A Woman Will Not Forget How You Treated Her Quotes (30 Quotes By Me)

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A Woman Will Not Forget How You Treated Her Quotes


They’ve been called “Mother of the human race”. And it is for good reason.

Women are special. Without them, the proliferation of our species will grind to an abrupt, frightful halt.

But this isn’t the only reason why treating women with respect is important. 

Women are like the spice you add to food without which the meal is a bland slob of nutrient that goes down your throat without joy.

Women add flavor and color to our lives. But why is it that only women are capable of making everything beautiful around us?

It is because of the way nature made them. Men have been described as logical beings.

But women, emotional—they are beings of touch, feelings, words, and all the other affectations without which the world is nothing but a math textbook. Women are music, art forms. 

This is why they should be treated with respect. They do not forget how you make them feel. In this article, I present to you 30 quotes to remind you never to treat a woman badly.  

Table of Contents

A Woman Will Not Forget How You Treated Her Quotes

1. A woman’s heart remembers every touch, every word, and every moment you made her feel seen.

A Woman Will Not Forget How You Treated Her Quotes

Men remember too. But not in the way women do. This is because, on a physical level, women have several times more nerves for feeling than men.

While a man quickly applies logic to his experiences and brushes them off as “one of those things”, a woman absorbs and marinates in her emotions, feeling every inch of it.

This is why they value moments a lot. 

2. The way you treat a woman is a permanent tattoo on her soul, forever etched in her memory.

Some tattoos never totally clean off immediately. Even after an attempt to remove them with a laser machine. This is how your actions affect a woman.

It can either leave her with a forever scar or a sweet memory she dreams about every time your name comes up.

This is why she remembers that beautiful Parisian night at the Louvre, the candlelight, the wine, and most of all, your face. 

3. A woman’s memory is a treasure trove of emotions, and how you treated her is the treasure she holds closest.

The operative word here is “treasure”. Women hardly forget memories that impact them. A woman would remember details of how you both met, down to the littlest details.

She’ll remember her dress, the squinting smile of the Uber driver, how bright the sky was and the way you leaned against the lamp post on the sidewalk, years after.

Even if all these somehow happen to fritter away in the passage of time, she’ll remember you held the door open for her. 

4. Treat a woman with kindness, and she’ll remember it forever; treat her with cruelty, and she’ll never forget it.

No one should be treated cruelly, especially not a woman. She’ll never forget it. Most men are able to live with the trauma of cruelty as if it never happened.

It is different for women because they’re wired differently. Women value kindness. But cruelty leaves a deep mark. 

5. The way you make a woman feel is a fingerprint on her heart, unique and unforgettable.

Every human has a unique fingerprint. Like a fingerprint, your treatment of a woman is peculiar to you.

Generally, men treat women the same way by loving them. But each man he comes across has a special trademark—positively or negatively. 

6. A woman’s mind is a library, and how you treated her is a book she’ll revisit often, remembering every detail.

Have you ever had to listen to a woman tell you about her day at Costco or at her job?

It’s usually a recounting of everything, from the relevant details to the inconsequential. Their mind is like a book that is constantly being updated. 

7. The memories you create with a woman will either be a warm embrace or a heavy burden, choose wisely.

In your walk with a woman, you’re creating memories, chatting terrains she will reflect on when it all comes to an end, as things sadly do sometimes.

But every end isn’t always a sad one, which is why you should focus on warm embraces rather than being an emotional or physical burden to her. 

8. A woman’s heart has a special folder for memories of how you treated her, and it’s labeled ‘Unforgettable’.

Some have complained that women forget the good times easily once it comes to an end. While this is true sometimes, the truth is, they don’t really forget.

Women don’t forget, they’re just selective in what they choose to talk about. Good memories are unforgettable for them.

9. Treat a woman with respect, and she’ll remember your kindness; treat her with disrespect, and she’ll remember your neglect.

This quote is a confirmation of the previous one—women are selective of the memories they treasure based on the last feeling you leave them with.

This is just how they’re made. If you’ve once treated her with respect but switched to disrespect, every instance of kindness before that drops down to the dark unknown bottom of the list. 

10. A woman’s memory is a canvas, and how you treated her is the artwork that will forever be on display.

This quote alludes to both the physical and emotional mark you leave on a woman.

Some men have mastered the art of it, and have treated their woman so well every inch of her glows with wholesome care.

The opposite can be the case too. But you must always aim for creating beautiful artwork with her. 

11. The way you treat a woman is a seed you plant in her soul, and it will bloom into memories that last a lifetime.

This quote reminds you of childbirth. The mechanism of reproduction requires that a woman conceives, a phenomenon that’s not very different from how seeds are planted and they grow. 

In the same vein, every of your actions and words constitute seeds that grow into great or awful memories. 

12. A woman’s mind is a map, and how you treated her is the route she’ll always remember.

This quote reminds you of the good and bad consequences that can result from how you treat a woman.

Like a map that you need to navigate an unfamiliar terrain, the memories you create with a woman is what will guide her with someone else in the future. 

13. Treat a woman with love, and she’ll remember the warmth; treat her with indifference, and she’ll remember the chill.

It’s a cold world out there. But it can be colder for women. Men have adjusted well because whether we like it or not, men control most of the resources.

This doesn’t minimize the importance of women in our society. Yet, remembering that how a woman feels is mostly contingent on your actions is very important. 

14. A woman’s heart has a special place for memories of how you treated her, and it’s called ‘Forever’.

Of course, no one lives forever but you get the picture. The point is, it’s always about how you treat women.

This is because they’re usually on the receiving end of love, care, compassion, and cruelty. This quote reminds you that a woman’s memory of you is as important as how you treat her. 

15. The memories you make with a woman will either be a symphony of joy or a melody of sorrow, choose the notes you play wisely.

This quote here compares how you treat a woman with the delicate yet powerful nature of music.

Think of how your favorite music affects you and this point becomes even clearer. Your actions are notes, they accumulate to become music in the soul of a woman. 

16. A woman’s memory is a kaleidoscope, and how you treated her is the pattern that will forever be reflected.

This beautiful quote is fitting because it captures perfectly the nature of memories and how they change over time.

For a woman, her memories of you are very much influenced by how you treat her. Every measure of love and care you put into her life adds color, shaping the structure of that kaleidoscope. 

17. Treat a woman with grace, and she’ll remember your kindness; treat her with disgrace, and she’ll remember your cruelty.

Treating a woman with grace means, according to her respect and dignity. Sometimes even when she hasn’t carried herself with as much dignity as you’d wish.

This quote also shows that being respectable of women isn’t dependent on what the woman does.

This is why if you treat her with grace, she’ll remember it even more, especially if she’s treated you less. 

18. The way you treat a woman is a thread that weaves a tapestry of memories, forever intertwined.

Memories connect us with each other. That is the point of this quote. When you treat a woman well, you form a connection with her.

You can see this happen even with random people on the street that you treat well.

Try giving a random woman a rose with a note telling her how gorgeous she looks. That woman will remember that incident for years. 

19. A woman’s heart is a journal, and how you treated her is the ink that will forever stain its pages.

This is a beautiful quote to remind you of how deeply a woman is affected by your actions. It is like ink stains on paper.

Rather than splashing the ink without design, endeavor to leave a beautiful handwriting on that journal.

A woman’s heart is like that journal. Your actions and words stand for the stroke of your pen. The focus is to make sure the stain you leave on the paper is beautiful, memorable. 

20. The memories you create with a woman will either be a masterpiece of love or a mess of heartache, choose your brushstrokes wisely.

The quote here takes your mind to an artist’s studio. You’re presented with the canvas sitting on the easel, the brushes and various paint colors.

The artist is inspired to paint something gorgeous by how he feels. The question is, will it be a masterpiece or not?

It depends on the artist. The same thing happens with a woman. Your brush strokes represent love or heartache. 

21. A woman’s mind is a puzzle, and how you treated her is the piece that will forever complete the picture.

That women are a puzzle has long been proven. And it’s okay, the woman’s makeup is such that you should just go ahead and love them.

To a degree, generally, humans are all complicated. You’ve heard people say when a woman says no, she means yes.

And vice versa. Though some would argue this, the truth of the matter is, the experience is indisputable.

What’s the point here: just love her. Loving someone means, accepting them as they are, loving them through their journey of growth, forgiving what you can.

Somehow, your love can be the missing piece of her puzzle. 

22. Treat a woman with empathy, and she’ll remember your compassion; treat her with apathy, and she’ll remember your indifference.

Indifference is a powerful negative energy. Empathy is healing for women. When  you treat a woman with indifference you leave her confused and hanging, making you feel confused.

Women dread not knowing what to expect. They thrive on predictability because it suggests security.

When a woman feels your compassion, she feels secure. Apathy makes her feel lost and unsure of her value in your heart. 

23. A woman’s soul is a sanctuary, and how you treated her is the prayer that will forever echo within its walls.

Women are nurturers. Some have said the man goes up to the mountain to hear God speak, but God comes down to the woman.

Think about this for a moment and you’d see why this quote calls the woman’s soul a sanctuary.

This means her heart is sacred, a place that you can speak of as a place for prayer. For those who aren’t religious, it’s the same as saying a woman’s heart is a shelter, a sanctum.

A woman can bring calm into a man’s life. A man who values her pours love and compassion into that woman, and he reaps peace. 

24. The way you treat a woman is a river that flows into the ocean of her memory, forever shaping its shores.

Some have said a woman begins to look like how you treat her. This is insightful in the light of the above quote.

It calls to mind the manner in which waves shape the shore after constantly crashing and washing against the environment.

In your interaction with a woman, your actions are like the waves of the sea.

Sometimes the contact is gentle, and occasionally it can be intense. Granted, all relationships experience rocky times. The trick is working to minimize the chafing. 

25. A woman’s heart is a work of art, and how you treated her is the signature that will forever authenticate its beauty.

A woman never forgets the face that made her happy, or the one that hurt her. They never forget the experience as well. It is the same as when an artist signs his work.

Art lovers only need to look somewhere in the corner of canvas to know whose work they’re looking at. Men are territorial by nature.

When he meets a woman he loves, he wants to make her his own. He begins to provide and protect her. There’s no way he won’t leave his mark on her. 

26. Treat a woman with humor, and she’ll remember your wit; treat her with humorlessness, and she’ll remember your coldness.

Women love men who make them laugh. A woman is more likely to fall in love with a guy who makes her laugh but who’s not good looking, than with a good looking one.

This is because women generally prioritize their feelings. If it feels good to be with you, she’ll go with you. The question is: will she stay with you for the long term?

For the relationship to last, you must continue to treat her well. A humorless relationship soon hits the rocks. There’s also a need for balance.

A woman isn’t likely to take you seriously if you don’t have your stuff together, or if you’re all about a good time, all the time. 

27. A woman’s mind is a maze, and how you treated her is the map that will forever guide her through its twists and turns.

Most people miss out on one of the most important aspects of relationships: impact. Couples must impact each other positively.

This is why it is important for a man to develop qualities like assertiveness.

This will help build other qualities and skills. Women are attracted to men who have the capacity to lead and teach them.

The relationship must impact her emotionally and mentally. Further, a woman’s mind has been compared to a maze. This means you have to take care to understand her.

It’s been said that even women are unable to navigate their own mind without help. Your role as a lover, partner, or friend is to show her how to find herself. 

28. The memories you make with a woman will either be a bouquet of flowers or a handful of thorns, choose your bouquet wisely.

Is it any wonder that when you’re meeting a woman for a date, you bring flowers? What is it with flowers? Well, there are many ideas about the significance of flowers when it comes to romance.

Some believe presenting flowers to someone you love mimics the relationship between insects and flowers.

Flowers are colorful and attractive. They wait around in the wild, insects have to seek them out. This is the same way men seek out the beauty of women.

How you treat a woman is a gift that’s more important, more beautiful than flowers. The work is to make sure you’re not leaving thorns in her heart. 

29. A woman’s spirit is a flame, and how you treated her is the fuel that will forever burn bright in her memory.

A Woman Will Not Forget How You Treated Her Quotes

Fires soon go out if you stop feeding it with fuel. The human spirit is not very different. Enthusiasm must be fed.

Many relationships have failed because the partners stopped feeding into the enthusiasm, the flame that warms their friendship.

This quote reminds you that your aim is to make sure to continue fueling the flame, positively. Light her up mentally and emotionally. 

30. The way you treat a woman is a symphony of moments, forever conducting the orchestra of her heart.

It’s been said that the way to be happy is not by searching for happiness.

This is because happiness is not a destination that we get to. This route only leads to pain. We wake up one day to find ourselves on our deathbed, lonely and sad.

A happy life is an aggregate of moments . Our job in life is to have as many moments as we can. It’s the same with a woman you love—work on gathering moments of happiness with her.

It is much like an orchestra. All parts of the orchestra are important. Together, they make a beautiful music session. 


Love is gorgeous. But it is more than a word. It is why the symbol for it is the red shaped heart.

Women are known to embody the nurturing nature of love. It is why women have been the subject of love songs since the beginning of time. 

Loving someone involves more than mere speech. As the 30 quotes here suggest, actions matter most—how you treat her.

Hopefully, any of these quotes can become your mantra. Send them as texts, post them on your socials, let everyone pick up on this trend and treat women better. 



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