Posts by amin

25 Powerful Reasons Why Your Girlfriend Is Mean to You

Your relationship has been sailing beautifully and then all of a sudden your girlfriend’s behavior towards you changes. You begin to wonder and feel confused over the sudden change. She no longer cares about your feelings, she gives you attitude, and even when you try to talk to her about it, she remains unbothered and ... Read more


30 Romantic Prom Proposal Ideas As Seen Online

In the 16th century, people—men and women—in Europe held a formal walk or procession in public places to socialize and show off their fancy clothes. This event was known as a promenade. By the time the late 19th century swung in, American colleges and universities had adopted the promenade for their own formal dances. They ... Read more


15 Ways to Get Your Crush to Hug You

There are many ways to get your crush to hug you. You may never have given thought to some of them. Don’t worry, in this article, I will show how to get your crush to hug you. I will show you when, where, and how you can get your crush to hug you. Hugging your ... Read more


Am I Being Punked? 10 Signs Your Relationship Might Be a Joke

You’ve been thinking about your relationship and wondering if it’s going anywhere serious. You can’t quite put your finger on what’s wrong, but you just feel like something isn’t right, and that’s making you curious. Talking honestly with your partner might help clear the air. A survey from the Epidemiology and Health Journal found that ... Read more


10 Crucial Things to Consider Before Dating a Friend

So, you’ve been friends with this person for a while and the bond keeps getting stronger. You might even have met each other’s families and friends, which means you don’t have to sweat the “meet my parents” talk. A new study has shown that 68% of adults had been in a relationship where they were ... Read more


10 Things To Do When Your Man Just Doesn’t Get You

I know how frustrating it is when talking to a person feels like you’re talking to a brick wall, not to talk of when that person is your boyfriend or spouse, that’s on another level. Women like to feel heard and understood but, unfortunately, sometimes they find themselves in a situation where their man just ... Read more


20 Reasons Why You Should Love Josh Hutcherson

Just to put it out there, everything written about the MTV award-winning actor, Josh Hutcherson, has been thoroughly researched and transported as a fact into this article. Being a Hollywood enthusiast, I have grown a keen fascination with Hollywood A-listers, one among which is Josh Hutcherson, an American actor from the state of Kentucky. Playing ... Read more


10 Male Friends Reveal What They Find Irresistible in Girls

Indeed, a pretty face and an hourglass figure can catch eyes, but for many guys, what really pulls them in goes way beyond looks. Everyone’s got their preferences. An extramarital dating app called Gleeden asked 15,000 users in a survey and found out that millennial men want women who are equal partners, leaders, passionate, confident, ... Read more


11 Proven Ways to Deal with Relationship Anxiety

Being in a healthy relationship can be a beautiful thing. But when one partner is faced with anxiety, it can become a tedious task. Relationship anxiety means you’re constantly worrying and having doubts about your relationship. It’s often a result of one’s past, low self-esteem, emotional neglect, and insecurities. If you’re nursing any form of ... Read more


15 Sure-Fire Ways to Get Close to Your Crush

Your crush today can be all yours tomorrow; you simply need to know how to get closer to them, win their hearts, and work towards building a beautiful relationship or life together. If your desire is to know surefire ways to get close to your crush, then you are at the right place. Let’s ride ... Read more


15 Reasons Why You Should Date a Soccer Player

There are certain things you can attract by relating closely to someone. Who you choose to date is a reflection of what you have set out to achieve, the brand you desire to build, the qualities you need in your life, and the ones you want to improve upon. Beyond passing the ball and scoring ... Read more


⁠30 Flirty Things to Say About Cuddling

Cuddling is an act that shows deep affection and intimacy between individuals. It is best practiced when people are physically close to someone they desire to build an emotional connection with, especially those whose love language is touch and others who enjoy physical closeness to develop feelings of love. Cuddling after a tiresome day, a ... Read more


13 Compelling Reasons Why You Should Date a Hockey Player

You’re probably wondering what is in for you to date a hockey player that’s why you’re here. Well, you’re going to see for yourself the perks of dating someone who plays hockey. First, hockey players live a more structured life, filled with striving for excellence. They’re going to be devoted to their games, practice, and ... Read more


15 Signs You Are Dating a Faithful Partner

Being in a relationship can be quite challenging. Especially if you have experienced heartbreak or several heartbreaks in your previous relationships, these experiences can make it difficult for you to trust someone new. So, it’s not surprising if you look for signs that the person you’re dating is faithful. But what exactly does a faithful ... Read more


20 Early Signs Your Partner Will Break Your Heart

Being in a new relationship can be so exciting that we often let it get into our heads. Things that we normally keep us worried, we keep ignoring them with excuses. While it’s okay to relax and enjoy the whirlwind romance of a new relationship, it’s also crucial not to ignore red flags. There are ... Read more


11 Things You Should Know Before Getting Back with a Cheater

So your partner cheated and you’re considering getting back with them. But here lies the problem- you’re confused, you’re worried, you don’t know if it’s the right decision. You’ve probably told yourself that you’ll never tolerate a cheater. But, here you are at a crossroads on whether you should get back with them or not. ... Read more


20 Types of Guys Who Stay Single (and Why)

Just because a guy’s been single for a long time doesn’t mean he’s ugly or boring. Some guys enjoy being single, while others have standards higher than Mount Everest. Roughly 3 out of 10 American adults (31%) are single – meaning they aren’t married, living with a partner, or in a committed relationship. If you’re ... Read more


15 Signs You’re Dating a High-Value Woman

Let’s face it: it can sound dehumanizing to try to put women (or men) into “high-value” or “low-value” boxes. Many men simply want a woman they are attracted to and like being in the company of. It can be really that simple. However, if you’re serious about spending the rest of your life with a ... Read more


12 Ways to Get Your Crush to Ask for Your Number

For real, everyone has someone they crush on so, you’re not alone in this reality. But crushing on someone is, of course, not the main target; getting genuinely connected with your crush, featuring in their thoughts, getting along well, and making them yours forever are the ultimate goals. Some questions might pop up in your ... Read more


15 Reasons Why You Should Date a Volleyball Player

I guess the one-million-dollar question is, who exactly is a volleyball player? A volleyball player is someone who involves him or herself in a sport that requires physical strength whereby the person scores a point by tossing the ball and makes a touchdown on the opponent’s side of the court. You might say that in ... Read more


15 Signs You’re Dealing With a Man Child

Maybe you’ve gone on a few dates with this guy, already in a relationship, or married even. Then from your observations, he avoids serious conversations, hates responsibility, refuses to grow up, and is too sensitive to criticism. These are the signs of a man-child.  But it doesn’t end there. Some signs are not so obvious. ... Read more


15 Reasons Why You Should Date a Softball Player

If you’re familiar with the game of softball, it would be easier to agree with me when I inform you that softball players are very pleasing to the eyes and they are very competitive. They possess a high level of emotional, physical, and mental stability, which to me sounds like good pointers to a man ... Read more


60 Flirty Responses to “Thank You”

Have you ever been in a situation whereby your crush or the person your heart beats so fast for, tells you the popular “thank you” as a form of showing appreciation for the help you rendered to them? I guess that you did not see this as an initiative to be flirtatious in your response ... Read more


15 Appropriate Gifts for Your Lover on Eid

Gifting is another form of love expression in a relationship. It is also a part of the relationship condiments that spice it up. Through gifting, you show your loved ones how much you love them, appreciate them, and build stronger bonds with them. Additionally, special gifts can serve as reminders, evoking memories when your lover ... Read more


15 TikTok Challenges to Try With Your Partner This Eid

It’s the season of Eid again and you’re wondering how you’d enjoy the celebration with your partner. The Eid season is one of the times families look forward to- to enjoy the feast with their loved ones. In some countries, they get national holidays, and many families seize such opportunities to create memories. So, if ... Read more


15 Romantic Eid Activities Every Couple Should Try

Are you thinking about the forthcoming Eid? Are you looking forward to celebrating it with your partner? Are you racking your brain for romantic activities you can engage in? Sharing happy moments with your partner is one of the beautiful ways to create memories. And celebrations like Eid provide opportunities to have these moments and ... Read more


15 Social Media Breakups That Got Really Really Messy

Break ups are a dime a dozen. Some happen below the radar, too insignificant to cause a stir, or trigger the curiosity of the public.  Some breakups are high profile. They burst out of the undercurrent of mainstream news, grabbing our attention for days, sometimes, weeks.  What makes a breakup news worthy though? It varies ... Read more


50 Eid Mubarak Love Messages for Your Lover

Sending love messages to each other as lovers can spike the chemistry and improve the bond in relationships. Also, it is a form of assurance. When you send your partners love messages you ignite their passion and this can even push them to action, especially for a lover who has been holding back or whose ... Read more


25 Powerful Signs It’s Time To Break Up And Move On

I understand your confusion about your relationship. Deciding whether it’s anxiety or a real need to break up is tough. Even with my four years of counseling experience, there’s no simple answer. Everyone’s situation is different, but there are common signs that can help you decide if ending the relationship is the right choice. You ... Read more


11 Tips for Navigating Interfaith Relationships During Eid

So, you and your partner are looking forward to the forthcoming Eid celebration, however, you seem a little confused because you’re both of different religions. Maybe it’s your first time as a couple observing your traditions and you’re not sure how to go about it. First, interfaith relationships are quite common these days and many ... Read more


50 Eid-Al-Adha Prayers to Share With Your Lover

Prayers are of great importance in every individual’s life. They bring us closer to Allah and teach us how to love rightly. Through prayers, we place our relationships in the hand of Allah, asking Him for the grace to avoid temptation, so we can have a fulfilled relationship. Praying for your lover is a way ... Read more


50 Things to Say When Your Partner Is Upset

We’ve all been there, we’ve all made someone angry or upset at some point. And of course, the right thing is to let them know that you’re truly sorry. But, this time around it’s your partner who’s upset. Maybe they’re upset with you over something you did, or they’re upset over something else. So, how ... Read more


12 Reasons Why You Are So Obsessed with Your Partner

Obsession is often seen as a negative feeling, but there can be a healthy obsession as much as there’s a negative one. Obsession, if channeled in the right way turns out healthy, but when it’s channeled wrongly, you can’t help but go wrong with it. In relationships, you can be deeply in love with your ... Read more


15 Spring Outfit Ideas to Share With Boyfriend

It’s spring again and the season comes with many changes in the climate. Our wardrobe too has to change to suit our needs. If you need some inspiration this spring, to update your boyfriend’s sense of style then I have got you covered. For spring outfits you want to be covered up, with either a ... Read more


30 Flirty Responses to “I Owe You”

This article is packaged perfectly for people who want to expand their flirtatious side and also include that as their daily lingo. When someone says “I owe you” it means that they are thankful for whatever act of kindness you extended to them, and they look forward to returning the favor in the future.  Well, ... Read more


50 Flirty Responses to “Thinking Of You”

One of the commonly used phrases that indicates that a person has you in their heart and in their mind is “thinking of you.” It means that you are an important person to them and probably are on their mind at a particular moment or often. There are moments where you will find yourself being ... Read more


50 Flirty Responses to “WYD”

What (are) you doing, is what the abbreviated WYD stands for. It is an informal way, often used while texting someone, to ask what a person is doing or up to. “WYD” can also be interpreted as a flirtatious question that you could send to your crush or love interest, while texting, to playfully ask ... Read more


50 Flirty Responses to “How Are You”

Most times when someone asks you, “How are you,” it is born out of a feeling of concern and affection for you, they genuinely want to know how you are faring and perhaps would like to help you feel better in case you’re not fine. In the context of flirting, it’s sort of different, and ... Read more


20 Things to Say to Prank Your Girlfriend

Looking to trick your girlfriend? We’ve got lots of ways that can help you pull a fast one on her. First, we’ve got to admit that being pranked is not as much fun as being the prankster. Whether you want to pay your girlfriend back for pranking you or you want to create some fun ... Read more


300 Things to Say When You Miss Him

Whether he’s your husband, boyfriend, friend, or just a crush, it can be difficult being away from someone you care about for a long time. So, you might want to let him know that you miss him. First, there are plenty of ways you can express how you feel to someone you miss dearly. And ... Read more


20 Bad Habits You Should Avoid in a Relationship

Building a relationship is real work and beyond a matter of joke. Apart from the preparation it involves, you will need to develop your character and eliminate the bad habits you used to have; otherwise, you will hurt your partner and you will have a hard time as well. No one is perfect, and that ... Read more


20 Signs a Co-worker Likes You More Than You Think

You can meet a great guy or lady anywhere, at work, during a task assigned from work, and in so many other places, official or not. Your looks, sweet smell, courtesy, or manner of conversation could be an attractive factor. But before you read and think further, ensure you don’t make things difficult if your ... Read more


15 Reasons Why Your Sugar Daddy Is Ignoring You

A bridge in communication between you and someone who was flowing so well before can instigate some thoughts that may or may not be true. This shows how important it is for two people in any kind of relationship to keep communication in check. In relating to people, one may encounter certain challenges, and when ... Read more


10 Reasons Why Trauma Bond Is So Strong

Trauma can mean different things to different people, the same way people can react differently to trauma. To some they might react by immediately avoiding everything that causes them trauma, while for others it might be the other way round, they feel overpowered, embarrassed even have total dependence on the abuser, making it difficult to ... Read more


20 Evident Signs You Are Begging For Love

Love is beautiful, especially when two people are willing to be together and give their best.  Not with one begging the other for attention. One can love someone so much and wouldn’t even know when they begin to beg for love in return, and this can be seeking attention or validation. Most people who beg ... Read more


15 Questions to Ask Your Partner Before Moving In With Them

If you’re reading this article then it’s probably because you’ve found the one that you’re ready to take that next big step with. Moving in with your partner is indeed an indicator that your relationship is getting serious and it would be wise to get all the information you need to clear your doubts and ... Read more


30 Funny Tweets About Ex-Boyfriends

Do you have an ex-boyfriend or you’ve got ex-boyfriends? How do you feel about them? What do you have to say about them? In this article, I have compiled 30 hilarious tweets about ex-boyfriends. Read, laugh, and learn a lesson or two from people’s experiences. 30 Funny Tweets About Ex-Boyfriends  Check out these 30 hilarious ... Read more


30 Best “I Miss My Ex” Tweets We Have Ever Seen

Have you ever had the “I miss my ex” moments? Maybe you believe you’re done with someone, you’re convinced that ending things was for the best, but along the line, you remember them. And not just remembering them, your thoughts dwell on them more than they should, and you find yourself missing them. It can ... Read more


25 Great Secrets to Get Comfortable Around Your Crush

The greatest tip for being comfortable around your crush is being yourself, and they will appreciate you for who you are. Show them your true personality by sharing your interests and hobbies, telling jokes you find funny, sharing your favorite music, and behaving in a way that feels natural and comfortable to you. “How do ... Read more


30 Funny Relatable Tweets About Being Single

Are you currently single? What can you say about your current status? Or do you remember your single days? What can you say about those days? Are you enjoying it or did you enjoy it?  I was going through Twitter and I came across some posts about single people that are interesting and I thought ... Read more


200 Interesting Things to Say to Your Crush On Snapchat

The most exciting thing to say to your crush is to start conversations on shared interests, like her favorite music. Don’t message her too often; give them space. Avoid criticizing her interests; be honest but respectful.  Texting someone on Snapchat is a totally different ball game compared to other types of social media platforms. Now, ... Read more


200 Interesting Things to Say to Your Crush On Facetime 

From simple questions like “Where are the next three places you want to travel?” to personal topics like “ Who in your family are you closest to?” There are many exciting things to talk about when facetiming your crush. To take things up a little, you can ask them, “What are your top three biggest ... Read more


150 Things to Say to a Guy to Turn Him On 

Words like “I missed the taste of you” and “I need you to fill me” can quickly turn a guy on. There are still other options, and it boils down to knowing what his ‘button’ is. Basically, you have to use words to paint a dallying picture of both of you having intercourse.  Most guys ... Read more


100 Things to Say to Make a Guy Fall For You

You can’t wave a magic wand to make a guy fall in love with you. But with the right words, you can increase the chances. The best things to say to make a guy fall for you start from giving a nice compliment to teasing, flirting, and generally making them feel special. Learn the best ... Read more


50 Things to Say to a Friend After a Breakup

Words like “You’re loved, and there’s much more to live for. Hang in there” and “If you need someone to talk to, I’m here” are some of the best things you can say to a friend who is going through a breakup. However, remember that it’s more about being present, listening actively, and engaging with ... Read more


30 Break-Up Tweets That Made Me Sad

Many of us have experienced breakups before and will experience more, while some are yet to have their first break up. Also, while some may handle it well, not many know how to handle a breakup from someone they’ve loved for a long time. Have you read or heard of people’s sad breakups? In this ... Read more


100 Things to Say to a Guy to Make Him Smile

You can make a guy smile by telling him things like “You are my favorite person,” “You make me feel like royalty,” or “I feel safe around you.” It’s more about complimenting his personality than just his appearance.  Everybody says actions speak louder than words. But sometimes, to make a guy smile, words play a ... Read more


100 Things to Say to a Guy to Make Him Want You

Sentences such as “You’re such a gentleman,” “You make me feel safe,” and “Thank you for caring for me” are examples of things you can say to make a guy yearn for you. These words would make him feel competent. They make him think that he can please you and make you happy. Read on ... Read more


300 Things to Say to a Guy to Make Him Feel Better 

The statement “You’re the manliest guy I’ve ever met” is one of the best things you can say to a guy to make him feel better. It’s all about giving a compliment about his personality, encouraging him, and making him feel competent. Read on for more ideas. One of the common questions I get from ... Read more


20 Things to Say When Your Girlfriend is Tired From Work

Are you looking for expressions to say to your girlfriend when she’s exhausted from work? This is the article that you need to get an idea of soothing words to say when she feels overwhelmed with work to help you score points as a thoughtful boyfriend.  Since you’re reading this article, it means that you’re ... Read more


50 Things to Say to Someone Who is Hurting

Stop freaking out and spitting insensitive words because you do not know how to comfort someone who is hurting. I understand that a person who is going through a hard time might look difficult to comfort because you keep wondering what you could possibly say to them to make them feel better.  Not to worry, ... Read more


50 Things to Say to Someone Who is Struggling

As humans we tend to struggle at some point in our lives and that’s why it’s important to know how to handle the situation. Perhaps you have a close friend, family member or acquaintance that is finding it hard to get back on their feet and you need soothing phrases that would help comfort them, ... Read more


30 Love Tattoos As Seen On Social Media

You can use love tattoos to show your love and affection for someone. It can also mean that you have a deep connection with someone, and it’s on a personal basis. Social media, on the other hand, serves as a great platform to showcase different kinds of creative love tattoo designs. Every love tattoo symbolizes ... Read more


20 Things to Say When Your Girlfriend is Not in the Mood

Your girlfriend’s not in the mood and you’re worried that you might say something that would make her more upset? Or is that you need expressions to say to her that would turn her frown upside down? You’ve come to the right place!  Through research and thorough evaluation of multiple women, I have been able ... Read more


10 Reasons Why You Feel Like You Need a Man

Every female species regardless of their age range feels like they are in need of a man at some point in their life and this could be caused by a lot of factors which this article aims to walk you through.  Luckily for you, I have gathered a list of 10 reasons that would make ... Read more


15 of The Funniest Reasons Why You Can’t Find a Man

Tired of swiping left on your love life? Well, buckle up buttercup, I’ve got 15 of the funniest reasons why you may still be flying solo.  From being allergic to commitment—and pollen—to having a love language that’s strictly sarcasm, we’re diving into the ridiculous, relatable and downright ridiculous reasons why you’re still waiting for your ... Read more


15 Powerful Signs You Are a Confident Person 

One of the most important personality traits everyone should have is confidence. Confidence will get you into places where other personality traits can’t. Confidence will also keep you in those places too.  How do you know a confident person? What are the signs that you are a confident person?  This article will expose 15 powerful ... Read more


30 of The Grossest Things Partners Have Done in Their Relationships

We all have quirks. Not even relationships can separate us from these odd habits. Men leave the toilet seat up, women are finicky and some of them are unable to stop themselves from meticulous cleaning. But these habits are lame compared to what some partners have done in their relationships. Some have done downright gross ... Read more


40 Hilarious Tweets About Wanting a Girlfriend

Many out there wish for a girlfriend; for a romantic relationship, for some cool friendship, and for several personal reasons. Some are vocal about it, while some lack the slightest idea of what to do about it. Moreover, social media is one such place where those who are vocal go to rant about their feelings. ... Read more


125 Things to Say to a Guy to Make Him Blush

Are you looking for beautiful things to say to your boyfriend or husband to make him blush? Or you probably have a crush on a guy and you need things you can say to him that’ll make him blush and fall for you? Or do you want to tease your male friends with romantic words ... Read more


20 Signs That You Have a Strong Intimidating Personality

The lion doesn’t turn back when the small dog barks—an African proverb. In our world, there’s a whole range of power structures, from families to global politics. Everyone’s trying to assert themselves in some way, and it’s natural to admire those who do it confidently. But what does it mean to be strong and intimidating, ... Read more


120 Things to Say to a Guy to Make Him Fold

Have you seen a guy you like, but you’re yet to get his attention? Are you looking for the right things to say to win his heart?  First, most ladies find it hard to tell a guy they like him first, especially if he isn’t showing the same interest. For some, they don’t have an ... Read more


Never Been in a Relationship? Here Are 15 Important Things to Do 

Never been in a relationship before, and you’re wondering if there’s something wrong with you? First, it’s normal to not have experienced any relationship. You’d be surprised to find out that there are many like you out there. Also, you should understand that it’s never too old to start a relationship. Maybe you’re no longer in your twenties or you’re nearing your forties, and you’re ... Read more


5 Incredible Signs that Shows You’re An Assertive Person

An assertive person is not afraid to voice his or her feelings, beliefs, convictions, knowledge about a thing, correction, or admonition, without an intention to hurt the other person. An assertive person takes a position in an argument, conversation, or disagreement and stands by it. An assertive person does not compromise their stand on a ... Read more
