30 Best “I Miss My Ex” Tweets We Have Ever Seen

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Best I Miss My Ex Tweets We Have Ever Seen


Have you ever had the “I miss my ex” moments? Maybe you believe you’re done with someone, you’re convinced that ending things was for the best, but along the line, you remember them.

And not just remembering them, your thoughts dwell on them more than they should, and you find yourself missing them. It can be crazy, it can be painful, it can be annoying.

In this article, I’ve compiled 30 best “I miss you” tweets we have ever seen. Sit tight, read and enjoy, and see if you can relate with any of them.

30 Best “I Miss My Ex” Tweets We Have Ever Seen

Below are the 30 best “I miss my ex” tweets we have ever seen:

1. myraafeelings is having some feelings.

They miss their ex and now they’re wondering why they’re even trying with new people. 

Wow! This is some real situation they’ve gotten themselves into- for them and the new niggas. 

What’s the solution now? Free the new niggas and go back to their ex? That sounds like it.

2. realdreamwynter is wondering why people say they hate men, whereas they’re missing their ex really bad, who happens to be a man.

Well, maybe they haven’t heard of “one man’s meat is another man’s poison” because it’s possible they can like what I hate.

Also, maybe their ex treated them well and that’s why they don’t hate him, but they can’t say the same for others.

So, they should go on missing their ex while others go on hating. As long as no one is hurt, there’s no problem.

3. NOTJMARIEE misses their ex so much that they’re stressed.

Why do you think it’s like this for them? I think they might’ve loved their ex so much and never wanted to break up.

Or they’re the ones who ended things and now they miss them so much and are regretting it. 

Or it’s possible they can’t explain why they miss their ex and they hate that they do. 

4. Who would cry because they miss their ex? lowcalnoodle of course. They probably had the best ex who treated them so well, and now they remember all the good things they did for them and cry.

And who knows? The breakup might be a recent thing. So, it’s normal to cry remembering what they shared.

Well, soon they’re probably going to find someone better and won’t have to cry anymore. We can only wish them luck in finding that person.

5. luvdollei is sad because they miss their ex. 

Well, I can only say that it’s absolutely normal to feel sad, even with someone who didn’t treat you well.

First, one can feel sad because of the love they shared, which might still be there, but they’d to let go. 

Also, as I’ve already established, you can miss someone who didn’t treat you well, probably because they’ve got a good side, which you didn’t see much but you know is there.

Well, whatever is causing the sadness, I hope they get over it quickly.

6. cchann1e needs some brain resetting. They miss their ex and they don’t understand why, and so need some sense to be knocked into them.

Do you feel this way too? You miss your ex but that’s the exact opposite of what you’re supposed to be feeling about them.

Maybe when things ended, it was like heaving a sigh of relief, happy you’re ending things with someone that it’s no longer working with, but now you miss them and you can’t explain why.

Well, it’s not easy to completely forget someone you were intimate with, so while you may need some sense knocked into you too if you ever feel that way, let’s help cchann1e get their sense back. 

Who’ll do the knocking?

7. CubanMissile007 misses his ex. After being with several girls he has probably seen that she’s the one good for him.

Wow! What can he do now? Hmm, I think he should stop trying different women and see if he can work things out with his ex.

But, if that isn’t the case, then he should focus on finding one woman and not jumping from one to another looking for someone who looks like his ex.

8. I love this tweet from PJamadi. Let’s talk about our exes and the good things we miss about them. 

The truth is- not every ex is bad. Some unavoidable things might have led to the breakup, like health compatibility issues.

Or some other things that both parties agreed are for the best. So, what is that thing you miss about your ex?

For me, it’d be, being of great help in my job, they were always willing to assist, which makes things easier.

9. earthyf4irys is crying for help because they miss their ex. How are we going to help them?

First, this thing about exes can be quite funny. You’re so happy to end things with them. When you were together, you hated it so much, but eventually, you broke up, and now you miss them and you’re wondering if you’re alright.

Well, as I’ve already established, being in an intimate relationship builds a bond that is not easily severed except the relationship wasn’t genuine in the first place.

So, it’s not surprising when you miss that ex, but like earthyf4irys you can cry for help. 

However, for the time being, we need to help them stop missing their ex or help them get back to their ex. I don’t even know what help they need. Let’s ask them.

10. lecrarri needs a reality check. They need to get back to the present and understand that they can’t go back to their ex.

Funnily enough, many of us are like lecrarri, we keep holding onto the past when we’re supposed to move forward. If that’s the case with you, you need a reality check too.

But, our concern is with lecrarri, how do we conduct the reality check? Remind them of all the reasons they broke up? Temind them that they are thousands of miles away? Or remind them of what’s in front of them? 

How do you think a reality check is conducted?

11. Wow! See the reason why fesshole misses their ex. They miss her because she used to help with their blackheads and their new missus doesn’t.

Let’s discuss this, do you think this is a valid reason? I think it’s just an excuse to see the ex again.

Why would you want your ex for one day a week for your blackheads when you can go to a spa for that or employ a dermatologist?

And I hope they’re not comparing their new missus to their old one, for it’s gonna bring some problems.

12. AntonellaSabila misses their ex because they came across a picture of them together.

First, do you guys not delete pictures with your ex after a breakup? I do that, even if we broke up amicably. 

What is the picture still doing there? Do you still love them? Even if you still loved them, don’t you want to move on? 

Well, I think AntonellaSabila dug their grave, they should enjoy it.

13. TshiamoBrown_ implies that there’s “I miss my ex” ingredient in alcohol.

What do you think about this? Do you think this is true? Do you remember your ex when you take alcohol? Do you get lonely when you drink alcohol?

Well, I think this is what a drunk would feel. I don’t think taking a cup of alcohol can make you miss your ex, I think it’s getting high on alcohol that can do that.

What do you think?

14. burekig gave us some crazy illustrations and a great tip for forgetting our ex.

It’s obvious their ex cheated on them with his female friends, so whenever they think about their ex they remember him doing the same with his female friends and they miss him less. 

So, the best way to miss your ex less every day is to remember the reason for your breakup, the reason why you hate them and boom you won’t miss them as much as you do.

15. I love the spirit of ppslsss. I like that she has got it strong.

Yes, she misses him, but she knows texting him would be a bad idea. It’s great, soon she’d get over him. I wish her all the best.

16. delulsional_mf69 is a hilarious person.

They miss their old Twitter account more than they miss their ex. Wow! I feel sorry for the ex. They don’t hold as much value as the Twitter account.

But, come to think of it? Why would a Twitter account be worth more than a person you shared intimacy with? Well, it’s likely the person treated them disrespectfully. That can only be the logical explanation. 

Or they never loved and valued the person in the first place. 

17. _Hungerkunstler needs someone to kill them for breaking up with their ex.

They are regretful and believe they messed up. What do you think about this? Have you ever felt this way before?

You end things and go on to regret badly for ending things. This situation can also play out in our daily lives.

You do something and you end up wishing you never did, then you feel so down that you wish for death.

Well, while you regret it badly, it’s important to understand that moving on is the best option, especially if there’s no way to correct your wrong. 

However, if by any chance there’s a way to correct the wrong, go ahead and do so.

So, we can only hope that _Hungerkunstler gets to see this and rather than feel so bad, try to take the right action.

18. failpuppycel needs someone to tell them not to text their ex.

Well, what if they need to text him? What if texting him is what they need to get closure? What if texting him makes things better? What if he’s waiting to be texted?

I can’t say for sure, but if they feel strongly about texting him, then by all means, let them do it.

However, I wouldn’t give this same advice, if their ex was bad for them. What is your advice for failpuppycel?

19. Wow! Ngabire05 misses their ex because of the lovemaking. They’re tired of getting 5 minutes from their new lover.

Oh my, I pity whoever is giving them this 5 minutes. It’s crazy, but they’re never going to get satisfied even if they love their present lover, unless they make a conscious effort to forget about their ex.

However, if lovemaking is the real issue, they can only talk to their partner or end things and get the satisfaction they want.

Conversely, if 5 rounds from the ex is what they need, they should also remember that after the 5 rounds. Boom!…

20. lilymawardepp misses their ex situationship. First, I’m sure we already know there’s “Situationship” and “Relationship.”

The GenZs have emphasized the difference. Situationship is an unserious type of relationship. So, if lilymawardepp is missing their ex situationship, it probably means the situationship was quite serious to them.

Maybe they were busy catching feelings, while their partner only saw it as what it was, a “Situationship,” and now they miss it.

Well, if they miss them so much, they should probably reach out and see how it goes. 

21. 1nonlylilindy misses her ex because of the back massages she gets after work.

Do you think she misses him or the massage?

Truthfully, it’s not easy to say. Many people miss their ex because of the many things they were receiving from them when they were together. 

And some make the mistake of going back to them even when they know they aren’t good for them.

Well, let’s just hope she stops at just missing the massage, and not consider getting back together especially if he wasn’t good for her.

22. HughesOlakunle_ always gets to miss his ex whenever he cooks with ginger because she made him love it.

He seems he’s going to keep missing her since he now loves ginger and has to keep cooking with it.

What do you advise him? Ditch ginger, or just deal with the feelings whenever it comes?

Well, I think he should deal with it, he’ll soon be over her.

23. etrnual misses her ex-best friend and it worsens whenever they see cinnamon rolls. 

This situation can be quite hurtful. You already miss your former best friend and then you have to deal with things that you shared. 

The triggers! You just wish that you could make them disappear, but sadly they’re everywhere.

How can you help etrnual? What’s your advice for them? Stay away from cinnamon rolls? Or try to talk to their ex-best friend?

24. Sofiii_elisee misses their ex but they don’t want to say it out loud. Rather, they wish to listen to “This Is Me Trying” by Taylor Swift.

What do you think of this tactic? Does music help you when you’re feeling low? Maybe feeling lonely? Missing someone? 

And what kind of music would you listen to? The lyrics of “This Is Me Trying” suit the mood of Sofiii_elisee adequately.

Well, they don’t want to say they miss their ex, but after listening to this song, they’ve echoed it.

25. I love Lee_incorp straightforwardness and realistic nature.

Most people are often delusional. They believe that they’d get back together with their ex, even when it’s glaring that it’s impossible.

Another thing about Lee_incorp post that I like is that they aren’t allowing their feelings to affect their decision. Yes, they miss their ex but they’re determined not to go back because they know it isn’t suitable.

However, even though the hashtag depicts confusion, their posts show that the two feelings are mutually exclusive; you can miss something and not need it.

26. This is hilarious from r_achelc. They don’t miss their ex but rather their ex’s dogs.

Wow! Is this a new way of saying they miss their ex? I think it is, it must be, because why would they miss their ex’s dogs without missing the owner of the dog?

It’s something. Does it mean the dog left a lasting impression and not the ex? This slaps hard. I bet their ex will writhe in pain if they get to read this.

27. This is food for thoughts from meijamess. A really valid question. How can people who are so close become total strangers?

What happened? What went wrong? Why did they let what happened happen? 

You get so close to knowing everything about each other to not caring about a thing about them. Is that even possible? 

Are you sure they don’t secretly miss each other, just like meijamess misses their ex-best friend? It’s scary.

28. Connors_ComSlut misses their ex so much that they smell their aftershave randomly.

Does it happen to you too? Do you miss someone so much that you think they’re close by or do you get to strongly feel something about them?

The truth is these things are mostly from the imagination, they’re not real.

So, Connors_ComSlut is possibly smelling their ex’s aftershave because they’ve thought so long about them.

29. schpin3l gives us a real trick on how to stop missing your ex.

When that feeling comes, and it seems like it’s not leaving, just remind yourself of those things that you never liked about them, and boom you’re back to reality. 

30. 1badazzbbw misses their ex because things have been so peaceful since they went out of their lives.

This is quite ironic. Maybe things went bad because of their troublesome nature, but now that they are gone and things are peaceful, they suddenly miss them.

You can’t help someone like this.




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