Hmm, this is a very sad one from meanwhile666. But, it has given us something to discuss.

Why is it that some relationships are all about one person? It’s either it’s all about the woman or it’s all about the man.

Why does only one have to compromise? Why does only one have to love all the things their partner loves?Ā 

This kind of relationship can’t last long unless they want to remain in an unhealthy relationship, because the partner doing the compromising will suffer.Ā 

Relationships can only work when two partners work to make it work, that is they both compromise and sacrifice, and not at the expense of each other.

I can only imagine how hurt meanwhile666 must have felt, but it was all for the best because the partner wasn’t ready to be a good partner.


TheDiannaDennis story makes me both sad and relieved. I’m sad because there are many selfish partners like her boyfriend, who’d ask you to choose them over your career, over your growth.

I’m more sad because there are many people out there who’d be blinded by love and choose to forfeit what they love just to chase what is obviously not a top priority.

Not like that they’re married, where they’d have to think of a compromise.

But, I’m glad that TheDiannaDennis knows what is more important and went for it.

9. This is one of the saddest breakup stories you’d find on social media.Ā 

asstrogirlruby tells the story of how she fought cancer and won, however had to end things with her boyfriend who was disloyal during her fight with cancer.

How do people do this? You claim to love someone but you disrespect them in the worst of ways.Ā 

Someone was battling a deadly disease and the best you could do at that time was cheat on them?

Hmm, I’m glad she’s moved on, more glad that she won against cancer and is in love with herself. She owes this healing to herself and not to anyone.

10. I’m glad supermarETH girlfriend broke up with him, but I’m sad at the reality this post reveals.

Many people are in this situation, where their partner disregards them completely but they remain in the relationship.

It’s sad because many of them are suffering from an inferiority complex, struggling with one thing or the other that makes it seem impossible to leave such a relationship.

I do hope he does better.

11. Wow! This is a sad one from DMGirl69. However, they don’t sound remorseful even when they claim to love their girlfriend.

Sadly, addiction is affecting a lot of people’s lives and their relationships, and many don’t know how to overcome it.Ā 

Well, I only hope they fight their addiction and overcome it.Ā 

12. This is another sad breakup tweet from PgApollo15.

When things are going well for you and your partner and you both believe it’s a forever thing, but then a breakup happens. I can imagine the emotional wreck one would be.

It’s saddening that sometimes life is this way and many times we don’t have control of what happens in life.

Breakups like this might be due to family differences or health compatibility issues. Also, sometimes the love dies out, leaving one wondering how it happened. It’s just life.

13. This tweet from tisjournal sounds funny and at the same time sad.

Tisjournal ended the relationship but they never believed they’d get the kind of reaction they got from their girlfriend. Well, this response begs a question.

If she really cared, she’d have asked questions, her reply wouldn’t be just ā€œok.ā€Ā 

And this is what hurts tisjournal because they believed the woman cared about them. If it were you, would you feel hurt too?

Do you think their complaint is justified since they’re the ones who ended things?

14. This tweet from Solomon _Buchi happens all the time. You both believe youā€™ve got something going and then suddenly one ends it and marries someone else they just met.

Well, I feel it’s all for the best. It was good the relationship ended before it got to marriage. While it might hurt at that time, in the long run, you’d understand why it was better they left you.

15. Lilzazyy‘s tweets sound funny, but it’s a sad reality.

Many relationships are on this table. Your parents disagree with your choice of partner because of tribe and religion.

It’s saddening because most people, especially in Africa, believe they ought to respect their parents’ decisions in matters like this.

Unfortunately, this parent’s interference has led to a lot of enduring-marriages, and the worst part is that it’s still happening and will continue for a long time.

16. This is another grueling realityĀ  MDNnewss reveals with their tweet.

People are in relationships for the money, for what their partner can offer financially.

But, is that what’s supposed to form the basis of a relationship? Kindly share your thoughts.

17. This is a hilarious revelation fromĀ 

jujureel. However, it sheds light on what most people get when they interfere in people’s relationships.

However, in jujureelā€™s case, they never really interfered with their relationship. But, it ended up with the husband asking the friend to stop being friends because they’d joined the friend in insulting the man.

Who do you blame in this case? Jujureel for insulting the man? The friend for telling the husband? And the husband asking the friend to end the friendship?

18. timi_iov must have gone through physical and emotional pain during that time.

Granted, since they asked for forgiveness, they’re likely the ones at fault, but it’s still sad imagining the hurt they must have been through.Ā 

Well, can you do what they did for love?

19. Another sad breakup tweet fromĀ  ChillCandance.Ā 

Love hurts, breakup hurts. Imagine an 18-year-old facing this kind of pain. Share with us. Have you ever been through his kind of pain?

20. Well, it seems spinasbloom ex never loved them.

If the ex told them that they didn’t want a relationship because of college but ended up with another person, then it’s obvious they never wanted a relationship with them.

While it’d have hurt, it was all for the best. They’d agree with this post in a few months to come.

21. yack_Uzart reveals why they ended things with their boyfriend.

Hmmm, a robot taking the place of a human. How do people get to this level?

I’m worried because it’s becoming a thing where people prefer objects to humans. What do you think about this?

22. What do you think about this post from cnmauricette?

Do you think this is a good enough reason for the guy to end their friendship?Ā 

And do you think the guyā€™s girlfriend was insecure about making the boy end their friendship?Ā 

Oftentimes, best friend issues are always the problem in relationships. So, What do you think about one partner having best friends in a relationship?

23. This is a sad one from kelseyhuse30.

They’re in their 30s and it seems they feel they’re too old to find a partner.

Sadly, many people feel this way, worried about their age when it comes to finding love. But, the truth is age is a number and is not a barrier to finding the love of your life.

So, if you’re on this table you just need to hold your head up and make efforts to get into a relationship.Ā 

Also, don’t forget to share stories of people who found love in their 30s to encourage kelseyhuse30.

24. DailyLoud reveals some of the things people go through in their relationships.

It’s disheartening that there are people who manipulate their partners into engaging in some act of lovemaking that they’re not comfortable with.

And it’s baffling why some people remain in this kind of relationship. I’m happy the woman got to end the relationship and I hope others in similar situations learn from her.

25. How petty can people be? This post from jejemeyAy may sound hilarious but I’ve heard of cases like this.

Some people go as far as marrying the partner who hurt them just to get the opportunity to take revenge.

Can you do something like this?

26. This is another breakup tweet from lugaresxcomunes that’s quite touching

I feel so sad for them that they had to end their relationship, but I’m glad they believe it’s for the better.Ā 

What do you think about this? Do you think it’s justifiable that the partner found their sickness too much to handle? Do you think they didn’t love them enough?

27. This is another example from CarrmEl of one of the many relationships that ended just before a wedding.

What do you think about things like this?Ā 

For me, I share the same thoughts as the poster. While it might hurt the girl, it’s the best thing that could happen to her. It was best the relationship ended when it did than later in marriage.

Moreover, marriage is a lifetime commitment, and it’ll be more painful and damaging if they both go ahead with the wedding when one person is unsure.

So, I hope she finds healing quickly, and at the same time I congratulate her for escaping something worse.

28. Hmm, this is something from 2_1_2_1_2_1_ to ponder about.

A situation where you believe platonic relationships and not romantic relationships are for you.

What do you think about this? Do you think it’s possible for someone to not have any romantic feelings for someone or stay without any romantic attachment and be okay with it?

I think it’s possibleĀ Ā 

29. This is another very disheartening story from _slutscapades.

Even though they’re the ones who ended a 13-year relationship, their pain is that they didn’t get the reaction they wanted from their partner.

Wow! I somehow understand how they feel, because they believed their ex cared for them, and if he did, he would’ve asked questions why they suddenly ended a relationship as long as that.

However, I also think _slutscapades is selfish to not understand how the boyfriend must have felt to hear them ask for a breakup like that. They should’ve started with an explanation.

What do you think about this?

30. Another sad breakup from NoSoulz56.

Their boyfriend is the only guy they’ve always wanted, who made them happy, but sadly things have ended with them. He broke up with them.

My advice for them is not to take it hard on themselves but look forward to finding true love again.


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