10 Surprising Benefits of Telling Your Partner All the Tea

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Benefits of Telling Your Partner All the Tea

Relationship Advice

Do you and your partner often share details of your day? Do you often engage in idle chats and gossip?

Telling your partner all the tea means to share details about an incident. According to African American Vernacular English, “Tea” means news, gossip, and gist.

It’s often used in expressions such as “Spill the tea” or “Serve the tea.” So, to tell your partner all the tea means to tell them all the information about something.

In this case, it means gossiping with them and engaging in talks about things not necessarily important.

But do you know there are benefits of gossiping with the person you love?

Generally, gossiping is seen as a bad habit. However, in this article, you’ll see there are perks to gossiping with your partner.

Stay with me as I take you through the 10 benefits of telling your partner all the tea.

10 Surprising Benefits of Telling Your Partner All the Tea

There are advantages to discussing with your partner, engaging in pillow talks, chatting, and gossiping.

It’s relaxing and satisfying, and helps build intimacy and trust. Also, it strengthens the bond you share and makes it easier to communicate better with each other. Moreover, your partner won’t spill your secrets.

Here are 10 benefits of telling your significant other all the tea:

  1. It’s relaxing
  2. It builds and strengthens your bonds
  3. You have enough to laugh about
  4. You trust each other more
  5. It’s a good way to vent your frustration
  6. They won’t spill your secrets
  7. It builds intimacy
  8. It’s satisfying
  9. It makes it easier for them to communicate with you too
  10. You fall more in love with other

It’s Relaxing

Having idly chats with your partner can be relaxing. Imagine the both of you sitting in the lounge, snacking and chatting about random things.

Or you could cozy up in bed or on a couch and talk about your day, about that boss that’s funny, about that customer that caused a scene, about that colleague that’s annoying, or just about anything.

This atmosphere can be so relaxing and soothing. You’re not thinking about anything serious, you’re not worried about the project that is giving you a hard time, and you’re not worried about the inability to meet up with bills.

But, you’re just with the one you love, relaxed and enjoying your discussions. Also, it’s a great way to relieve stress and forget about the bad day you just had. So, try this with your partner from time and time and discover how relaxing you feel during and after.

It Builds and Strengthens Your Bonds

Benefits of Telling Your Partner All the Tea

Another benefit of telling your partner all the tea is that it strengthens the bond you share.

Communication is one of the ways to build and strengthen the bond in your relationship.

Having proper communication in your relationship helps things move smoothly because you have a better understanding of each other, and know when you need to adjust and make things right.

So, telling your partner all the tea is one of the ways to have this communication with your partner.

In this case, you are excited to share with them what happened to you during the day or to tell them about an incident you witnessed.

This act shows you trust them, and it shows you enjoy their company. And when your partner is eager to listen and laugh with you, it builds that bond and makes it stronger.

You’ll find out that they too can’t wait to tell you things and gossip about that mutual friend.

You Have Enough to Laugh About

Benefits of Telling Your Partner All the Tea

Another perk that comes with spilling the tea to your partner is that you have enough to laugh about.

Nothing beats the moment of laughter and pure bliss with your loved ones. These are moments that remain in your memory, moments you want to always remember and create and recreate again, moments you can relive when you feel down.

When you find something that causes you to have a good laugh, imagine sharing this laughter with your loved ones.

So, when you return home to tell your partner about it, either by calling them if you’re not together or telling them to their face, you’ll create those moments you’ll come to cherish in the future.

Therefore, don’t hesitate to always spill the tea to your partner to have priceless moments like this.

You Trust Each Other More

Another good thing that comes with telling your lover all the tea is that it increases the trust you have for each other.

Trust is an essential part of relationships, whether romantic, platonic, or filial. If you don’t trust someone, it’ll be difficult to give your all in the relationship and it can never last long, except you both keep deceiving yourself.

For instance, if you don’t trust your parents, there are many things you’ll withhold from them, and you’ll discover that all you do is probably call and ask how they’re fairing, and send them money if you’re capable.

But, when there’s trust, you’ll enjoy the parent-child relationship and you’ll be grateful for them.

The same thing applies to your romantic relationship. If there’s a lack of trust on one side or both sides, the relationship won’t be healthy.

A good way to build trust is by being open with your partner. And one of the ways to be open is having honest discussions with them.

Being able to tell your partner about anything, even the most insignificant of things tells them that you trust them. In addition, it’s an invitation to them to trust you more.

Showing them how open and free you can be with them can make them relaxed and more open with you.

It’s a Good Way to Vent Your Frustration

Another exciting advantage of spilling the tea with your lover is that you can vent your frustrations with them.

If you had a bad day, imagine having someone to spill everything about it to. Sometimes what we need to get that anger off our chest is to talk to someone willing to listen.

Many people sink into depression because they can’t talk about their problems to anyone because they don’t have someone.

So, when things don’t go as well for you as you had hoped, talking to your partner is a way to let the frustration out.

It’s often this way with people in love. They always itch to talk to their partners about something exciting they encountered and about something horrifying they witnessed.

It’s just like a restlessness that settles on them, and they won’t be calm until they share the details. So, when you’re frustrated about something, vent all you want on your lover, that’s why they’re your partner.

They Won’t Spill Your Secrets

Another cool thing you enjoy about telling your partner all the tea is that they won’t spill your secrets.

You may be surrounded by people that are friendly and you can talk with. However, you might not be able to share everything with them because you don’t trust them not to spill.

Sometimes you might even withhold some things from a good friend because you know they’re a gossip. Although a good friend should be able to keep a secret, some people just can’t keep quiet, especially when they feel it’s harmless.

However, with your lover, you should be able to trust them with your secrets. A good and faithful partner should not spill on you, even to their family or closest friends.

Of course, there are some things they can discuss with their loved ones. Conversely, a good lover knows when to draw the line and respect your privacy.

So, if you have a story you’re itching to share but you’re worried about your friends, colleagues, and even family spilling, your lover should be your only resort.

Notwithstanding, if you know spilling is a weakness of theirs, you should apply discretion.

It Builds Intimacy

Benefits of Telling Your Partner All the Tea

Another good thing about spilling all the tea to your significant other is that it builds intimacy.

Being able to voice out your fears, excitement, and frustrations to your partner shows that you’ve attained a great level of intimacy.

Intimacy in relationships is not all about the physical touches, but being able to also emotionally connect with your partner.

Being seen, heard, and felt by your loved ones enhances trust and builds intimacy.

You can’t attain such heights with your lover if you’re not open with each other by having honest discussions and spilling the tea as in this case.

So, it’s not only when there’s something serious and important that you get your partner to sit down and have a discussion with you. It’s not only when you want to get something done that you talk with them.

Whiling down the evening with random conversations, relaxing over drinks and idle chats, and having pillow talks are ways to build this intimacy you desire.

It’s Satisfying

Another beautiful thing about telling your partner all the tea is that it’s satisfying.

As I’ve earlier established, being in love with someone can make you restless whenever you witness something.

Whether it’s some exciting news or some terrifying or upsetting information, you always can’t wait to share the details with your lover.

That’s just the way it is. That urge and eagerness are always there. For instance, if your terrifying boss at the office finally gets a dose of their medicine, you’ll want to hurry home to gossip about them to your lover, especially if you’ve always told your lover about them.

So, when finally you’re free to spill the tea and you do so, you’ll feel relieved and satisfied, just like a burden lifted off your shoulders.

Moreover, when it’s something funny and you have a good laugh, you feel the satisfaction of sharing that moment with your sweetheart.

It Makes It Easier for Them to Communicate with You too

When you always spill all the tea to your loved ones, they’ll be moved to reciprocate the action.

Even if you’ve got a reserved and introverted person, sharing details with them can get them more relaxed and comfortable with you.

As I’ve previously mentioned, telling your love all the tea strengthens the bond, increases trust, and builds intimacy. In the course of achieving all these, you make it easier for your lover to communicate with you too, finally getting what you want in your relationship.

So, don’t hesitate to gossip with your partner. Especially if you know they’re the quiet type, discussions like this will help them become more open with you.

You Fall More in Love with Each Other

And finally, to crown all the benefits you get with spilling all the tea to your lover, you fall more in love with each other.

When you have enough to laugh about, when you’re always relaxed with each other, when you get satisfaction from talking with them, when your trust and bond get stronger, and when intimacy is built; you’ll end up more in love with your partner and they will feel the same way.


Having read this article, you must’ve seen the significance and benefits of telling your partner all the tea.

Besides being relaxing and satisfying, you’re strengthening your bond and building trust and intimacy.

In the end, you’ll end up more and more in love with them and enjoy a blissful relationship. So, start spilling the tea today if you haven’t started.

Benefits of Telling Your Partner All the Tea


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